The idea is to simplify the way the output module currently works by: - introducing an abstraction that represents blocks; these abstractions contain all data - uninterpreted - required to draw a block - separately from that, whenever the block is serialized into JSON, do the interpretation (pango vs. non-pango, etc.) This - theoretically - should simplify code by creating two separate concerns: collecting the data and actually interpreting it.
135 lines
4.4 KiB
135 lines
4.4 KiB
import sys
import json
import time
import core.theme
import core.event
def dump_json(obj):
return obj.__dict__
class block(object):
'separator', 'separator_block_width',
'border_top', 'border_left', 'border_right', 'border_bottom',
'pango', 'fg', 'bg'
def __init__(self, theme, module, widget):
self.__attributes = {}
for key in self.__COMMON_THEME_FIELDS:
tmp = theme.get(key, widget)
if tmp:
self.__attributes[key] = tmp
self.__attributes['name'] =
self.__attributes['instance'] =
def set(self, key, value):
self.__attributes[key] = value
def __dict__(self):
return {}
class i3(object):
def __init__(self, theme=core.theme.Theme(), config=core.config.Config([])):
self.__modules = []
self.__content = {}
self.__theme = theme
self.__config = config
core.event.register('start', self.draw, 'start')
core.event.register('update', self.draw, 'statusline')
core.event.register('stop', self.draw, 'stop')
def theme(self, new_theme=None):
if new_theme:
self.__theme = new_theme
return self.__theme
def modules(self, modules=None):
if not modules:
return self.__modules
self.__modules = modules if isinstance(modules, list) else [ modules ]
def draw(self, what, args=None):
cb = getattr(self, what)
data = cb(args) if args else cb()
if 'blocks' in data:
sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data['blocks'], default=dump_json))
if 'suffix' in data:
def start(self):
return {
'blocks': { 'version': 1, 'click_events': True },
'suffix': '\n[',
def stop(self):
return { 'suffix': '\n]' }
def __pad(self, module, widget, full_text):
padding = self.__theme.padding()
if not full_text: return padding
return '{}{}{}'.format(padding, full_text, padding)
def __decorate(self, module, widget, full_text):
if full_text is None: return None
return '{}{}{}'.format(
self.__pad(module, widget, self.__theme.prefix(widget)),
self.__pad(module, widget, self.__theme.suffix(widget))
def __separator_block(self, module, widget):
blk = block(self.__theme, module, widget)
blk.set('_decorator', True)
return blk
def __content_block(self, module, widget):
text = self.__content[widget]
blk = block(self.__theme, module, widget)
blk.set('min_width', self.__decorate(module, widget, widget.get('theme.minwidth')))
blk.set('full_text', self.__decorate(module, widget, text))
if self.__config.debug():
blk.set('__state', ', '.join(module.state(widget)))
return blk
def blocks(self, module):
blocks = []
for widget in module.widgets():
if widget.module() and self.__config.autohide(widget.module().name()):
if not any(state in widget.state() for state in [ 'warning', 'critical']):
blocks.append(self.__separator_block(module, widget))
blocks.append(self.__content_block(module, widget))
return blocks
def update(self, affected_modules=None):
now = time.time()
for module in self.__modules:
if affected_modules and not in affected_modules:
if not affected_modules and module.next_update:
if now < module.next_update:
module.next_update = now + float(module.parameter('interval', self.__config.interval()))
for widget in module.widgets():
self.__content[widget] = widget.full_text()
def statusline(self):
blocks = []
for module in self.__modules:
return {
'blocks': blocks,
'suffix': ','
def wait(self, interval):
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