When rotating theme values (e.g. the "charge" icon of the battery
module(s)), until now, the code just showed the raw list (because it
wasn't aware of the need to rotate).
Expanding on the implementation in d582016, add a decorator
`core.module.every()` that allows a module to specify how often to
update the module's state.
This can still be overridden using the CLI parameter `interval`.
At least Void Linux doesn't like kill -SIGUSR<N>
Also, added some debugging to inspect state changes for modules/widgets.
Also also, fix problem with min width, if no minwidth is set
Smart status checker for hdd/ssd
* smartstatus.display: how to display (defaults to "combined", other choices: "seperate" or "singles")
* smartstauts.drives: in the case of singles which drives to display, separated comma list value, multiple accepted (defaults to "sda", example:"sda,sdc")
requires: smartmontools
smartcl should be given sudo access with no password for this to work
(per example adding: %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/smartctl)
made the module sensors2 selective by adding the following parameters and their handling:
* sensors2.chip_include: Comma-separated list of chip to include (defaults to "" will include all by default, example: "coretemp,bat")
* sensors2.chip_exlude:Comma separated list of chip to exclude (defaults to "" will include none by default)
* sensors2.field_include: Comma separated list of chip to include (defaults to "" will include all by default, example: "temp,fan")
* sensors2.field_exlude: Comma separated list of chip to exclude (defaults to "" will exclude none by default)
* sensors2.chip_field_exclude: Comma separated list of chip field to exclude (defaults to "" will exclude none by default, example: "coretemp-isa-0000.temp1,coretemp-isa-0000.fan1")
* sensors2.chip_field_include: Comma-separated list of adaper field to include (defaults to "" will include all by default)
The chip, field are findable by using sensors -u