/**Customized by Rapteon; Date: 2019-01-04**/ /** Hint: Change the values in the first block of variables(below) before... ...individually changing values in the components. 'lightbg' changes the border color and the text color. 'background-color' changes the background color of the floating box. 'selected-normal-background' changes the text-color of the focused item. **/ * { red: rgba ( 220, 50, 47, 100 % ); selected-active-foreground: var(background); lightfg: rgba ( 176, 215, 255, 100 % ); separatorcolor: var(foreground); urgent-foreground: var(red); alternate-urgent-background: var(lightbg); lightbg: rgba ( 176, 215, 255, 100 % ); spacing: 2; border-color: var(lightbg); normal-background: var(background); background-color: rgba ( 255, 255, 255, 100 % ); alternate-active-background: var(lightbg); active-foreground: var(blue); blue: rgba ( 173, 172, 181, 100 % ); urgent-background: var(background); alternate-normal-foreground: var(foreground); selected-active-background: var(blue); background: rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0% ); selected-normal-foreground: var(lightbg); active-background: var(background); alternate-active-foreground: var(blue); alternate-normal-background: var(background); foreground: rgba ( 45, 49, 66, 100 % ); selected-urgent-background: var(red); selected-urgent-foreground: var(background); normal-foreground: var(foreground); alternate-urgent-foreground: var(red); selected-normal-background: var(lightfg); font: "DejaVu Sans 12"; } window { padding: 5; background-color: var(background); border: 2; border-radius: 12px; fullscreen: false; transparency: "screenshot"; width: 30%; } mainbox { padding: 10; border: 0; border-radius: 10px; } message { padding: 2px 0px 0px ; border-color: var(separatorcolor); border: 2px dash 0px 0px ; width: 30%; font: "monospace bold 10"; } textbox { text-color: var(foreground); border-radius:10px; padding: 10px 10px 10px; } listview { padding: 2px 0px 0px ; scrollbar: false; border-color: var(separatorcolor); spacing: 2px ; fixed-height: 0; border: 2px dash 0px 0px ; lines: 5; } element { padding: 1px ; border: 0; } element normal.normal { background-color: var(normal-background); text-color: var(normal-foreground); } element normal.urgent { background-color: var(urgent-background); text-color: var(urgent-foreground); } element normal.active { background-color: var(active-background); text-color: var(active-foreground); } element selected.normal { background-color: var(selected-normal-background); text-color: var(selected-normal-foreground); } element selected.urgent { background-color: var(selected-urgent-background); text-color: var(selected-urgent-foreground); } element selected.active { background-color: var(selected-active-background); text-color: var(selected-active-foreground); } element alternate.normal { background-color: var(alternate-normal-background); text-color: var(alternate-normal-foreground); } element alternate.urgent { background-color: var(alternate-urgent-background); text-color: var(alternate-urgent-foreground); } element alternate.active { background-color: var(alternate-active-background); text-color: var(alternate-active-foreground); } scrollbar { width: 4px ; padding: 0; handle-width: 8px ; border: 0; handle-color: var(normal-foreground); } mode-switcher { border-color: var(separatorcolor); border: 2px dash 0px 0px ; } button { spacing: 0; text-color: var(normal-foreground); } button selected { background-color: var(selected-normal-background); text-color: var(selected-normal-foreground); } inputbar { padding: 1px ; spacing: 0px ; text-color: var(normal-foreground); children: [ prompt,textbox-prompt-colon,entry,overlay,case-indicator ]; } case-indicator { spacing: 0; text-color: var(normal-foreground); } entry { spacing: 0; text-color: var(normal-foreground); } prompt { spacing: 0; text-color: var(normal-foreground); } textbox-prompt-colon { margin: 0px 0.3000em 0.0000em 0.0000em ; expand: false; str: " > "; text-color: inherit; } error-message { background-color: rgba ( 0, 0, 0, 0 % ); text-color: var(normal-foreground); }