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Tim Schumacher 2027b94179 Update Semantic
Fixes #40,#24
2015-03-29 19:33:23 +02:00

1473 lines
79 KiB

### Version 1.11.3-4 - March 6, 2015
- **Grid** - Added opt-in `stretched` variation for `equal height` instead of forcing `flex` on all `equal height columns` which may cause layout issues due to changes in rendering with `flexbox`.
- **Build Tools** - Fix issues with minified CSS `@import` not being on top of minified semantic ui concatenated release due to [bug in clean-css](
- **Grid** - Fixes `stackable` `equal height/width` grid to remove `flex` on mobile when stacking
- **Grid** - Fixed `right/left/center aligned` to adjust `align-items` in flex containers like `equal height/width`
### Version 1.11.2 - March 6, 2015
- **Accordion** - Accordion can now specify a trigger element instead of `title`, added an [example in docs](
- **Accordion** - Accordion can now hide while opening animation is still occuring
- **Grid** - Equal width grids will now make column content stretch to full height, not just the column itself (requires flexbox). See examples [in the grid docs](
- **Header** - Labels inside headers have been slightly increased in size
- **Search** - Search now uses internally [fuzzy search]( as its new full text search algorithm.
**Important Fixes**
- **Build Tools** - Fix issues with minified component CSS `@import` not always being on top of files due to [bug in clean-css](
- **Accordion** - Removed mistaken extra `1px` top border on nested `styled accordion`
- **Modal** - Fixes modal `buttons` on mobile devices to not have extra bottom padding.
- **Card/Dimmer** - Fix dimmer z-index being too high when inside a `ui card`. Added variable for specifying default dimmer color inside card.
- **Site** - `h1-h5` now have no top margin when `first-child` and no bottom margin when `last-child`
- **Dropdown** - Fix issue in `setup reference` (added in `1.11.1`) where chaining would not return `ui dropdown` immediately after initialization
### Version 1.11.1 - March 5, 2015
- **Dropdown** - Calling behaviors on a dropdown `select` will now automatically route them to the appropriate parent `ui dropdown`
- **Grid** - Fix issue in `centered grid` not centering `column` inside `row`
- **Dropdown** - Added select styles for elements before they are initialized instead of FOIC (Flash of invisible content)
### Version 1.11.0 - March 3, 2015
**New Components**
- **Visibiliity** - Attach callbacks to elements visibility conditions like `top visible` `bottom visible`, `passing`. Useful for things like: image lazy loading, infinite scroll content, and recording tracking metrics.
[See the examples]( online for a demonstration.
- **Form** - `<select>` now receive error formatting on `form error` **Thanks @davialexandre**
- **Transition** - Added more reasonable default durations for each animation
- **Loader** - `inline loader` now has a `centered` variation
- **Modal** - Modal no longer hides and reshows dimmer when opening a modal with another modal open with `exclusive: true`
- **Popup** - Added `exclusive` parameter to automatically close other popups on open
- **Transition** - Added `toggle` behavior and docs for `show` and `hide`
- **Transition** - transition now has `stop`, `stop all`, and `clear queue` for removing transitions, (undocumented method `stop`, and `start` renamed to `enable` and `disable`)
- **Dimmer** - Add `opacity` setting to override css value. Add to docs several undocumented settings, like `useCSS`, and `variation`.
- **Icon** - added `@src` variable to make it adjustable with themes that dont support all types like `woff2`
- **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where dropdown would not open after restoring previus value on failed `search dropdown` search
- **Grid** - Fixes specificity of grid `column` colors to not affect other elements with columns
- **Icon** - Fix `clockwise rotated icon` causing `clockwise` icon to appear
- **Popup** - Fix issue with `popup` not re-opening until another element gains focus on a mobile touchscreen
- **Modal** - Fixed issue with modal not appearing when calling `show` during another modal `hide`
- **Popup** - Popup will now fire `onHidden` when an element is hidden by opening a different popup
- **Popup** - Fix popup not namespacing `window` events and unbinding on `destroy` **Thanks @revov**
- **Table** - Fixes table on `mobile` sizes can surpass parent container width
- **Transition** - Fixes `swing out` animations not working correctly
- **Transition** - Fixed display state other than `block` not determined when using `show` and `hide` without an animation
- **Transition** - Fix bug in `remove looping` causing next animation to use same duration
- **Segment** - Fix first/last margins on `ui segments`
- **Search** - Fix special characters not searching correctly with local search
- **Search** - Fix a bug with `onSelect` returning `null` when `minCharacters: 0`
- **Search** - Fix a bug with `onSelect returning `null` when results retrieved from cached API query
- **Sticky** - Fixed sticky position when page loads and content is below sticky content.
- **Sticky** - Fix bottom attached position not adjusting for bottom padding on container element
- **Menu** - Fix vertical pointing menu, sub menu arrow color
- **Item ** - `img` inside of `ui item content` now do not receive size formatting by default
- **Form** - Added `input[type="search"]` styles to `ui form`
- **Transition** - Adds examples of `hide, `show`, `toggle`, `stop`, `stop all`, and `clear queue`
- **Item** - Significant rewrite of `ui item` documentation
### Version 1.10.4 - February 28, 2015
- **API** - Remove console error message when no API url is specified but element is a `form` (defaults to `form` action)
- **API** - `api` check for [serialize object]( optional dependency no longer produces error when `serializeForm: true` and dependency is not found.
### Version 1.10.3 - February 27, 2015
- **Build Tools** - All UI components now have component name in comment banners and release version
- **Menu** - Fixes dropdown menu item not having a hover state inside inverted menu
- **Search** - Fixes bug in category search causing item selection to sometimes produce a javascript error.
- **Button** - Fixes `<button>` inside `vertical buttons` not taking full container width
### Version 1.10.1-2 - February 24, 2015
No changes, fixes stale pm component builds
### Version 1.10.0 - February 23, 2015
**New Features**
- **Transition** - Transitions now have `interval` to allow grouped elements to animate one by one with a delay between each animation. Grouped animations determine order based on transition direction to avoid reflows, or can manually be reversed by using <code>reverse: true</code> [See Examples]( for more details.
**Critical Fixes**
- **Transition** - Webkit `failSafe` used for [Chromium Bug #437860]( now also works for queued animations
- **Form Validation** - Adds `containsExactly`, `notExactly`, `isExactly` case sensitive validation rules, make `contains`, `not`, `is` case insensitive.
- **Form Validation** - `contains` rule is now case insensitive
- **Form Validation** - Validation messages no longer increase field height on `inline fields` like checkboxes after error appears
- **API** - Added `was cancelled` to determine whether request was cancelled by `beforeSend`
- **Image* - Added `hidden image` state
- **Build Tools** - Fixed issue with recursive merge for site themes in update scripts, [details here]( Thanks @derekslife
- **Cards** - Fix ` > .ui.card` margins to match ` > .card` margins
- **Cards** - Fix consecutive card groups to preserve row flow (similar to consecutive grids)
- **Sidebar** - Sidebar using `exclusive: true` now queue animations after hiding previous sidebar (unless `overlay`) to avoid rendering issues
- **State** - Text states now handle `cancelled` API requests correctly
- **Search** - Category search no longer displays unnecessary error message about maxResults
- **Composer** - Composer.json should now read version from tags, adjusted some fields.
- **Grid** - Stackable grid now has horizontal padding by default on mobile unless nested inside a `ui grid` or `ui segment` (not vertical)
- **Menu** - Fixes pointing menu displaying under dropdown menu
-**Transition** - `useFailSafe` was incorrectly shown as `false` by default
### Version 1.9.3 - February 20, 2015
- **RTL** - Fixes `rtl` tasks not running correctly on `gulp build` due to name typo, `build rtl` instead of `build-rtl`
- **Tab** - Fixed bug when loading `remote` content with `tab` where current tab would not hide while another tab is loading
- **Tab** - Tab with remote content and `auto: true` now removes duplicate slashes from url path
- **API** - Simplified `api` debug output to console to more clearly label url and data sent
- **Tab** - Added new tab remote content example with stubbed AJAX using SinonJS
### Version 1.9.2 - February 19, 2015
Added new repositories for css and less only versions, can be installed with
npm install semantic-ui-less
npm install semantic-ui-css
**Bug Fixes**
- **Modal** - Fixes typo causing `middle aligned` image not to work correctly.
- **Build** - `gulp watch` now compiles concatenated css (missing in `1.9.1` only)
### Version 1.9.1 - February 18, 2015
**LESS Changes**
Importing individual components into other less files now requires scoping. This is to prevent issues with variable scope that cannot be resolved inside definitions.
/* Import a specific component */
& { @import 'src/definitions/elements/button'; }
Importing `semantic.less` still does not require any special syntax
@import 'src/semantic';
- Fixed issue directly importing `semantic.less` caused by variable scoping in `.loadOverrides()`.
- Fix bug where `equal height` row could not be `centered`, or less than full width
### Version 1.9.0 - February 17, 2015
### Build Tools
##### NPM Install
- `npm install semantic-ui` is now the recommended path for getting Semantic UI
- Added `npm` `post-install` scripts which automatically install or update semantic
##### Gulp Task Imports
- Semantic tasks are now each defined [in their own file](, and can be directly imported into external gulpfiles. Read more about [importing tasks here](
- If you are using Grunt, you may be able to import these tasks using [Grunt-gulp](
##### LESS Component Imports
- Semantic LESS files can now be directly included in other LESS files.
* You can import all UI with `@import 'src/semantic';`
* You can also import individual definitions using `@import 'src/definitions/elements/button'`.
### UI Changes
**Major Enhancements**
- **Card** - Cards now equalize height by default using `display: flex`. No longer are card heights required to be specified manually to align
- **Flag** - Reduced the file size of flag sprite to a measly 28kb (500%+ file size reduction)
- **Icon** - Added Font Awesome 4.3 including many new icons
- **Input** - Input with dropdowns is now much easier, see docs. `action input` and `labeled input` now use `display: flex`. `ui action input` now supports `<button>` tag usage (!) which support `flex` but not `table-cell`
- **Segment** - Added plural variation `ui segments` that stack together in groups without using additional class names
- **API** - API now has an ``onRequest`` callback setting that receives the XHR promise after initializing the request
- **Button** - Loading buttons no longer receive `pointer-events` in default theme. Added variable for `loading button` opacity.
- **Card** - Card now has colored variations **Tahnks @romuloctba**
- **Dropdown** - `search selection dropdown` will now close the menu when a `dropdown icon` is clicked
- **Dropdown** - Added new dropdown setting, `forceSelection` which forces `search selection` to a selected value on blur. Defaults to `true`.
- **Flag** - Updated Burma/Myanmar flag to current flag (was pre-2010 flag)
- **Form** - Input rules now apply to `input[type="time"]`
- **Form Validation** - `get values`, `set values` now support multiple select e.g. `field[]`
- **Form Validation** - Dropdown and checkbox will now validate after interaction with `on: 'blur'`
- **Headers** - Headers can now contain images alongside text, added examples to docs
- **Icon** - Added woff2 icon files for supported browsers (20% file-size decrease) **Thanks FontAwesome**
- **Label** - `ribbon label` can now be used inside `ui image` and `ui card` correctly
- **Sidebar** - Sidebars in IE now work correctly with `context` specified
- **Rating** - Vertical alignment of `ui rating` with inline content now accounts for parent line height
- **All Modules** - Fixed bug where element `destroy` could remove third party events when re-initialized
- **Breadcrumb** - Breadcrumb icon now has exact px value to alleviate vertical align issues
- **Card** - Star / Like button colors have been fixed to match `ui rating` inside `card`
- **Card** - Hiding a card with `display: none` no longer causes layout issues with `(x) cards`
- **Card** - `image` inside `content` no longer has a fixed size **Thanks @romuloctba**
- **Form** - `info message` are no longer hidden by default inside `ui form`
- **Form** - Lightened error dropdown hover text color to be more legible
- **Dropdown** - Upward dropdown now has upward arrow icon
- **Icon** - `external link` and `external link square` has been renamed to `external icon` to no longer receive `link` styles by default
- **Modal** - Modal now swaps to `scrolling modal` when `close icon` no longer can be displayed, instead of modal `content`
- **Steps** - Fixed bug where evenly divided steps were no longer fluid
- **Transition** - Fixes bug where `moduleNamespace` was being omitted
- **Transition** - Transitions with direction now use word order dependency to prevent conflict with component directions, for example `bottom left popup slide down in transition
- Fixed bug with chinese mirror modal appearing on every page load when selecting chinese language
### Version 1.8.1 - January 26, 2015
- **Grid** - Removed `text-align: left` from column definition. Now inherits from grid.
- **Input** - `ui labeled input` now uses `flex` added example in ui docs with dropdown
- **Input** - Fix border radius on `ui action input` with button groups, aka `ui buttons`
- **Popup** - Popup `hide all` will now use transition set in `settings.transition` when closing other popups
- **Grid** - Fix `doubling grid` setting `100% width` which may cause
### Version 1.8.0 - January 23, 2015
[View Closed Issues](
[View Commits](
**Key Features**
- **Form** - Form now has new methods `reset`, `clear`, `set value(s)`, and `read value(s)` for modifying and reading form data. Check docs for details on implementation. **Thanks @mktm**
- **Search** - Search `onSelect` now recieves JSON object matching currently selected element, you can now programmatically retrieve result JSON using `.search('get result', 'query')` or `.search('get results')`. `get result` will default to current value unless specified as first parameter.
- **Transition** - Added many new transitions, and new directions for existing transitions **Thanks @ph7vc**
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown now stores `placeholder text` (prompt text) as separate from `default text` (text set on page load). You can now reset placeholder conditions using `$('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('clear');``
- **API** - Added new behavior `$.api('abort')` which cancels current request
- **Dropdown** - Keyboard navigation will now allow opening of sub menus with right/left arrow. Enter will open sub-menus on an unselectable category (`allowCategorySelection: false`) as well.
- **Dropdown** - Mutation observers will now observe changed in `<select>` values after initialization, and will automatically update dropdown menu when changed
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown behavior `set selected` will now also call `set value` automatically, so you do not have to invoke two behaviors to update a `selection dropdown` **Thanks @mktm**
- **Form** - Form will now prevent browsers from resubmitting form repeatedly when keydown is pressed on input field.
- **Header** - Content headers now inherit `@h1-h6` sizes from `site.variables`
- **Header** - Sub headers now adjust in size depending on header size, added new variables for subheader resizing
- **Search** - Greatly reduced search delay from `300ms` to `100ms`. Previous request will automatically abort `xhr` when new request made
- **Search** - Search `onSelect` and `onResultsAdd` can now cancel default actions by returning `false`.
- **Transition** - Transition duration now defaults to what is specified in `css`, to set custom duration you can still pass at run-time as a different value. Animation duration no longer set by default during animation.
- **Transition** - Transition will now prevent repeated animations when using an inferred direction i.e. animation without `in` or `out` specified. When `queue: true` only animations with explicit direction, e.g. `fade in`, will be ignored when called repeatedly.
- **API** - Fixed bug where `$.api('get xhr')` was not correctly returning xhr promise
- **API** - Fixed bug where API would query resource immediately when specifying `on: false`
- **Button** - ``ui vertical basic buttons` now have dividers in default theme
- **Button** - Fixes formatting for `disabled button` inside `ui buttons`
- **Checkbox** - Checkbox now only modifies `input[type="radio"]` and `input[type="checkbox"]` ignoring any other inputs
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown no longer will not show menu when no `item` are present in menu. Dropdown will now only filter results for `ui search dropdown` #1632 **Thanks PSyton**.
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown will now produce an error if behaviors on an initialized `<select>` are not invoked on `ui dropdown`
- **Dropdown** - Fixed bug where link items would not open in sub-menus due to `event.preventDefault`
- **Label** - Fixed `ui corner label` appearing on-top of `ui dropdown` menu due to issue in z-index heirarchy
- **Label** - Fixed issue with `ui ribbon label` not positioning itself correctly when using sizes like `small` or `large`
- **List** - `relaxed list` and `very relaxed list` no longer add padding to child menu items
- **Popup** - Popup will now only use a max of one element when `settings.popup` mistakingly passes multiple DOM elements
- **Popup** - Popups will now by default appear over all UI content, even dimmers.
- **Search** - Search results no longer hide/show when user changes tab or page loses focus
- **Sidebar** - Fixed bug with `pusher` inheriting first child margins due to `margin-collapse`
- **Sidebar** - Mobile `is mobile` was using RegExp `test()` which would return an incorrect value when called multiple times
- **Sidebar** - Sidebar will now only close if you click on `pusher` or underlayed `body` (scale out). Clicking on fixed elements will not close sidebar.
- **Transition** - Fixed bug with animations that contain the strings 'in' or 'out' as part of their names, for example "swing"
- **Sticky** - Fixes issue with container size not being set explicitly on rail due to improper method renaming
### Version 1.7.3 - January 16, 2015
- **Installer** - Fix issue with component list in `semantic.json` not correctly overriding default components
### Version 1.7.(1-2) - January 15, 2015
- **Installer** - Fixes installer not including RTL parameter correctly
- **UI** - Fixes `progress`, `ad`, and `sidebar` not loading `.override` files correctly
- Removed undocumented components from `theme.config.example`
### Version 1.7.0 - January 14, 2015
**Major Changes**
- **Project** - Right-to-left (RTL) support added. New gulp tasks for RTL file generation and install setting. Docs however do not yet support RTL.*Thanks @MohammadYounes for constant support with RTL!*.
- **Project** - Install now let you specify the outputted file permissions (express/custom install)
**Enhancements / Changes**
- **Grid** - Added `equal width` variation using `flex-box`, `equal height` now also uses `flex-box` (this may have to be removed if causes unexpected browser issues)
- **Sidebar** - Having a sidebar visible on page load is now much simpler. You can include ``ui visible sidebar`` on page load to have a sidebar element appear on page load. To close call `$('.ui.sidebar').sidebar('hide')`
- **Sidebar** - Added documentation on using sidebar on a custom context. Sidebars using a custom context no longer add background colors like those initialized on `body`
- **Site** - Form input highlighting color added (helps differentiate form colors with autocompleted fields). Default text highlighting color moved from highlighter yellow to a mellow blue.
- **Dropdown** - Javascript Dropdown can now be disabled by adding ``disabled` class. No need to call `destroy`. **Thanks Psyton**
- **Dropdown** - Search dropdown input can now have backgrounds. Fixes issues with autocompleted search dropdowns which have forced yellow "autocompleted" bg.
- **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search selection not correctly matching when values are not strings
- **Progress** - Progress bars can now display percent or amount left using `{value}` in text templates
- **Dropdown** - New `upward dropdown` variation, which opens its menu upward. Default animation now uses ``settings.transition = 'auto'` and determines direction of animation based on menu direction
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown matching fields without values now trims whitespace by default
- **Checkbox** - Checkbox now toggles on spacebar when focused (previously only toggled on enter key).
- **Popup** - Popup now uses its own custom method for determining `offsetParent` meaning 3D contexts (like inside an animation) no longer should break positioning
- **Popup** - Popup now uses `preserve: false` by default, this is slightly less performant but will reduce page clutter caused by leaving generated elements in the DOM
**Code / Build**
- **Build** - `Dist/` files now set file permissions in build. `644` by default. Can adjust in `semantic.json` or during gulp install. You will need to run `npm install` to add the new gulp-chmod dependency *Thanks @PeterDaveHello*
- **Sidebar** - `setup layout` not occurs synchronously if you initialize a sidebar without the proper html. This makes sure calls to sidebar will occur correctly before the page is setup. A new setting `delaySetup` will override this, increasing performance.
- **Modules** - Remove use of deprecated `.size()` for `.length` across all modules
- **Modules** - Use of `$.proxy` swapped to native `` for performance gains across all modules
- **Video** - Video component now uses `//` instead of defaulting to `http`
- **Dropdown** - `restore defaults` will now set placeholder styling and remove active elemenet. Added example in docs.
- **Dropdown** - Fixed bug where sub menus may sometimes have dropdown icon overlap text
- **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdown search input from filtering text values when input is inside menu, i.e "In-Menu Search"
- **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search selection not correctly creating RegExp when select values are not strings **Thanks @alufers**
- **Dropdown** - Fix issue with `left floated` and `right floated` content sometimes not applying correctly
- **Popup** - `wide` and `very wide` popup will now appear when screen size is below their `max-width`
- **Popup** - Popup no longer blurs element on popup hide
- **Segment** - ``ui tabular menu`` now correctly aligns with attached segment when using fluid variation *Thanks @MohammadYounes*
- **Segment** - `basic segment` no longer removes padding on first and last elements
- **Steps** - Steps now use ``table-cell`` to allow steps to be equal height by default, even with different content height.
- **Button** - Fix issue with labeled icon groups in material theme
- **Progress** - Fixes bug with progress that use ``total`` and ``value`` receiving the wrong values for text templates
- **List** - Fix some styling issues with `ui list` inside `ui menu`
### Version 1.6.4 - January 12, 2015
- `1.6.3` contained an unintentional character at beginning of `label.less` re-released as `1.6.4`
- **Build** - Fix CSS property typo in list icon, and label causing issues with some custom build tools
### Version 1.6.3 - January 12, 2015
- `1.6.3` contained an unintentional character at beginning of `label.less` re-released as `1.6.4`
- **Build** - Fix CSS property typo in list icon, and label causing issues with some custom build tools
- **Label** - Fix attached labels to have correct border radius inside of attached segments of all kinds
### Version 1.6.2 - January 06, 2015
**Site Variables**
- **Site** - EM values for `small` `large` etc are now all calculated from ``@emSize`` allowing you to only change one variable.
- **Button** - Fixes active orange button color
- **Menu** - Fixes ``fluid text menu`` to have correct margins
### Version 1.6.1 - January 05, 2015
- **Accordion** - Accordion now uses ``useFailSafe: true`` to avoid callbacks not occurring because of race conditions with `transitionend` in webkit
### Version 1.6.0 - January 05, 2015
- **Dist** - Build will now output version number in comment banner
**Updates / Enhancements**
- **Accordion** - Child element animations now use ``$.fn.transition`` and css animations by default (if available)
- **Accordion** - Added ``animateChildren`` option to disable/enable opacity animation on child elements
- **Accordion** - Accordion now uses `easeOutQuint`` instead of ``easeInOutQuint`` to increase perceived responsiveness of drawers
- **Grid** - ``stackable grid`` now only adds horizontal padding when using ``stackable page grid``, otherwise content will take up full width of parent element
- **Tab/Segment** - Fixes first tab being 1pixel taller than all other tabs
- **Popup** - Fix issue with `ui popup` receiving error ``$offsetParent is undefined`` when using a pre-defined popup
- **Popup** - Fix issue with ``ui popup` not appearing with ``ui flowing popup`` due to newly added ``min-width: max-content``
- **Form** - ``ui search dropdown`` inside a form has incorrect focus style
- **Menu** - Fixes ``ui fluid labeled icon menu`` to not have `min-width`
### Version 1.5.2 - January 02, 2015
- **Sidebar** - Fix bug with `useLegacy` introduced in `1.5.1`
### Version 1.5.1 - January 01, 2015
- **Button** - Fixed vertical alignment of ``ui animated button``
- **Search** - Fixed issue with local search returning all results due to improper regexp
### Version 1.5.0 - December 30, 2014
**Critical Bugs**
- **Build Tools** `1.4.0` introduced a bug with concatenated uncompressed ``dist/`` release including minified code. This would occur only when no components were specified in installer or ``semantic.json``.
- **Dropdown** - New setting ``allowCategorySelection`` lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs.
- **Reset** - Reset now inherits ``box-sizing`` [from html tag](
- **Label** - ``ui ribbon label`` can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ``ui right ribbon label``
- **Checkbox** - Checkboxes now can handle labels with multiple lines of text
- **Progress** - Progress bars now display all intermediary percentage values when animating. Improved performance when progress bar is rapidly updated.
- **Popup** - Popup now uses the new property ``min-width: max-content`` to allow for better display with ``inline`` in some circumstances where it escapes parent element.
- **Table** - Table now has coupling with image to make sure size is preserved correctly with table sizing when used inside a table cell.
- **Menu** - ``ui fixed menu`` now defaults to ``ui top fixed menu``
- **Form** - Fixed (x) wide field not having correct bottom field margin when in ``fields`` group on tablet or mobile
- **Tab** - Calls to global ``$.tab()`` would not pass arguments correctly
- **Dropdown/Search** - Fixed issues with ``ui search`` and ``ui search dropdown`` using ``RegExp test`` which [advances pointer on match]( causing results to display incorrectly
- **Form** - ``ui input`` now receives the same formatting as a normal input inside an ``inline field``
- **Grid** - Fix display of equal height stackable grid. Add padding to divided stackable grid for dividers
- **Input** - Fixed bug when ``ui action input`` uses a ``ui icon button``, button was receiving `i.icon` formatting.
- **List** - Fixed bug when using ``ui icon button`` or ``ui icon header`` causing element to receive icon formatting
- **Grid** - Fixed issues where negative margins on ``ui stackable grid`` could cause horizontal scroll bars on mobile
- **Popup** - Popup destroy will now also destroy any unfired timers (show/hide delay)
- **Popup** - Popup now moves to the same offset context to avoid positioning errors when using a named pre-existing popup.
### Version 1.4.1 - December 23, 2014
**Build Tools**
- ``gulp build`` will now only build `dist/components/` for components selected in install
- Fixed bug where interactive installer was not correctly setting components in ``express`` and ``custom`` install
- **Dropdown** - ``<select>`` elements will now preserve original ``<option>`` order by default. Added ``sortSelect`` setting (disabled by default) to automatically sort ``<option>`` on initialization
- **Button** - Fixes issue with ``will-change`` property added to ``ui button`` causing layout z-indexing issues (dropdown button)
### Version 1.4.0 - December 22, 2014
[Browse Issues for 1.4.0](
- **Modal** - Modal now accepts custom dimmer settings with setting `dimmerSettings``
- **Form** - Form inputs without ``type`` specified are now formatted **Thanks PSyton**
- **Accordion** - Added inverted accordion variation
- **Progress** - Fixes bug where ``ui indicating progress`` would not update its label immediately in webkit
- **Button** - Fix Chrome bug with buttons sometimes not correctly repainting (particularly evenly divided groups)
- **Menu** - Fix border radius of dropdown menu inside `ui vertical menu`
- **Menu** - Fix formatting of ``ui selection dropdown`` inside ``menu``
- Improved documentation for API and Tab to be slightly more comprehensive
### Version 1.3.2 - December 17, 2014
- **Modal** - Fixed issue with modal dimmer appearing cut off in some browsers, and not hiding
### Version 1.3.1 - December 17, 2014
- **Button** - Dist version of button accidentally included ``chubby`` theme instead of ``default`` theme
### Version 1.3.0 - December 17, 2014
[Browse Closed Issues for 1.3.0](
**Critical Bugs**
- **Build Tools** - Fixed issue with ``theme.config`` causing ``gulp watch`` to throw an error
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown can now specify which direction a menu should appear left/right, dropdown icons can also appear on the left
- **Dropdown** - Full text search now defaults to ``false``, meaning search terms will return only results beginning with letters
- **Dropdown** - Search Dropdown is now much more responsive, js improvements and input throttling added.Throttling defaults to `50ms` and can be modified with settings ````
- **Dropdown** - Search Dropdown now correctly replaces placeholder text when backspacing to empty value
- **Dropdown** - Search Dropdown now has a callback when all results filtered ``onNoResults``
- **Dropdown** - Search dropdown will now strip html before searching values when searching html
- **Dropdown** - Search now has keyboard shortcut to open dropdown on arrow down
- **Form** - Form will no longer process validation rules on disabled fields
- **Label** - Corner attached labels now display correctly inside of attached segments
- **Steps** - Steps are now responsive for mobile by default, and have optional responsive styles for tablet
- **Table** - Table has now variations to remove responsive stylings, specify responsiveness for tablet
- **Table** - Table now has a ``structured table`` type, which removes some formatting considerations to support complex table layouts with ``colspan`` and ``rowspan``
- **Button** - Button "or" positioning variables have been adjusted to be automatically calculated without magic numbers
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown now always scrolls to active element on menu open, calculates position with new ``loading`` class
- **Dropdown** - Fix bug in position of sub menus with ``floating dropdown``
- **Form** - Fixed positioning of horizontal field groups, aka ``fields`` for mobile.
- **Grid** - ``stackable grid`` now display correctly when nested inside a different ``stackable grid``
- **Image** - UI image now works with SVG
- **Modal** - Fixed issue with modal losing scroll position on mobile
- **Modal/Dimmer** - Fixed issues with modal hiding during showing and showing during hiding, fixed issues with "hiding other" modals while a modal is mid-animation.
- **Segment** - Vertical segments now have padding on first/last element, fixing issues when using with grids
- **Sidebar** - Mobile sidebars now only set ``overflow`` on page's ``html`` when browsing from ``iOS`` devices. Using overflow caused issues with page's scroll being lost when resizing a browser to mobile widths. This also affected modules that used `$(window).scrollTop()`` at mobile screen sizes
- **Step** - Fix issue with completed ordered step icon alignment
- **Table** - Fix responsive styles when applied to ``definition table``.
- **All UI** - Adds error message when triggering an invalid module behavior i.e. typos ``$('.dropdown').dropdown('hid');``
- **Button** - Add tabindex /keyboard nav documentation
- **Grid** - Add another grid example
- Updates to reflect all new changes to UI listed above
### Version 1.2.0 - December 08, 2014
[Browse Closed Issues](
- **Form** - Form validation now has parameter ``optional`` which will only validate a field against a set of rules if the user does not leave it blank **Thanks DHNCarlos**
- **Fonts** - Add font subset variable for ``site.variables`` **Thanks gabormeszoly**
- **Modal** - Default modal shadow now more subtle
- **Sidebar** - Now has behaviors ``is open/closed`` that are aliases for ``is visible/hidden``
- **Checkbox** - JS Checkbox now handles several variations of html. Labels can be before inputs, after, or not included at all. This should work better with server side form generation.
- **Progress** - Adds ``limitValues`` setting to adjust values outside of 0-100 automatically to within range, defaults to true
- **Grid** - Fixes ``ui stackable grid`` sometimes not aligning correctly at mobile sizes with ``ui page grid``
- **Progress** - Fixes issues with setting progress to 0% not working as expected
- **Modal** - Fixes issues with multiple modals sometimes not closing dimmers
- **Modal** - When a second modal that is not scrolling is opened after a scrolling modal it no longer causes the first modal to not be scrollable
- **Modal** - "Hammer" clicking multiple times on a hiding dimmer no longer causes animation issues
- **Sidebar** - Fixes issue with multiple sidebars sometimes causing dimmer to close prematurely
- **Sidebar** - Dimmer can now be clicked even before sidebar has finished showing to immediately close sidebar
- **Item/Card** - Default link formatting inside element simplified to avoid adjusting other nested ``ui`` link styles
- **Dropdown** - Fixes bug with dropdown converted from ``select`` that use ``<option`` values with capital letters not being selectable
- **Form** - Fixes required checkbox asterisks formatting incorrect
**Docs / Build**
- Fixed documentation on dropdown actions, form field widths, form validation types, and many odds & ends
- Adds components to semantic.json.example
- Theme.config.example now links to final site folder
### Version 1.1.2 - December 03, 2014
- **NPM** - Fixes issue with ``dist/`` not being included when using NPM due to ``.gitignore``
### Version 1.1.1 - December 03, 2014
- **Step** - Fixes step content appearing overlapped due to use of ``em`` instead of ``rem`` for line-height.
- **Sidebar** - Fixes issue that may cause sidebars to stay open in some circumstances when using multiple sidebars
### Version 1.1.0 - December 02, 2014
- **Transition** - Transition's caching of final display state and animation existence now has improved performance.
- **Popup** - Popup now has a ``settings.prefer`` that defaults to ``adjacent``. This setting sets prefered next placement when a popup cannot fit on screen in the chosen placement. ``prefer`` can also be set to ``opposite`` to prefer the same position on the opposite side
- **Popup** - Popup can now use a setting ``lastResort``. When set to a position it will be used as a last resort even if popup does not entirely fit on the page. Setting this to ``false`` will produce an error when a popup cannot fit on screen.
- **Transition** now has ``useFailSafe`` parameter (off by default) to ensure transition callback fires even if native ``onAnimationEnd`` event does not fire due to element visibility. [Chromium Bug Report by Product Manager @ Mozilla]( and [this open issue](
- **All UI** - Many ``em`` measurements adjusted slightly to calculate out as exact pixel values (Fixes 1px rounding errors)
- **Steps** - Now use global border color
- **Progress** - Progress now has sizing variations
- **Input** - ``transparent input`` can now be ``inverted``
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown ``onChange`` callback now fires when calling ``setSelected`` programatically.
- **Build Tools** - NPM now correctly pins dependencies instead of using bleeding-edge versions which may break builds
- **Transition** - Transition now correctly detects missing animations, errors do not cause future image transitions to break
- **Menu/Segment** Fixes double border on pointing menu with attached segment **Thanks davialexandre**
- **Progress** - Fixes indicating progress appearing incorrectly at 100% complete **Thanks ordepdev**
- **Icon** - ``remove icon`` is now formatted correctly when used as ``remove link icon``
- **Input** - ``ui action input`` can now accomodate ``ui button`` that adjust padding from default
- **Dropdown** - Fix ``action input`` used inside ``ui dropdown`` to appear correctly **Thanks ordepdev**
- **Progress** - Added missing settings docs for progress module
### Version 1.0.1 - November 28, 2014
- **Site** - Add protocol variable for Google Font loader to avoid issues with ``//`` when loading locally causing freezing
- **Icon** - Fix horizontal centering of circular icon
- **Transition** - Fix vertical flip not working due to css typo **Thanks cgroner**
- **Menu** - Removes missing image loader variable **Thanks ryan-mahoney**
- **Card/Item** - Fix generic link stylings erroneously affecting linked ui elements like buttons
- **Table** - Fixes table cell transition animating all properties
### Version 1.0.0 - November 24, 2014
**Breaking Changes**
- **Word Order** - Many multi word variations now require proper word order, for example ``left aligned`` or ``right floated`` classnames must be adjacent. This is to prevent conflicts with other multiple word variations
- **Form** - Date field has been removed, use a ``ui icon input`` with a ``calendar icon`` instead
- **Label** - Corner labels no longer support text, only icons.
- **Dropdown** - Sub menus inside dropdowns now need a wrapping div **text** around sub-menu descriptions
- **Checkbox** - Checkbox "enable" and "disable" have been replaced with "check" and "uncheck"
- **Modal** - Modal ``left`` and ``right`` sections are now replaced with ``image`` and ``description``
- **Accordion** - Accordions are now unstyled by default allowing for simpler coupling with other UI without having to override styles. Styled accordions are now included as a variation ``ui styled accordion``
- **List** - List item selectors are now more strict, list items must be immediate children of ``ui list`` or ``ui list list``
- **Item** - 0.x.x's UI card has been adjusted heavily. Vertically listed content should use ``ui item`` while floated grouped content should continue to use ``ui card``. Some 'card' view content has been slightly adjusted. Please refer to documentation
- **Header / Icon** - Inverted headers and icons no longer invert background colors, but instead use a lighter version of colors more legible on dark backgrounds. Inverted circular icons, still however invert the color of the circle.
- **Input** - Labeled inputs now have ``corner`` ``left`` and ``top`` label types. Any labeled inputs should be converted to ``corner labeled input`` to preserve functionality from ``0.x``
- **Modal** - allowMultiple (allowing multiple modals at once) is now set to **false** by default.
- **Table** - Tables are no longer striped by default, instead you must specify the 'striped' variation
- **Transition** - Complete, and Start callbacks are now ``onComplete`` and ``onStart``
- **General** - CSS animations now hint with will change properties to increase performance in supported browsers
- **General** - Many modules now use DOM Mutations and event delegation to allow content adjustment after initialization
- **Accordion** - Accordion now includes all icons in an embedded font instead of requiring icons
- **Button** - Now has compact form, used for fitting into tight spaces
- **Button** - Now has CSS loaders to allow loading state to maintain other styles
- **Checkbox** - Now correctly handles read-only and disabled, has read-only and disabled states
- **Checkbox** - All styles have been redone. Standard checkboxes are now based around PX and not EM making sure there are no unusual circles or rounding issues. Checkboxes also now use a custom font for glyphs instead of CSS tricks.
- **Checkbox** - Checkbox now have a ``fireOnInit`` setting for firing callbacks on page load
- **Checkbox** - Checkbox now receive a ``checked`` class when checked, making it easier to write css selectors on checked checkboxes, for example when using sibling selectors ``.ui.checked.checkbox + .content { // style }``
- **Dropdown** - New dropdown type, searchable selection for large lists of choices
- **Dropdown** - Dropdowns can now be initialized directly on a ``<select>`` element without any html
- **Dropdown** - New action combo will change text of adjacent button, select will select element but not change text
- **Dropdown** - Many new content types now work inside dropdowns, headers, dividers, images, inputs, labels and more
- **Form** - Form now has a success state which will automatically display success messages
- **Dimmer** - Dimmer will now automatically determine whether click-to-close is enabled by ``settings.on``
- **Dimmer** - Multiple dimmers can now be used on the same context with ``dimmerName``
- **Dimmer** - Dimmer variations can be specified when creating a dimmer from javascript using ``variation`` setting.
- **Form** - Grouped fields and inline fields can now have labels
- **Form** - Forms in 'success' state will now show success messages inside
- **Form** - Inputs now use 1em font size and correctly match selection dropdown height
- **Form** - Inverted form now properly styles loader
- **Form** - New field type ``required`` formats labels to show filling out field is mandatory
- **Grid** - ``ui divider`` can now be used inside of row columns as well as ``vertically divided grid`` variation
- **Grid** - Grid rows and columns now support color variations
- **Grid** - Grid has been rewritten to automatically create row flow without row wrappers
- **Grid** - Divided and celled grids can now be inverted for dark backgrounds
- **Grid** - Elements inside a grid that are not rows or columns will now align properly
- **Grid** - Fixed page grid allows for fixed pixel size containers used with a grid instead of percentage
- **Grid** - Vertically divided grid now does not include left/right gutters in divider
- **Header** - Linked headers now receive link colors
- **Image** - New ``bordered image`` variation
- **Item** - Items now have a horizontal list view for content lists
- **Label** - Added tag label and empty circular label style
- **Label** - Now has compact form, for fitting into tight spaces
- **Label** - Now has more sizes available
- **List** - Child lists can now be formatted to sit inside text content
- **List** - List images can now specify vertical alignment
- **List** - List spacing defaults have been adjusted to be more consistent
- **Popup** - Popup can now allow itself not to be closed when hovered over
- **Popup** - A popup element can now be specified on initialization.
- **Reveal** - Reveals now all use css properties with GPU acceleration
- **Popup** - Positioned popups will now extend in the opposite direction to fit better with floated content
- **Rating** - Rating now uses an embedded icon font to maximize compatibility
- **Rating** - Rating can now automatically generate icons without including them
- **Rating** - Rating can use data attributes to specify individual ratings
- **Sidebar** - Sidebar now has tall / very tall variations for resizing top/bottom sidebars
- **Shape** - Shape now is better at calculating sizes when animating
- **Shape** - You can now disable repeated animations by setting, so animation wont queue if side is currently visible
- **Steps** - Steps can now have icons, descriptions and titles. Step default theme has been modified significantly to be more flexible.
- **Table** - Tables now have 'basic' and 'very' basic variations
- **Transition** - Transition will now keep block position of elements hidden with visibility hidden
- **Transition** - Transitions now will handle multiple display types more consistently
- **Transition** - Transition now has a new ``start`` callback, before animation starts
- **Transition** - Complete callback now does not occur if animation is interrupted before completing
- **Transition** - You can now specify the final displayType of a transitioning element in metadata or settings (not just automatically detected)
- **More [untracked changes]( added as well**
** Bug Fixes **
- See Closed GitHub Issues
### Version 0.19.3 - Sep 11, 2014
**Bug Fixes**
- **Grid** - Fixes issue where some responsive grid stylings were being overridden by other variations (for example stackable overriding )
### Version 0.19.2 - Sep 11, 2014
**Bug Fixes**
- **Grid** - (Backport from 1.0 branch) Fixes issue where some combinations of (tablet/mobile/computer) only does not function correctly
### Version 0.19.1 - Sep 5, 2014
**Bug Fixes**
- **Modal** - (Backport from 1.0 branch) Fixes issue where modal sometimes appears too low on second show
### Version 0.19.0 - July 3, 2014
- **Transition** - Adds "fade in left/right" variations to match "fade up/down" **Thanks AdamMaras**
- **Accordion** - Fixes incompatibilities with ``ui list`` when used inside a ``ui accordion``, fixes issues with menu accordion display in some circumstances
- **Menu** - Fixes ``ui inverted secondary pointing menu`` to have correct pointer color for all color variations **Thanks AdamMaras**
- **Docs** - Language clarified for menu/rating definition **Thanks jnbt/ewiner**
### Version 0.18.0 - June 6, 2014
- **Modal** - Modals now focus on first input if available **Thanks Knotix**
- **RTL** - RTL now uses RTLCSS instead of CSSJanus **Thanks MohammadYounes**
- **Menu** - Fixes bug where pointing menu would sometimes appear below content **Thanks Skysplit**
- **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdown 'is animating' with dropdowns when CSS animations were not included **Thanks nathankot**
- **Accordion** - Accordion title does not know have to be :first-child to receive proper border **Thanks BigBlueHat**
- **Popup** - Fixes javascript animation of popup missing easing dependency
- **Label** - Fixes border radius on bottom left label
- **Modal** - Docs now have HTML examples
- **Docs** - Fixes issue with overview mode not clearing code examples
- **CSS Guide** - Fixes typos in css guide
### Version 0.17.0 - May 9, 2014
- **Dropdown** - Dropdowns can now receive focus and be navigated with a keyboard **Thanks Musatov**
- **Popup** - Popup now has an ``onRemove`` callback after removing element from DOM
- **Modal** - Element does not accurately close other modals when initialized at different times **Thanks nojhamster**
- **Modal** - Fixes javascript error for browsers that don't support CSS animations if jquery.easing is not included
- **Form, Input** - Fixes ``ui input`` to work correctly inside ``inline field``
### Version 0.16.1 - April 22, 2014
- **Transition** - Fixes bug where transition could accidentally hide element on show due to error when determining original display type
### Version 0.16.0 - April 22, 2014
- **Form** - Fields can now be aligned to a grid **Thanks seralex-vi**
**Critical Fixes**
- **Modal** - Fixes issue where position sometimes appeared too low on second show
- **Reveal** - Fixes reveal being broken in Chrome in ``0.15.5`` due to poor fix for reveal selectability
- **Transition** - Fixes issue where transition hidden was sometimes overwriten by UI styles causing the element to stay visible
- **Checkbox** - Fixes issue where checkboxes with multiple line labels were appearing formatted incorrectly.
### Version 0.15.5 - April 11, 2014
**Critical Fixes**
- **Checkbox** - Fixes ``ui checkbox`` to obey ``disabled`` property of input
- **Reveal** - Hidden content now can be selected on reveal
- **Message** - Fixes hidden/visible class to work with animations
- **Message** - Fixes hidden/visible class to set proper display on ``ui icon message``
- **Message** - Fixes hitbox/position of ``close icon`` inside message
### Version 0.15.4 - April 04, 2014
- **Rating** - Fixes issue where rating was behaving erratically in Chrome
### Version 0.15.3 - April 04, 2014
- **Transition** - CSS Transitions now work in legacy FF (FF > 12)
- **All UI** - Adds support for legacy FF vendor prefixes (FF > 12)
- Adds more examples for static checkbox/radio boxes with HTML only
- Fixes a variety of issues with malformed examples (thanks community)
### Version 0.15.2 - Mar 28, 2014
- **All Modules** - Debug is now disabled by default
- **Step** - Fixes issue with border radius on vertical steps
- **Icon** - Orange color is now available for icon
- **Menu** - Fixes formatting of attached segments with menus
### Version 0.15.1 - Mar 14, 2014
**Critical Fixes**
- **Dropdown** - Typo in dropdown css was causing selection dropdowns not to appear
### Version 0.15.0 - Mar 14, 2014
- **Step** - Vertical Steps now have option to have two line items
- **Form** - Forms, Dropdowns, and Inputs now have matching padding size, and use 1em font size to appear same size as surrounding text
- **Icon** - Icons on dark backgrounds should render better in OSX
- **Modal** - Modals now have an onVisible and onHidden callback for after animation ends
- **Form Validation** - Form validation now automatically revalidates a selection dropdown on change when invalid
**Critical Fixes**
- **Modal** - Browsers without RequestAnimationFrame (Opera) were erroring on modal show
- **Dropdown** - Element's with numeric ``data-text`` values were erroring when selected
- **Modal** - Modal onShow and onHide occurs before transition starts, allowing for class name changes not to be reset
- **Dropdown** - Default selection text was not appearing when a dropdown had a value that was ``false`` or ``0``
- **Input** - Fixes slight error in corner label rounding **Thanks MohammadYounes**
- **Reveal** - Reveals will now show on active, for touch devices **Thanks Illyism**
- **Table** - Fixes rounding on tables with multiple tfoot elements **Thanks webdesserts**
- **Icon** - Hide and unhide icon were accidentally given opposite names
- **Checkbox** - Checkboxes can now have multiple inputs inside, for use with .NET and other languages that insert their own hidden inputs
- **iOS** - Active styles, for example pressed in buttons, now appear in docs on touch devices
### Version 0.14.0 - Mar 03, 2014
- **Modal** - Modal now uses requestAnimationFrame instead of debounced callback
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown now has error state **Thanks Musatov**
- **Form** - Form fields with errors will now properly style dropdown elements **Thanks Musatov**
- **Step** - Steps can now appear vertically
- **List** - Bulleted and horizontal lists now appear correctly in IE10-11
- **NPM** - Docpad is now moved to a dev dependency **Thanks kapouer**
### Version 0.13.1 - Feb 28, 2014
- **Modal** - Fixes modal positioning appearing slightly below center on second load
- **Checkbox** - Fixes checkbox appearance inside inverted forms
- **Input** - Fixes ui input to inherit form sizing
- **Accordion** - Fixes issues with accordion rules being too specific, causing several common usages of accordions to break
- **Form Validation** - Fixes form validation regular expression matching **Thanks icefox0801**
### Version 0.13.0 - Feb 20, 2014
- **Label** - Corner labels now are coupled to have rounded edges with components with rounded edges like input
- **Form** - Grouped form fields now have responsive styles for mobile
- **Modal** - Modal will now work when modal is taller than page's content
- **Checkbox** - Checkboxes now also trigger DOM ``change`` event
- **Accordion** - Accordions now preserve inline styles when animating
- **Form Validation** - Form validation now rechecks on all form change events, not just input change
- **Menu** - Fixes 2px border on last element in horizontal menus
- **Menu** - Fixes dropdown formatting when used **inside* a menu item
- **Menu** - Fixes formatting of grouped icon buttons inside menus
- **Modal** - Fixes z-index of modal close to appear above ``relative/absolute`` modal content on mobile
- **Dimmer** - Dimmers are less buggy when used with ``on: 'hover``
### Version 0.12.5 - Feb 04, 2014
- **Button** - Or buttons can now have text specified using ``<div class="or" data-text"text">`` with alternate text *Thanks MohammadYounes*
- **Popup** - Fixes issue where popups using ``title`` attribute to store data were losing title content instead of correctly restoring it
- **Modal** - Fixes an issue where modal may not position correctly in some cases *Thanks GianlucaGuarini*
- **Modal** - Fixes modal throwing an error when transition is not included *Thanks robertoles*
### Version 0.12.4 - Jan 29, 2014
- **Form** - Fixes issue with onSuccess not allowing cancellation of form submit in form validation
- **Input** - Fixes ``ui buttons`` to work inside an ``ui action input`` **Thanks MohammadYounes **
- **Items** - Fixes ``ui horizontal items`` to work correctly, missing comma **Thanks mishak87**
- **RTL** - Adds RTL hinting for some files **Thanks MohammadYounes**
- **Specs** - Adds additional JSON spec files for future use with generators **Thanks brigand**
### Version 0.12.3 - Jan 24, 2014
- **Message** - Fixes some issues with margins sometimes not appearing with ``attached message`` **thanks joltmode**
- **Item** - Fixes color repeating to be consistent for items **thanks skysplit**
### Version 0.12.2 - Jan 21, 2014
- **Form Validation** - Adding custom validation is now simpler, uses syntax ``$('.form').form('add prompt', identifier, 'Error message');``
- **Menu** - Slightly updates input sizes inside menus
- **Grid** - Fixes grid ``only tablet/mobile/computer`` showing both devices on exact pixel of breakpoint, i.e. 768px
- **Icon** - Fixes ascending alphabetic inheritance
### Version 0.12.1 - Jan 15, 2014
- **LESS** - Fixes typo breaking less parsing **thanks DVSoftware**
- **Menu** - Fixes buttons using ``<a>`` tag from inheriting link styles. **thanks joltmode**
- **Menu** - Fixes ``action input`` to work inside menus **thanks joltmode**
- **Modal** - Fixes possible race conditions in animations of modal **thanks dos1**
- **Message** - Prevents close icon from being misformatted in icon message **thanks MohammadYounes**
- **Icons** - Fixes some icon code samples in docs **thanks mishak87**
Some updates to docs formatting
### Version 0.12.0 - Jan 06, 2014
**Major Fixes**
- **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdowns links not working on touch devices
- **Input** - Fixes input placeholder styles to work (accidental regex replace)
**Major Updates**
- **Transition** - Transitions will now, by default, prevent the current animation from being queued while it is actively animating the same animation
- **Modal** - New setting ``allowMultiple`` lets you specify whether multiple modals can be shown at once
- **Modal** - New setting ``detachable`` allows you to specify whether modal DOM element can be moved (Thanks MohammadYounes)
- **Dropdown** - Default value is now stored on init, and can be restored using 'restore defaults' behavior
- **Modal** - Buttons can now use both ``cancel/deny`` or ``ok/approve``, for approve/deny events to fire (Thanks MohammadYounes)
- **Menu** - Fixed menu now adds padding on the next element if it is a grid
- **Progress Bar** - Adds warning color
- **Icon** - Fixes unnecessary formatting on thumbs up/down
- **Dropdown** - Fixes touchmove event not clearing on touch devices causing unnecessary overhead
- **Input** - Action inputs can now be fluid
- **Sidebar** - Fixes issue where top sidebar was receiving left offset
- **Menu** - Fixes z-index on fixed menu to exist just below modals
- **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where last match was returned, not prioritizing value over text
- **Form** - Fixes all validation input to be trimmed for whitespace
### Version 0.11.0 - Dec 25, 2013
### Merry Christmas!
**Major Updates**
-**Transition**: Transition has been completely rewritten, performance should be about 10x after first animation due to caching and use of request animation frame
**New Features**
-**Transition**: Transitions now work with **any display type** not just display: block, meaning transitions can be used on buttons and other inline elements without affecting display
-**Transition**: Fixes typo in "horizontal flip out" causing opacity to be fading in
-**Popup** - Fixes popup sometimes opening and closing when ``event:click`` is used and a user double clicks
-**Modules**: Fixed error in all modules where calling invoke would modify instance outside of scope, making it impossible to access some data (for instance cached positions) from outside of module.
-**Modal**: Fixes issues with modal in IE, IE11 can now use CSS animations with modals
### Version 0.10.3 - Dec 22, 2013
**Critical Fixes**
- **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where dropdown animation does not occur sometimes (Thanks MohammadYounes)
- **Popup** - Native browser popups no longer if using ``title`` attribute
- **Grid** - Fixes issue where stackable grid was not working correctly when using (x) wide column
- **Modal** - Fixes element detatching sometimes in case where it is already inside a dimmer
- **Input** - Removes duplicate sizes
### Version 0.10.2 - Dec 13, 2013
- **Button** - Adds VK button
- **Input** - Action inputs now support button groups
- **Rating** - Fixes vertical alignment with text
- **Dropdown** - Fixes missing easing equations for dropdown javascript animations. Would cause an error when no css transitions were included and jquery easing was not available.
### Version 0.10.1 - Dec 06, 2013
- **Modal** - Fixes issue with modal animation regression in 0.10.0
### Version 0.10.0 - Dec 05, 2013
- **Grid** - Adds ``doubling`` responsive variation which automatically formats content spacing based on device type
- **Form Validation** - Adds two new parameters, to allow for changing of revalidation and delay on input
- **Grid** - Row padding is now EM not % based, this might shift layouts slightly
- **Grid** - Grid columns not inside a row will automatically receive row padding now. This will allow for content to flow correctly when row count is unknown
- **Grid** - Fixes margin on stackable grids
- **Dropdown** - Value can be retrieved even in instances where forms arent used
### Version 0.9.6 - Dec 04, 2013
- **Rating** - Ratings now recieve class disabled when read only, instead of recieving ``active`` when rateable since active are much more common
- **Grid** - Fixes some instances where grid column width ``x wide`` was being overruled by parent element ``x column``.
- **Header, Grid, Segment** - Adds justified alignemnt
- **Message** - Fixes issues with attached icon message (thanks overra)
### Version 0.9.5 - Nov 25, 2013
- **Segment** - Segments now have a circular variation
- LESS files now include vendor prefixes by default instead of only including them in css releases
### Version 0.9.4 - Nov 24, 2013
- **Dropdown** - Fixes issue where falsey value (i.e. 0) could not be selected
- **Transition** - Fixes transition exists function from not being called
- **Form** - Adds input type="url" to forms
- **Sidebar** - Fixes right sidebars to correctly allow for sizing (Thanks DveMac)
- **Sidebar** - Typo in sidebar header (Thanks slobo)
- Fixes various typos and missing closing html tags
### Version 0.9.3 - Nov 17, 2013
- **Dropdown** - Fixes "falsey" values (like 0) not being processed correctly
- **Segment** - Fixes segment text color when nested inside inverted segment
- **Button** - Fixes improper active/visible state due to :not specificity (most noticiable in mousedown on a dropdown button)
### Version 0.9.2 - Nov 8, 2013
**Fixes** - Fixes popup not repositioning itself when offstage.
### Version 0.9.1 - Nov 7, 2013
- **Popup** - Adds context option for popup (thanks jefmathiot)
- **Accordion** - Adds formatting for nested accordions
- **Accordion** - Fixes issue with accordion events inside accordions
### Version 0.9.0 - Nov 5, 2013
- **Button** - Basic icons now have inverted style
- **Segment** - Segments can now be used with ``ui grid`` and ``ui grid column/row``
- **List** - Adds animated list variation
- **Release** - Fixes issues with minification in grunt
- **Examples** - Adds new homepage example to release zip
- **Code Samples** - Updates ACE editor version
- **List** - Updated some list styles for greater flexibility
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown now always receives pointer cursor in all types
- **Form** - Darkens placeholder text color to be more visible
- **Menu** - Dropdown position inside secondary menus should be more precise
- **Input** - Labeled icons now have smaller corner labels
- **Menu** - Floating dropdown menus now work inside menus
- **Button** - UI buttons no longer have shadows, this helps match colored buttons in layouts
- **Header** - Fixes alignment of solo icons in headers
- **Button** - Fixes labeled icon placement in Chrome
- **Modal** - Fixes use of unsupported comma separated :not selector
- **Modal** - Fixes left/right ui content receiving modal styles inappropriately
- **Menu** - Fixes some inverted menu stylings not applying correctly in some instances
- **Grid** - Fixes comp/tablet/mobile only columns not working if not inside a row
### Version 0.8.6 - Nov 2, 2013
- **Modal** - Fixes issue with scrollable variation on mobile, updates mobile styles
- Fixes bug in jquery waypoint 2.0.3 causing menus to be lame
### Version 0.8.5 - Nov 2, 2013
- **Modal** - Fixed issue with modals not working in 0.8.4 due to mistake in transition invoke
- **Modules** - Invoke now gives user's query in error message for method not found
### Version 0.8.4 - Nov 1, 2013
- **Modules** - Fixes bug where invoking a sentence behavior that has a single word match would always invoke single word match. I.e. ``show modal`` would mistakenly call ``show`` if it existed.
- **Modules** - Adds CSS transition support detection to all modules using css transitions to allow for graceful degradation for IE8
- **Download** - Fixes issue where non minified source was being included with minified copy
- **IE** - Fixed some issue with IE display in docs
### Version 0.8.3 - Oct 30, 2013
- **Modal** - Adds fixes for opening modals when other modals are opened, adds a few new API behaviors
- **Form** - Fixes issues with form validation not escaping regex characters
- **Form** - Errored fields now have their icons and corner labels colored appropriately
- **Labels** - Fixes formatting of links inside labels
### Version 0.8.2 - Oct 28, 2013
- **Modal** - Quick Fix for modal events in IE
- **Menu** - Fixes arrow direction on vertical menu dropdown
- **Button** - Fixes button height issue with button groups including icon and normal buttons
- Fixes some missing closing tags
### Version 0.8.1 - Oct 26, 2013
- **Button** - Fixes colored version sometime losing white text color
- **Button** - Fixes 1pixel jump on animated fade buttons
- Prefixer now used for prefixing in grunt
- Spelling fixes
### Version 0.8.0 - Oct 25, 2013
- **Button** - Default button styles have been significantly tweaked
- **Button** - Evenly divided buttons can use number classes instead of words ``class="2 buttons"``
- **Button** - New animated button styles, fade, horizontal, and vertical
- **Button** - Fixes "or" sizing to work for all sizes
- **Dropdown** - Fixes border radius on non-selection dropdowns from changing on activation
- **Input** - Action buttons now have tactile feedback like normal buttons
- Added more detailed contributing guide
- Updates info on setting up server
- Added new examples to button and input
### Version 0.7.2 - Oct 23, 2013
- **Modal** - Fixes issue with modal hiding twice onApprove
### Version 0.7.1 - Oct 23, 2013
- **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with dropdown icon position in chrome
- **Popup** - Fixes issue with popup's using setting inline: true
### Version 0.7.0 - Oct 22, 2013
- **Table** - Added aweosome new responsive style to ui tables
- **Button** - New social buttons for Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest
- **List** - Adds documentation for module format
- **List** - Adds onTabInit for local tabs on first load
- **List** - Popups can now have a different target than itself
- **Modal** - Modal hide can be cancelled from ``onApprove`` and ``onDeny`` by returning false from callback
- **Transition** - onShow and onHide callbacks for visibilit changing transitions
- **Shape** - New 'cube' and 'text' shape type
- **Shape** - Transition duration can now be set programatically
- **Shape** - New beforeChange callback
- **Sidebar** - Sidebar will now default to being exclusive and hiding other sidebars on show
- **Sidebar** - Sidebar now has onChange, onShow, onHide callbacks
- **Sidebar** - Sidebar now have several size variations, and a new styled variation that comes preformatted
- **Dimmer** - Adds more dimmer examples, fixes settings
- **Modules** - New examples and docs for all modules
- Adds sortable tables to docs
- New tabbed doc style for modules
- Code samples will now automatically format indention
- **Button** - Fixes vertical fluid buttons not taking up full width
- **Shape** - Shape now works with no additional stylings
- **Shape** - Fixes calculation of next side size to work correctly by using offstage element
- **Modules** - Fixed issue when altering settings using ``module('setting')`` with an object
- **Dimmer** - Dimmer now obeys border radius of parent
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown cannot display inside item image
- **Dropdown** - Dropdown links were being prevented by event.preventDefault used for touch devices
- **Dropdown** - Fixes issue with borders on selection dropdown
- **Dropdown** - Fixes pointing dropdown to appear correctly in menu
- **List** - Celled tables now have celled table headers
- **Menu** - Fixes border radius on tabular menu, fixes one pixel jump on active state
- **Menu** - Removes vertical label width missing units in menu
- **Popup** - Popup .toggle() now always hides/shows popup correctly
- **Popup** - Popup fixed a bug where "top right" placed popup might sometimes be too large
- **Popup** - Popup will not reshow a visible popup on hover
- **Accordion** - Reduces vertical padding on basic accordion content
- **Header** - Block header now uses RGBA instead of solid color by default
- **Label** - Ribbon labels now have a shadow color
- **List** - Horizontal padding on icon list slightly increased, fixes to icon position
- **List** - Increased padding on attached labels
- **List** - Leading on bulleted and ordered list slightly increased
- **Message** - Increase opacity of icons on icon messages
- **Modal** - Optimizes dimmer init on modal to occur on modal init and not modal show
- **Popup** - Popup border now uses RGBA to look sexier on dark backgrounds
- **Popup** - Popup default duration is now 200ms (slighty slower)
- **Popup** - Popup metadata attribute arrowOffset is now offset for simplicities sake
- **Popup** - Popup no-longer receives class name 'visible' on show, this allows popups to be used on dropdowns and other elements with a visible state
- **Popup** - Popups are no longer inline by default
- **Table** - Table headers are now darker to increase contrast with rainbow striped rows
- **Sidebar** - Floating sidebar is slightly less heavily shadowed
### Version 0.6.5 - Oct 18, 2013
- Fixes issue where browser default action, like link clicking, was prevented on dropdown item click
- Modal keyboard shortcuts now obey settings.closable (credit to luisrudge)
### Version 0.6.4 - Oct 16, 2013
- Fixes issue where browser default action, like link clicking, was prevented on dropdown item click
### Version 0.6.3 - Oct 15, 2013
- Dropdown changeText and updateForm have been deprecated and will be removed in 1.0
- Dropdown hide no longer selects current item as active (useful for menus)
- Simplified possible dropdown actions changeText and updateForm are now consolidated into activate which is the new default
### Version 0.6.2 - Oct 15, 2013
- Fixes touch+mouse like touchscreen laptops to work with dropdowns
- Fixes input position inside menus with no other content
- Fixes input sizing on small/large menus
- Dropdown vastly improved for touch, now can scroll with touch without closing dropdown
- Dropdown active style now slightly more noticable
### Version 0.6.1 - Oct 15, 2013
- Adds onApprove/onDeny callbacks to modal
- Adds small/large sizing of modal, reformats default modal size to be slightly inset from page grid
- Adds clockwise/counterclockwise rotated icon and default rotate
- Adds orange label/segment
- Adds automatic menu formatting for buttons inside menus
- Dropdowns in vertical menu automatically receive proper triangle pointer direction
- Fixes modal spacing on left/right content to match up with grid gutters
- Fixes inheritance issues with rotated icon
- Fixes tests not passing for modal/dimmer
- Fixes overflow on item corner label
- Fixes right menu formatting in secondary menus
- Fixed shadow overlap on dropdown in menus
### Version 0.6.0 - Oct 14, 2013
- Adds travis CI support with preliminary test coverage for all javascript modules
- Minor Fixes caught with testing suite, related to ensuring proper destroy, init,
- Minor fixes to edge cases with seting and retrieving internals/settings as default, init, or during run-time on some modules
### Version 0.5.1 - Oct 11, 2013
- Fixes issue with modal sometimes closing/opening multiple times caused by changes in 0.5.0
- Fixes vertical alignment of checkboxes
### Version 0.5.0 - Oct 10, 2013
**Critical Fixes**
- Fixes in some UI modules, issue where settings being shared across elements initialized at the same time instead of each instance.
- Fixes regression where popup was overriding variation class name on positioning
- Fixes an issue where popup that was set to inline: false was being removed prematurely
- Fixes inheritance issue where grid column may sometimes not appear the correct size
- Fixes modal hide/show dependency issue where dimmer would not always hide modal and vice-versa
- Adds an example to popup where inline is set to false
- Accordion now comes bundled with proper easing
- Added onCreate to popup module
### Version 0.4.3 - Oct 10, 2013
- Updates dropdown to include proper invoke
### Version 0.4.2 - Oct 9, 2013
- Fixes issue with event bubbling being cancelled on dropdown item click
### Version 0.4.1 - Oct 9, 2013
- Fixes heart rating color
### Version 0.4.0 - Oct 8, 2013
- Updated some checkbox stylings
- Checkboxes markup now more semantic with default markup including only one label tag that can be inside ui checkbox
### Version 0.3.8 - Oct 8, 2013
- Display issues with accordion
### Version 0.3.7 - Oct 8, 2013
- Fixes modal show/hide action reversal in Webkit
- Dimmer can now take different durations for its show and hide
### Version 0.3.6 - Oct 7, 2013
- Fixes popup position sometimes appearing off-stage on second apperance
- Fixes popup positions top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right being flipped
- Updates form and accordion docs
- Dropdown action default is now automatically determined based on type of dropdown, select dropdowns now will update form fields with default options
- Adds fluid variation to accordion
- Adds more html5 form support for forms (deneuxa)
- Fields can include both field and another level of fields
### Version 0.3.5 - Oct 2, 2013
- Fixes radio checkboxes (again)
- Fixes header content display in icon headers
### Version 0.3.4 - Oct 2, 2013
- Transitions now work in Safari versions that do not support animation-direction
- Fixes accordion in safari styles getting stuck
- Centering of content in icon header
### Version 0.3.3 - Oct 2, 2013
- Fixes modal not working due to destroy teardown in dimmer Issue #153
- Fixes selector for checkbox to fix radio boxes Issue #154
- Fixes issue with popup display in some edge cases Issue #128
- Headers and lists with icons now do not break with multiline content
- Examples resize with browser width
- Updates ACE editor library
- Code samples now do not change after interacting with examples
### Version 0.3.2 - Oct 2, 2013
- Dropdown now formats top and right arrow icons automatically with icon coupling with sub menus
- Updates feed example with more feature examples
- Adds more sizes to ratings
- Makes active pagination item style more clear
- Adds attach events method to modal for attaching modal events to other elements
- Adds input focus/blur to modal, see Issue #124
- Adds new methods to rating: 'get rating', 'clear rating', 'disable', 'enable', adds new setting 'clearable'
- Fixes position of menu dropdowns in some cases
- Updates modal to refocus elements after close
- Right floated list content now receives left margin
- List items display issues with icons + content
- Fixes rating line height issue
- Fixes rating not being sent as first callback parameter on 'onRate'
- Lists items now auto clear floats
- Fixes icon input inside a menu placement issues
### Version 0.3.1 - Sep 30, 2013
- Fixes Page Grid still receiving negative margin
### Version 0.3.0 - Sep 30, 2013
- Responsive Grid is now called "Page Grid". Responsive grids are now deprecated. This reduces confusion.
- Negative margins are now automatically removed from grids that are descendents of body tag.
### Version 0.2.5 - Sep 28, 2013
- Fixes checkbox selector issue with multiple inputs inside a checkbox
- Modal no longer uses inline css to center when in fixed position mode
- Fixes dropdown to now set active item to whatever hidden input field is when using action updateForm
### Version 0.2.4 - Sep 28, 2013
- Fixes issue with display on Chromebook Pixel and some devices
- Fixes issues with concatenated version receiving conflicted icon definitions causing icons to not function
### Version 0.2.3 - Sep 28, 2013
- Fixes issues with modal not swapping to absoultely positioned from fixed when content cannot fit in viewport
### Version 0.2.2 - Sep 28, 2013
- Fixes invoke returning found function instead of results of found function in dropdown, modal
### Version 0.2.1 - Sep 28, 2013
- Modals can now have an icon in its left content that will be automatically formatted
- Preserve 3D animations are now on by default for dimmers
- Transition now forces browser repaint after animation
- Refactored modal and dimmer components
- Modal will now resize when browser window resizes if vertical height changes
- Fixes issues with dimmer settings sticking between separate modals with the same dimmer.
### Version 0.2.0 - Sep 28, 2013
- Adds responsive modal styling, modal always now sits with 5% gutters under page grid responsive styling
- Adds basic modal variation
- Issue with modal active state not being removed correctly from modals
- Swaps modal and dropdown to use same variable naming pattern as rest of modules
- Removed selector count from performance logs
### Version 0.1.0 - Sep 25, 2013
- Added new font icon set using Font Awesome port
- Adds dropdown icon sexiness to accordions, now with rotating pointing arrows
- Added old icon set as a separate basic icon set
- Added fluid input variation
- Increased size of corner labels
- Adds relaxed grid variation with increased gutters
- Added relaxed and very relaxed list type with increased padding
- Rating icon missing font content with icon font update
- Padding on side of rating
- Adds horizontally padded, vertically padded menu item variations to allow menu items to remove padding
- Added fixes to tabular menu especially with attached content
- UI Loaders now positioned automatically in all circumstances, even with long text
- Connected items no longer assume 3 items per row
- Fixes display of left corner icon labels
- Updated documentation for sidebar, transition, and form validation
- Updated list docs
- Accordion settings documentation
- Rating settings documentation