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# borg-backup-scripts
borg backup scripte used on KrautSpace infra
## Requirements
sudo apt install borg
## Usage
### Initialization
sudo ./ remote_site_1 --port=23 --login=whatever --directory=/home/borg
What this does:
* Creates a config directory at `/etc/borg/remote_site_1`.
* Creates a passphrase for borg.
* Creates a ssh keypair for the ssh connection to your remote ssh backup destination host.
* Deploys the ssk public key to the remote ssh account using `ssh-copy-id`.
* Checks if the destination path is usable.
* Initializes the borg repository.
* Prints out the borg repository status if initialization was successfull.
* Attempts to continue the init process if called multiple times.
### Service installation
# on productive system: copy systemd-units in /etc/systemd/system
sudo ./
# on development system: link systemd-units from current directory
sudo ./
### Service activation
sudo systemctl enable borg-backup@remote_site_1.timer
sudo systemctl enable borg-prune@remote_site_1.timer
## FAQ
### Why so much `sudo`?
> Good question!\
> The borg backup process requires priviledges to read everything you want to backup.\
> The systemd-units sandbox the borg process to a read-only view of the filesystem.
### Can I trust this code?
> Never trust anything from the internet.\
> Download and verify what it does. It should be somewhat readable.