# Creating a theme > This guide is written for rofi 0.15.12 or higher. The guide assume you want to turn your current rofi setup into a theme. ## Fork the repository On [GitHub](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi-themes/) click the fork button. Make a local checkout of this new repository. ## Create a theme file Inside the new repository create a file containing the theme settings: ```bash ./addtheme.sh ``` This stores the colors and separator style configuration in `{themename}.theme`. Theme author is set to your login name. If you would like to override this, use the `--user "Some Name"` argument. Edit this file to add more information if needed, for example if the theme should use a specific font. ## Create screenshot and stage files Run the included script: ```bash ./update.sh ``` Make sure the script finished successful. Dependencies for the script are: * xdotool * xrdb * xvfb ## Commit and push changes ```bash git commit -m "Adding theme {themename} by {yourname}" git push ``` ## Create pull request On github create a pull request. By making a pull request you agree with releasing your theme under the MIT license.