Serge2702 88117f8455 Arc theme added.
This theme is based on the colors of the Arc GTK Theme, by horst3180.
2015-12-28 12:37:09 -06:00

15 lines
728 B

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ROFI Color theme
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Use extended color scheme
rofi.color-enabled: true
! Color scheme for normal row
rofi.color-normal: #ffffff,#525d76,#f5f5f5,#5294e2,#ffffff
! Color scheme for urgent row
rofi.color-urgent: #ffffff,#dc322f,#f5f5f5,#5294e2,#dc322f
! Color scheme for active row
rofi.color-active: #ffffff,#c2cad0,#f5f5f5,#5294e2,#c2cad0
! Color scheme window
rofi.color-window: #ffffff,#f5f5f5
! Separator style (none, dash, solid)
rofi.separator-style: solid