# Rofi Themes: Below a list of user contributed **rofi** themes. # Adapta-Nokto.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/Adapta-Nokto.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! Based on Adapta-Nokto GTK theme (https://github.com/adapta-project/adapta-gtk-theme) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rofi.color-enabled: true rofi.color-window: #3a4c54, #2a373e, #c3c6c8 rofi.color-normal: #455a64, #fafbfc, #455a64, #00bcd4, #fafbfc rofi.color-active: #455a64, #00bcd4, #455a64, #009688, #fdf6e3 rofi.color-urgent: #455a64, #ff5252, #455a64, #ff5252, #fdf6e3 ~~~ # android_notification.theme by Rasi ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/android_notification.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rofi.color-enabled: true rofi.color-window: #273238, #273238, #1e2529 rofi.color-normal: #273238, #c1c1c1, #273238, #394249, #ffffff rofi.color-active: #273238, #80cbc4, #273238, #394249, #80cbc4 rofi.color-urgent: #273238, #ff1844, #273238, #394249, #ff1844 ~~~ # Arc.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/Arc.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Use extended color scheme rofi.color-enabled: true ! Color scheme for normal row rofi.color-normal: #ffffff,#525d76,#f5f5f5,#5294e2,#ffffff ! Color scheme for urgent row rofi.color-urgent: #ffffff,#dc322f,#f5f5f5,#5294e2,#dc322f ! Color scheme for active row rofi.color-active: #ffffff,#c2cad0,#f5f5f5,#5294e2,#c2cad0 ! Color scheme window rofi.color-window: #ffffff,#f5f5f5 ! Separator style (none, dash, solid) rofi.separator-style: solid ~~~ # blor.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/blor.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Use extended color scheme rofi.color-enabled: true ! Color scheme for normal row rofi.color-normal: argb:00000000, #D8DEE9 , argb:00000000, #FAC863 , #1B2B34 ! Color scheme for urgent row rofi.color-urgent: argb:00000000, #F99157 , argb:00000000, #F99157 , #1B2B34 ! Color scheme for active row rofi.color-active: argb:00000000, #6699CC , argb:00000000, #6699CC , #1B2B34 ! Color scheme window rofi.color-window: argb:ee222222, #FAC863 , #FAC863 ! Separator style (none, dash, solid) rofi.separator-style: solid ~~~ # blue.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/blue.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Use extended color scheme rofi.color-enabled: true ! Color scheme for normal row rofi.color-normal: argb:00000000, #00b0ef, argb:00000000, #00b0ef,#0060a0 ! Color scheme for urgent row rofi.color-urgent: argb:00000000, #ffa0a0, argb:00000000, #ffa0a0,#0060a0 ! Color scheme for active row rofi.color-active: argb:00000000, #a0ffa0, argb:00000000, #a0ffa0,#0060a0 ! Color scheme window rofi.color-window: argb:ee0060a0, #00b0ef,#00b0ef ~~~ # c64.theme by Rasi ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/c64.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rofi.color-enabled: true rofi.color-window: #0039ff, #0039ff, #4F80FF rofi.color-normal: #0039ff, #4f80ff, #0039ff, #4f80ff, #ffffff rofi.color-active: #0039ff, #68ba50, #0039ff, #4f80ff, #68ba50 rofi.color-urgent: #0039ff, #ff7047, #0039ff, #4f80ff, #ff7047 ~~~ # DarkBlue.theme by qball ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/DarkBlue.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! "Color scheme for normal row" Set from: File rofi.color-normal: argb:0000000, #dbdfbc, argb:00000000, #dbdfbc, #02143f ! "Color scheme for urgent row" Set from: File rofi.color-urgent: argb:0000000, #ff81ff, argb:00000000, #ff817f, #02143f ! "Color scheme for active row" Set from: File rofi.color-active: argb:0000000, #8ac4ff, argb:00000000, #8ac4ff, #02143f ! "Color scheme window" Set from: File rofi.color-window: argb:dd000021, #dbdfbc, #dbdfbc ! "Separator style (none, dash, solid)" Set from: XResources rofi.separator-style: solid ~~~ # glue_pro_blue.theme by Rasi ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/glue_pro_blue.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rofi.color-enabled: true rofi.color-window: #393939, #393939, #268bd2 rofi.color-normal: #393939, #ffffff, #393939, #268bd2, #ffffff rofi.color-active: #393939, #268bd2, #393939, #268bd2, #205171 rofi.color-urgent: #393939, #f3843d, #393939, #268bd2, #ffc39c ~~~ # Indego.theme by qball ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/Indego.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! "Color scheme for normal row" Set from: File rofi.color-normal: argb:07986cb, #e8eaf6, #283593, #3f51b5, #e8eaf6 ! "Color scheme for urgent row" Set from: File rofi.color-urgent: argb:0fdf6e3, #ffcdd2, #b71c1c, #ffcdd2, #b71c1c ! "Color scheme for active row" Set from: File rofi.color-active: argb:0fdf6e3, #b2ebf2, #006064, #b2ebf2, #006064 ! "Color scheme window" Set from: File rofi.color-window: #1a237e, #e8eaf6, #e8eaf6 ! "Separator style (none, dash, solid)" Set from: XResources rofi.separator-style: solid ~~~ # lb.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/lb.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Use extended color scheme rofi.color-enabled: true ! Color scheme for normal row rofi.color-normal: argb:00000000, #1aa, argb:11FFFFFF, #1aa,#333 ! Color scheme for urgent row rofi.color-urgent: argb:00000000, #f99, argb:11FFFFFF, #f99,#333 ! Color scheme for active row rofi.color-active: argb:00000000, #aa1, argb:11FFFFFF, #aa1,#333 ! Color scheme window rofi.color-window: argb:ee333333, #1aa,#1aa ! Separator style (none, dash, solid) rofi.separator-style: dash ~~~ # Monokai.theme by milouse ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/Monokai.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! "Color scheme for normal row" Set from: File rofi.color-normal: argb:00272822, #f8f8f2, argb:00272822, #141411, #f8f8f2 ! "Color scheme for urgent row" Set from: File rofi.color-urgent: argb:00272822, #f92672, argb:00272822, #f92672, #f8f8f2 ! "Color scheme for active row" Set from: File rofi.color-active: argb:00272822, #a6e22a, argb:00272822, #141411, #a6e22a ! "Color scheme window" Set from: File rofi.color-window: argb:ee272822, #002b36, #e6db74 ! "Separator style (none, dash, solid)" Set from: File rofi.separator-style: solid ~~~ # Paper.theme by qball ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/Paper.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! "Color scheme for normal row" Set from: File rofi.color-normal: argb:0f5f5f5, #002b36, #d0d0d0, #4271ae, #f5f5f5 ! "Color scheme for urgent row" Set from: File rofi.color-urgent: #f5f5f5, #d75f00, #d0d0d0, #d75f00, #f5f5f5 ! "Color scheme for active row" Set from: File rofi.color-active: #f5f5f5, #005f87, #d0d0d0, #005f87, #f5f5f5 ! "Color scheme window" Set from: File rofi.color-window: #f5f5f5, #444444, #444444 ! "Separator style (none, dash, solid)" Set from: File rofi.separator-style: solid rofi.hide-scrollbar: false ~~~ # purple.theme by Rasi ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/purple.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Use extended color scheme rofi.color-enabled: true ! Color scheme for normal row rofi.color-normal: argb:a02f1e2e, #b4b4b4, argb:a02f1e2e, argb:54815ba4, #ffffff ! Color scheme for urgent row rofi.color-urgent: argb:272f1e2e, #ef6155, argb:2f2f1e2e, argb:54815ba4, #ef6155 ! Color scheme for active row rofi.color-active: argb:272f1e2e, #815ba4, argb:2f2f1e2e, argb:54815ba4, #815ba4 ! Color scheme window rofi.color-window: #2f1e2e, argb:36ef6155, argb:2fef6155 ! Separator style (none, dash, solid) rofi.separator-style: dash ~~~ # solarized_alternate.theme by Rasi ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/solarized_alternate.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rofi.color-enabled: true rofi.color-window: #002b37, #002b37, #003642 rofi.color-normal: #002b37, #819396, #003643, #008ed4, #ffffff rofi.color-active: #002b37, #008ed4, #003643, #008ed4, #66c6ff rofi.color-urgent: #002b37, #da4281, #003643, #008ed4, #890661 ~~~ # solarized.theme by Rasi ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/solarized.png) ## XResources ~~~ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ROFI Color theme ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rofi.color-enabled: true rofi.color-window: #002b37, #002b37, #003642 rofi.color-normal: #002b37, #819396, #002b37, #003642, #819396 rofi.color-active: #002b37, #008ed4, #002b37, #003642, #008ed4 rofi.color-urgent: #002b37, #da4281, #002b37, #003642, #da4281 ~~~ # gruvbox-dark-hard.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/gruvbox-dark-hard.png) ## XResources ~~~ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-dark-hard.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox dark (hard contrast) color theme for Rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:12:10 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #1d2021, #a89984, #a89984 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #1d2021, #ebdbb2, #282828, #504945, #fbf1c7 rofi.color-active: #d79921, #1d2021, #d79921, #fabd2f, #1d2021 rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #1d2021, #cc241d, #fb4934, #1d2021 ~~~ # gruvbox-dark-soft.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/gruvbox-dark-soft.png) ## XResources ~~~ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-dark-soft.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox dark (soft contrast) color theme for Rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:11:49 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #32302f, #a89984, #a89984 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #32302f, #ebdbb2, #3c3836, #665c54, #fbf1c7 rofi.color-active: #d79921, #32302f, #d79921, #fabd2f, #32302f rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #32302f, #cc241d, #fb4934, #32302f ~~~ # gruvbox-dark.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/gruvbox-dark.png) ## XResources ~~~ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-dark.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox dark color theme for Rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:11:40 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #282828, #a89984, #a89984 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #282828, #ebdbb2, #32302f, #665c54, #fbf1c7 rofi.color-active: #d79921, #282828, #d79921, #fabd2f, #282828 rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #282828, #cc241d, #fb4934, #282828 ~~~ # gruvbox-light-hard.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/gruvbox-light-hard.png) ## XResources ~~~ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-light-hard.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox light (hard contrast) color theme for Rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:11:32 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #f9f5d7, #7c6f64, #7c6f64 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #f9f5d7, #3c3836, #fbf1c7, #ebdbb2, #282828 rofi.color-active: #b57614, #fdf4c1, #b57614, #d79921, #fdf4c1 rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #fdf4c1, #cc241d, #fb4934, #fdf4c1 ~~~ # gruvbox-light-soft.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/gruvbox-light-soft.png) ## XResources ~~~ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-light-soft.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox light (soft contrast) color theme for Rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:11:25 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #f2e5bc, #7c6f64, #7c6f64 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #f2e5bc, #3c3836, #ebdbb2, #d5c4a1, #282828 rofi.color-active: #b57614, #f2e5bc, #b57614, #d79921, #f2e5bc rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #f2e5bc, #cc241d, #fb4934, #f2e5bc ~~~ # gruvbox-light.theme ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](./Screenshots/gruvbox-light.png) ## XResources ~~~ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rofi color theme ! ! Based on the Gruvbox color scheme for Vim by morhetz ! https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ! ! File: gruvbox-light.theme ! Desc: Gruvbox light color theme for rofi ! Author: bardisty ! Source: https://github.com/bardisty/gruvbox-rofi ! Modified: Sat Oct 22 2016 03:11:11 PDT -0700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! bg border separator rofi.color-window: #fbf1c7, #7c6f64, #7c6f64 ! bg fg bg-alt hl-bg hl-fg rofi.color-normal: #fbf1c7, #3c3836, #f2e5bc, #d5c4a1, #282828 rofi.color-active: #b57614, #fbf1c7, #b57614, #d79921, #fbf1c7 rofi.color-urgent: #cc241d, #fbf1c7, #cc241d, #fb4934, #fbf1c7 ~~~