/* * ROFI color theme * * Based on https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/4f8fbq/compiz_rofi_with_compiz_blur/ * Named after the creator of the post * * Creator: Arjun Nair */ * { fgcolor: #B0E670; bgcolor: #14161F; hlfgcolor: #14161F; hlbgcolor: #B0E670; bcolor: #14161F; spacing: 0; background-color: transparent; font: "Roboto Mono 13"; } window { transparency: "real"; fullscreen: true; background-color: #14161FCC; /*color + CC (80% opacity)*/ } mainbox { children: [inputbar, message, listview]; spacing: 10px; margin: 25%; padding: 30px 0; } inputbar { padding: 0 30px; children: [prompt, textbox-prompt-colon, entry, case-indicator]; } prompt { text-color: @fgcolor; } textbox-prompt-colon { expand: false; str: ":"; margin: 0 1ch 0 0; text-color: @fgcolor; } entry { text-color: @fgcolor; } case-indicator { text-color: @fgcolor; } message { border: 1px 0; border-color: @fgcolor; } button, textbox { background-color: @bgcolor; text-color: @fgcolor; padding: 5px; } button selected { background-color: @fgcolor; } listview { margin: 0 10px 0 30px; } element { padding: 5px; highlight: bold underline; } element normal { text-color: @fgcolor; background-color: transparent; } element selected { text-color: @hlfgcolor; background-color: @hlbgcolor; }