Package xkbgroup as "thirdparty", because it was slightly patched for python2.x compatibility. see #177
9440 lines
356 KiB
9440 lines
356 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# #! /bin/sh
# h2xml -c -o xkb.xml X11/Xlib.h X11/Xlibint.h X11/XKBlib.h
# # The python-ctypeslib packages contains a bug; firstly fix it with the patch
# # from
# xml2py -k defst -o -l X11 xkb.xml
# # Stop interpreter from crying
# # P.S. X.h has None and Xlib.h has True and False #defines
# # To use them without overlapping with the Python keywords just add trailing
# # underscores, like None_, True_ and False_
# sed -i "s/^None /None_ /"
# sed -i "s/'None'/'None_'/"
# sed -i "s/^True /True_ /"
# sed -i "s/'True'/'True_'/"
# sed -i "s/^False /False_ /"
# sed -i "s/'False'/'False_'/"
# sed -i 's/\( = [0-9]\+\)L/\1/g'
# # Write this script's contents for reference
# (sed 's/\(.*\)/# \1/; s/# $/#/' "$0"; echo; cat > tmp
# mv tmp xkbgroup/
# rm
from ctypes import *
STRING = c_char_p
_libraries = {}
_libraries[''] = CDLL('')
WSTRING = c_wchar_p
XIMIsSecondary = 2
XIMIsPrimary = 1
XIMIsInvisible = 0
XIMDontChange = 11
XIMAbsolutePosition = 10
XIMLineEnd = 9
XIMLineStart = 8
XIMNextLine = 6
XIMForwardChar = 0
XIMBitmapType = 1
XIMTextType = 0
XOMOrientation_Context = 4
XOMOrientation_TTB_RTL = 3
XOMOrientation_RTL_TTB = 1
XOMOrientation_LTR_TTB = 0
XIMBackwardWord = 3
P_ALL = 0
XIMForwardWord = 2
P_PID = 1
P_PGID = 2
XIMPreviousLine = 7
XIMCaretDown = 5
XIMCaretUp = 4
XIMBackwardChar = 1
XOMOrientation_TTB_LTR = 2
ETXTBSY = 26 # Variable c_int '26'
GCClipXOrigin = 131072 # Variable c_long '131072l'
XkbSA_SetValMin = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
NoSymbol = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
ButtonMotionMask = 8192 # Variable c_long '8192l'
XkbSI_LevelOneOnly = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
XkbNoIndicator = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
X_SetSelectionOwner = 22 # Variable c_int '22'
EL3HLT = 46 # Variable c_int '46'
EnterWindowMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
ENOTSOCK = 88 # Variable c_int '88'
XkbSA_GroupAbsolute = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbLC_AlternateGroup = 4096 # Variable c_long '4096l'
XIMPrimary = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbSI_OpMask = 127 # Variable c_int '127'
ENOLINK = 67 # Variable c_int '67'
__NFDBITS = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
ColormapInstalled = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
AnyModifier = 32768 # Variable c_int '32768'
X_ImageText16 = 77 # Variable c_int '77'
X_PolyRectangle = 67 # Variable c_int '67'
_DEFAULT_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ForgetGravity = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbTwoLevelMask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xGetPropertyReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
KBKey = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
X_kbSetGeometry = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
MappingFailed = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
EALREADY = 114 # Variable c_int '114'
XIMPreeditArea = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XkbAXN_SKReleaseMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
E2BIG = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
CWBorderPixel = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
EHOSTDOWN = 112 # Variable c_int '112'
GrayScale = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EBUSY = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
X_GetImage = 73 # Variable c_int '73'
sz_xChangeHostsReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_FreeCursor = 95 # Variable c_int '95'
ButtonPress = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
sz_xFontProp = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_ListExtensions = 99 # Variable c_int '99'
EDQUOT = 122 # Variable c_int '122'
PointerWindow = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
IsViewable = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
X_QueryTextExtents = 48 # Variable c_int '48'
X_TCP_PORT = 6000 # Variable c_int '6000'
XkbAX_SKPressFBMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
X_FreeGC = 60 # Variable c_int '60'
AllPlanes = 18446744073709551615 # Variable c_ulong '-1ul'
X_ImageText8 = 76 # Variable c_int '76'
ArcPieSlice = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_ChangeKeyboardControl = 102 # Variable c_int '102'
EXFULL = 54 # Variable c_int '54'
X_ChangeKeyboardMapping = 100 # Variable c_int '100'
XkbIM_UseNone = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xLookupColorReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
X_ChangeGC = 56 # Variable c_int '56'
XkbPCF_LookupStateWhenGrabbed = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
EFBIG = 27 # Variable c_int '27'
X_GetKeyboardControl = 103 # Variable c_int '103'
ColormapChangeMask = 8388608 # Variable c_long '8388608l'
XkbAX_StickyKeysFBMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
__WORDSIZE = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
XNStatusDoneCallback = 'statusDoneCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"statusDoneCallback"'
_XOPEN_SOURCE = 700 # Variable c_int '700'
LineOnOffDash = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XLookupBoth = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
sz_xStoreColorsReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
LASTEvent = 36 # Variable c_int '36'
sz_xOpenFontReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
__GLIBC__ = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
DefaultExposures = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbSA_LockNoUnlock = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
sz_xQueryBestSizeReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
GXnand = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
sz_xGenericReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
Mod2Mask = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
VisibilityNotify = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
_XLOCALE_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSA_SwitchScreen = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
XkbAXN_SKAcceptMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbSymbolsNameMask = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
sz_xPolyText16Req = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
ENOTTY = 25 # Variable c_int '25'
XNQueryIMValuesList = 'queryIMValuesList' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"queryIMValuesList"'
X_AllocColor = 84 # Variable c_int '84'
sz_xGrabKeyboardReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
__USE_POSIX2 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EMLINK = 31 # Variable c_int '31'
__USE_XOPEN2K8XSI = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
FamilyInternet = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
GXandReverse = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ECANCELED = 125 # Variable c_int '125'
XNStatusAttributes = 'statusAttributes' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"statusAttributes"'
XIMPreeditCallbacks = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbExplicitKeyType4Mask = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbKeyTypeNamesMask = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
MappingSuccess = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
XkbKeyNamesMask = 512 # Variable c_int '512'
XNDefaultString = 'defaultString' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"defaultString"'
XkbIM_UseBase = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XkbPCF_DetectableAutoRepeatMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XkbAX_DumbBellFBMask = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
sz_xGetFontPathReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
Mod3MapIndex = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
X_kbGetDeviceInfo = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
sz_xReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
ELOOP = 40 # Variable c_int '40'
SouthGravity = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
sz_xConfigureWindowReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbLC_AllComposeControls = 3221225472 # Variable c_uint '3221225472u'
XkbSA_NoAcceleration = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
GCForeground = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbSI_NoneOf = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xListPropertiesReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
__W_CONTINUED = 65535 # Variable c_int '65535'
ArcChord = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbAXN_AXKWarning = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
EISNAM = 120 # Variable c_int '120'
sz_xGetScreenSaverReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
ColormapNotify = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
X_QueryTree = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
PlaceOnTop = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XlibDisplayNoXkb = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
sz_xSetClipRectanglesReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbSA_SwitchAbsolute = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
sz_xCreateCursorReq = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbXI_AllDeviceFeaturesMask = 30 # Variable c_int '30'
sz_xAllocColorCellsReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
RetainTemporary = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
_BITS_TYPES_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EILSEQ = 84 # Variable c_int '84'
MapRequest = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
XkbAllGroupsMask = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
ENONET = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
ECHRNG = 44 # Variable c_int '44'
NotifyPointerRoot = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
GCJoinStyle = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
GCTileStipYOrigin = 8192 # Variable c_long '8192l'
XIMStringConversionLeftEdge = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ESRCH = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
CWY = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
CWX = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ReplayKeyboard = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
XkbAllNamesMask = 16383 # Variable c_int '16383'
YXSorted = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xGetAtomNameReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
ENOMSG = 42 # Variable c_int '42'
XkbSA_BreakLatch = 1045249 # Variable c_int '1045249'
EISDIR = 21 # Variable c_int '21'
LockMapIndex = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGeomPtsPerMM = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
__GNU_LIBRARY__ = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
sz_xImageTextReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
EnterNotify = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
X_QueryBestSize = 97 # Variable c_int '97'
X_InstallColormap = 81 # Variable c_int '81'
X_ConvertSelection = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
XkbNoShiftLevel = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
LeaveWindowMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
BadAccess = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
XkbIM_UseAnyGroup = 15 # Variable c_long '15l'
X_AllowEvents = 35 # Variable c_int '35'
EBADRQC = 56 # Variable c_int '56'
StaticColor = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xGetSelectionOwnerReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xPolyFillRectangleReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
sz_xGrabKeyboardReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
CWBackingPlanes = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
XkbSA_ISONoAffectPtr = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
XkbRGMaxMembers = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbGroupBaseMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
X_InternAtom = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
sz_xSetMappingReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xGrabPointerReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
X_GetProperty = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
XkbDfltXIId = 1024 # Variable c_int '1024'
sz_xSendEventReq = 44 # Variable c_int '44'
X_ForceScreenSaver = 115 # Variable c_int '115'
sz_xGrabPointerReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
KBBellPercent = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
sz_xAllocColorReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
__FD_SETSIZE = 1024 # Variable c_int '1024'
DisableAccess = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
Button2MotionMask = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
LOCKED = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbMapNotifyMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
Convex = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
FARCSPERBATCH = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
EMFILE = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
X_UnmapWindow = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
PropertyNotify = 28 # Variable c_int '28'
Button3MotionMask = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
__PTHREAD_MUTEX_HAVE_ELISION = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbNumberErrors = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
MSBFirst = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
WNOHANG = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xGetModifierMappingReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbCompatGrabModsMask = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
CWOverrideRedirect = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
ENOSTR = 60 # Variable c_int '60'
sz_xSetModifierMappingReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
__INO_T_MATCHES_INO64_T = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
FamilyDECnet = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_Bell = 104 # Variable c_int '104'
X_ListInstalledColormaps = 83 # Variable c_int '83'
X_OpenFont = 45 # Variable c_int '45'
XlibDisplayIOError = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
InputFocus = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xPutImageReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
KBBellDuration = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
CapNotLast = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XIMPreeditPosition = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T = 56 # Variable c_int '56'
XkbGrabModsMask = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
XkbLC_ConsumeKeysOnComposeFail = 536870912 # Variable c_int '536870912'
NotifyHint = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xQueryFontReply = 60 # Variable c_int '60'
XNQueryInputStyle = 'queryInputStyle' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"queryInputStyle"'
__USE_XOPEN2KXSI = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ShiftMapIndex = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbAXN_SKAccept = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XlibDisplayDfltRMDB = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
CWSibling = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
__USE_XOPEN2K8 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
SelectionNotify = 31 # Variable c_int '31'
BadAtom = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
RAND_MAX = 2147483647 # Variable c_int '2147483647'
XkbSA_NoAction = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
NeedVarargsPrototypes = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
CapButt = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xCopyAreaReq = 28 # Variable c_int '28'
XkbCompatNameMask = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xSetFontPathReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbAllExtensionDeviceEventsMask = 32799 # Variable c_int '32799'
AllTemporary = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
ESRMNT = 69 # Variable c_int '69'
X_MapWindow = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
_ISOC99_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbControlsEnabledMask = 2147483648 # Variable c_long '2147483648l'
X_QueryKeymap = 44 # Variable c_int '44'
XkbCompatLookupModsMask = 4096 # Variable c_long '4096l'
X_KillClient = 113 # Variable c_int '113'
sz_xCreateGCReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
XkbSA_ISOAffectMask = 120 # Variable c_int '120'
ResizeRedirectMask = 262144 # Variable c_long '262144l'
RaiseLowest = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_CreatePixmap = 53 # Variable c_int '53'
XIMPreeditNothing = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
DefaultBlanking = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
__timer_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGBN_ServerSymbolsMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
sz_xAllocNamedColorReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XNPreeditDoneCallback = 'preeditDoneCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditDoneCallback"'
XkbLC_ControlFallback = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
X_GrabKey = 33 # Variable c_int '33'
GCTile = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
sz_xGetGeometryReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
HostInsert = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
AutoRepeatModeDefault = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbSA_MoveAbsoluteY = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbSA_MoveAbsoluteX = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
_SIGSET_H_types = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
KBKeyClickPercent = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
DontPreferBlanking = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbPointerButtonMask = 8192 # Variable c_long '8192l'
GCDashList = 2097152 # Variable c_long '2097152l'
X_ListHosts = 110 # Variable c_int '110'
X_GetPointerMapping = 117 # Variable c_int '117'
CWBitGravity = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
sz_xGetMotionEventsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
EKEYREJECTED = 129 # Variable c_int '129'
NotifyDetailNone = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
BadLength = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
ENOTCONN = 107 # Variable c_int '107'
InputOnly = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ENETUNREACH = 101 # Variable c_int '101'
CWEventMask = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
sz_xChangePropertyReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
UnmapGravity = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbSA_LockControls = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
MapNotify = 19 # Variable c_int '19'
XNStringConversion = 'stringConversion' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"stringConversion"'
sz_xQueryColorsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
X_FillPoly = 69 # Variable c_int '69'
sz_xConnClientPrefix = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbSA_SetControls = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
X_kbBell = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbName = 'XKEYBOARD' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"XKEYBOARD"'
XkbOD_NonXkbServer = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbSA_ISONoAffectMods = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
XkbIM_UseAnyMods = 31 # Variable c_long '31l'
ButtonPressMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbSA_MessageGenKeyEvent = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
X_GetAtomName = 17 # Variable c_int '17'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XNStdColormap = 'stdColorMap' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"stdColorMap"'
sz_xResourceReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EastGravity = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
ENOTBLK = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
XkbWrapIntoRange = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
__USE_ISOC11 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbLC_Partial = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
X_GetFontPath = 52 # Variable c_int '52'
XIMStringConversionWord = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
ENOPKG = 65 # Variable c_int '65'
XkbBounceKeysMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
LineDoubleDash = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
SyncBoth = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
ESTALE = 116 # Variable c_int '116'
X_ChangeHosts = 109 # Variable c_int '109'
XkbIM_LEDDrivesKB = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbSA_ISODfltIsGroup = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
X_kbSetIndicatorMap = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
XkbAllClientInfoMask = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
XIMStringConversionTopEdge = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XNDestroyCallback = 'destroyCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"destroyCallback"'
XIMStringConversionChar = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbUseCoreKbd = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
XkbComponentNamesMask = 63 # Variable c_int '63'
sz_xPolyFillArcReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbAllRequiredTypes = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
__time_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbKeycodesNameMask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGroup4Mask = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
sz_xFillPolyReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
SubstructureNotifyMask = 524288 # Variable c_long '524288l'
XkbModifierLatchMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
ENOTUNIQ = 76 # Variable c_int '76'
XkbKeyAliasesMask = 1024 # Variable c_int '1024'
ELNRNG = 48 # Variable c_int '48'
ERESTART = 85 # Variable c_int '85'
BadRequest = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbLC_ComposeLED = 1073741824 # Variable c_int '1073741824'
CWCursor = 16384 # Variable c_long '16384l'
Mod2MapIndex = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_GetSelectionOwner = 23 # Variable c_int '23'
ENOPROTOOPT = 92 # Variable c_int '92'
BadIDChoice = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
True_ = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XNPreeditDrawCallback = 'preeditDrawCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditDrawCallback"'
X_CopyPlane = 63 # Variable c_int '63'
sz_xPolyRectangleReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XNMissingCharSet = 'missingCharSet' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"missingCharSet"'
XkbGeometryMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbGeometryNameMask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbAXN_SKRelease = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbKeypadIndex = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XCONN_CHECK_FREQ = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
XNFocusWindow = 'focusWindow' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"focusWindow"'
GCCapStyle = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
Button1Mask = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
X_kbSelectEvents = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
CWDontPropagate = 4096 # Variable c_long '4096l'
XkbRedirectIntoRange = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
XNInputStyle = 'inputStyle' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"inputStyle"'
ELIBACC = 79 # Variable c_int '79'
SelectionClear = 29 # Variable c_int '29'
XkbControlsNotifyMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
WestGravity = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
ButtonReleaseMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
FocusIn = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
FontRightToLeft = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xUngrabKeyReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
__WALL = 1073741824 # Variable c_int '1073741824'
ENOTDIR = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
GCLineWidth = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
CWBackingPixel = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
XNFontSet = 'fontSet' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"fontSet"'
XkbSA_SetValRelative = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
CWStackMode = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
XkbSA_SwitchApplication = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XkbGBN_SymbolsMask = 12 # Variable c_long '12l'
sz_xGetImageReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbDF_DisableLocks = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSI_Exactly = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbLC_KeypadKeys = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
XkbAnyGroupMask = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
Always = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XIMStatusNothing = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
FUNCPROTO = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
DestroyNotify = 17 # Variable c_int '17'
GCFillRule = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
XkbSA_UseDfltButton = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
GCArcMode = 4194304 # Variable c_long '4194304l'
ColormapUninstalled = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
EINVAL = 22 # Variable c_int '22'
XkbAnyActionDataSize = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
XkbPerKeyBitArraySize = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
SubstructureRedirectMask = 1048576 # Variable c_long '1048576l'
XkbOverlay2Mask = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
EHOSTUNREACH = 113 # Variable c_int '113'
XkbActionMessage = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
XkbSA_NumActions = 21 # Variable c_int '21'
sz_xQueryTreeReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xAllocColorPlanesReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbMouseKeysMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
XkbVirtualModsMask = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
XIMVisibleToBackword = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
sz_xHostEntry = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbMaxRedirectCount = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbKeyBehaviorsMask = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbKTLevelNamesMask = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
XkbAllXIIds = 1536 # Variable c_int '1536'
XkbNKN_DeviceIDMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
X_kbGetNames = 17 # Variable c_int '17'
XkbUseCorePtr = 512 # Variable c_int '512'
X_CopyArea = 62 # Variable c_int '62'
XkbAccessXOptionsMask = 264 # Variable c_long '264l'
EOPNOTSUPP = 95 # Variable c_int '95'
YXBanded = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbVirtualModMapMask = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
DisableScreenSaver = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XNStringConversionCallback = 'stringConversionCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"stringConversionCallback"'
__USE_POSIX = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbOneLevelIndex = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
IncludeInferiors = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_CloseFont = 46 # Variable c_int '46'
XkbCompatMapNotifyMask = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
UNLOCKED = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xCreatePixmapReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
__clockid_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
GXcopyInverted = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbGBN_KeyNamesMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
BadMatch = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
EREMOTE = 66 # Variable c_int '66'
XIMPreeditUnKnown = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
__WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
AnyButton = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
_SYS_TYPES_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGroupCompatMask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
__USE_GNU = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xGetImageReq = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
WUNTRACED = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xGetWindowAttributesReply = 44 # Variable c_int '44'
XkbMaxShiftLevel = 63 # Variable c_int '63'
XkbAllControlsMask = 4160757759 # Variable c_uint '4160757759u'
XIMVisibleToCenter = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
SyncPointer = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
PlaceOnBottom = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
_STDLIB_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
__ldiv_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbInternalModsMask = 268435456 # Variable c_long '268435456l'
NoExpose = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
X_DestroySubwindows = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
CreateNotify = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
GCGraphicsExposures = 65536 # Variable c_long '65536l'
ReparentNotify = 21 # Variable c_int '21'
XkbGroupNamesMask = 4096 # Variable c_int '4096'
sz_xWarpPointerReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
XLookupNone = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xPolySegmentReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
GCSubwindowMode = 32768 # Variable c_long '32768l'
XkbNumVirtualMods = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
DontAllowExposures = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbKB_RadioGroup = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
X_kbListComponents = 22 # Variable c_int '22'
sz_xStoreNamedColorReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
GrabModeAsync = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
AllowExposures = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
IsUnviewable = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
CWWinGravity = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
FirstExtensionError = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
LastExtensionError = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
WNOWAIT = 16777216 # Variable c_int '16777216'
PropertyDelete = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_GrabButton = 28 # Variable c_int '28'
SouthEastGravity = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
XkbMaxKbdGroup = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XIMStringConversionBottomEdge = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
EHWPOISON = 133 # Variable c_int '133'
XIMInitialState = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
X_UnmapSubwindows = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
IsUnmapped = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
QueuedAfterFlush = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbXI_UnsupportedFeatureMask = 32768 # Variable c_long '32768l'
AsyncPointer = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbSA_PtrBtn = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
ConfigureRequest = 23 # Variable c_int '23'
sz_xCopyGCReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
XkbSA_LockPtrBtn = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
XkbServerMapMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
__FD_ZERO_STOS = 'stosq' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"stosq"'
DirectColor = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
sz_xTextElt = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
CWBackingStore = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
XkbExtensionDeviceNotify = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
X_ChangeWindowAttributes = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ECONNRESET = 104 # Variable c_int '104'
XNPreeditStateNotifyCallback = 'preeditStateNotifyCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditStateNotifyCallback"'
X_ChangeActivePointerGrab = 30 # Variable c_int '30'
GXnoop = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
XkbAllComponentsMask = 127 # Variable c_int '127'
Mod4MapIndex = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
ButtonRelease = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
CoordModePrevious = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAccessXTimeoutMask = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
LeaveNotify = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
sz_xUngrabButtonReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
ScreenSaverReset = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
Mod1Mask = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_kbGetCompatMap = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
sz_xQueryBestSizeReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xColorItem = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
X_CreateGC = 55 # Variable c_int '55'
XlibDisplayClosing = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
ELFlagFocus = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
NotifyNormal = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_SetPointerMapping = 116 # Variable c_int '116'
GCClipYOrigin = 262144 # Variable c_long '262144l'
X_ListFontsWithInfo = 50 # Variable c_int '50'
HostDelete = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XIMTertiary = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
GXor = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
XkbRepeatKeysMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XkbExplicitKeyType2Mask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ECHILD = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
__USE_XOPEN2K = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
VisibilityUnobscured = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XNHotKey = 'hotKey' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"hotKey"'
KeyPressMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xChangeActivePointerGrabReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
__PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INT_FLAGS_SHARED = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
NotifyUngrab = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xRotatePropertiesReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
AlreadyGrabbed = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
BadGC = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
XIMHighlight = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
PropModeAppend = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbAllXIClasses = 1280 # Variable c_int '1280'
XkbAllExplicitMask = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
XNForeground = 'foreground' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"foreground"'
XkbSA_LockNoLock = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xChangeKeyboardMappingReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbIM_NoAutomatic = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
__OFF_T_MATCHES_OFF64_T = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbIndicatorStateNotify = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
GCPlaneMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbNumModifiers = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
Button3Mask = 1024 # Variable c_int '1024'
XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyMask = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
XkbAX_FeatureFBMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbSA_SetValAbsolute = 80 # Variable c_int '80'
XkbPCF_GrabsUseXKBStateMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
X_GetGeometry = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
_STRING_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
NotifyNonlinearVirtual = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbGBN_OtherNamesMask = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
sz_xGetPointerMappingReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XNPreeditCaretCallback = 'preeditCaretCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditCaretCallback"'
XlibDisplayWriting = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
XkbAllRadioGroupsMask = 4294967295 # Variable c_uint '4294967295u'
__ENUM_IDTYPE_T = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
Mod1MapIndex = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbNamesNotify = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
sz_xListFontsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
NoEventMask = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
XkbStickyKeysMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
XNPreeditStartCallback = 'preeditStartCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditStartCallback"'
X_CirculateWindow = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
NorthWestGravity = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xImageText16Req = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
X_StoreColors = 89 # Variable c_int '89'
NeedFunctionPrototypes = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
__LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1234 # Variable c_int '1234'
__have_pthread_attr_t = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
PseudoColor = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XIMPreeditNone = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
XkbNoShape = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
XkbSA_SetValMax = 48 # Variable c_int '48'
X_PolySegment = 66 # Variable c_int '66'
XkbAX_TwoKeysMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
X_SetScreenSaver = 107 # Variable c_int '107'
XkbSA_DeviceValuator = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
X_ChangePointerControl = 105 # Variable c_int '105'
XNStatusStartCallback = 'statusStartCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"statusStartCallback"'
BadCursor = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
XkbGroup1Mask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
CWHeight = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_DeleteProperty = 19 # Variable c_int '19'
XIMPreeditEnable = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xCreateWindowReq = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
X_PolyLine = 65 # Variable c_int '65'
_BITS_PTHREADTYPES_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
SetModeInsert = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xEvent = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
KBAutoRepeatMode = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
X_kbGetKbdByName = 23 # Variable c_int '23'
sz_xSetModifierMappingReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbAXN_SKReject = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbAXN_BKAcceptMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
GXorInverted = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
XkbGBN_TypesMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
FillSolid = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbAllAccessXEventsMask = 127 # Variable c_int '127'
XkbAXN_SKPressMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
ControlMapIndex = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xVisualType = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
ENOSPC = 28 # Variable c_int '28'
EBADMSG = 74 # Variable c_int '74'
X_DestroyWindow = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
ELIBBAD = 80 # Variable c_int '80'
X_UninstallColormap = 82 # Variable c_int '82'
X_ClearArea = 61 # Variable c_int '61'
ERANGE = 34 # Variable c_int '34'
Button4MotionMask = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
sz_xQueryPointerReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
StippleShape = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
_X11_XLIBINT_H_ = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGroup1Index = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
PTSPERBATCH = 1024 # Variable c_int '1024'
BadFont = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
XkbOD_Success = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
InputOutput = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSA_LatchToLock = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
EUSERS = 87 # Variable c_int '87'
ENODEV = 19 # Variable c_int '19'
X_kbGetGeometry = 19 # Variable c_int '19'
X_GetKeyboardMapping = 101 # Variable c_int '101'
_ERRNO_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T = 40 # Variable c_int '40'
XkbPhysSymbolsNameMask = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbAllStateComponentsMask = 16383 # Variable c_int '16383'
Opposite = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_Reply = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbCompatStateMask = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
XkbMapNotify = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
CursorShape = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbBellNotifyMask = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
ESHUTDOWN = 108 # Variable c_int '108'
UnmapNotify = 18 # Variable c_int '18'
XIMStringConversionBuffer = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xRecolorCursorReq = 20 # Variable c_int '20'
XkbIndicatorMapNotify = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
GXset = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
ECONNREFUSED = 111 # Variable c_int '111'
sz_xCharInfo = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
RevertToPointerRoot = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ENOEXEC = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
EBADF = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
EBADE = 52 # Variable c_int '52'
XNResetState = 'resetState' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"resetState"'
XkbKeyboard = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
__PDP_ENDIAN = 3412 # Variable c_int '3412'
EBADR = 53 # Variable c_int '53'
sz_xArc = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
EXDEV = 18 # Variable c_int '18'
XkbNoModifier = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
QueuedAfterReading = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
_SIGSET_NWORDS = 16 # Variable c_ulong '16ul'
XkbPerKeyRepeatMask = 1073741824 # Variable c_long '1073741824l'
X_GetScreenSaver = 108 # Variable c_int '108'
XkbIM_UseEffective = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
AnyPropertyType = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
KeyPress = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xPolyText8Req = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
NotifyNonlinear = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
GXclear = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbMouseKeysAccelMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XNFilterEvents = 'filterEvents' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"filterEvents"'
ETOOMANYREFS = 109 # Variable c_int '109'
JoinRound = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAXN_AXKWarningMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
sz_xChangePointerControlReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
PropertyNewValue = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_UngrabServer = 37 # Variable c_int '37'
XkbKeySymsMask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
__WCOREFLAG = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
EINPROGRESS = 115 # Variable c_int '115'
XkbSA_SetMods = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbErr_BadDevice = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
sz_xGrabButtonReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
sz_xListFontsReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
EL3RST = 47 # Variable c_int '47'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
_POSIX_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
BadName = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
XkbPCF_AllFlagsMask = 31 # Variable c_int '31'
XkbAccessXKeysMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
X_CreateColormap = 78 # Variable c_int '78'
GXinvert = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
OwnerGrabButtonMask = 16777216 # Variable c_long '16777216l'
GCLastBit = 22 # Variable c_int '22'
BadImplementation = 17 # Variable c_int '17'
X_kbUseExtension = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XNBackgroundPixmap = 'backgroundPixmap' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"backgroundPixmap"'
NeedNestedPrototypes = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
DoGreen = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xListHostsReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
CoordModeOrigin = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbNamesMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
X_PutImage = 72 # Variable c_int '72'
XkbModifierMapMask = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbAccessXFeedbackMask = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
sz_xListFontsWithInfoReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbAX_SKRejectFBMask = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
NorthGravity = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
GCTileStipXOrigin = 4096 # Variable c_long '4096l'
BUFSIZE = 2048 # Variable c_int '2048'
ERFKILL = 132 # Variable c_int '132'
X_PROTOCOL_REVISION = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
WhenMapped = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_NoOperation = 127 # Variable c_int '127'
CirculateNotify = 26 # Variable c_int '26'
X_CreateGlyphCursor = 94 # Variable c_int '94'
sz_xChangeSaveSetReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_kbSetMap = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
X_AllocColorPlanes = 87 # Variable c_int '87'
XkbNewKeyboardNotify = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbGBN_IndicatorMapMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
_ENDIAN_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xListHostsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbSA_SetValCenter = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
__USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbIndicatorMapNotifyMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbSA_LockGroup = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
sz_xReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbAX_SlowWarnFBMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
XkbSI_AutoRepeat = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAllIndicatorsMask = 4294967295 # Variable c_uint '4294967295u'
XNBaseFontName = 'baseFontName' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"baseFontName"'
GravityNotify = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
sz_xGetKeyboardControlReply = 52 # Variable c_int '52'
XkbLC_FunctionKeys = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
XNPreeditAttributes = 'preeditAttributes' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditAttributes"'
XkbExplicitBehaviorMask = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
GrabSuccess = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
Button5Mask = 4096 # Variable c_int '4096'
FocusChangeMask = 2097152 # Variable c_long '2097152l'
XkbTypesNameMask = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
XkbLC_ConsumeLookupMods = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xListFontsWithInfoReply = 60 # Variable c_int '60'
EAFNOSUPPORT = 97 # Variable c_int '97'
XkbLC_AllControls = 3221225503 # Variable c_uint '3221225503u'
WLNSPERBATCH = 50 # Variable c_int '50'
X_GetWindowAttributes = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
BadWindow = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
X_kbSetControls = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
NotifyGrab = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
AllocAll = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xRectangle = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbKeypadMask = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
ENOCSI = 50 # Variable c_int '50'
NeedWidePrototypes = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
__STDLIB_MB_LEN_MAX = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
__WCLONE = 2147483648 # Variable c_uint '2147483648u'
sz_xError = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XNClientWindow = 'clientWindow' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"clientWindow"'
EAGAIN = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
__error_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_kbGetState = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
FamilyChaos = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xSetInputFocusReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
ELIBEXEC = 83 # Variable c_int '83'
XkbMinLegalKeyCode = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XNQueryOrientation = 'queryOrientation' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"queryOrientation"'
XkbSA_UseModMapMods = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
sz_xConnSetup = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbLC_BeepOnComposeFail = -2147483648 # Variable c_int '-0x00000000080000000'
sz_xLookupColorReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbOD_ConnectionRefused = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
X_CreateWindow = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbNumRequiredTypes = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
VisibilityChangeMask = 65536 # Variable c_long '65536l'
XkbSA_ValOpMask = 112 # Variable c_int '112'
XLookupChars = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
EDESTADDRREQ = 89 # Variable c_int '89'
sz_xClearAreaReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
KeyReleaseMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
Complex = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xSetDashesReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
EPROTOTYPE = 91 # Variable c_int '91'
XkbExplicitKeyType3Mask = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_GetInputFocus = 43 # Variable c_int '43'
XIMStringConversionRetrieval = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
X_LookupColor = 92 # Variable c_int '92'
__GLIBC_MINOR__ = 19 # Variable c_int '19'
XIMStringConversionRightEdge = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbLC_AlphanumericKeys = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
CWBorderPixmap = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbNumKbdGroups = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
None_ = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
X_AllocColorCells = 86 # Variable c_int '86'
XkbMaxRadioGroups = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
DisableScreenInterval = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
FamilyServerInterpreted = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
X_UngrabButton = 29 # Variable c_int '29'
GXxor = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
XkbKB_RGAllowNone = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
XIMSecondary = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
sz_xPolyArcReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
GXnor = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
GCClipMask = 524288 # Variable c_long '524288l'
XNResourceClass = 'resourceClass' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"resourceClass"'
sz_xGrabKeyReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
GCStipple = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
XkbKB_Default = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbAXN_SKRejectMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
EFAULT = 14 # Variable c_int '14'
ENOKEY = 126 # Variable c_int '126'
sz_xAllocColorPlanesReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
ENODATA = 61 # Variable c_int '61'
XlibSpecificationRelease = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbLC_IgnoreNewKeyboards = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
LedModeOn = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_CopyColormapAndFree = 80 # Variable c_int '80'
X_SendEvent = 25 # Variable c_int '25'
Button5MotionMask = 4096 # Variable c_long '4096l'
_FEATURES_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_QueryPointer = 38 # Variable c_int '38'
AsyncBoth = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
X_GrabServer = 36 # Variable c_int '36'
sz_xListExtensionsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
X_GrabKeyboard = 31 # Variable c_int '31'
PropertyChangeMask = 4194304 # Variable c_long '4194304l'
KeyRelease = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbLC_ForceLatin1Lookup = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAX_AllOptionsMask = 4095 # Variable c_int '4095'
EPFNOSUPPORT = 96 # Variable c_int '96'
ConfigureNotify = 22 # Variable c_int '22'
XkbSA_ISONoAffectCtrls = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
XkbSA_AffectDfltBtn = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSymInterpMask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGroup3Mask = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_QueryExtension = 98 # Variable c_int '98'
ShiftMask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
MappingModifier = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
EL2NSYNC = 45 # Variable c_int '45'
FillTiled = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
LedModeOff = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
MappingNotify = 34 # Variable c_int '34'
sz_xrgb = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XYBitmap = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
ESTRPIPE = 86 # Variable c_int '86'
CWColormap = 8192 # Variable c_long '8192l'
Mod3Mask = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbGBN_AllComponentsMask = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
EDEADLK = 35 # Variable c_int '35'
FamilyInternet6 = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
JoinBevel = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbModifierLockMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
ControlMask = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbSA_ISOLock = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
XkbAXN_BKReject = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
X_CreateCursor = 93 # Variable c_int '93'
XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XIMStringConversionLine = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ScreenSaverActive = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
GrabNotViewable = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
ExposureMask = 32768 # Variable c_long '32768l'
XLookupKeySym = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
__USE_LARGEFILE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSA_DeviceBtn = 18 # Variable c_int '18'
XkbSA_MovePtr = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
MappingBusy = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbIndicatorStateNotifyMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
XkbKB_Overlay1 = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbKB_Overlay2 = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
SelectionRequest = 30 # Variable c_int '30'
X_FreeColormap = 79 # Variable c_int '79'
sz_xAllowEventsReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XIMPreeditDisable = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbAllEventsMask = 4095 # Variable c_int '4095'
sz_xGetInputFocusReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
__timespec_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
_STRUCT_TIMEVAL = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbDfltXIClass = 768 # Variable c_int '768'
XkbGroupLatchMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
CirculateRequest = 27 # Variable c_int '27'
BadDrawable = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIERATTR_T = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
SouthWestGravity = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
XkbAllVirtualModsMask = 65535 # Variable c_int '65535'
XkbModifierBaseMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
X_ConfigureWindow = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
ENFILE = 23 # Variable c_int '23'
EREMCHG = 78 # Variable c_int '78'
__BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_kbGetControls = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
X_SetDashes = 58 # Variable c_int '58'
XkbNKN_GeometryMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbMaxLegalKeyCode = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
ENOMEM = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
X_ListProperties = 21 # Variable c_int '21'
EOWNERDEAD = 130 # Variable c_int '130'
GCFillStyle = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
CapProjecting = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
AnyKey = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
XkbAX_IndicatorFBMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
XkbAllModifiersMask = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
GrabModeSync = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xSetCloseDownModeReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_kbGetNamedIndicator = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
KBLedMode = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbKB_Lock = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
PreferBlanking = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EIO = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
sz_xInternAtomReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
GXcopy = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XIMStringConversionConcealed = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
_SYS_CDEFS_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xSetPointerMappingReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbGroup4Index = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
sz_xQueryExtensionReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbSI_AnyOfOrNone = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGeomMaxLabelColors = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbPCF_SendEventUsesXKBState = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
YSorted = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
_LARGEFILE_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_kbGetIndicatorMap = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
XkbTwoLevelIndex = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSA_ISONoAffectGroup = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbExplicitVModMapMask = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
FillStippled = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
CenterGravity = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
XkbMaxMouseKeysBtn = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbSA_LockDeviceBtn = 19 # Variable c_int '19'
XNBackground = 'background' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"background"'
XMD_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
NotUseful = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
GXequiv = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
RevertToNone = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
ENOLCK = 37 # Variable c_int '37'
XkbSA_ValScaleMask = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
KBLed = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
Mod4Mask = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
Button3 = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
Button2 = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
Button1 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbXI_IndicatorsMask = 28 # Variable c_int '28'
Button5 = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
Button4 = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_SetModifierMapping = 118 # Variable c_int '118'
sz_xChangeModeReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbSI_AnyOf = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xPolyPointReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
X_SetClipRectangles = 59 # Variable c_int '59'
ClientMessage = 33 # Variable c_int '33'
GCBackground = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
FillOpaqueStippled = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
AutoRepeatModeOff = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
GrabFrozen = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
sz_xSetPointerMappingReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_PolyText16 = 75 # Variable c_int '75'
GXandInverted = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbSlowKeysMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
sz_xGetKeyboardMappingReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
RetainPermanent = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XNQueryICValuesList = 'queryICValuesList' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"queryICValuesList"'
sz_xTranslateCoordsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XNOrientation = 'orientation' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"orientation"'
CWBackPixel = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
ENOBUFS = 105 # Variable c_int '105'
BadValue = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ResizeRequest = 25 # Variable c_int '25'
XIMStatusNone = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
Button2Mask = 512 # Variable c_int '512'
GCFont = 16384 # Variable c_long '16384l'
__USE_BSD = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XNArea = 'area' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"area"'
LSBFirst = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbAnyGroup = 254 # Variable c_int '254'
GraphicsExpose = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
MotionNotify = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
XkbAXN_BKRejectMask = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
errno = (c_int).in_dll(_libraries[''], 'errno')
X_GetMotionEvents = 39 # Variable c_int '39'
XkbIM_UseLatched = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
FRCTSPERBATCH = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
sz_xWindowRoot = 40 # Variable c_int '40'
sz_xPropIconSize = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
sz_xSetAccessControlReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
PointerRoot = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
X_GrabPointer = 26 # Variable c_int '26'
X_UngrabPointer = 27 # Variable c_int '27'
XkbIgnoreLockModsMask = 536870912 # Variable c_long '536870912l'
XkbSA_DfltBtnAbsolute = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
ENOTNAM = 118 # Variable c_int '118'
XIMHotKeyStateOFF = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbExplicitKeyTypesMask = 15 # Variable c_int '15'
ESPIPE = 29 # Variable c_int '29'
__clock_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
CapRound = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
EROFS = 30 # Variable c_int '30'
XkbAudibleBellMask = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
XNLineSpace = 'lineSpace' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"lineSpace"'
XlibDisplayPrivSync = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
NotifyPointer = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
Above = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_kbSetNamedIndicator = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
_ALLOCA_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xImageText8Req = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
X_kbSetNames = 18 # Variable c_int '18'
XNSpotLocation = 'spotLocation' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"spotLocation"'
XNGeometryCallback = 'geometryCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"geometryCallback"'
XTHREADS = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ENAVAIL = 119 # Variable c_int '119'
XIMStringConversionWrapped = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XNVisiblePosition = 'visiblePosition' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"visiblePosition"'
XkbMaxKeyCount = 248 # Variable c_int '248'
XNR6PreeditCallback = 'r6PreeditCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"r6PreeditCallback"'
XNResourceName = 'resourceName' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"resourceName"'
XNDirectionalDependentDrawing = 'directionalDependentDrawing' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"directionalDependentDrawing"'
XkbAccessXNotifyMask = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
LineSolid = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_SetInputFocus = 42 # Variable c_int '42'
EOVERFLOW = 75 # Variable c_int '75'
XYPixmap = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbOD_BadServerVersion = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
_ATFILE_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
FocusOut = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
X_MapSubwindows = 9 # Variable c_int '9'
XIMStringConversionSubstitution = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ENAMETOOLONG = 36 # Variable c_int '36'
NotifyVirtual = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGroup3Index = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbExplicitKeyType1Mask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbIndicatorMapMask = 8 # Variable c_long '8l'
XkbNumIndicators = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
Button4Mask = 2048 # Variable c_int '2048'
XkbGBN_CompatMapMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_T = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbXI_IndicatorStateMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
ClipByChildren = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_kbPerClientFlags = 21 # Variable c_int '21'
ParentRelative = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
EMSGSIZE = 90 # Variable c_int '90'
X_PROTOCOL = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
sz_xConvertSelectionReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
False_ = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xSetSelectionOwnerReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
EREMOTEIO = 121 # Variable c_int '121'
XkbXINone = 65280 # Variable c_int '65280'
X_kbGetIndicatorState = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
_BITS_TYPESIZES_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XNRequiredCharSet = 'requiredCharSet' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"requiredCharSet"'
XkbPCF_AutoResetControlsMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbSA_MessageOnPress = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
X_CopyGC = 57 # Variable c_int '57'
CurrentTime = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
XkbActionMessageLength = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
__USE_POSIX199309 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ELFlagSameScreen = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
ENOANO = 55 # Variable c_int '55'
EUCLEAN = 117 # Variable c_int '117'
XkbMaxSymsPerKey = 252 # Variable c_int '252'
XNContextualDrawing = 'contextualDrawing' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"contextualDrawing"'
_SVID_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XNPreeditState = 'preeditState' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"preeditState"'
__lldiv_t_defined = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_kbSetCompatMap = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
DestroyAll = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
X_PolyText8 = 74 # Variable c_int '74'
XNHotKeyState = 'hotKeyState' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"hotKeyState"'
sz_xQueryColorsReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
sz_xCreateColormapReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
CWWidth = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XIMPreserveState = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
EPIPE = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xPolyLineReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
EINTR = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
EBFONT = 59 # Variable c_int '59'
XkbErr_BadClass = 254 # Variable c_int '254'
XkbKeyTypesMask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbControlsMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
XkbSA_SetGroup = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
EADDRINUSE = 98 # Variable c_int '98'
__WNOTHREAD = 536870912 # Variable c_int '536870912'
KBBellPitch = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
sz_xReparentWindowReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
X_RecolorCursor = 96 # Variable c_int '96'
XkbExplicitComponentsMask = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbGBN_GeometryMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
XkbIndicatorNamesMask = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
sz_xPolyTextReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
ENOENT = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
__USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XlibDisplayProcConni = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
ECOMM = 70 # Variable c_int '70'
X_ChangeProperty = 18 # Variable c_int '18'
XkbAllActionMessagesMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XNOMAutomatic = 'omAutomatic' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"omAutomatic"'
X_SetFontPath = 51 # Variable c_int '51'
ENOTEMPTY = 39 # Variable c_int '39'
sz_xDepth = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbIM_UseCompat = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
sz_xQueryTextExtentsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
X_QueryColors = 91 # Variable c_int '91'
sz_xTranslateCoordsReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
WEXITED = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbExplicitAutoRepeatMask = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
SetModeDelete = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
__USE_ISOC95 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAllNewKeyboardEventsMask = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
__USE_ISOC99 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbLookupModsMask = 2048 # Variable c_long '2048l'
X_SetCloseDownMode = 112 # Variable c_int '112'
EMEDIUMTYPE = 124 # Variable c_int '124'
X_kbGetMap = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
sz_xSegment = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
WRCTSPERBATCH = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
ZRCTSPERBATCH = 256 # Variable c_int '256'
GenericEvent = 35 # Variable c_int '35'
X_PolyFillArc = 71 # Variable c_int '71'
XkbClientMapMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
EPROTONOSUPPORT = 93 # Variable c_int '93'
XkbExplicitInterpretMask = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
LowerHighest = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
ETIME = 62 # Variable c_int '62'
AllocNone = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
ENETRESET = 102 # Variable c_int '102'
__USE_XOPEN = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_TranslateCoords = 40 # Variable c_int '40'
X_GetPointerControl = 106 # Variable c_int '106'
sz_xConnSetupPrefix = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbEventCode = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbSA_ActionMessage = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
sz_xChangeKeyboardControlReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
__USE_ATFILE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAX_LatchToLockMask = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
Mod5MapIndex = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
KeymapStateMask = 16384 # Variable c_long '16384l'
EIDRM = 43 # Variable c_int '43'
EADDRNOTAVAIL = 99 # Variable c_int '99'
XkbClampIntoRange = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
XNAreaNeeded = 'areaNeeded' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"areaNeeded"'
EPERM = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbStateNotify = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
Mod5Mask = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
XkbSA_IgnoreVal = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
ENOMEDIUM = 123 # Variable c_int '123'
X_GetModifierMapping = 119 # Variable c_int '119'
sz_xAllocNamedColorReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
PointerMotionMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
EvenOddRule = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbAlphabeticIndex = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
PointerMotionHintMask = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
sz_xPixmapFormat = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
ELIBMAX = 82 # Variable c_int '82'
_POSIX_C_SOURCE = 200809 # Variable c_long '200809l'
EMULTIHOP = 72 # Variable c_int '72'
XkbIgnoreGroupLockMask = 4096 # Variable c_long '4096l'
XNVaNestedList = 'XNVaNestedList' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"XNVaNestedList"'
XkbIM_UseLocked = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
__USE_SVID = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbKB_Permanent = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
BadColor = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbGroupsWrapMask = 134217728 # Variable c_long '134217728l'
ECONNABORTED = 103 # Variable c_int '103'
X_PolyFillRectangle = 70 # Variable c_int '70'
Success = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T = 56 # Variable c_int '56'
NotifyInferior = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xAllocColorReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbGroup2Index = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XIMStatusArea = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
XEventSize = 32 # Variable c_ulong '32ul'
RevertToParent = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbNumberEvents = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbStateNotifyMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
XkbMinorVersion = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
__USE_EXTERN_INLINES = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T = 48 # Variable c_int '48'
X_QueryFont = 47 # Variable c_int '47'
EDOM = 33 # Variable c_int '33'
XIMUnderline = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
XkbAX_BKRejectFBMask = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
sz_xBellReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbGroupLockMask = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
EnableAccess = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XIMReverse = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
VisibilityFullyObscured = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbErr_BadId = 253 # Variable c_int '253'
XkbSA_LatchMods = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xGetPointerControlReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
LockMask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
EKEYREVOKED = 128 # Variable c_int '128'
MappingKeyboard = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EL2HLT = 51 # Variable c_int '51'
GCFunction = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xSetScreenSaverReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
_BSD_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbBellNotify = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
X_AllocNamedColor = 85 # Variable c_int '85'
XkbSA_Terminate = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XNSeparatorofNestedList = 'separatorofNestedList' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"separatorofNestedList"'
sz_xKeymapEvent = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
CopyFromParent = 0 # Variable c_long '0l'
__USE_LARGEFILE64 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbMajorVersion = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XBufferOverflow = -1 # Variable c_int '-0x00000000000000001'
XkbIM_NoExplicit = 128 # Variable c_long '128l'
XkbKeyActionsMask = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
XkbSA_SetPtrDflt = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
BadAlloc = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
Unsorted = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbGeomMaxPriority = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
X_FreePixmap = 54 # Variable c_int '54'
X_UngrabKeyboard = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
sz_xAllocColorCellsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbSA_MessageOnRelease = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
EKEYEXPIRED = 127 # Variable c_int '127'
sz_xCirculateWindowReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
GXorReverse = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
XkbAllMapComponentsMask = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
CWBorderWidth = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
XkbAX_FBOptionsMask = 3903 # Variable c_int '3903'
XkbSA_LatchGroup = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
EUNATCH = 49 # Variable c_int '49'
XIMHotKeyStateON = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xQueryKeymapReply = 40 # Variable c_int '40'
X_Error = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
AutoRepeatModeOn = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbCompatMapMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
CWSaveUnder = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
XkbLC_ModifierKeys = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
ETIMEDOUT = 110 # Variable c_int '110'
XkbAllGroups = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
ReplayPointer = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
TrueColor = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbAllBellEventsMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
sz_xCreateGlyphCursorReq = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XlibDisplayReadEvents = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
XkbSA_ClearLocks = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
X_ChangeSaveSet = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
ENXIO = 6 # Variable c_int '6'
XkbAXN_SKPress = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XkbGroupStateMask = 16 # Variable c_long '16l'
__USE_MISC = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
DoRed = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
NorthEastGravity = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbXI_KeyboardsMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
ENOSR = 63 # Variable c_int '63'
X_ListFonts = 49 # Variable c_int '49'
ELIBSCN = 81 # Variable c_int '81'
XlibDisplayReply = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
__PTHREAD_MUTEX_HAVE_PREV = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_WarpPointer = 41 # Variable c_int '41'
_BITS_BYTESWAP_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EBADSLT = 57 # Variable c_int '57'
ZPixmap = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XIMVisibleToForward = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
_SYS_SYSMACROS_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_RotateProperties = 114 # Variable c_int '114'
XkbNamesNotifyMask = 64 # Variable c_long '64l'
X_kbLatchLockState = 5 # Variable c_int '5'
sz_xGetPropertyReq = 24 # Variable c_int '24'
sz_xDeletePropertyReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbLC_Hidden = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
__USE_POSIX199506 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
__BIG_ENDIAN = 4321 # Variable c_int '4321'
X_kbSetDeviceInfo = 25 # Variable c_int '25'
EACCES = 13 # Variable c_int '13'
MappingPointer = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
GrabInvalidTime = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
sz_xGetMotionEventsReq = 16 # Variable c_int '16'
sz_xQueryTextExtentsReq = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
Expose = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbAlphabeticMask = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
sz_xChangeGCReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
X_UngrabKey = 34 # Variable c_int '34'
XNFontInfo = 'fontInfo' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"fontInfo"'
TopIf = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
XkbAllCompatMask = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbControlsNotify = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
StructureNotifyMask = 131072 # Variable c_long '131072l'
WCONTINUED = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbRGNamesMask = 8192 # Variable c_int '8192'
XkbXI_AllFeaturesMask = 31 # Variable c_int '31'
sz_xInternAtomReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XNCursor = 'cursor' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"cursor"'
TileShape = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
WSTOPPED = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
X_SetAccessControl = 111 # Variable c_int '111'
XkbCompatMapNotify = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
XkbMaxKeyTypes = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 94 # Variable c_int '94'
FontChange = 255 # Variable c_int '255'
CURSORFONT = 'cursor' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"cursor"'
NotifyWhileGrabbed = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbNoModifierMask = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
Below = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
EEXIST = 17 # Variable c_int '17'
sz_xPoint = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
sz_xGetKeyboardMappingReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
EPROTO = 71 # Variable c_int '71'
_SYS_SELECT_H = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xTimecoord = 8 # Variable c_int '8'
XkbGBN_ClientSymbolsMask = 4 # Variable c_long '4l'
_ISOC95_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbActionMessageMask = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
X_FreeColors = 88 # Variable c_int '88'
XkbAccessXNotify = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
CWBackPixmap = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
Button1MotionMask = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
PropModeReplace = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
XUSE_MTSAFE_API = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbAXN_BKAccept = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
__SYSCALL_WORDSIZE = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
WindingRule = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSA_RedirectKey = 17 # Variable c_int '17'
xFalse = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xListInstalledColormapsReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
ENOTRECOVERABLE = 131 # Variable c_int '131'
XkbAX_SKAcceptFBMask = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
xTrue = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
sz_xCopyColormapAndFreeReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
EADV = 68 # Variable c_int '68'
ENOSYS = 38 # Variable c_int '38'
BottomIf = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
BadPixmap = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbAX_SKReleaseFBMask = 256 # Variable c_long '256l'
ZLNSPERBATCH = 1024 # Variable c_int '1024'
XkbSA_LockMods = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XIMStatusCallbacks = 512 # Variable c_long '512l'
XkbNKN_KeycodesMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
XkbKeyNameLength = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbSI_LockingKey = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
_ISOC11_SOURCE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
X_PolyArc = 68 # Variable c_int '68'
X_StoreNamedColor = 90 # Variable c_int '90'
sz_xQueryExtensionReply = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
XkbModifierStateMask = 1 # Variable c_long '1l'
__USE_UNIX98 = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbSA_XFree86Private = 134 # Variable c_int '134'
XkbAllBooleanCtrlsMask = 8191 # Variable c_int '8191'
sz_xFreeColorsReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
XkbAX_SKOptionsMask = 192 # Variable c_int '192'
XNColormap = 'colorMap' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"colorMap"'
JoinMiter = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
sz_xChangeWindowAttributesReq = 12 # Variable c_int '12'
sz_xForceScreenSaverReq = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
Nonconvex = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbOneLevelMask = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
GCLineStyle = 32 # Variable c_long '32l'
KeymapNotify = 11 # Variable c_int '11'
XkbSI_AllOf = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbAllServerInfoMask = 248 # Variable c_int '248'
QueuedAlready = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
AsyncKeyboard = 3 # Variable c_int '3'
XkbOverlay1Mask = 1024 # Variable c_long '1024l'
SyncKeyboard = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
X_PolyPoint = 64 # Variable c_int '64'
XkbLC_AlwaysConsumeShiftAndLock = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
XkbKB_OpMask = 127 # Variable c_int '127'
StaticGravity = 10 # Variable c_int '10'
sz_xCopyPlaneReq = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
FontLeftToRight = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
StaticGray = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
ENETDOWN = 100 # Variable c_int '100'
XkbVirtualModNamesMask = 2048 # Variable c_int '2048'
EXIT_FAILURE = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
PropModePrepend = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGroup2Mask = 2 # Variable c_int '2'
EDOTDOT = 73 # Variable c_int '73'
EBADFD = 77 # Variable c_int '77'
NotifyAncestor = 0 # Variable c_int '0'
DoBlue = 4 # Variable c_int '4'
EISCONN = 106 # Variable c_int '106'
XkbLC_Default = 2 # Variable c_long '2l'
GXand = 1 # Variable c_int '1'
XkbGeomMaxColors = 32 # Variable c_int '32'
X_ReparentWindow = 7 # Variable c_int '7'
GCDashOffset = 1048576 # Variable c_long '1048576l'
XNStatusDrawCallback = 'statusDrawCallback' # Variable STRING '(const char*)"statusDrawCallback"'
X_kbSetDebuggingFlags = 101 # Variable c_int '101'
XID = c_ulong
Mask = c_ulong
Atom = c_ulong
VisualID = c_ulong
Time = c_ulong
Window = XID
Drawable = XID
Font = XID
Pixmap = XID
Cursor = XID
Colormap = XID
GContext = XID
KeySym = XID
KeyCode = c_ubyte
class _XkbAnyEvent(Structure):
class _XDisplay(Structure):
Display = _XDisplay
_XkbAnyEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_uint),
XkbAnyEvent = _XkbAnyEvent
class _XkbNewKeyboardNotify(Structure):
_XkbNewKeyboardNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('old_device', c_int),
('min_key_code', c_int),
('max_key_code', c_int),
('old_min_key_code', c_int),
('old_max_key_code', c_int),
('changed', c_uint),
('req_major', c_char),
('req_minor', c_char),
XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent = _XkbNewKeyboardNotify
class _XkbMapNotifyEvent(Structure):
_XkbMapNotifyEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('changed', c_uint),
('flags', c_uint),
('first_type', c_int),
('num_types', c_int),
('min_key_code', KeyCode),
('max_key_code', KeyCode),
('first_key_sym', KeyCode),
('first_key_act', KeyCode),
('first_key_behavior', KeyCode),
('first_key_explicit', KeyCode),
('first_modmap_key', KeyCode),
('first_vmodmap_key', KeyCode),
('num_key_syms', c_int),
('num_key_acts', c_int),
('num_key_behaviors', c_int),
('num_key_explicit', c_int),
('num_modmap_keys', c_int),
('num_vmodmap_keys', c_int),
('vmods', c_uint),
XkbMapNotifyEvent = _XkbMapNotifyEvent
class _XkbStateNotifyEvent(Structure):
_XkbStateNotifyEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('changed', c_uint),
('group', c_int),
('base_group', c_int),
('latched_group', c_int),
('locked_group', c_int),
('mods', c_uint),
('base_mods', c_uint),
('latched_mods', c_uint),
('locked_mods', c_uint),
('compat_state', c_int),
('grab_mods', c_ubyte),
('compat_grab_mods', c_ubyte),
('lookup_mods', c_ubyte),
('compat_lookup_mods', c_ubyte),
('ptr_buttons', c_int),
('keycode', KeyCode),
('event_type', c_char),
('req_major', c_char),
('req_minor', c_char),
XkbStateNotifyEvent = _XkbStateNotifyEvent
class _XkbControlsNotify(Structure):
_XkbControlsNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('changed_ctrls', c_uint),
('enabled_ctrls', c_uint),
('enabled_ctrl_changes', c_uint),
('num_groups', c_int),
('keycode', KeyCode),
('event_type', c_char),
('req_major', c_char),
('req_minor', c_char),
XkbControlsNotifyEvent = _XkbControlsNotify
class _XkbIndicatorNotify(Structure):
_XkbIndicatorNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('changed', c_uint),
('state', c_uint),
XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent = _XkbIndicatorNotify
class _XkbNamesNotify(Structure):
_XkbNamesNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('changed', c_uint),
('first_type', c_int),
('num_types', c_int),
('first_lvl', c_int),
('num_lvls', c_int),
('num_aliases', c_int),
('num_radio_groups', c_int),
('changed_vmods', c_uint),
('changed_groups', c_uint),
('changed_indicators', c_uint),
('first_key', c_int),
('num_keys', c_int),
XkbNamesNotifyEvent = _XkbNamesNotify
class _XkbCompatMapNotify(Structure):
_XkbCompatMapNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('changed_groups', c_uint),
('first_si', c_int),
('num_si', c_int),
('num_total_si', c_int),
XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent = _XkbCompatMapNotify
class _XkbBellNotify(Structure):
_XkbBellNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('percent', c_int),
('pitch', c_int),
('duration', c_int),
('bell_class', c_int),
('bell_id', c_int),
('name', Atom),
('window', Window),
('event_only', c_int),
XkbBellNotifyEvent = _XkbBellNotify
class _XkbActionMessage(Structure):
_XkbActionMessage._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('keycode', KeyCode),
('press', c_int),
('key_event_follows', c_int),
('group', c_int),
('mods', c_uint),
('message', c_char * 7),
XkbActionMessageEvent = _XkbActionMessage
class _XkbAccessXNotify(Structure):
_XkbAccessXNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('detail', c_int),
('keycode', c_int),
('sk_delay', c_int),
('debounce_delay', c_int),
XkbAccessXNotifyEvent = _XkbAccessXNotify
class _XkbExtensionDeviceNotify(Structure):
_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('time', Time),
('xkb_type', c_int),
('device', c_int),
('reason', c_uint),
('supported', c_uint),
('unsupported', c_uint),
('first_btn', c_int),
('num_btns', c_int),
('leds_defined', c_uint),
('led_state', c_uint),
('led_class', c_int),
('led_id', c_int),
XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent = _XkbExtensionDeviceNotify
class _XkbEvent(Union):
XkbEvent = _XkbEvent
class _XkbKbdDpyState(Structure):
_XkbKbdDpyState._fields_ = [
XkbKbdDpyStatePtr = POINTER(_XkbKbdDpyState)
XkbKbdDpyStateRec = _XkbKbdDpyState
XkbIgnoreExtension = _libraries[''].XkbIgnoreExtension
XkbIgnoreExtension.restype = c_int
XkbIgnoreExtension.argtypes = [c_int]
XkbOpenDisplay = _libraries[''].XkbOpenDisplay
XkbOpenDisplay.restype = POINTER(Display)
XkbOpenDisplay.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XkbQueryExtension = _libraries[''].XkbQueryExtension
XkbQueryExtension.restype = c_int
XkbQueryExtension.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XkbUseExtension = _libraries[''].XkbUseExtension
XkbUseExtension.restype = c_int
XkbUseExtension.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XkbLibraryVersion = _libraries[''].XkbLibraryVersion
XkbLibraryVersion.restype = c_int
XkbLibraryVersion.argtypes = [POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XkbSetXlibControls = _libraries[''].XkbSetXlibControls
XkbSetXlibControls.restype = c_uint
XkbSetXlibControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint]
XkbGetXlibControls = _libraries[''].XkbGetXlibControls
XkbGetXlibControls.restype = c_uint
XkbGetXlibControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XkbXlibControlsImplemented = _libraries[''].XkbXlibControlsImplemented
XkbXlibControlsImplemented.restype = c_uint
XkbXlibControlsImplemented.argtypes = []
XkbInternAtomFunc = CFUNCTYPE(Atom, POINTER(Display), STRING, c_int)
XkbGetAtomNameFunc = CFUNCTYPE(STRING, POINTER(Display), Atom)
XkbSetAtomFuncs = _libraries[''].XkbSetAtomFuncs
XkbSetAtomFuncs.restype = None
XkbSetAtomFuncs.argtypes = [XkbInternAtomFunc, XkbGetAtomNameFunc]
XkbKeycodeToKeysym = _libraries[''].XkbKeycodeToKeysym
XkbKeycodeToKeysym.restype = KeySym
XkbKeycodeToKeysym.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeyCode, c_int, c_int]
XkbKeysymToModifiers = _libraries[''].XkbKeysymToModifiers
XkbKeysymToModifiers.restype = c_uint
XkbKeysymToModifiers.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeySym]
XkbLookupKeySym = _libraries[''].XkbLookupKeySym
XkbLookupKeySym.restype = c_int
XkbLookupKeySym.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeyCode, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(KeySym)]
XkbLookupKeyBinding = _libraries[''].XkbLookupKeyBinding
XkbLookupKeyBinding.restype = c_int
XkbLookupKeyBinding.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeySym, c_uint, STRING, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
class _XkbDesc(Structure):
XkbDescPtr = POINTER(_XkbDesc)
XkbTranslateKeyCode = _libraries[''].XkbTranslateKeyCode
XkbTranslateKeyCode.restype = c_int
XkbTranslateKeyCode.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, KeyCode, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(KeySym)]
XkbTranslateKeySym = _libraries[''].XkbTranslateKeySym
XkbTranslateKeySym.restype = c_int
XkbTranslateKeySym.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(KeySym), c_uint, STRING, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate = _libraries[''].XkbSetAutoRepeatRate
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate.restype = c_int
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate = _libraries[''].XkbGetAutoRepeatRate
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate.restype = c_int
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbChangeEnabledControls = _libraries[''].XkbChangeEnabledControls
XkbChangeEnabledControls.restype = c_int
XkbChangeEnabledControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbDeviceBell = _libraries[''].XkbDeviceBell
XkbDeviceBell.restype = c_int
XkbDeviceBell.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, Atom]
XkbForceDeviceBell = _libraries[''].XkbForceDeviceBell
XkbForceDeviceBell.restype = c_int
XkbForceDeviceBell.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XkbDeviceBellEvent = _libraries[''].XkbDeviceBellEvent
XkbDeviceBellEvent.restype = c_int
XkbDeviceBellEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, Atom]
XkbBell = _libraries[''].XkbBell
XkbBell.restype = c_int
XkbBell.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, Atom]
XkbForceBell = _libraries[''].XkbForceBell
XkbForceBell.restype = c_int
XkbForceBell.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XkbBellEvent = _libraries[''].XkbBellEvent
XkbBellEvent.restype = c_int
XkbBellEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, Atom]
XkbSelectEvents = _libraries[''].XkbSelectEvents
XkbSelectEvents.restype = c_int
XkbSelectEvents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbSelectEventDetails = _libraries[''].XkbSelectEventDetails
XkbSelectEventDetails.restype = c_int
XkbSelectEventDetails.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong]
class _XkbMapChanges(Structure):
XkbMapChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbMapChanges)
XkbNoteMapChanges = _libraries[''].XkbNoteMapChanges
XkbNoteMapChanges.restype = None
XkbNoteMapChanges.argtypes = [XkbMapChangesPtr, POINTER(XkbMapNotifyEvent), c_uint]
class _XkbNameChanges(Structure):
XkbNameChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbNameChanges)
XkbNoteNameChanges = _libraries[''].XkbNoteNameChanges
XkbNoteNameChanges.restype = None
XkbNoteNameChanges.argtypes = [XkbNameChangesPtr, POINTER(XkbNamesNotifyEvent), c_uint]
XkbGetIndicatorState = _libraries[''].XkbGetIndicatorState
XkbGetIndicatorState.restype = c_int
XkbGetIndicatorState.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbGetIndicatorMap = _libraries[''].XkbGetIndicatorMap
XkbGetIndicatorMap.restype = c_int
XkbGetIndicatorMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong, XkbDescPtr]
XkbSetIndicatorMap = _libraries[''].XkbSetIndicatorMap
XkbSetIndicatorMap.restype = c_int
XkbSetIndicatorMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong, XkbDescPtr]
class _XkbIndicatorMapRec(Structure):
XkbIndicatorMapPtr = POINTER(_XkbIndicatorMapRec)
XkbGetNamedIndicator = _libraries[''].XkbGetNamedIndicator
XkbGetNamedIndicator.restype = c_int
XkbGetNamedIndicator.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Atom, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), XkbIndicatorMapPtr, POINTER(c_int)]
XkbGetNamedDeviceIndicator = _libraries[''].XkbGetNamedDeviceIndicator
XkbGetNamedDeviceIndicator.restype = c_int
XkbGetNamedDeviceIndicator.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, Atom, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), XkbIndicatorMapPtr, POINTER(c_int)]
XkbSetNamedIndicator = _libraries[''].XkbSetNamedIndicator
XkbSetNamedIndicator.restype = c_int
XkbSetNamedIndicator.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Atom, c_int, c_int, c_int, XkbIndicatorMapPtr]
XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator = _libraries[''].XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator
XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator.restype = c_int
XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, Atom, c_int, c_int, c_int, XkbIndicatorMapPtr]
XkbLockModifiers = _libraries[''].XkbLockModifiers
XkbLockModifiers.restype = c_int
XkbLockModifiers.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbLatchModifiers = _libraries[''].XkbLatchModifiers
XkbLatchModifiers.restype = c_int
XkbLatchModifiers.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbLockGroup = _libraries[''].XkbLockGroup
XkbLockGroup.restype = c_int
XkbLockGroup.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint]
XkbLatchGroup = _libraries[''].XkbLatchGroup
XkbLatchGroup.restype = c_int
XkbLatchGroup.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint]
XkbSetServerInternalMods = _libraries[''].XkbSetServerInternalMods
XkbSetServerInternalMods.restype = c_int
XkbSetServerInternalMods.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods = _libraries[''].XkbSetIgnoreLockMods
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods.restype = c_int
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbVirtualModsToReal = _libraries[''].XkbVirtualModsToReal
XkbVirtualModsToReal.restype = c_int
XkbVirtualModsToReal.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint)]
class _XkbKeyType(Structure):
XkbKeyTypePtr = POINTER(_XkbKeyType)
XkbComputeEffectiveMap = _libraries[''].XkbComputeEffectiveMap
XkbComputeEffectiveMap.restype = c_int
XkbComputeEffectiveMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, XkbKeyTypePtr, POINTER(c_ubyte)]
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes = _libraries[''].XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes.restype = c_int
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
XkbAllocKeyboard = _libraries[''].XkbAllocKeyboard
XkbAllocKeyboard.restype = XkbDescPtr
XkbAllocKeyboard.argtypes = []
XkbFreeKeyboard = _libraries[''].XkbFreeKeyboard
XkbFreeKeyboard.restype = None
XkbFreeKeyboard.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
XkbAllocClientMap = _libraries[''].XkbAllocClientMap
XkbAllocClientMap.restype = c_int
XkbAllocClientMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbAllocServerMap = _libraries[''].XkbAllocServerMap
XkbAllocServerMap.restype = c_int
XkbAllocServerMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbFreeClientMap = _libraries[''].XkbFreeClientMap
XkbFreeClientMap.restype = None
XkbFreeClientMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
XkbFreeServerMap = _libraries[''].XkbFreeServerMap
XkbFreeServerMap.restype = None
XkbFreeServerMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
XkbAddKeyType = _libraries[''].XkbAddKeyType
XkbAddKeyType.restype = XkbKeyTypePtr
XkbAddKeyType.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, Atom, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps = _libraries[''].XkbAllocIndicatorMaps
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps.restype = c_int
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr]
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps = _libraries[''].XkbFreeIndicatorMaps
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps.restype = None
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetMap = _libraries[''].XkbGetMap
XkbGetMap.restype = XkbDescPtr
XkbGetMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint]
XkbGetUpdatedMap = _libraries[''].XkbGetUpdatedMap
XkbGetUpdatedMap.restype = c_int
XkbGetUpdatedMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetMapChanges = _libraries[''].XkbGetMapChanges
XkbGetMapChanges.restype = c_int
XkbGetMapChanges.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDescPtr, XkbMapChangesPtr]
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping = _libraries[''].XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping.restype = c_int
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(XkbMapNotifyEvent)]
XkbGetKeyTypes = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyTypes
XkbGetKeyTypes.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeyTypes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetKeySyms = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeySyms
XkbGetKeySyms.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeySyms.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetKeyActions = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyActions
XkbGetKeyActions.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeyActions.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetKeyBehaviors = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyBehaviors
XkbGetKeyBehaviors.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeyBehaviors.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetVirtualMods = _libraries[''].XkbGetVirtualMods
XkbGetVirtualMods.restype = c_int
XkbGetVirtualMods.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetKeyModifierMap = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyModifierMap
XkbGetKeyModifierMap.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeyModifierMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap.restype = c_int
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbAllocControls = _libraries[''].XkbAllocControls
XkbAllocControls.restype = c_int
XkbAllocControls.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint]
XkbFreeControls = _libraries[''].XkbFreeControls
XkbFreeControls.restype = None
XkbFreeControls.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
XkbGetControls = _libraries[''].XkbGetControls
XkbGetControls.restype = c_int
XkbGetControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong, XkbDescPtr]
XkbSetControls = _libraries[''].XkbSetControls
XkbSetControls.restype = c_int
XkbSetControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong, XkbDescPtr]
class _XkbControlsChanges(Structure):
XkbControlsChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbControlsChanges)
XkbNoteControlsChanges = _libraries[''].XkbNoteControlsChanges
XkbNoteControlsChanges.restype = None
XkbNoteControlsChanges.argtypes = [XkbControlsChangesPtr, POINTER(XkbControlsNotifyEvent), c_uint]
XkbAllocCompatMap = _libraries[''].XkbAllocCompatMap
XkbAllocCompatMap.restype = c_int
XkbAllocCompatMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbFreeCompatMap = _libraries[''].XkbFreeCompatMap
XkbFreeCompatMap.restype = None
XkbFreeCompatMap.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
XkbGetCompatMap = _libraries[''].XkbGetCompatMap
XkbGetCompatMap.restype = c_int
XkbGetCompatMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbSetCompatMap = _libraries[''].XkbSetCompatMap
XkbSetCompatMap.restype = c_int
XkbSetCompatMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDescPtr, c_int]
XkbAllocNames = _libraries[''].XkbAllocNames
XkbAllocNames.restype = c_int
XkbAllocNames.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XkbGetNames = _libraries[''].XkbGetNames
XkbGetNames.restype = c_int
XkbGetNames.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbSetNames = _libraries[''].XkbSetNames
XkbSetNames.restype = c_int
XkbSetNames.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbChangeNames = _libraries[''].XkbChangeNames
XkbChangeNames.restype = c_int
XkbChangeNames.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDescPtr, XkbNameChangesPtr]
XkbFreeNames = _libraries[''].XkbFreeNames
XkbFreeNames.restype = None
XkbFreeNames.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, c_int]
class _XkbStateRec(Structure):
XkbStatePtr = POINTER(_XkbStateRec)
XkbGetState = _libraries[''].XkbGetState
XkbGetState.restype = c_int
XkbGetState.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbStatePtr]
XkbSetMap = _libraries[''].XkbSetMap
XkbSetMap.restype = c_int
XkbSetMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDescPtr]
XkbChangeMap = _libraries[''].XkbChangeMap
XkbChangeMap.restype = c_int
XkbChangeMap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDescPtr, XkbMapChangesPtr]
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat = _libraries[''].XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat.restype = c_int
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat = _libraries[''].XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat.restype = c_int
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int)]
XkbSetAutoResetControls = _libraries[''].XkbSetAutoResetControls
XkbSetAutoResetControls.restype = c_int
XkbSetAutoResetControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbGetAutoResetControls = _libraries[''].XkbGetAutoResetControls
XkbGetAutoResetControls.restype = c_int
XkbGetAutoResetControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbSetPerClientControls = _libraries[''].XkbSetPerClientControls
XkbSetPerClientControls.restype = c_int
XkbSetPerClientControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbGetPerClientControls = _libraries[''].XkbGetPerClientControls
XkbGetPerClientControls.restype = c_int
XkbGetPerClientControls.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbCopyKeyType = _libraries[''].XkbCopyKeyType
XkbCopyKeyType.restype = c_int
XkbCopyKeyType.argtypes = [XkbKeyTypePtr, XkbKeyTypePtr]
XkbCopyKeyTypes = _libraries[''].XkbCopyKeyTypes
XkbCopyKeyTypes.restype = c_int
XkbCopyKeyTypes.argtypes = [XkbKeyTypePtr, XkbKeyTypePtr, c_int]
XkbResizeKeyType = _libraries[''].XkbResizeKeyType
XkbResizeKeyType.restype = c_int
XkbResizeKeyType.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XkbResizeKeySyms = _libraries[''].XkbResizeKeySyms
XkbResizeKeySyms.restype = POINTER(KeySym)
XkbResizeKeySyms.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_int, c_int]
class _XkbAction(Union):
XkbAction = _XkbAction
XkbResizeKeyActions = _libraries[''].XkbResizeKeyActions
XkbResizeKeyActions.restype = POINTER(XkbAction)
XkbResizeKeyActions.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_int, c_int]
XkbChangeTypesOfKey = _libraries[''].XkbChangeTypesOfKey
XkbChangeTypesOfKey.restype = c_int
XkbChangeTypesOfKey.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_int, c_int, c_uint, POINTER(c_int), XkbMapChangesPtr]
class _XkbChanges(Structure):
XkbChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbChanges)
XkbChangeKeycodeRange = _libraries[''].XkbChangeKeycodeRange
XkbChangeKeycodeRange.restype = c_int
XkbChangeKeycodeRange.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_int, c_int, XkbChangesPtr]
class _XkbComponentList(Structure):
XkbComponentListPtr = POINTER(_XkbComponentList)
class _XkbComponentNames(Structure):
XkbComponentNamesPtr = POINTER(_XkbComponentNames)
XkbListComponents = _libraries[''].XkbListComponents
XkbListComponents.restype = XkbComponentListPtr
XkbListComponents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbComponentNamesPtr, POINTER(c_int)]
XkbFreeComponentList = _libraries[''].XkbFreeComponentList
XkbFreeComponentList.restype = None
XkbFreeComponentList.argtypes = [XkbComponentListPtr]
XkbGetKeyboard = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyboard
XkbGetKeyboard.restype = XkbDescPtr
XkbGetKeyboard.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint]
XkbGetKeyboardByName = _libraries[''].XkbGetKeyboardByName
XkbGetKeyboardByName.restype = XkbDescPtr
XkbGetKeyboardByName.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbComponentNamesPtr, c_uint, c_uint, c_int]
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols = _libraries[''].XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols.restype = c_int
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_int, POINTER(KeySym), c_uint, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(KeySym)]
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey = _libraries[''].XkbApplyCompatMapToKey
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey.restype = c_int
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, KeyCode, XkbChangesPtr]
XkbUpdateMapFromCore = _libraries[''].XkbUpdateMapFromCore
XkbUpdateMapFromCore.restype = c_int
XkbUpdateMapFromCore.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, KeyCode, c_int, c_int, POINTER(KeySym), XkbChangesPtr]
class _XkbDeviceLedInfo(Structure):
XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr = POINTER(_XkbDeviceLedInfo)
class _XkbDeviceInfo(Structure):
XkbDeviceInfoPtr = POINTER(_XkbDeviceInfo)
XkbAddDeviceLedInfo = _libraries[''].XkbAddDeviceLedInfo
XkbAddDeviceLedInfo.restype = XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr
XkbAddDeviceLedInfo.argtypes = [XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions = _libraries[''].XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions.restype = c_int
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions.argtypes = [XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_uint]
XkbAllocDeviceInfo = _libraries[''].XkbAllocDeviceInfo
XkbAllocDeviceInfo.restype = XkbDeviceInfoPtr
XkbAllocDeviceInfo.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbFreeDeviceInfo = _libraries[''].XkbFreeDeviceInfo
XkbFreeDeviceInfo.restype = None
XkbFreeDeviceInfo.argtypes = [XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_uint, c_int]
class _XkbDeviceChanges(Structure):
XkbDeviceChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbDeviceChanges)
XkbNoteDeviceChanges = _libraries[''].XkbNoteDeviceChanges
XkbNoteDeviceChanges.restype = None
XkbNoteDeviceChanges.argtypes = [XkbDeviceChangesPtr, POINTER(XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent), c_uint]
XkbGetDeviceInfo = _libraries[''].XkbGetDeviceInfo
XkbGetDeviceInfo.restype = XkbDeviceInfoPtr
XkbGetDeviceInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges = _libraries[''].XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges.restype = c_int
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDeviceInfoPtr, XkbDeviceChangesPtr]
XkbGetDeviceButtonActions = _libraries[''].XkbGetDeviceButtonActions
XkbGetDeviceButtonActions.restype = c_int
XkbGetDeviceButtonActions.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_int, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbGetDeviceLedInfo = _libraries[''].XkbGetDeviceLedInfo
XkbGetDeviceLedInfo.restype = c_int
XkbGetDeviceLedInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbSetDeviceInfo = _libraries[''].XkbSetDeviceInfo
XkbSetDeviceInfo.restype = c_int
XkbSetDeviceInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, XkbDeviceInfoPtr]
XkbChangeDeviceInfo = _libraries[''].XkbChangeDeviceInfo
XkbChangeDeviceInfo.restype = c_int
XkbChangeDeviceInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDeviceInfoPtr, XkbDeviceChangesPtr]
XkbSetDeviceLedInfo = _libraries[''].XkbSetDeviceLedInfo
XkbSetDeviceLedInfo.restype = c_int
XkbSetDeviceLedInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions = _libraries[''].XkbSetDeviceButtonActions
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions.restype = c_int
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XkbDeviceInfoPtr, c_uint, c_uint]
XkbToControl = _libraries[''].XkbToControl
XkbToControl.restype = c_char
XkbToControl.argtypes = [c_char]
XkbSetDebuggingFlags = _libraries[''].XkbSetDebuggingFlags
XkbSetDebuggingFlags.restype = c_int
XkbSetDebuggingFlags.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, STRING, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XkbApplyVirtualModChanges = _libraries[''].XkbApplyVirtualModChanges
XkbApplyVirtualModChanges.restype = c_int
XkbApplyVirtualModChanges.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, c_uint, XkbChangesPtr]
XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods = _libraries[''].XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods
XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods.restype = c_int
XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, POINTER(XkbAction), c_uint]
XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods = _libraries[''].XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods
XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods.restype = None
XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods.argtypes = [XkbDescPtr, XkbKeyTypePtr, c_uint, XkbChangesPtr]
_Xmblen = _libraries['']._Xmblen
_Xmblen.restype = c_int
_Xmblen.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
XPointer = STRING
class _XExtData(Structure):
_XExtData._fields_ = [
('number', c_int),
('next', POINTER(_XExtData)),
('free_private', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(_XExtData))),
('private_data', XPointer),
XExtData = _XExtData
class XExtCodes(Structure):
XExtCodes._fields_ = [
('extension', c_int),
('major_opcode', c_int),
('first_event', c_int),
('first_error', c_int),
class XPixmapFormatValues(Structure):
XPixmapFormatValues._fields_ = [
('depth', c_int),
('bits_per_pixel', c_int),
('scanline_pad', c_int),
class XGCValues(Structure):
XGCValues._fields_ = [
('function', c_int),
('plane_mask', c_ulong),
('foreground', c_ulong),
('background', c_ulong),
('line_width', c_int),
('line_style', c_int),
('cap_style', c_int),
('join_style', c_int),
('fill_style', c_int),
('fill_rule', c_int),
('arc_mode', c_int),
('tile', Pixmap),
('stipple', Pixmap),
('ts_x_origin', c_int),
('ts_y_origin', c_int),
('font', Font),
('subwindow_mode', c_int),
('graphics_exposures', c_int),
('clip_x_origin', c_int),
('clip_y_origin', c_int),
('clip_mask', Pixmap),
('dash_offset', c_int),
('dashes', c_char),
class _XGC(Structure):
class Visual(Structure):
Visual._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('visualid', VisualID),
('c_class', c_int),
('red_mask', c_ulong),
('green_mask', c_ulong),
('blue_mask', c_ulong),
('bits_per_rgb', c_int),
('map_entries', c_int),
class Depth(Structure):
Depth._fields_ = [
('depth', c_int),
('nvisuals', c_int),
('visuals', POINTER(Visual)),
class Screen(Structure):
Screen._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('display', POINTER(_XDisplay)),
('root', Window),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('mwidth', c_int),
('mheight', c_int),
('ndepths', c_int),
('depths', POINTER(Depth)),
('root_depth', c_int),
('root_visual', POINTER(Visual)),
('default_gc', GC),
('cmap', Colormap),
('white_pixel', c_ulong),
('black_pixel', c_ulong),
('max_maps', c_int),
('min_maps', c_int),
('backing_store', c_int),
('save_unders', c_int),
('root_input_mask', c_long),
class ScreenFormat(Structure):
ScreenFormat._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('depth', c_int),
('bits_per_pixel', c_int),
('scanline_pad', c_int),
class XSetWindowAttributes(Structure):
XSetWindowAttributes._fields_ = [
('background_pixmap', Pixmap),
('background_pixel', c_ulong),
('border_pixmap', Pixmap),
('border_pixel', c_ulong),
('bit_gravity', c_int),
('win_gravity', c_int),
('backing_store', c_int),
('backing_planes', c_ulong),
('backing_pixel', c_ulong),
('save_under', c_int),
('event_mask', c_long),
('do_not_propagate_mask', c_long),
('override_redirect', c_int),
('colormap', Colormap),
('cursor', Cursor),
class XWindowAttributes(Structure):
XWindowAttributes._fields_ = [
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('border_width', c_int),
('depth', c_int),
('visual', POINTER(Visual)),
('root', Window),
('c_class', c_int),
('bit_gravity', c_int),
('win_gravity', c_int),
('backing_store', c_int),
('backing_planes', c_ulong),
('backing_pixel', c_ulong),
('save_under', c_int),
('colormap', Colormap),
('map_installed', c_int),
('map_state', c_int),
('all_event_masks', c_long),
('your_event_mask', c_long),
('do_not_propagate_mask', c_long),
('override_redirect', c_int),
('screen', POINTER(Screen)),
class XHostAddress(Structure):
XHostAddress._fields_ = [
('family', c_int),
('length', c_int),
('address', STRING),
class XServerInterpretedAddress(Structure):
XServerInterpretedAddress._fields_ = [
('typelength', c_int),
('valuelength', c_int),
('type', STRING),
('value', STRING),
class _XImage(Structure):
class funcs(Structure):
funcs._fields_ = [
('create_image', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(_XImage), POINTER(_XDisplay), POINTER(Visual), c_uint, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int)),
('destroy_image', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(_XImage))),
('get_pixel', CFUNCTYPE(c_ulong, POINTER(_XImage), c_int, c_int)),
('put_pixel', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(_XImage), c_int, c_int, c_ulong)),
('sub_image', CFUNCTYPE(POINTER(_XImage), POINTER(_XImage), c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint)),
('add_pixel', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(_XImage), c_long)),
_XImage._fields_ = [
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('xoffset', c_int),
('format', c_int),
('data', STRING),
('byte_order', c_int),
('bitmap_unit', c_int),
('bitmap_bit_order', c_int),
('bitmap_pad', c_int),
('depth', c_int),
('bytes_per_line', c_int),
('bits_per_pixel', c_int),
('red_mask', c_ulong),
('green_mask', c_ulong),
('blue_mask', c_ulong),
('obdata', XPointer),
('f', funcs),
XImage = _XImage
class XWindowChanges(Structure):
XWindowChanges._fields_ = [
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('border_width', c_int),
('sibling', Window),
('stack_mode', c_int),
class XColor(Structure):
XColor._fields_ = [
('pixel', c_ulong),
('red', c_ushort),
('green', c_ushort),
('blue', c_ushort),
('flags', c_char),
('pad', c_char),
class XSegment(Structure):
XSegment._fields_ = [
('x1', c_short),
('y1', c_short),
('x2', c_short),
('y2', c_short),
class XPoint(Structure):
XPoint._fields_ = [
('x', c_short),
('y', c_short),
class XRectangle(Structure):
XRectangle._fields_ = [
('x', c_short),
('y', c_short),
('width', c_ushort),
('height', c_ushort),
class XArc(Structure):
XArc._fields_ = [
('x', c_short),
('y', c_short),
('width', c_ushort),
('height', c_ushort),
('angle1', c_short),
('angle2', c_short),
class XKeyboardControl(Structure):
XKeyboardControl._fields_ = [
('key_click_percent', c_int),
('bell_percent', c_int),
('bell_pitch', c_int),
('bell_duration', c_int),
('led', c_int),
('led_mode', c_int),
('key', c_int),
('auto_repeat_mode', c_int),
class XKeyboardState(Structure):
XKeyboardState._fields_ = [
('key_click_percent', c_int),
('bell_percent', c_int),
('bell_pitch', c_uint),
('bell_duration', c_uint),
('led_mask', c_ulong),
('global_auto_repeat', c_int),
('auto_repeats', c_char * 32),
class XTimeCoord(Structure):
XTimeCoord._fields_ = [
('time', Time),
('x', c_short),
('y', c_short),
class XModifierKeymap(Structure):
XModifierKeymap._fields_ = [
('max_keypermod', c_int),
('modifiermap', POINTER(KeyCode)),
class _XPrivate(Structure):
_XPrivate._fields_ = [
class _XrmHashBucketRec(Structure):
_XrmHashBucketRec._fields_ = [
class _4DOT_34(Structure):
_4DOT_34._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('private1', POINTER(_XPrivate)),
('fd', c_int),
('private2', c_int),
('proto_major_version', c_int),
('proto_minor_version', c_int),
('vendor', STRING),
('private3', XID),
('private4', XID),
('private5', XID),
('private6', c_int),
('resource_alloc', CFUNCTYPE(XID, POINTER(_XDisplay))),
('byte_order', c_int),
('bitmap_unit', c_int),
('bitmap_pad', c_int),
('bitmap_bit_order', c_int),
('nformats', c_int),
('pixmap_format', POINTER(ScreenFormat)),
('private8', c_int),
('release', c_int),
('private9', POINTER(_XPrivate)),
('private10', POINTER(_XPrivate)),
('qlen', c_int),
('last_request_read', c_ulong),
('request', c_ulong),
('private11', XPointer),
('private12', XPointer),
('private13', XPointer),
('private14', XPointer),
('max_request_size', c_uint),
('db', POINTER(_XrmHashBucketRec)),
('private15', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(_XDisplay))),
('display_name', STRING),
('default_screen', c_int),
('nscreens', c_int),
('screens', POINTER(Screen)),
('motion_buffer', c_ulong),
('private16', c_ulong),
('min_keycode', c_int),
('max_keycode', c_int),
('private17', XPointer),
('private18', XPointer),
('private19', c_int),
('xdefaults', STRING),
_XPrivDisplay = POINTER(_4DOT_34)
class XKeyEvent(Structure):
XKeyEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('root', Window),
('subwindow', Window),
('time', Time),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('x_root', c_int),
('y_root', c_int),
('state', c_uint),
('keycode', c_uint),
('same_screen', c_int),
XKeyPressedEvent = XKeyEvent
XKeyReleasedEvent = XKeyEvent
class XButtonEvent(Structure):
XButtonEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('root', Window),
('subwindow', Window),
('time', Time),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('x_root', c_int),
('y_root', c_int),
('state', c_uint),
('button', c_uint),
('same_screen', c_int),
XButtonPressedEvent = XButtonEvent
XButtonReleasedEvent = XButtonEvent
class XMotionEvent(Structure):
XMotionEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('root', Window),
('subwindow', Window),
('time', Time),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('x_root', c_int),
('y_root', c_int),
('state', c_uint),
('is_hint', c_char),
('same_screen', c_int),
XPointerMovedEvent = XMotionEvent
class XCrossingEvent(Structure):
XCrossingEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('root', Window),
('subwindow', Window),
('time', Time),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('x_root', c_int),
('y_root', c_int),
('mode', c_int),
('detail', c_int),
('same_screen', c_int),
('focus', c_int),
('state', c_uint),
XEnterWindowEvent = XCrossingEvent
XLeaveWindowEvent = XCrossingEvent
class XFocusChangeEvent(Structure):
XFocusChangeEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('mode', c_int),
('detail', c_int),
XFocusInEvent = XFocusChangeEvent
XFocusOutEvent = XFocusChangeEvent
class XKeymapEvent(Structure):
XKeymapEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('key_vector', c_char * 32),
class XExposeEvent(Structure):
XExposeEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('count', c_int),
class XGraphicsExposeEvent(Structure):
XGraphicsExposeEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('drawable', Drawable),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('count', c_int),
('major_code', c_int),
('minor_code', c_int),
class XNoExposeEvent(Structure):
XNoExposeEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('drawable', Drawable),
('major_code', c_int),
('minor_code', c_int),
class XVisibilityEvent(Structure):
XVisibilityEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('state', c_int),
class XCreateWindowEvent(Structure):
XCreateWindowEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('parent', Window),
('window', Window),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('border_width', c_int),
('override_redirect', c_int),
class XDestroyWindowEvent(Structure):
XDestroyWindowEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
class XUnmapEvent(Structure):
XUnmapEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
('from_configure', c_int),
class XMapEvent(Structure):
XMapEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
('override_redirect', c_int),
class XMapRequestEvent(Structure):
XMapRequestEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('parent', Window),
('window', Window),
class XReparentEvent(Structure):
XReparentEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
('parent', Window),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('override_redirect', c_int),
class XConfigureEvent(Structure):
XConfigureEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('border_width', c_int),
('above', Window),
('override_redirect', c_int),
class XGravityEvent(Structure):
XGravityEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
class XResizeRequestEvent(Structure):
XResizeRequestEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
class XConfigureRequestEvent(Structure):
XConfigureRequestEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('parent', Window),
('window', Window),
('x', c_int),
('y', c_int),
('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('border_width', c_int),
('above', Window),
('detail', c_int),
('value_mask', c_ulong),
class XCirculateEvent(Structure):
XCirculateEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('event', Window),
('window', Window),
('place', c_int),
class XCirculateRequestEvent(Structure):
XCirculateRequestEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('parent', Window),
('window', Window),
('place', c_int),
class XPropertyEvent(Structure):
XPropertyEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('atom', Atom),
('time', Time),
('state', c_int),
class XSelectionClearEvent(Structure):
XSelectionClearEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('selection', Atom),
('time', Time),
class XSelectionRequestEvent(Structure):
XSelectionRequestEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('owner', Window),
('requestor', Window),
('selection', Atom),
('target', Atom),
('property', Atom),
('time', Time),
class XSelectionEvent(Structure):
XSelectionEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('requestor', Window),
('selection', Atom),
('target', Atom),
('property', Atom),
('time', Time),
class XColormapEvent(Structure):
XColormapEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('colormap', Colormap),
('c_new', c_int),
('state', c_int),
class XClientMessageEvent(Structure):
class N19XClientMessageEvent4DOT_63E(Union):
N19XClientMessageEvent4DOT_63E._fields_ = [
('b', c_char * 20),
('s', c_short * 10),
('l', c_long * 5),
XClientMessageEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('message_type', Atom),
('format', c_int),
('data', N19XClientMessageEvent4DOT_63E),
class XMappingEvent(Structure):
XMappingEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
('request', c_int),
('first_keycode', c_int),
('count', c_int),
class XErrorEvent(Structure):
XErrorEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('resourceid', XID),
('serial', c_ulong),
('error_code', c_ubyte),
('request_code', c_ubyte),
('minor_code', c_ubyte),
class XAnyEvent(Structure):
XAnyEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('window', Window),
class XGenericEvent(Structure):
XGenericEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('extension', c_int),
('evtype', c_int),
class XGenericEventCookie(Structure):
XGenericEventCookie._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('serial', c_ulong),
('send_event', c_int),
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('extension', c_int),
('evtype', c_int),
('cookie', c_uint),
('data', c_void_p),
class _XEvent(Union):
XEvent = _XEvent
class XCharStruct(Structure):
XCharStruct._fields_ = [
('lbearing', c_short),
('rbearing', c_short),
('width', c_short),
('ascent', c_short),
('descent', c_short),
('attributes', c_ushort),
class XFontProp(Structure):
XFontProp._fields_ = [
('name', Atom),
('card32', c_ulong),
class XFontStruct(Structure):
XFontStruct._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('fid', Font),
('direction', c_uint),
('min_char_or_byte2', c_uint),
('max_char_or_byte2', c_uint),
('min_byte1', c_uint),
('max_byte1', c_uint),
('all_chars_exist', c_int),
('default_char', c_uint),
('n_properties', c_int),
('properties', POINTER(XFontProp)),
('min_bounds', XCharStruct),
('max_bounds', XCharStruct),
('per_char', POINTER(XCharStruct)),
('ascent', c_int),
('descent', c_int),
class XTextItem(Structure):
XTextItem._fields_ = [
('chars', STRING),
('nchars', c_int),
('delta', c_int),
('font', Font),
class XChar2b(Structure):
XChar2b._fields_ = [
('byte1', c_ubyte),
('byte2', c_ubyte),
class XTextItem16(Structure):
XTextItem16._fields_ = [
('chars', POINTER(XChar2b)),
('nchars', c_int),
('delta', c_int),
('font', Font),
class XFontSetExtents(Structure):
XFontSetExtents._fields_ = [
('max_ink_extent', XRectangle),
('max_logical_extent', XRectangle),
class _XOM(Structure):
_XOM._fields_ = [
class _XOC(Structure):
_XOC._fields_ = [
class XmbTextItem(Structure):
XmbTextItem._fields_ = [
('chars', STRING),
('nchars', c_int),
('delta', c_int),
('font_set', XFontSet),
class XwcTextItem(Structure):
XwcTextItem._fields_ = [
('chars', WSTRING),
('nchars', c_int),
('delta', c_int),
('font_set', XFontSet),
class XOMCharSetList(Structure):
XOMCharSetList._fields_ = [
('charset_count', c_int),
('charset_list', POINTER(STRING)),
# values for enumeration 'XOrientation'
XOrientation = c_int # enum
class XOMOrientation(Structure):
XOMOrientation._fields_ = [
('num_orientation', c_int),
('orientation', POINTER(XOrientation)),
class XOMFontInfo(Structure):
XOMFontInfo._fields_ = [
('num_font', c_int),
('font_struct_list', POINTER(POINTER(XFontStruct))),
('font_name_list', POINTER(STRING)),
class _XIM(Structure):
_XIM._fields_ = [
class _XIC(Structure):
_XIC._fields_ = [
XIMProc = CFUNCTYPE(None, XIM, XPointer, XPointer)
XICProc = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, XIC, XPointer, XPointer)
XIDProc = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), XPointer, XPointer)
XIMStyle = c_ulong
class XIMStyles(Structure):
XIMStyles._fields_ = [
('count_styles', c_ushort),
('supported_styles', POINTER(XIMStyle)),
XVaNestedList = c_void_p
class XIMCallback(Structure):
XIMCallback._fields_ = [
('client_data', XPointer),
('callback', XIMProc),
class XICCallback(Structure):
XICCallback._fields_ = [
('client_data', XPointer),
('callback', XICProc),
XIMFeedback = c_ulong
class _XIMText(Structure):
class N8_XIMText4DOT_86E(Union):
N8_XIMText4DOT_86E._fields_ = [
('multi_byte', STRING),
('wide_char', WSTRING),
_XIMText._fields_ = [
('length', c_ushort),
('feedback', POINTER(XIMFeedback)),
('encoding_is_wchar', c_int),
('string', N8_XIMText4DOT_86E),
XIMText = _XIMText
XIMPreeditState = c_ulong
class _XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct(Structure):
_XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct._fields_ = [
('state', XIMPreeditState),
XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct = _XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct
XIMResetState = c_ulong
XIMStringConversionFeedback = c_ulong
class _XIMStringConversionText(Structure):
class N24_XIMStringConversionText4DOT_87E(Union):
N24_XIMStringConversionText4DOT_87E._fields_ = [
('mbs', STRING),
('wcs', WSTRING),
_XIMStringConversionText._fields_ = [
('length', c_ushort),
('feedback', POINTER(XIMStringConversionFeedback)),
('encoding_is_wchar', c_int),
('string', N24_XIMStringConversionText4DOT_87E),
XIMStringConversionText = _XIMStringConversionText
XIMStringConversionPosition = c_ushort
XIMStringConversionType = c_ushort
XIMStringConversionOperation = c_ushort
# values for enumeration 'XIMCaretDirection'
XIMCaretDirection = c_int # enum
class _XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct(Structure):
_XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct._fields_ = [
('position', XIMStringConversionPosition),
('direction', XIMCaretDirection),
('operation', XIMStringConversionOperation),
('factor', c_ushort),
('text', POINTER(XIMStringConversionText)),
XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct = _XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct
class _XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct(Structure):
_XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct._fields_ = [
('caret', c_int),
('chg_first', c_int),
('chg_length', c_int),
('text', POINTER(XIMText)),
XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct = _XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct
# values for enumeration 'XIMCaretStyle'
XIMCaretStyle = c_int # enum
class _XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct(Structure):
_XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct._fields_ = [
('position', c_int),
('direction', XIMCaretDirection),
('style', XIMCaretStyle),
XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct = _XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct
# values for enumeration 'XIMStatusDataType'
XIMStatusDataType = c_int # enum
class _XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct(Structure):
class N28_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct4DOT_91E(Union):
N28_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct4DOT_91E._fields_ = [
('text', POINTER(XIMText)),
('bitmap', Pixmap),
_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct._fields_ = [
('type', XIMStatusDataType),
('data', N28_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct4DOT_91E),
XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct = _XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct
class _XIMHotKeyTrigger(Structure):
_XIMHotKeyTrigger._fields_ = [
('keysym', KeySym),
('modifier', c_int),
('modifier_mask', c_int),
XIMHotKeyTrigger = _XIMHotKeyTrigger
class _XIMHotKeyTriggers(Structure):
_XIMHotKeyTriggers._fields_ = [
('num_hot_key', c_int),
('key', POINTER(XIMHotKeyTrigger)),
XIMHotKeyTriggers = _XIMHotKeyTriggers
XIMHotKeyState = c_ulong
class XIMValuesList(Structure):
XIMValuesList._fields_ = [
('count_values', c_ushort),
('supported_values', POINTER(STRING)),
_Xdebug = (c_int).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_Xdebug')
XLoadQueryFont = _libraries[''].XLoadQueryFont
XLoadQueryFont.restype = POINTER(XFontStruct)
XLoadQueryFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING]
XQueryFont = _libraries[''].XQueryFont
XQueryFont.restype = POINTER(XFontStruct)
XQueryFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XID]
XGetMotionEvents = _libraries[''].XGetMotionEvents
XGetMotionEvents.restype = POINTER(XTimeCoord)
XGetMotionEvents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Time, Time, POINTER(c_int)]
XDeleteModifiermapEntry = _libraries[''].XDeleteModifiermapEntry
XDeleteModifiermapEntry.restype = POINTER(XModifierKeymap)
XDeleteModifiermapEntry.argtypes = [POINTER(XModifierKeymap), KeyCode, c_int]
XGetModifierMapping = _libraries[''].XGetModifierMapping
XGetModifierMapping.restype = POINTER(XModifierKeymap)
XGetModifierMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XInsertModifiermapEntry = _libraries[''].XInsertModifiermapEntry
XInsertModifiermapEntry.restype = POINTER(XModifierKeymap)
XInsertModifiermapEntry.argtypes = [POINTER(XModifierKeymap), KeyCode, c_int]
XNewModifiermap = _libraries[''].XNewModifiermap
XNewModifiermap.restype = POINTER(XModifierKeymap)
XNewModifiermap.argtypes = [c_int]
XCreateImage = _libraries[''].XCreateImage
XCreateImage.restype = POINTER(XImage)
XCreateImage.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(Visual), c_uint, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XInitImage = _libraries[''].XInitImage
XInitImage.restype = c_int
XInitImage.argtypes = [POINTER(XImage)]
XGetImage = _libraries[''].XGetImage
XGetImage.restype = POINTER(XImage)
XGetImage.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_int]
XGetSubImage = _libraries[''].XGetSubImage
XGetSubImage.restype = POINTER(XImage)
XGetSubImage.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_int, POINTER(XImage), c_int, c_int]
XOpenDisplay = _libraries[''].XOpenDisplay
XOpenDisplay.restype = POINTER(Display)
XOpenDisplay.argtypes = [STRING]
XrmInitialize = _libraries[''].XrmInitialize
XrmInitialize.restype = None
XrmInitialize.argtypes = []
XFetchBytes = _libraries[''].XFetchBytes
XFetchBytes.restype = STRING
XFetchBytes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int)]
XFetchBuffer = _libraries[''].XFetchBuffer
XFetchBuffer.restype = STRING
XFetchBuffer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), c_int]
XGetAtomName = _libraries[''].XGetAtomName
XGetAtomName.restype = STRING
XGetAtomName.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Atom]
XGetAtomNames = _libraries[''].XGetAtomNames
XGetAtomNames.restype = c_int
XGetAtomNames.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(Atom), c_int, POINTER(STRING)]
XGetDefault = _libraries[''].XGetDefault
XGetDefault.restype = STRING
XGetDefault.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, STRING]
XDisplayName = _libraries[''].XDisplayName
XDisplayName.restype = STRING
XDisplayName.argtypes = [STRING]
XKeysymToString = _libraries[''].XKeysymToString
XKeysymToString.restype = STRING
XKeysymToString.argtypes = [KeySym]
XSynchronize = _libraries[''].XSynchronize
XSynchronize.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display))
XSynchronize.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XSetAfterFunction = _libraries[''].XSetAfterFunction
XSetAfterFunction.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display))
XSetAfterFunction.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display))]
XInternAtom = _libraries[''].XInternAtom
XInternAtom.restype = Atom
XInternAtom.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_int]
XInternAtoms = _libraries[''].XInternAtoms
XInternAtoms.restype = c_int
XInternAtoms.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(STRING), c_int, c_int, POINTER(Atom)]
XCopyColormapAndFree = _libraries[''].XCopyColormapAndFree
XCopyColormapAndFree.restype = Colormap
XCopyColormapAndFree.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap]
XCreateColormap = _libraries[''].XCreateColormap
XCreateColormap.restype = Colormap
XCreateColormap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Visual), c_int]
XCreatePixmapCursor = _libraries[''].XCreatePixmapCursor
XCreatePixmapCursor.restype = Cursor
XCreatePixmapCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Pixmap, Pixmap, POINTER(XColor), POINTER(XColor), c_uint, c_uint]
XCreateGlyphCursor = _libraries[''].XCreateGlyphCursor
XCreateGlyphCursor.restype = Cursor
XCreateGlyphCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Font, Font, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(XColor), POINTER(XColor)]
XCreateFontCursor = _libraries[''].XCreateFontCursor
XCreateFontCursor.restype = Cursor
XCreateFontCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint]
XLoadFont = _libraries[''].XLoadFont
XLoadFont.restype = Font
XLoadFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING]
XCreateGC = _libraries[''].XCreateGC
XCreateGC.restype = GC
XCreateGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_ulong, POINTER(XGCValues)]
XGContextFromGC = _libraries[''].XGContextFromGC
XGContextFromGC.restype = GContext
XGContextFromGC.argtypes = [GC]
XFlushGC = _libraries[''].XFlushGC
XFlushGC.restype = None
XFlushGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC]
XCreatePixmap = _libraries[''].XCreatePixmap
XCreatePixmap.restype = Pixmap
XCreatePixmap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
XCreateBitmapFromData = _libraries[''].XCreateBitmapFromData
XCreateBitmapFromData.restype = Pixmap
XCreateBitmapFromData.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, STRING, c_uint, c_uint]
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData = _libraries[''].XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData.restype = Pixmap
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, STRING, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong, c_uint]
XCreateSimpleWindow = _libraries[''].XCreateSimpleWindow
XCreateSimpleWindow.restype = Window
XCreateSimpleWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong]
XGetSelectionOwner = _libraries[''].XGetSelectionOwner
XGetSelectionOwner.restype = Window
XGetSelectionOwner.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Atom]
XCreateWindow = _libraries[''].XCreateWindow
XCreateWindow.restype = Window
XCreateWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_uint, POINTER(Visual), c_ulong, POINTER(XSetWindowAttributes)]
XListInstalledColormaps = _libraries[''].XListInstalledColormaps
XListInstalledColormaps.restype = POINTER(Colormap)
XListInstalledColormaps.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(c_int)]
XListFonts = _libraries[''].XListFonts
XListFonts.restype = POINTER(STRING)
XListFonts.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
XListFontsWithInfo = _libraries[''].XListFontsWithInfo
XListFontsWithInfo.restype = POINTER(STRING)
XListFontsWithInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(POINTER(XFontStruct))]
XGetFontPath = _libraries[''].XGetFontPath
XGetFontPath.restype = POINTER(STRING)
XGetFontPath.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int)]
XListExtensions = _libraries[''].XListExtensions
XListExtensions.restype = POINTER(STRING)
XListExtensions.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int)]
XListProperties = _libraries[''].XListProperties
XListProperties.restype = POINTER(Atom)
XListProperties.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(c_int)]
XListHosts = _libraries[''].XListHosts
XListHosts.restype = POINTER(XHostAddress)
XListHosts.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XKeycodeToKeysym = _libraries[''].XKeycodeToKeysym
XKeycodeToKeysym.restype = KeySym
XKeycodeToKeysym.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeyCode, c_int]
XLookupKeysym = _libraries[''].XLookupKeysym
XLookupKeysym.restype = KeySym
XLookupKeysym.argtypes = [POINTER(XKeyEvent), c_int]
XGetKeyboardMapping = _libraries[''].XGetKeyboardMapping
XGetKeyboardMapping.restype = POINTER(KeySym)
XGetKeyboardMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeyCode, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
XStringToKeysym = _libraries[''].XStringToKeysym
XStringToKeysym.restype = KeySym
XStringToKeysym.argtypes = [STRING]
XMaxRequestSize = _libraries[''].XMaxRequestSize
XMaxRequestSize.restype = c_long
XMaxRequestSize.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XExtendedMaxRequestSize = _libraries[''].XExtendedMaxRequestSize
XExtendedMaxRequestSize.restype = c_long
XExtendedMaxRequestSize.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XResourceManagerString = _libraries[''].XResourceManagerString
XResourceManagerString.restype = STRING
XResourceManagerString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XScreenResourceString = _libraries[''].XScreenResourceString
XScreenResourceString.restype = STRING
XScreenResourceString.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDisplayMotionBufferSize = _libraries[''].XDisplayMotionBufferSize
XDisplayMotionBufferSize.restype = c_ulong
XDisplayMotionBufferSize.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XVisualIDFromVisual = _libraries[''].XVisualIDFromVisual
XVisualIDFromVisual.restype = VisualID
XVisualIDFromVisual.argtypes = [POINTER(Visual)]
XInitThreads = _libraries[''].XInitThreads
XInitThreads.restype = c_int
XInitThreads.argtypes = []
XLockDisplay = _libraries[''].XLockDisplay
XLockDisplay.restype = None
XLockDisplay.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XUnlockDisplay = _libraries[''].XUnlockDisplay
XUnlockDisplay.restype = None
XUnlockDisplay.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XInitExtension = _libraries[''].XInitExtension
XInitExtension.restype = POINTER(XExtCodes)
XInitExtension.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING]
XAddExtension = _libraries[''].XAddExtension
XAddExtension.restype = POINTER(XExtCodes)
XAddExtension.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XFindOnExtensionList = _libraries[''].XFindOnExtensionList
XFindOnExtensionList.restype = POINTER(XExtData)
XFindOnExtensionList.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(XExtData)), c_int]
class XEDataObject(Union):
XEDataObject._fields_ = [
('display', POINTER(Display)),
('gc', GC),
('visual', POINTER(Visual)),
('screen', POINTER(Screen)),
('pixmap_format', POINTER(ScreenFormat)),
('font', POINTER(XFontStruct)),
XEHeadOfExtensionList = _libraries[''].XEHeadOfExtensionList
XEHeadOfExtensionList.restype = POINTER(POINTER(XExtData))
XEHeadOfExtensionList.argtypes = [XEDataObject]
XRootWindow = _libraries[''].XRootWindow
XRootWindow.restype = Window
XRootWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDefaultRootWindow = _libraries[''].XDefaultRootWindow
XDefaultRootWindow.restype = Window
XDefaultRootWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XRootWindowOfScreen = _libraries[''].XRootWindowOfScreen
XRootWindowOfScreen.restype = Window
XRootWindowOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDefaultVisual = _libraries[''].XDefaultVisual
XDefaultVisual.restype = POINTER(Visual)
XDefaultVisual.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDefaultVisualOfScreen = _libraries[''].XDefaultVisualOfScreen
XDefaultVisualOfScreen.restype = POINTER(Visual)
XDefaultVisualOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDefaultGC = _libraries[''].XDefaultGC
XDefaultGC.restype = GC
XDefaultGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDefaultGCOfScreen = _libraries[''].XDefaultGCOfScreen
XDefaultGCOfScreen.restype = GC
XDefaultGCOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XBlackPixel = _libraries[''].XBlackPixel
XBlackPixel.restype = c_ulong
XBlackPixel.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XWhitePixel = _libraries[''].XWhitePixel
XWhitePixel.restype = c_ulong
XWhitePixel.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XAllPlanes = _libraries[''].XAllPlanes
XAllPlanes.restype = c_ulong
XAllPlanes.argtypes = []
XBlackPixelOfScreen = _libraries[''].XBlackPixelOfScreen
XBlackPixelOfScreen.restype = c_ulong
XBlackPixelOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XWhitePixelOfScreen = _libraries[''].XWhitePixelOfScreen
XWhitePixelOfScreen.restype = c_ulong
XWhitePixelOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XNextRequest = _libraries[''].XNextRequest
XNextRequest.restype = c_ulong
XNextRequest.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XLastKnownRequestProcessed = _libraries[''].XLastKnownRequestProcessed
XLastKnownRequestProcessed.restype = c_ulong
XLastKnownRequestProcessed.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XServerVendor = _libraries[''].XServerVendor
XServerVendor.restype = STRING
XServerVendor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XDisplayString = _libraries[''].XDisplayString
XDisplayString.restype = STRING
XDisplayString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XDefaultColormap = _libraries[''].XDefaultColormap
XDefaultColormap.restype = Colormap
XDefaultColormap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDefaultColormapOfScreen = _libraries[''].XDefaultColormapOfScreen
XDefaultColormapOfScreen.restype = Colormap
XDefaultColormapOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDisplayOfScreen = _libraries[''].XDisplayOfScreen
XDisplayOfScreen.restype = POINTER(Display)
XDisplayOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XScreenOfDisplay = _libraries[''].XScreenOfDisplay
XScreenOfDisplay.restype = POINTER(Screen)
XScreenOfDisplay.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay = _libraries[''].XDefaultScreenOfDisplay
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay.restype = POINTER(Screen)
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XEventMaskOfScreen = _libraries[''].XEventMaskOfScreen
XEventMaskOfScreen.restype = c_long
XEventMaskOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XScreenNumberOfScreen = _libraries[''].XScreenNumberOfScreen
XScreenNumberOfScreen.restype = c_int
XScreenNumberOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XErrorHandler = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent))
XSetErrorHandler = _libraries[''].XSetErrorHandler
XSetErrorHandler.restype = XErrorHandler
XSetErrorHandler.argtypes = [XErrorHandler]
XIOErrorHandler = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display))
XSetIOErrorHandler = _libraries[''].XSetIOErrorHandler
XSetIOErrorHandler.restype = XIOErrorHandler
XSetIOErrorHandler.argtypes = [XIOErrorHandler]
XListPixmapFormats = _libraries[''].XListPixmapFormats
XListPixmapFormats.restype = POINTER(XPixmapFormatValues)
XListPixmapFormats.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int)]
XListDepths = _libraries[''].XListDepths
XListDepths.restype = POINTER(c_int)
XListDepths.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
XReconfigureWMWindow = _libraries[''].XReconfigureWMWindow
XReconfigureWMWindow.restype = c_int
XReconfigureWMWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_uint, POINTER(XWindowChanges)]
XGetWMProtocols = _libraries[''].XGetWMProtocols
XGetWMProtocols.restype = c_int
XGetWMProtocols.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(POINTER(Atom)), POINTER(c_int)]
XSetWMProtocols = _libraries[''].XSetWMProtocols
XSetWMProtocols.restype = c_int
XSetWMProtocols.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Atom), c_int]
XIconifyWindow = _libraries[''].XIconifyWindow
XIconifyWindow.restype = c_int
XIconifyWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int]
XWithdrawWindow = _libraries[''].XWithdrawWindow
XWithdrawWindow.restype = c_int
XWithdrawWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int]
XGetCommand = _libraries[''].XGetCommand
XGetCommand.restype = c_int
XGetCommand.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(POINTER(STRING)), POINTER(c_int)]
XGetWMColormapWindows = _libraries[''].XGetWMColormapWindows
XGetWMColormapWindows.restype = c_int
XGetWMColormapWindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(POINTER(Window)), POINTER(c_int)]
XSetWMColormapWindows = _libraries[''].XSetWMColormapWindows
XSetWMColormapWindows.restype = c_int
XSetWMColormapWindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Window), c_int]
XFreeStringList = _libraries[''].XFreeStringList
XFreeStringList.restype = None
XFreeStringList.argtypes = [POINTER(STRING)]
XSetTransientForHint = _libraries[''].XSetTransientForHint
XSetTransientForHint.restype = c_int
XSetTransientForHint.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Window]
XActivateScreenSaver = _libraries[''].XActivateScreenSaver
XActivateScreenSaver.restype = c_int
XActivateScreenSaver.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XAddHost = _libraries[''].XAddHost
XAddHost.restype = c_int
XAddHost.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XHostAddress)]
XAddHosts = _libraries[''].XAddHosts
XAddHosts.restype = c_int
XAddHosts.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XHostAddress), c_int]
XAddToExtensionList = _libraries[''].XAddToExtensionList
XAddToExtensionList.restype = c_int
XAddToExtensionList.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(_XExtData)), POINTER(XExtData)]
XAddToSaveSet = _libraries[''].XAddToSaveSet
XAddToSaveSet.restype = c_int
XAddToSaveSet.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XAllocColor = _libraries[''].XAllocColor
XAllocColor.restype = c_int
XAllocColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, POINTER(XColor)]
XAllocColorCells = _libraries[''].XAllocColorCells
XAllocColorCells.restype = c_int
XAllocColorCells.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, c_int, POINTER(c_ulong), c_uint, POINTER(c_ulong), c_uint]
XAllocColorPlanes = _libraries[''].XAllocColorPlanes
XAllocColorPlanes.restype = c_int
XAllocColorPlanes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, c_int, POINTER(c_ulong), c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ulong), POINTER(c_ulong), POINTER(c_ulong)]
XAllocNamedColor = _libraries[''].XAllocNamedColor
XAllocNamedColor.restype = c_int
XAllocNamedColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, STRING, POINTER(XColor), POINTER(XColor)]
XAllowEvents = _libraries[''].XAllowEvents
XAllowEvents.restype = c_int
XAllowEvents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, Time]
XAutoRepeatOff = _libraries[''].XAutoRepeatOff
XAutoRepeatOff.restype = c_int
XAutoRepeatOff.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XAutoRepeatOn = _libraries[''].XAutoRepeatOn
XAutoRepeatOn.restype = c_int
XAutoRepeatOn.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XBell = _libraries[''].XBell
XBell.restype = c_int
XBell.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XBitmapBitOrder = _libraries[''].XBitmapBitOrder
XBitmapBitOrder.restype = c_int
XBitmapBitOrder.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XBitmapPad = _libraries[''].XBitmapPad
XBitmapPad.restype = c_int
XBitmapPad.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XBitmapUnit = _libraries[''].XBitmapUnit
XBitmapUnit.restype = c_int
XBitmapUnit.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XCellsOfScreen = _libraries[''].XCellsOfScreen
XCellsOfScreen.restype = c_int
XCellsOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XChangeActivePointerGrab = _libraries[''].XChangeActivePointerGrab
XChangeActivePointerGrab.restype = c_int
XChangeActivePointerGrab.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, Cursor, Time]
XChangeGC = _libraries[''].XChangeGC
XChangeGC.restype = c_int
XChangeGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong, POINTER(XGCValues)]
XChangeKeyboardControl = _libraries[''].XChangeKeyboardControl
XChangeKeyboardControl.restype = c_int
XChangeKeyboardControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong, POINTER(XKeyboardControl)]
XChangeKeyboardMapping = _libraries[''].XChangeKeyboardMapping
XChangeKeyboardMapping.restype = c_int
XChangeKeyboardMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, c_int, POINTER(KeySym), c_int]
XChangePointerControl = _libraries[''].XChangePointerControl
XChangePointerControl.restype = c_int
XChangePointerControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XChangeProperty = _libraries[''].XChangeProperty
XChangeProperty.restype = c_int
XChangeProperty.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Atom, Atom, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int]
XChangeSaveSet = _libraries[''].XChangeSaveSet
XChangeSaveSet.restype = c_int
XChangeSaveSet.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int]
XChangeWindowAttributes = _libraries[''].XChangeWindowAttributes
XChangeWindowAttributes.restype = c_int
XChangeWindowAttributes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_ulong, POINTER(XSetWindowAttributes)]
XCheckIfEvent = _libraries[''].XCheckIfEvent
XCheckIfEvent.restype = c_int
XCheckIfEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), XPointer), XPointer]
XCheckMaskEvent = _libraries[''].XCheckMaskEvent
XCheckMaskEvent.restype = c_int
XCheckMaskEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_long, POINTER(XEvent)]
XCheckTypedEvent = _libraries[''].XCheckTypedEvent
XCheckTypedEvent.restype = c_int
XCheckTypedEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, POINTER(XEvent)]
XCheckTypedWindowEvent = _libraries[''].XCheckTypedWindowEvent
XCheckTypedWindowEvent.restype = c_int
XCheckTypedWindowEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, POINTER(XEvent)]
XCheckWindowEvent = _libraries[''].XCheckWindowEvent
XCheckWindowEvent.restype = c_int
XCheckWindowEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_long, POINTER(XEvent)]
XCirculateSubwindows = _libraries[''].XCirculateSubwindows
XCirculateSubwindows.restype = c_int
XCirculateSubwindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int]
XCirculateSubwindowsDown = _libraries[''].XCirculateSubwindowsDown
XCirculateSubwindowsDown.restype = c_int
XCirculateSubwindowsDown.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XCirculateSubwindowsUp = _libraries[''].XCirculateSubwindowsUp
XCirculateSubwindowsUp.restype = c_int
XCirculateSubwindowsUp.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XClearArea = _libraries[''].XClearArea
XClearArea.restype = c_int
XClearArea.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int]
XClearWindow = _libraries[''].XClearWindow
XClearWindow.restype = c_int
XClearWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XCloseDisplay = _libraries[''].XCloseDisplay
XCloseDisplay.restype = c_int
XCloseDisplay.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XConfigureWindow = _libraries[''].XConfigureWindow
XConfigureWindow.restype = c_int
XConfigureWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_uint, POINTER(XWindowChanges)]
XConnectionNumber = _libraries[''].XConnectionNumber
XConnectionNumber.restype = c_int
XConnectionNumber.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XConvertSelection = _libraries[''].XConvertSelection
XConvertSelection.restype = c_int
XConvertSelection.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Atom, Atom, Atom, Window, Time]
XCopyArea = _libraries[''].XCopyArea
XCopyArea.restype = c_int
XCopyArea.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XCopyGC = _libraries[''].XCopyGC
XCopyGC.restype = c_int
XCopyGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong, GC]
XCopyPlane = _libraries[''].XCopyPlane
XCopyPlane.restype = c_int
XCopyPlane.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_ulong]
XDefaultDepth = _libraries[''].XDefaultDepth
XDefaultDepth.restype = c_int
XDefaultDepth.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDefaultDepthOfScreen = _libraries[''].XDefaultDepthOfScreen
XDefaultDepthOfScreen.restype = c_int
XDefaultDepthOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDefaultScreen = _libraries[''].XDefaultScreen
XDefaultScreen.restype = c_int
XDefaultScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XDefineCursor = _libraries[''].XDefineCursor
XDefineCursor.restype = c_int
XDefineCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Cursor]
XDeleteProperty = _libraries[''].XDeleteProperty
XDeleteProperty.restype = c_int
XDeleteProperty.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Atom]
XDestroyWindow = _libraries[''].XDestroyWindow
XDestroyWindow.restype = c_int
XDestroyWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XDestroySubwindows = _libraries[''].XDestroySubwindows
XDestroySubwindows.restype = c_int
XDestroySubwindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XDoesBackingStore = _libraries[''].XDoesBackingStore
XDoesBackingStore.restype = c_int
XDoesBackingStore.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDoesSaveUnders = _libraries[''].XDoesSaveUnders
XDoesSaveUnders.restype = c_int
XDoesSaveUnders.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XDisableAccessControl = _libraries[''].XDisableAccessControl
XDisableAccessControl.restype = c_int
XDisableAccessControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XDisplayCells = _libraries[''].XDisplayCells
XDisplayCells.restype = c_int
XDisplayCells.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDisplayHeight = _libraries[''].XDisplayHeight
XDisplayHeight.restype = c_int
XDisplayHeight.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDisplayHeightMM = _libraries[''].XDisplayHeightMM
XDisplayHeightMM.restype = c_int
XDisplayHeightMM.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDisplayKeycodes = _libraries[''].XDisplayKeycodes
XDisplayKeycodes.restype = c_int
XDisplayKeycodes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XDisplayPlanes = _libraries[''].XDisplayPlanes
XDisplayPlanes.restype = c_int
XDisplayPlanes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDisplayWidth = _libraries[''].XDisplayWidth
XDisplayWidth.restype = c_int
XDisplayWidth.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDisplayWidthMM = _libraries[''].XDisplayWidthMM
XDisplayWidthMM.restype = c_int
XDisplayWidthMM.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XDrawArc = _libraries[''].XDrawArc
XDrawArc.restype = c_int
XDrawArc.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XDrawArcs = _libraries[''].XDrawArcs
XDrawArcs.restype = c_int
XDrawArcs.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XArc), c_int]
XDrawImageString = _libraries[''].XDrawImageString
XDrawImageString.restype = c_int
XDrawImageString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XDrawImageString16 = _libraries[''].XDrawImageString16
XDrawImageString16.restype = c_int
XDrawImageString16.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XChar2b), c_int]
XDrawLine = _libraries[''].XDrawLine
XDrawLine.restype = c_int
XDrawLine.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XDrawLines = _libraries[''].XDrawLines
XDrawLines.restype = c_int
XDrawLines.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XPoint), c_int, c_int]
XDrawPoint = _libraries[''].XDrawPoint
XDrawPoint.restype = c_int
XDrawPoint.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int]
XDrawPoints = _libraries[''].XDrawPoints
XDrawPoints.restype = c_int
XDrawPoints.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XPoint), c_int, c_int]
XDrawRectangle = _libraries[''].XDrawRectangle
XDrawRectangle.restype = c_int
XDrawRectangle.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint]
XDrawRectangles = _libraries[''].XDrawRectangles
XDrawRectangles.restype = c_int
XDrawRectangles.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XRectangle), c_int]
XDrawSegments = _libraries[''].XDrawSegments
XDrawSegments.restype = c_int
XDrawSegments.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XSegment), c_int]
XDrawString = _libraries[''].XDrawString
XDrawString.restype = c_int
XDrawString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XDrawString16 = _libraries[''].XDrawString16
XDrawString16.restype = c_int
XDrawString16.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XChar2b), c_int]
XDrawText = _libraries[''].XDrawText
XDrawText.restype = c_int
XDrawText.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XTextItem), c_int]
XDrawText16 = _libraries[''].XDrawText16
XDrawText16.restype = c_int
XDrawText16.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XTextItem16), c_int]
XEnableAccessControl = _libraries[''].XEnableAccessControl
XEnableAccessControl.restype = c_int
XEnableAccessControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XEventsQueued = _libraries[''].XEventsQueued
XEventsQueued.restype = c_int
XEventsQueued.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XFetchName = _libraries[''].XFetchName
XFetchName.restype = c_int
XFetchName.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(STRING)]
XFillArc = _libraries[''].XFillArc
XFillArc.restype = c_int
XFillArc.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XFillArcs = _libraries[''].XFillArcs
XFillArcs.restype = c_int
XFillArcs.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XArc), c_int]
XFillPolygon = _libraries[''].XFillPolygon
XFillPolygon.restype = c_int
XFillPolygon.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XPoint), c_int, c_int, c_int]
XFillRectangle = _libraries[''].XFillRectangle
XFillRectangle.restype = c_int
XFillRectangle.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint]
XFillRectangles = _libraries[''].XFillRectangles
XFillRectangles.restype = c_int
XFillRectangles.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XRectangle), c_int]
XFlush = _libraries[''].XFlush
XFlush.restype = c_int
XFlush.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XForceScreenSaver = _libraries[''].XForceScreenSaver
XForceScreenSaver.restype = c_int
XForceScreenSaver.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XFree = _libraries[''].XFree
XFree.restype = c_int
XFree.argtypes = [c_void_p]
XFreeColormap = _libraries[''].XFreeColormap
XFreeColormap.restype = c_int
XFreeColormap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap]
XFreeColors = _libraries[''].XFreeColors
XFreeColors.restype = c_int
XFreeColors.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, POINTER(c_ulong), c_int, c_ulong]
XFreeCursor = _libraries[''].XFreeCursor
XFreeCursor.restype = c_int
XFreeCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Cursor]
XFreeExtensionList = _libraries[''].XFreeExtensionList
XFreeExtensionList.restype = c_int
XFreeExtensionList.argtypes = [POINTER(STRING)]
XFreeFont = _libraries[''].XFreeFont
XFreeFont.restype = c_int
XFreeFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct)]
XFreeFontInfo = _libraries[''].XFreeFontInfo
XFreeFontInfo.restype = c_int
XFreeFontInfo.argtypes = [POINTER(STRING), POINTER(XFontStruct), c_int]
XFreeFontNames = _libraries[''].XFreeFontNames
XFreeFontNames.restype = c_int
XFreeFontNames.argtypes = [POINTER(STRING)]
XFreeFontPath = _libraries[''].XFreeFontPath
XFreeFontPath.restype = c_int
XFreeFontPath.argtypes = [POINTER(STRING)]
XFreeGC = _libraries[''].XFreeGC
XFreeGC.restype = c_int
XFreeGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC]
XFreeModifiermap = _libraries[''].XFreeModifiermap
XFreeModifiermap.restype = c_int
XFreeModifiermap.argtypes = [POINTER(XModifierKeymap)]
XFreePixmap = _libraries[''].XFreePixmap
XFreePixmap.restype = c_int
XFreePixmap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Pixmap]
XGeometry = _libraries[''].XGeometry
XGeometry.restype = c_int
XGeometry.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, STRING, STRING, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XGetErrorDatabaseText = _libraries[''].XGetErrorDatabaseText
XGetErrorDatabaseText.restype = c_int
XGetErrorDatabaseText.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, c_int]
XGetErrorText = _libraries[''].XGetErrorText
XGetErrorText.restype = c_int
XGetErrorText.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, STRING, c_int]
XGetFontProperty = _libraries[''].XGetFontProperty
XGetFontProperty.restype = c_int
XGetFontProperty.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), Atom, POINTER(c_ulong)]
XGetGCValues = _libraries[''].XGetGCValues
XGetGCValues.restype = c_int
XGetGCValues.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong, POINTER(XGCValues)]
XGetGeometry = _libraries[''].XGetGeometry
XGetGeometry.restype = c_int
XGetGeometry.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, POINTER(Window), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XGetIconName = _libraries[''].XGetIconName
XGetIconName.restype = c_int
XGetIconName.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(STRING)]
XGetInputFocus = _libraries[''].XGetInputFocus
XGetInputFocus.restype = c_int
XGetInputFocus.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(Window), POINTER(c_int)]
XGetKeyboardControl = _libraries[''].XGetKeyboardControl
XGetKeyboardControl.restype = c_int
XGetKeyboardControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XKeyboardState)]
XGetPointerControl = _libraries[''].XGetPointerControl
XGetPointerControl.restype = c_int
XGetPointerControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XGetPointerMapping = _libraries[''].XGetPointerMapping
XGetPointerMapping.restype = c_int
XGetPointerMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int]
XGetScreenSaver = _libraries[''].XGetScreenSaver
XGetScreenSaver.restype = c_int
XGetScreenSaver.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XGetTransientForHint = _libraries[''].XGetTransientForHint
XGetTransientForHint.restype = c_int
XGetTransientForHint.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Window)]
XGetWindowProperty = _libraries[''].XGetWindowProperty
XGetWindowProperty.restype = c_int
XGetWindowProperty.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Atom, c_long, c_long, c_int, Atom, POINTER(Atom), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_ulong), POINTER(c_ulong), POINTER(POINTER(c_ubyte))]
XGetWindowAttributes = _libraries[''].XGetWindowAttributes
XGetWindowAttributes.restype = c_int
XGetWindowAttributes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(XWindowAttributes)]
XGrabButton = _libraries[''].XGrabButton
XGrabButton.restype = c_int
XGrabButton.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, Window, c_int, c_uint, c_int, c_int, Window, Cursor]
XGrabKey = _libraries[''].XGrabKey
XGrabKey.restype = c_int
XGrabKey.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, c_uint, Window, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XGrabKeyboard = _libraries[''].XGrabKeyboard
XGrabKeyboard.restype = c_int
XGrabKeyboard.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_int, Time]
XGrabPointer = _libraries[''].XGrabPointer
XGrabPointer.restype = c_int
XGrabPointer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_uint, c_int, c_int, Window, Cursor, Time]
XGrabServer = _libraries[''].XGrabServer
XGrabServer.restype = c_int
XGrabServer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XHeightMMOfScreen = _libraries[''].XHeightMMOfScreen
XHeightMMOfScreen.restype = c_int
XHeightMMOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XHeightOfScreen = _libraries[''].XHeightOfScreen
XHeightOfScreen.restype = c_int
XHeightOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XIfEvent = _libraries[''].XIfEvent
XIfEvent.restype = c_int
XIfEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), XPointer), XPointer]
XImageByteOrder = _libraries[''].XImageByteOrder
XImageByteOrder.restype = c_int
XImageByteOrder.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XInstallColormap = _libraries[''].XInstallColormap
XInstallColormap.restype = c_int
XInstallColormap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap]
XKeysymToKeycode = _libraries[''].XKeysymToKeycode
XKeysymToKeycode.restype = KeyCode
XKeysymToKeycode.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeySym]
XKillClient = _libraries[''].XKillClient
XKillClient.restype = c_int
XKillClient.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XID]
XLookupColor = _libraries[''].XLookupColor
XLookupColor.restype = c_int
XLookupColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, STRING, POINTER(XColor), POINTER(XColor)]
XLowerWindow = _libraries[''].XLowerWindow
XLowerWindow.restype = c_int
XLowerWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XMapRaised = _libraries[''].XMapRaised
XMapRaised.restype = c_int
XMapRaised.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XMapSubwindows = _libraries[''].XMapSubwindows
XMapSubwindows.restype = c_int
XMapSubwindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XMapWindow = _libraries[''].XMapWindow
XMapWindow.restype = c_int
XMapWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XMaskEvent = _libraries[''].XMaskEvent
XMaskEvent.restype = c_int
XMaskEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_long, POINTER(XEvent)]
XMaxCmapsOfScreen = _libraries[''].XMaxCmapsOfScreen
XMaxCmapsOfScreen.restype = c_int
XMaxCmapsOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XMinCmapsOfScreen = _libraries[''].XMinCmapsOfScreen
XMinCmapsOfScreen.restype = c_int
XMinCmapsOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XMoveResizeWindow = _libraries[''].XMoveResizeWindow
XMoveResizeWindow.restype = c_int
XMoveResizeWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint]
XMoveWindow = _libraries[''].XMoveWindow
XMoveWindow.restype = c_int
XMoveWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_int]
XNextEvent = _libraries[''].XNextEvent
XNextEvent.restype = c_int
XNextEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent)]
XNoOp = _libraries[''].XNoOp
XNoOp.restype = c_int
XNoOp.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XParseColor = _libraries[''].XParseColor
XParseColor.restype = c_int
XParseColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, STRING, POINTER(XColor)]
XParseGeometry = _libraries[''].XParseGeometry
XParseGeometry.restype = c_int
XParseGeometry.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XPeekEvent = _libraries[''].XPeekEvent
XPeekEvent.restype = c_int
XPeekEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent)]
XPeekIfEvent = _libraries[''].XPeekIfEvent
XPeekIfEvent.restype = c_int
XPeekIfEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), XPointer), XPointer]
XPending = _libraries[''].XPending
XPending.restype = c_int
XPending.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XPlanesOfScreen = _libraries[''].XPlanesOfScreen
XPlanesOfScreen.restype = c_int
XPlanesOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XProtocolRevision = _libraries[''].XProtocolRevision
XProtocolRevision.restype = c_int
XProtocolRevision.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XProtocolVersion = _libraries[''].XProtocolVersion
XProtocolVersion.restype = c_int
XProtocolVersion.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XPutBackEvent = _libraries[''].XPutBackEvent
XPutBackEvent.restype = c_int
XPutBackEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent)]
XPutImage = _libraries[''].XPutImage
XPutImage.restype = c_int
XPutImage.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, POINTER(XImage), c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint]
XQLength = _libraries[''].XQLength
XQLength.restype = c_int
XQLength.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XQueryBestCursor = _libraries[''].XQueryBestCursor
XQueryBestCursor.restype = c_int
XQueryBestCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XQueryBestSize = _libraries[''].XQueryBestSize
XQueryBestSize.restype = c_int
XQueryBestSize.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XQueryBestStipple = _libraries[''].XQueryBestStipple
XQueryBestStipple.restype = c_int
XQueryBestStipple.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XQueryBestTile = _libraries[''].XQueryBestTile
XQueryBestTile.restype = c_int
XQueryBestTile.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint)]
XQueryColor = _libraries[''].XQueryColor
XQueryColor.restype = c_int
XQueryColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, POINTER(XColor)]
XQueryColors = _libraries[''].XQueryColors
XQueryColors.restype = c_int
XQueryColors.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, POINTER(XColor), c_int]
XQueryExtension = _libraries[''].XQueryExtension
XQueryExtension.restype = c_int
XQueryExtension.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XQueryKeymap = _libraries[''].XQueryKeymap
XQueryKeymap.restype = c_int
XQueryKeymap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING]
XQueryPointer = _libraries[''].XQueryPointer
XQueryPointer.restype = c_int
XQueryPointer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Window), POINTER(Window), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_uint)]
XQueryTextExtents = _libraries[''].XQueryTextExtents
XQueryTextExtents.restype = c_int
XQueryTextExtents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XID, STRING, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XCharStruct)]
XQueryTextExtents16 = _libraries[''].XQueryTextExtents16
XQueryTextExtents16.restype = c_int
XQueryTextExtents16.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XID, POINTER(XChar2b), c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XCharStruct)]
XQueryTree = _libraries[''].XQueryTree
XQueryTree.restype = c_int
XQueryTree.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Window), POINTER(Window), POINTER(POINTER(Window)), POINTER(c_uint)]
XRaiseWindow = _libraries[''].XRaiseWindow
XRaiseWindow.restype = c_int
XRaiseWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XReadBitmapFile = _libraries[''].XReadBitmapFile
XReadBitmapFile.restype = c_int
XReadBitmapFile.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, STRING, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(Pixmap), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XReadBitmapFileData = _libraries[''].XReadBitmapFileData
XReadBitmapFileData.restype = c_int
XReadBitmapFileData.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(POINTER(c_ubyte)), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
XRebindKeysym = _libraries[''].XRebindKeysym
XRebindKeysym.restype = c_int
XRebindKeysym.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), KeySym, POINTER(KeySym), c_int, POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int]
XRecolorCursor = _libraries[''].XRecolorCursor
XRecolorCursor.restype = c_int
XRecolorCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Cursor, POINTER(XColor), POINTER(XColor)]
XRefreshKeyboardMapping = _libraries[''].XRefreshKeyboardMapping
XRefreshKeyboardMapping.restype = c_int
XRefreshKeyboardMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(XMappingEvent)]
XRemoveFromSaveSet = _libraries[''].XRemoveFromSaveSet
XRemoveFromSaveSet.restype = c_int
XRemoveFromSaveSet.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XRemoveHost = _libraries[''].XRemoveHost
XRemoveHost.restype = c_int
XRemoveHost.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XHostAddress)]
XRemoveHosts = _libraries[''].XRemoveHosts
XRemoveHosts.restype = c_int
XRemoveHosts.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XHostAddress), c_int]
XReparentWindow = _libraries[''].XReparentWindow
XReparentWindow.restype = c_int
XReparentWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Window, c_int, c_int]
XResetScreenSaver = _libraries[''].XResetScreenSaver
XResetScreenSaver.restype = c_int
XResetScreenSaver.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XResizeWindow = _libraries[''].XResizeWindow
XResizeWindow.restype = c_int
XResizeWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_uint, c_uint]
XRestackWindows = _libraries[''].XRestackWindows
XRestackWindows.restype = c_int
XRestackWindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(Window), c_int]
XRotateBuffers = _libraries[''].XRotateBuffers
XRotateBuffers.restype = c_int
XRotateBuffers.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XRotateWindowProperties = _libraries[''].XRotateWindowProperties
XRotateWindowProperties.restype = c_int
XRotateWindowProperties.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(Atom), c_int, c_int]
XScreenCount = _libraries[''].XScreenCount
XScreenCount.restype = c_int
XScreenCount.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XSelectInput = _libraries[''].XSelectInput
XSelectInput.restype = c_int
XSelectInput.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_long]
XSendEvent = _libraries[''].XSendEvent
XSendEvent.restype = c_int
XSendEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, c_long, POINTER(XEvent)]
XSetAccessControl = _libraries[''].XSetAccessControl
XSetAccessControl.restype = c_int
XSetAccessControl.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XSetArcMode = _libraries[''].XSetArcMode
XSetArcMode.restype = c_int
XSetArcMode.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int]
XSetBackground = _libraries[''].XSetBackground
XSetBackground.restype = c_int
XSetBackground.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong]
XSetClipMask = _libraries[''].XSetClipMask
XSetClipMask.restype = c_int
XSetClipMask.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, Pixmap]
XSetClipOrigin = _libraries[''].XSetClipOrigin
XSetClipOrigin.restype = c_int
XSetClipOrigin.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int, c_int]
XSetClipRectangles = _libraries[''].XSetClipRectangles
XSetClipRectangles.restype = c_int
XSetClipRectangles.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), c_int, c_int]
XSetCloseDownMode = _libraries[''].XSetCloseDownMode
XSetCloseDownMode.restype = c_int
XSetCloseDownMode.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XSetCommand = _libraries[''].XSetCommand
XSetCommand.restype = c_int
XSetCommand.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
XSetDashes = _libraries[''].XSetDashes
XSetDashes.restype = c_int
XSetDashes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XSetFillRule = _libraries[''].XSetFillRule
XSetFillRule.restype = c_int
XSetFillRule.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int]
XSetFillStyle = _libraries[''].XSetFillStyle
XSetFillStyle.restype = c_int
XSetFillStyle.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int]
XSetFont = _libraries[''].XSetFont
XSetFont.restype = c_int
XSetFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, Font]
XSetFontPath = _libraries[''].XSetFontPath
XSetFontPath.restype = c_int
XSetFontPath.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(STRING), c_int]
XSetForeground = _libraries[''].XSetForeground
XSetForeground.restype = c_int
XSetForeground.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong]
XSetFunction = _libraries[''].XSetFunction
XSetFunction.restype = c_int
XSetFunction.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int]
XSetGraphicsExposures = _libraries[''].XSetGraphicsExposures
XSetGraphicsExposures.restype = c_int
XSetGraphicsExposures.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int]
XSetIconName = _libraries[''].XSetIconName
XSetIconName.restype = c_int
XSetIconName.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, STRING]
XSetInputFocus = _libraries[''].XSetInputFocus
XSetInputFocus.restype = c_int
XSetInputFocus.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_int, Time]
XSetLineAttributes = _libraries[''].XSetLineAttributes
XSetLineAttributes.restype = c_int
XSetLineAttributes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XSetModifierMapping = _libraries[''].XSetModifierMapping
XSetModifierMapping.restype = c_int
XSetModifierMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XModifierKeymap)]
XSetPlaneMask = _libraries[''].XSetPlaneMask
XSetPlaneMask.restype = c_int
XSetPlaneMask.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong]
XSetPointerMapping = _libraries[''].XSetPointerMapping
XSetPointerMapping.restype = c_int
XSetPointerMapping.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_ubyte), c_int]
XSetScreenSaver = _libraries[''].XSetScreenSaver
XSetScreenSaver.restype = c_int
XSetScreenSaver.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
XSetSelectionOwner = _libraries[''].XSetSelectionOwner
XSetSelectionOwner.restype = c_int
XSetSelectionOwner.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Atom, Window, Time]
XSetState = _libraries[''].XSetState
XSetState.restype = c_int
XSetState.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_ulong, c_ulong, c_int, c_ulong]
XSetStipple = _libraries[''].XSetStipple
XSetStipple.restype = c_int
XSetStipple.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, Pixmap]
XSetSubwindowMode = _libraries[''].XSetSubwindowMode
XSetSubwindowMode.restype = c_int
XSetSubwindowMode.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int]
XSetTSOrigin = _libraries[''].XSetTSOrigin
XSetTSOrigin.restype = c_int
XSetTSOrigin.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int, c_int]
XSetTile = _libraries[''].XSetTile
XSetTile.restype = c_int
XSetTile.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, Pixmap]
XSetWindowBackground = _libraries[''].XSetWindowBackground
XSetWindowBackground.restype = c_int
XSetWindowBackground.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_ulong]
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap = _libraries[''].XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap.restype = c_int
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Pixmap]
XSetWindowBorder = _libraries[''].XSetWindowBorder
XSetWindowBorder.restype = c_int
XSetWindowBorder.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_ulong]
XSetWindowBorderPixmap = _libraries[''].XSetWindowBorderPixmap
XSetWindowBorderPixmap.restype = c_int
XSetWindowBorderPixmap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Pixmap]
XSetWindowBorderWidth = _libraries[''].XSetWindowBorderWidth
XSetWindowBorderWidth.restype = c_int
XSetWindowBorderWidth.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_uint]
XSetWindowColormap = _libraries[''].XSetWindowColormap
XSetWindowColormap.restype = c_int
XSetWindowColormap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Colormap]
XStoreBuffer = _libraries[''].XStoreBuffer
XStoreBuffer.restype = c_int
XStoreBuffer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_int, c_int]
XStoreBytes = _libraries[''].XStoreBytes
XStoreBytes.restype = c_int
XStoreBytes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_int]
XStoreColor = _libraries[''].XStoreColor
XStoreColor.restype = c_int
XStoreColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, POINTER(XColor)]
XStoreColors = _libraries[''].XStoreColors
XStoreColors.restype = c_int
XStoreColors.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, POINTER(XColor), c_int]
XStoreName = _libraries[''].XStoreName
XStoreName.restype = c_int
XStoreName.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, STRING]
XStoreNamedColor = _libraries[''].XStoreNamedColor
XStoreNamedColor.restype = c_int
XStoreNamedColor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap, STRING, c_ulong, c_int]
XSync = _libraries[''].XSync
XSync.restype = c_int
XSync.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XTextExtents = _libraries[''].XTextExtents
XTextExtents.restype = c_int
XTextExtents.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), STRING, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XCharStruct)]
XTextExtents16 = _libraries[''].XTextExtents16
XTextExtents16.restype = c_int
XTextExtents16.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XChar2b), c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XCharStruct)]
XTextWidth = _libraries[''].XTextWidth
XTextWidth.restype = c_int
XTextWidth.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), STRING, c_int]
XTextWidth16 = _libraries[''].XTextWidth16
XTextWidth16.restype = c_int
XTextWidth16.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XChar2b), c_int]
XTranslateCoordinates = _libraries[''].XTranslateCoordinates
XTranslateCoordinates.restype = c_int
XTranslateCoordinates.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Window, c_int, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(Window)]
XUndefineCursor = _libraries[''].XUndefineCursor
XUndefineCursor.restype = c_int
XUndefineCursor.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XUngrabButton = _libraries[''].XUngrabButton
XUngrabButton.restype = c_int
XUngrabButton.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_uint, c_uint, Window]
XUngrabKey = _libraries[''].XUngrabKey
XUngrabKey.restype = c_int
XUngrabKey.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, c_uint, Window]
XUngrabKeyboard = _libraries[''].XUngrabKeyboard
XUngrabKeyboard.restype = c_int
XUngrabKeyboard.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Time]
XUngrabPointer = _libraries[''].XUngrabPointer
XUngrabPointer.restype = c_int
XUngrabPointer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Time]
XUngrabServer = _libraries[''].XUngrabServer
XUngrabServer.restype = c_int
XUngrabServer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XUninstallColormap = _libraries[''].XUninstallColormap
XUninstallColormap.restype = c_int
XUninstallColormap.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Colormap]
XUnloadFont = _libraries[''].XUnloadFont
XUnloadFont.restype = c_int
XUnloadFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Font]
XUnmapSubwindows = _libraries[''].XUnmapSubwindows
XUnmapSubwindows.restype = c_int
XUnmapSubwindows.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XUnmapWindow = _libraries[''].XUnmapWindow
XUnmapWindow.restype = c_int
XUnmapWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
XVendorRelease = _libraries[''].XVendorRelease
XVendorRelease.restype = c_int
XVendorRelease.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
XWarpPointer = _libraries[''].XWarpPointer
XWarpPointer.restype = c_int
XWarpPointer.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XWidthMMOfScreen = _libraries[''].XWidthMMOfScreen
XWidthMMOfScreen.restype = c_int
XWidthMMOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XWidthOfScreen = _libraries[''].XWidthOfScreen
XWidthOfScreen.restype = c_int
XWidthOfScreen.argtypes = [POINTER(Screen)]
XWindowEvent = _libraries[''].XWindowEvent
XWindowEvent.restype = c_int
XWindowEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, c_long, POINTER(XEvent)]
XWriteBitmapFile = _libraries[''].XWriteBitmapFile
XWriteBitmapFile.restype = c_int
XWriteBitmapFile.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, Pixmap, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int]
XSupportsLocale = _libraries[''].XSupportsLocale
XSupportsLocale.restype = c_int
XSupportsLocale.argtypes = []
XSetLocaleModifiers = _libraries[''].XSetLocaleModifiers
XSetLocaleModifiers.restype = STRING
XSetLocaleModifiers.argtypes = [STRING]
XOpenOM = _libraries[''].XOpenOM
XOpenOM.restype = XOM
XOpenOM.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XrmHashBucketRec), STRING, STRING]
XCloseOM = _libraries[''].XCloseOM
XCloseOM.restype = c_int
XCloseOM.argtypes = [XOM]
XSetOMValues = _libraries[''].XSetOMValues
XSetOMValues.restype = STRING
XSetOMValues.argtypes = [XOM]
XGetOMValues = _libraries[''].XGetOMValues
XGetOMValues.restype = STRING
XGetOMValues.argtypes = [XOM]
XDisplayOfOM = _libraries[''].XDisplayOfOM
XDisplayOfOM.restype = POINTER(Display)
XDisplayOfOM.argtypes = [XOM]
XLocaleOfOM = _libraries[''].XLocaleOfOM
XLocaleOfOM.restype = STRING
XLocaleOfOM.argtypes = [XOM]
XCreateOC = _libraries[''].XCreateOC
XCreateOC.restype = XOC
XCreateOC.argtypes = [XOM]
XDestroyOC = _libraries[''].XDestroyOC
XDestroyOC.restype = None
XDestroyOC.argtypes = [XOC]
XOMOfOC = _libraries[''].XOMOfOC
XOMOfOC.restype = XOM
XOMOfOC.argtypes = [XOC]
XSetOCValues = _libraries[''].XSetOCValues
XSetOCValues.restype = STRING
XSetOCValues.argtypes = [XOC]
XGetOCValues = _libraries[''].XGetOCValues
XGetOCValues.restype = STRING
XGetOCValues.argtypes = [XOC]
XCreateFontSet = _libraries[''].XCreateFontSet
XCreateFontSet.restype = XFontSet
XFreeFontSet = _libraries[''].XFreeFontSet
XFreeFontSet.restype = None
XFreeFontSet.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XFontSet]
XFontsOfFontSet = _libraries[''].XFontsOfFontSet
XFontsOfFontSet.restype = c_int
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet = _libraries[''].XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet.restype = STRING
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet.argtypes = [XFontSet]
XLocaleOfFontSet = _libraries[''].XLocaleOfFontSet
XLocaleOfFontSet.restype = STRING
XLocaleOfFontSet.argtypes = [XFontSet]
XContextDependentDrawing = _libraries[''].XContextDependentDrawing
XContextDependentDrawing.restype = c_int
XContextDependentDrawing.argtypes = [XFontSet]
XDirectionalDependentDrawing = _libraries[''].XDirectionalDependentDrawing
XDirectionalDependentDrawing.restype = c_int
XDirectionalDependentDrawing.argtypes = [XFontSet]
XContextualDrawing = _libraries[''].XContextualDrawing
XContextualDrawing.restype = c_int
XContextualDrawing.argtypes = [XFontSet]
XExtentsOfFontSet = _libraries[''].XExtentsOfFontSet
XExtentsOfFontSet.restype = POINTER(XFontSetExtents)
XExtentsOfFontSet.argtypes = [XFontSet]
XmbTextEscapement = _libraries[''].XmbTextEscapement
XmbTextEscapement.restype = c_int
XmbTextEscapement.argtypes = [XFontSet, STRING, c_int]
XwcTextEscapement = _libraries[''].XwcTextEscapement
XwcTextEscapement.restype = c_int
XwcTextEscapement.argtypes = [XFontSet, WSTRING, c_int]
Xutf8TextEscapement = _libraries[''].Xutf8TextEscapement
Xutf8TextEscapement.restype = c_int
Xutf8TextEscapement.argtypes = [XFontSet, STRING, c_int]
XmbTextExtents = _libraries[''].XmbTextExtents
XmbTextExtents.restype = c_int
XmbTextExtents.argtypes = [XFontSet, STRING, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle)]
XwcTextExtents = _libraries[''].XwcTextExtents
XwcTextExtents.restype = c_int
XwcTextExtents.argtypes = [XFontSet, WSTRING, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle)]
Xutf8TextExtents = _libraries[''].Xutf8TextExtents
Xutf8TextExtents.restype = c_int
Xutf8TextExtents.argtypes = [XFontSet, STRING, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle)]
XmbTextPerCharExtents = _libraries[''].XmbTextPerCharExtents
XmbTextPerCharExtents.restype = c_int
XmbTextPerCharExtents.argtypes = [XFontSet, STRING, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle), c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle)]
XwcTextPerCharExtents = _libraries[''].XwcTextPerCharExtents
XwcTextPerCharExtents.restype = c_int
XwcTextPerCharExtents.argtypes = [XFontSet, WSTRING, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle), c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle)]
Xutf8TextPerCharExtents = _libraries[''].Xutf8TextPerCharExtents
Xutf8TextPerCharExtents.restype = c_int
Xutf8TextPerCharExtents.argtypes = [XFontSet, STRING, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle), c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(XRectangle), POINTER(XRectangle)]
XmbDrawText = _libraries[''].XmbDrawText
XmbDrawText.restype = None
XmbDrawText.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XmbTextItem), c_int]
XwcDrawText = _libraries[''].XwcDrawText
XwcDrawText.restype = None
XwcDrawText.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XwcTextItem), c_int]
Xutf8DrawText = _libraries[''].Xutf8DrawText
Xutf8DrawText.restype = None
Xutf8DrawText.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XmbTextItem), c_int]
XmbDrawString = _libraries[''].XmbDrawString
XmbDrawString.restype = None
XmbDrawString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XwcDrawString = _libraries[''].XwcDrawString
XwcDrawString.restype = None
XwcDrawString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, WSTRING, c_int]
Xutf8DrawString = _libraries[''].Xutf8DrawString
Xutf8DrawString.restype = None
Xutf8DrawString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XmbDrawImageString = _libraries[''].XmbDrawImageString
XmbDrawImageString.restype = None
XmbDrawImageString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XwcDrawImageString = _libraries[''].XwcDrawImageString
XwcDrawImageString.restype = None
XwcDrawImageString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, WSTRING, c_int]
Xutf8DrawImageString = _libraries[''].Xutf8DrawImageString
Xutf8DrawImageString.restype = None
Xutf8DrawImageString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, STRING, c_int]
XOpenIM = _libraries[''].XOpenIM
XOpenIM.restype = XIM
XOpenIM.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XrmHashBucketRec), STRING, STRING]
XCloseIM = _libraries[''].XCloseIM
XCloseIM.restype = c_int
XCloseIM.argtypes = [XIM]
XGetIMValues = _libraries[''].XGetIMValues
XGetIMValues.restype = STRING
XGetIMValues.argtypes = [XIM]
XSetIMValues = _libraries[''].XSetIMValues
XSetIMValues.restype = STRING
XSetIMValues.argtypes = [XIM]
XDisplayOfIM = _libraries[''].XDisplayOfIM
XDisplayOfIM.restype = POINTER(Display)
XDisplayOfIM.argtypes = [XIM]
XLocaleOfIM = _libraries[''].XLocaleOfIM
XLocaleOfIM.restype = STRING
XLocaleOfIM.argtypes = [XIM]
XCreateIC = _libraries[''].XCreateIC
XCreateIC.restype = XIC
XCreateIC.argtypes = [XIM]
XDestroyIC = _libraries[''].XDestroyIC
XDestroyIC.restype = None
XDestroyIC.argtypes = [XIC]
XSetICFocus = _libraries[''].XSetICFocus
XSetICFocus.restype = None
XSetICFocus.argtypes = [XIC]
XUnsetICFocus = _libraries[''].XUnsetICFocus
XUnsetICFocus.restype = None
XUnsetICFocus.argtypes = [XIC]
XwcResetIC = _libraries[''].XwcResetIC
XwcResetIC.restype = WSTRING
XwcResetIC.argtypes = [XIC]
XmbResetIC = _libraries[''].XmbResetIC
XmbResetIC.restype = STRING
XmbResetIC.argtypes = [XIC]
Xutf8ResetIC = _libraries[''].Xutf8ResetIC
Xutf8ResetIC.restype = STRING
Xutf8ResetIC.argtypes = [XIC]
XSetICValues = _libraries[''].XSetICValues
XSetICValues.restype = STRING
XSetICValues.argtypes = [XIC]
XGetICValues = _libraries[''].XGetICValues
XGetICValues.restype = STRING
XGetICValues.argtypes = [XIC]
XIMOfIC = _libraries[''].XIMOfIC
XIMOfIC.restype = XIM
XIMOfIC.argtypes = [XIC]
XFilterEvent = _libraries[''].XFilterEvent
XFilterEvent.restype = c_int
XFilterEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(XEvent), Window]
XmbLookupString = _libraries[''].XmbLookupString
XmbLookupString.restype = c_int
XmbLookupString.argtypes = [XIC, POINTER(XKeyPressedEvent), STRING, c_int, POINTER(KeySym), POINTER(c_int)]
XwcLookupString = _libraries[''].XwcLookupString
XwcLookupString.restype = c_int
XwcLookupString.argtypes = [XIC, POINTER(XKeyPressedEvent), WSTRING, c_int, POINTER(KeySym), POINTER(c_int)]
Xutf8LookupString = _libraries[''].Xutf8LookupString
Xutf8LookupString.restype = c_int
Xutf8LookupString.argtypes = [XIC, POINTER(XKeyPressedEvent), STRING, c_int, POINTER(KeySym), POINTER(c_int)]
XVaCreateNestedList = _libraries[''].XVaCreateNestedList
XVaCreateNestedList.restype = XVaNestedList
XVaCreateNestedList.argtypes = [c_int]
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback = _libraries[''].XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback.restype = c_int
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XrmHashBucketRec), STRING, STRING, XIDProc, XPointer]
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback = _libraries[''].XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback.restype = c_int
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XrmHashBucketRec), STRING, STRING, XIDProc, XPointer]
XConnectionWatchProc = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), XPointer, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XPointer))
XInternalConnectionNumbers = _libraries[''].XInternalConnectionNumbers
XInternalConnectionNumbers.restype = c_int
XInternalConnectionNumbers.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(POINTER(c_int)), POINTER(c_int)]
XProcessInternalConnection = _libraries[''].XProcessInternalConnection
XProcessInternalConnection.restype = None
XProcessInternalConnection.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
XAddConnectionWatch = _libraries[''].XAddConnectionWatch
XAddConnectionWatch.restype = c_int
XAddConnectionWatch.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XConnectionWatchProc, XPointer]
XRemoveConnectionWatch = _libraries[''].XRemoveConnectionWatch
XRemoveConnectionWatch.restype = None
XRemoveConnectionWatch.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), XConnectionWatchProc, XPointer]
XSetAuthorization = _libraries[''].XSetAuthorization
XSetAuthorization.restype = None
XSetAuthorization.argtypes = [STRING, c_int, STRING, c_int]
_Xmbtowc = _libraries['']._Xmbtowc
_Xmbtowc.restype = c_int
_Xmbtowc.argtypes = [WSTRING, STRING, c_int]
_Xwctomb = _libraries['']._Xwctomb
_Xwctomb.restype = c_int
_Xwctomb.argtypes = [STRING, c_wchar]
XGetEventData = _libraries[''].XGetEventData
XGetEventData.restype = c_int
XGetEventData.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie)]
XFreeEventData = _libraries[''].XFreeEventData
XFreeEventData.restype = None
XFreeEventData.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie)]
_XGC._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('gid', GContext),
('rects', c_int),
('dashes', c_int),
('dirty', c_ulong),
('values', XGCValues),
class _XFreeFuncs(Structure):
class _XSQEvent(Structure):
class _XExten(Structure):
class _xEvent(Structure):
xEvent = _xEvent
class _XLockInfo(Structure):
class _XInternalAsync(Structure):
class _XLockPtrs(Structure):
class _XKeytrans(Structure):
class _XDisplayAtoms(Structure):
class _XContextDB(Structure):
class xError(Structure):
class N9_XDisplay5DOT_252E(Structure):
N9_XDisplay5DOT_252E._fields_ = [
('defaultCCCs', XPointer),
('clientCmaps', XPointer),
('perVisualIntensityMaps', XPointer),
class _XIMFilter(Structure):
class _XConnectionInfo(Structure):
class _XConnWatchInfo(Structure):
class _XkbInfoRec(Structure):
class _XtransConnInfo(Structure):
class _X11XCBPrivate(Structure):
_XDisplay._fields_ = [
('ext_data', POINTER(XExtData)),
('free_funcs', POINTER(_XFreeFuncs)),
('fd', c_int),
('conn_checker', c_int),
('proto_major_version', c_int),
('proto_minor_version', c_int),
('vendor', STRING),
('resource_base', XID),
('resource_mask', XID),
('resource_id', XID),
('resource_shift', c_int),
('resource_alloc', CFUNCTYPE(XID, POINTER(_XDisplay))),
('byte_order', c_int),
('bitmap_unit', c_int),
('bitmap_pad', c_int),
('bitmap_bit_order', c_int),
('nformats', c_int),
('pixmap_format', POINTER(ScreenFormat)),
('vnumber', c_int),
('release', c_int),
('head', POINTER(_XSQEvent)),
('tail', POINTER(_XSQEvent)),
('qlen', c_int),
('last_request_read', c_ulong),
('request', c_ulong),
('last_req', STRING),
('buffer', STRING),
('bufptr', STRING),
('bufmax', STRING),
('max_request_size', c_uint),
('db', POINTER(_XrmHashBucketRec)),
('synchandler', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(_XDisplay))),
('display_name', STRING),
('default_screen', c_int),
('nscreens', c_int),
('screens', POINTER(Screen)),
('motion_buffer', c_ulong),
('flags', c_ulong),
('min_keycode', c_int),
('max_keycode', c_int),
('keysyms', POINTER(KeySym)),
('modifiermap', POINTER(XModifierKeymap)),
('keysyms_per_keycode', c_int),
('xdefaults', STRING),
('scratch_buffer', STRING),
('scratch_length', c_ulong),
('ext_number', c_int),
('ext_procs', POINTER(_XExten)),
('event_vec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent)) * 128),
('wire_vec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent)) * 128),
('lock_meaning', KeySym),
('lock', POINTER(_XLockInfo)),
('async_handlers', POINTER(_XInternalAsync)),
('bigreq_size', c_ulong),
('lock_fns', POINTER(_XLockPtrs)),
('idlist_alloc', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XID), c_int)),
('key_bindings', POINTER(_XKeytrans)),
('cursor_font', Font),
('atoms', POINTER(_XDisplayAtoms)),
('mode_switch', c_uint),
('num_lock', c_uint),
('context_db', POINTER(_XContextDB)),
('error_vec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), POINTER(xError))),
('cms', N9_XDisplay5DOT_252E),
('im_filters', POINTER(_XIMFilter)),
('qfree', POINTER(_XSQEvent)),
('next_event_serial_num', c_ulong),
('flushes', POINTER(_XExten)),
('im_fd_info', POINTER(_XConnectionInfo)),
('im_fd_length', c_int),
('conn_watchers', POINTER(_XConnWatchInfo)),
('watcher_count', c_int),
('filedes', XPointer),
('savedsynchandler', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display))),
('resource_max', XID),
('xcmisc_opcode', c_int),
('xkb_info', POINTER(_XkbInfoRec)),
('trans_conn', POINTER(_XtransConnInfo)),
('xcb', POINTER(_X11XCBPrivate)),
('next_cookie', c_uint),
('generic_event_vec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(xEvent)) * 128),
('generic_event_copy_vec', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie)) * 128),
('cookiejar', c_void_p),
_XLockInfo._fields_ = [
_XKeytrans._fields_ = [
_XDisplayAtoms._fields_ = [
_XContextDB._fields_ = [
_XIMFilter._fields_ = [
_XkbInfoRec._fields_ = [
_XtransConnInfo._fields_ = [
_X11XCBPrivate._fields_ = [
_XEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('xany', XAnyEvent),
('xkey', XKeyEvent),
('xbutton', XButtonEvent),
('xmotion', XMotionEvent),
('xcrossing', XCrossingEvent),
('xfocus', XFocusChangeEvent),
('xexpose', XExposeEvent),
('xgraphicsexpose', XGraphicsExposeEvent),
('xnoexpose', XNoExposeEvent),
('xvisibility', XVisibilityEvent),
('xcreatewindow', XCreateWindowEvent),
('xdestroywindow', XDestroyWindowEvent),
('xunmap', XUnmapEvent),
('xmap', XMapEvent),
('xmaprequest', XMapRequestEvent),
('xreparent', XReparentEvent),
('xconfigure', XConfigureEvent),
('xgravity', XGravityEvent),
('xresizerequest', XResizeRequestEvent),
('xconfigurerequest', XConfigureRequestEvent),
('xcirculate', XCirculateEvent),
('xcirculaterequest', XCirculateRequestEvent),
('xproperty', XPropertyEvent),
('xselectionclear', XSelectionClearEvent),
('xselectionrequest', XSelectionRequestEvent),
('xselection', XSelectionEvent),
('xcolormap', XColormapEvent),
('xclient', XClientMessageEvent),
('xmapping', XMappingEvent),
('xerror', XErrorEvent),
('xkeymap', XKeymapEvent),
('xgeneric', XGenericEvent),
('xcookie', XGenericEventCookie),
('pad', c_long * 24),
_XSQEvent._fields_ = [
('next', POINTER(_XSQEvent)),
('event', XEvent),
('qserial_num', c_ulong),
_XQEvent = _XSQEvent
class _LockInfoRec(Structure):
LockInfoPtr = POINTER(_LockInfoRec)
_LockInfoRec._fields_ = [
_XLockPtrs._fields_ = [
('lock_display', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display))),
('unlock_display', CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display))),
_XCreateMutex_fn = (CFUNCTYPE(None, LockInfoPtr)).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_XCreateMutex_fn')
_XFreeMutex_fn = (CFUNCTYPE(None, LockInfoPtr)).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_XFreeMutex_fn')
_XLockMutex_fn = (CFUNCTYPE(None, LockInfoPtr)).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_XLockMutex_fn')
_XUnlockMutex_fn = (CFUNCTYPE(None, LockInfoPtr)).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_XUnlockMutex_fn')
_Xglobal_lock = (LockInfoPtr).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_Xglobal_lock')
CARD8 = c_ubyte
size_t = c_ulong
_XGetRequest = _libraries['']._XGetRequest
_XGetRequest.restype = c_void_p
_XGetRequest.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), CARD8, size_t]
_XFlushGCCache = _libraries['']._XFlushGCCache
_XFlushGCCache.restype = None
_XFlushGCCache.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC]
_XData32 = _libraries['']._XData32
_XData32.restype = c_int
_XData32.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_long), c_uint]
_XRead32 = _libraries['']._XRead32
_XRead32.restype = None
_XRead32.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(c_long), c_long]
class xReply(Union):
_XInternalAsync._fields_ = [
('next', POINTER(_XInternalAsync)),
('handler', CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(xReply), STRING, c_int, XPointer)),
('data', XPointer),
_XAsyncHandler = _XInternalAsync
class _XAsyncEState(Structure):
_XAsyncEState._fields_ = [
('min_sequence_number', c_ulong),
('max_sequence_number', c_ulong),
('error_code', c_ubyte),
('major_opcode', c_ubyte),
('minor_opcode', c_ushort),
('last_error_received', c_ubyte),
('error_count', c_int),
_XAsyncErrorState = _XAsyncEState
_XDeqAsyncHandler = _libraries['']._XDeqAsyncHandler
_XDeqAsyncHandler.restype = None
_XDeqAsyncHandler.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XAsyncHandler)]
FreeFuncType = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display))
FreeModmapType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(XModifierKeymap))
_XFreeFuncs._fields_ = [
('atoms', FreeFuncType),
('modifiermap', FreeModmapType),
('key_bindings', FreeFuncType),
('context_db', FreeFuncType),
('defaultCCCs', FreeFuncType),
('clientCmaps', FreeFuncType),
('intensityMaps', FreeFuncType),
('im_filters', FreeFuncType),
('xkb', FreeFuncType),
_XFreeFuncRec = _XFreeFuncs
CreateGCType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
CopyGCType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
FlushGCType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
FreeGCType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
CreateFontType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XExtCodes))
FreeFontType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XExtCodes))
CloseDisplayType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XExtCodes))
ErrorType = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(xError), POINTER(XExtCodes), POINTER(c_int))
ErrorStringType = CFUNCTYPE(STRING, POINTER(Display), c_int, POINTER(XExtCodes), STRING, c_int)
PrintErrorType = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), c_void_p)
BeforeFlushType = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XExtCodes), STRING, c_long)
_XExten._fields_ = [
('next', POINTER(_XExten)),
('codes', XExtCodes),
('create_GC', CreateGCType),
('copy_GC', CopyGCType),
('flush_GC', FlushGCType),
('free_GC', FreeGCType),
('create_Font', CreateFontType),
('free_Font', FreeFontType),
('close_display', CloseDisplayType),
('error', ErrorType),
('error_string', ErrorStringType),
('name', STRING),
('error_values', PrintErrorType),
('before_flush', BeforeFlushType),
('next_flush', POINTER(_XExten)),
_XExtension = _XExten
_XError = _libraries['']._XError
_XError.restype = c_int
_XError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(xError)]
_XIOError = _libraries['']._XIOError
_XIOError.restype = c_int
_XIOError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XIOErrorFunction = (CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display))).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_XIOErrorFunction')
_XErrorFunction = (CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent))).in_dll(_libraries[''], '_XErrorFunction')
_XEatData = _libraries['']._XEatData
_XEatData.restype = None
_XEatData.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong]
_XEatDataWords = _libraries['']._XEatDataWords
_XEatDataWords.restype = None
_XEatDataWords.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong]
_XAllocScratch = _libraries['']._XAllocScratch
_XAllocScratch.restype = STRING
_XAllocScratch.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong]
_XAllocTemp = _libraries['']._XAllocTemp
_XAllocTemp.restype = STRING
_XAllocTemp.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_ulong]
_XFreeTemp = _libraries['']._XFreeTemp
_XFreeTemp.restype = None
_XFreeTemp.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_ulong]
_XVIDtoVisual = _libraries['']._XVIDtoVisual
_XVIDtoVisual.restype = POINTER(Visual)
_XVIDtoVisual.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), VisualID]
class xGenericReply(Structure):
_XSetLastRequestRead = _libraries['']._XSetLastRequestRead
_XSetLastRequestRead.restype = c_ulong
_XSetLastRequestRead.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(xGenericReply)]
_XGetHostname = _libraries['']._XGetHostname
_XGetHostname.restype = c_int
_XGetHostname.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
_XScreenOfWindow = _libraries['']._XScreenOfWindow
_XScreenOfWindow.restype = POINTER(Screen)
_XScreenOfWindow.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window]
_XAsyncErrorHandler = _libraries['']._XAsyncErrorHandler
_XAsyncErrorHandler.restype = c_int
_XAsyncErrorHandler.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(xReply), STRING, c_int, XPointer]
_XGetAsyncReply = _libraries['']._XGetAsyncReply
_XGetAsyncReply.restype = STRING
_XGetAsyncReply.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, POINTER(xReply), STRING, c_int, c_int, c_int]
_XGetAsyncData = _libraries['']._XGetAsyncData
_XGetAsyncData.restype = None
_XGetAsyncData.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, STRING, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
_XFlush = _libraries['']._XFlush
_XFlush.restype = None
_XFlush.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XEventsQueued = _libraries['']._XEventsQueued
_XEventsQueued.restype = c_int
_XEventsQueued.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
_XReadEvents = _libraries['']._XReadEvents
_XReadEvents.restype = None
_XReadEvents.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XRead = _libraries['']._XRead
_XRead.restype = c_int
_XRead.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_long]
_XReadPad = _libraries['']._XReadPad
_XReadPad.restype = None
_XReadPad.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_long]
_XSend = _libraries['']._XSend
_XSend.restype = None
_XSend.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, c_long]
_XReply = _libraries['']._XReply
_XReply.restype = c_int
_XReply.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(xReply), c_int, c_int]
_XEnq = _libraries['']._XEnq
_XEnq.restype = None
_XEnq.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(xEvent)]
_XDeq = _libraries['']._XDeq
_XDeq.restype = None
_XDeq.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XQEvent), POINTER(_XQEvent)]
_XUnknownWireEvent = _libraries['']._XUnknownWireEvent
_XUnknownWireEvent.restype = c_int
_XUnknownWireEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent)]
_XUnknownWireEventCookie = _libraries['']._XUnknownWireEventCookie
_XUnknownWireEventCookie.restype = c_int
_XUnknownWireEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(xEvent)]
_XUnknownCopyEventCookie = _libraries['']._XUnknownCopyEventCookie
_XUnknownCopyEventCookie.restype = c_int
_XUnknownCopyEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie)]
_XUnknownNativeEvent = _libraries['']._XUnknownNativeEvent
_XUnknownNativeEvent.restype = c_int
_XUnknownNativeEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent)]
_XWireToEvent = _libraries['']._XWireToEvent
_XWireToEvent.restype = c_int
_XWireToEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent)]
_XDefaultWireError = _libraries['']._XDefaultWireError
_XDefaultWireError.restype = c_int
_XDefaultWireError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), POINTER(xError)]
_XPollfdCacheInit = _libraries['']._XPollfdCacheInit
_XPollfdCacheInit.restype = c_int
_XPollfdCacheInit.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XPollfdCacheAdd = _libraries['']._XPollfdCacheAdd
_XPollfdCacheAdd.restype = None
_XPollfdCacheAdd.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
_XPollfdCacheDel = _libraries['']._XPollfdCacheDel
_XPollfdCacheDel.restype = None
_XPollfdCacheDel.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
_XAllocID = _libraries['']._XAllocID
_XAllocID.restype = XID
_XAllocID.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XAllocIDs = _libraries['']._XAllocIDs
_XAllocIDs.restype = None
_XAllocIDs.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XID), c_int]
_XFreeExtData = _libraries['']._XFreeExtData
_XFreeExtData.restype = c_int
_XFreeExtData.argtypes = [POINTER(XExtData)]
XESetCreateGC = _libraries[''].XESetCreateGC
XESetCreateGC.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetCreateGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetCopyGC = _libraries[''].XESetCopyGC
XESetCopyGC.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetCopyGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetFlushGC = _libraries[''].XESetFlushGC
XESetFlushGC.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetFlushGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetFreeGC = _libraries[''].XESetFreeGC
XESetFreeGC.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetFreeGC.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), GC, POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetCreateFont = _libraries[''].XESetCreateFont
XESetCreateFont.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetCreateFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetFreeFont = _libraries[''].XESetFreeFont
XESetFreeFont.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetFreeFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetCloseDisplay = _libraries[''].XESetCloseDisplay
XESetCloseDisplay.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XExtCodes))
XESetCloseDisplay.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XExtCodes))]
XESetError = _libraries[''].XESetError
XESetError.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(xError), POINTER(XExtCodes), POINTER(c_int))
XESetError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(xError), POINTER(XExtCodes), POINTER(c_int))]
XESetErrorString = _libraries[''].XESetErrorString
XESetErrorString.restype = CFUNCTYPE(STRING, POINTER(Display), c_int, POINTER(XExtCodes), STRING, c_int)
XESetErrorString.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(STRING, POINTER(Display), c_int, POINTER(XExtCodes), STRING, c_int)]
XESetPrintErrorValues = _libraries[''].XESetPrintErrorValues
XESetPrintErrorValues.restype = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), c_void_p)
XESetPrintErrorValues.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), c_void_p)]
XESetWireToEvent = _libraries[''].XESetWireToEvent
XESetWireToEvent.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent))
XESetWireToEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent))]
XESetWireToEventCookie = _libraries[''].XESetWireToEventCookie
XESetWireToEventCookie.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(xEvent))
XESetWireToEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(xEvent))]
XESetCopyEventCookie = _libraries[''].XESetCopyEventCookie
XESetCopyEventCookie.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie))
XESetCopyEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie))]
XESetEventToWire = _libraries[''].XESetEventToWire
XESetEventToWire.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent))
XESetEventToWire.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent))]
XESetWireToError = _libraries[''].XESetWireToError
XESetWireToError.restype = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), POINTER(xError))
XESetWireToError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent), POINTER(xError))]
XESetBeforeFlush = _libraries[''].XESetBeforeFlush
XESetBeforeFlush.restype = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XExtCodes), STRING, c_long)
XESetBeforeFlush.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), POINTER(XExtCodes), STRING, c_long)]
_XInternalConnectionProc = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Display), c_int, XPointer)
_XRegisterInternalConnection = _libraries['']._XRegisterInternalConnection
_XRegisterInternalConnection.restype = c_int
_XRegisterInternalConnection.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int, _XInternalConnectionProc, XPointer]
_XUnregisterInternalConnection = _libraries['']._XUnregisterInternalConnection
_XUnregisterInternalConnection.restype = None
_XUnregisterInternalConnection.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), c_int]
_XProcessInternalConnection = _libraries['']._XProcessInternalConnection
_XProcessInternalConnection.restype = None
_XProcessInternalConnection.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(_XConnectionInfo)]
_XConnectionInfo._fields_ = [
('fd', c_int),
('read_callback', _XInternalConnectionProc),
('call_data', XPointer),
('watch_data', POINTER(XPointer)),
('next', POINTER(_XConnectionInfo)),
_XConnWatchInfo._fields_ = [
('fn', XConnectionWatchProc),
('client_data', XPointer),
('next', POINTER(_XConnWatchInfo)),
_XTextHeight = _libraries['']._XTextHeight
_XTextHeight.restype = c_int
_XTextHeight.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), STRING, c_int]
_XTextHeight16 = _libraries['']._XTextHeight16
_XTextHeight16.restype = c_int
_XTextHeight16.argtypes = [POINTER(XFontStruct), POINTER(XChar2b), c_int]
_XEventToWire = _libraries['']._XEventToWire
_XEventToWire.restype = c_int
_XEventToWire.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent), POINTER(xEvent)]
_XF86LoadQueryLocaleFont = _libraries['']._XF86LoadQueryLocaleFont
_XF86LoadQueryLocaleFont.restype = c_int
_XF86LoadQueryLocaleFont.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), STRING, POINTER(POINTER(XFontStruct)), POINTER(Font)]
class xChangeWindowAttributesReq(Structure):
_XProcessWindowAttributes = _libraries['']._XProcessWindowAttributes
_XProcessWindowAttributes.restype = None
_XProcessWindowAttributes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(xChangeWindowAttributesReq), c_ulong, POINTER(XSetWindowAttributes)]
_XDefaultError = _libraries['']._XDefaultError
_XDefaultError.restype = c_int
_XDefaultError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XErrorEvent)]
_XDefaultIOError = _libraries['']._XDefaultIOError
_XDefaultIOError.restype = c_int
_XDefaultIOError.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XSetClipRectangles = _libraries['']._XSetClipRectangles
_XSetClipRectangles.restype = None
_XSetClipRectangles.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), GC, c_int, c_int, POINTER(XRectangle), c_int, c_int]
_XGetWindowAttributes = _libraries['']._XGetWindowAttributes
_XGetWindowAttributes.restype = c_int
_XGetWindowAttributes.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), Window, POINTER(XWindowAttributes)]
_XPutBackEvent = _libraries['']._XPutBackEvent
_XPutBackEvent.restype = c_int
_XPutBackEvent.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent)]
_XIsEventCookie = _libraries['']._XIsEventCookie
_XIsEventCookie.restype = c_int
_XIsEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent)]
_XFreeEventCookies = _libraries['']._XFreeEventCookies
_XFreeEventCookies.restype = None
_XFreeEventCookies.argtypes = [POINTER(Display)]
_XStoreEventCookie = _libraries['']._XStoreEventCookie
_XStoreEventCookie.restype = None
_XStoreEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XEvent)]
_XFetchEventCookie = _libraries['']._XFetchEventCookie
_XFetchEventCookie.restype = c_int
_XFetchEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie)]
_XCopyEventCookie = _libraries['']._XCopyEventCookie
_XCopyEventCookie.restype = c_int
_XCopyEventCookie.argtypes = [POINTER(Display), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie), POINTER(XGenericEventCookie)]
xlocaledir = _libraries[''].xlocaledir
xlocaledir.restype = None
xlocaledir.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
INT64 = c_long
INT32 = c_int
INT16 = c_short
INT8 = c_byte
CARD64 = c_ulong
CARD32 = c_uint
CARD16 = c_ushort
KeyButMask = CARD16
class xConnClientPrefix(Structure):
xConnClientPrefix._fields_ = [
('byteOrder', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('majorVersion', CARD16),
('minorVersion', CARD16),
('nbytesAuthProto', CARD16),
('nbytesAuthString', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
class xConnSetupPrefix(Structure):
xConnSetupPrefix._fields_ = [
('success', CARD8),
('lengthReason', BYTE),
('majorVersion', CARD16),
('minorVersion', CARD16),
('length', CARD16),
class xConnSetup(Structure):
xConnSetup._fields_ = [
('release', CARD32),
('ridBase', CARD32),
('ridMask', CARD32),
('motionBufferSize', CARD32),
('nbytesVendor', CARD16),
('maxRequestSize', CARD16),
('numRoots', CARD8),
('numFormats', CARD8),
('imageByteOrder', CARD8),
('bitmapBitOrder', CARD8),
('bitmapScanlineUnit', CARD8),
('bitmapScanlinePad', CARD8),
('minKeyCode', CARD8),
('maxKeyCode', CARD8),
('pad2', CARD32),
class xPixmapFormat(Structure):
xPixmapFormat._fields_ = [
('depth', CARD8),
('bitsPerPixel', CARD8),
('scanLinePad', CARD8),
('pad1', CARD8),
('pad2', CARD32),
class xDepth(Structure):
xDepth._fields_ = [
('depth', CARD8),
('pad1', CARD8),
('nVisuals', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD32),
class xVisualType(Structure):
xVisualType._fields_ = [
('visualID', CARD32),
('c_class', CARD8),
('bitsPerRGB', CARD8),
('colormapEntries', CARD16),
('redMask', CARD32),
('greenMask', CARD32),
('blueMask', CARD32),
('pad', CARD32),
class xWindowRoot(Structure):
xWindowRoot._fields_ = [
('windowId', CARD32),
('defaultColormap', CARD32),
('whitePixel', CARD32),
('blackPixel', CARD32),
('currentInputMask', CARD32),
('pixWidth', CARD16),
('pixHeight', CARD16),
('mmWidth', CARD16),
('mmHeight', CARD16),
('minInstalledMaps', CARD16),
('maxInstalledMaps', CARD16),
('rootVisualID', CARD32),
('backingStore', CARD8),
('saveUnders', BOOL),
('rootDepth', CARD8),
('nDepths', CARD8),
class xTimecoord(Structure):
xTimecoord._fields_ = [
('time', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
class xHostEntry(Structure):
xHostEntry._fields_ = [
('family', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
class xCharInfo(Structure):
xCharInfo._fields_ = [
('leftSideBearing', INT16),
('rightSideBearing', INT16),
('characterWidth', INT16),
('ascent', INT16),
('descent', INT16),
('attributes', CARD16),
class xFontProp(Structure):
xFontProp._fields_ = [
('name', CARD32),
('value', CARD32),
class xTextElt(Structure):
xTextElt._fields_ = [
('len', CARD8),
('delta', INT8),
class xColorItem(Structure):
xColorItem._fields_ = [
('pixel', CARD32),
('red', CARD16),
('green', CARD16),
('blue', CARD16),
('flags', CARD8),
('pad', CARD8),
class xrgb(Structure):
xrgb._fields_ = [
('red', CARD16),
('green', CARD16),
('blue', CARD16),
('pad', CARD16),
xGenericReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('data1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('data00', CARD32),
('data01', CARD32),
('data02', CARD32),
('data03', CARD32),
('data04', CARD32),
('data05', CARD32),
class xGetWindowAttributesReply(Structure):
xGetWindowAttributesReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('backingStore', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('visualID', CARD32),
('c_class', CARD16),
('bitGravity', CARD8),
('winGravity', CARD8),
('backingBitPlanes', CARD32),
('backingPixel', CARD32),
('saveUnder', BOOL),
('mapInstalled', BOOL),
('mapState', CARD8),
('override', BOOL),
('colormap', CARD32),
('allEventMasks', CARD32),
('yourEventMask', CARD32),
('doNotPropagateMask', CARD16),
('pad', CARD16),
class xGetGeometryReply(Structure):
xGetGeometryReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('depth', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('root', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('borderWidth', CARD16),
('pad1', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
class xQueryTreeReply(Structure):
xQueryTreeReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('root', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('nChildren', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
class xInternAtomReply(Structure):
xInternAtomReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('atom', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
class xGetAtomNameReply(Structure):
xGetAtomNameReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nameLength', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xGetPropertyReply(Structure):
xGetPropertyReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('format', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('propertyType', CARD32),
('bytesAfter', CARD32),
('nItems', CARD32),
('pad1', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
class xListPropertiesReply(Structure):
xListPropertiesReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nProperties', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xGetSelectionOwnerReply(Structure):
xGetSelectionOwnerReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('owner', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
class xGrabPointerReply(Structure):
xGrabPointerReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('status', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pad1', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
xGrabKeyboardReply = xGrabPointerReply
class xQueryPointerReply(Structure):
xQueryPointerReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('sameScreen', BOOL),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('root', CARD32),
('child', CARD32),
('rootX', INT16),
('rootY', INT16),
('winX', INT16),
('winY', INT16),
('mask', CARD16),
('pad1', CARD16),
('pad', CARD32),
class xGetMotionEventsReply(Structure):
xGetMotionEventsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nEvents', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
class xTranslateCoordsReply(Structure):
xTranslateCoordsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('sameScreen', BOOL),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('child', CARD32),
('dstX', INT16),
('dstY', INT16),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
class xGetInputFocusReply(Structure):
xGetInputFocusReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('revertTo', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('focus', CARD32),
('pad1', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
class xQueryKeymapReply(Structure):
xQueryKeymapReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('map', BYTE * 32),
class _xQueryFontReply(Structure):
_xQueryFontReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('minBounds', xCharInfo),
('walign1', CARD32),
('maxBounds', xCharInfo),
('walign2', CARD32),
('minCharOrByte2', CARD16),
('maxCharOrByte2', CARD16),
('defaultChar', CARD16),
('nFontProps', CARD16),
('drawDirection', CARD8),
('minByte1', CARD8),
('maxByte1', CARD8),
('allCharsExist', BOOL),
('fontAscent', INT16),
('fontDescent', INT16),
('nCharInfos', CARD32),
xQueryFontReply = _xQueryFontReply
class xQueryTextExtentsReply(Structure):
xQueryTextExtentsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('drawDirection', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('fontAscent', INT16),
('fontDescent', INT16),
('overallAscent', INT16),
('overallDescent', INT16),
('overallWidth', INT32),
('overallLeft', INT32),
('overallRight', INT32),
('pad', CARD32),
class xListFontsReply(Structure):
xListFontsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nFonts', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xListFontsWithInfoReply(Structure):
xListFontsWithInfoReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('nameLength', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('minBounds', xCharInfo),
('walign1', CARD32),
('maxBounds', xCharInfo),
('walign2', CARD32),
('minCharOrByte2', CARD16),
('maxCharOrByte2', CARD16),
('defaultChar', CARD16),
('nFontProps', CARD16),
('drawDirection', CARD8),
('minByte1', CARD8),
('maxByte1', CARD8),
('allCharsExist', BOOL),
('fontAscent', INT16),
('fontDescent', INT16),
('nReplies', CARD32),
class xGetFontPathReply(Structure):
xGetFontPathReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nPaths', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xGetImageReply(Structure):
xGetImageReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('depth', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('visual', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xListInstalledColormapsReply(Structure):
xListInstalledColormapsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nColormaps', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xAllocColorReply(Structure):
xAllocColorReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('red', CARD16),
('green', CARD16),
('blue', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pixel', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
class xAllocNamedColorReply(Structure):
xAllocNamedColorReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pixel', CARD32),
('exactRed', CARD16),
('exactGreen', CARD16),
('exactBlue', CARD16),
('screenRed', CARD16),
('screenGreen', CARD16),
('screenBlue', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
class xAllocColorCellsReply(Structure):
xAllocColorCellsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nPixels', CARD16),
('nMasks', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xAllocColorPlanesReply(Structure):
xAllocColorPlanesReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nPixels', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('redMask', CARD32),
('greenMask', CARD32),
('blueMask', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
class xQueryColorsReply(Structure):
xQueryColorsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nColors', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xLookupColorReply(Structure):
xLookupColorReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('exactRed', CARD16),
('exactGreen', CARD16),
('exactBlue', CARD16),
('screenRed', CARD16),
('screenGreen', CARD16),
('screenBlue', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
class xQueryBestSizeReply(Structure):
xQueryBestSizeReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xQueryExtensionReply(Structure):
xQueryExtensionReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('present', BOOL),
('major_opcode', CARD8),
('first_event', CARD8),
('first_error', CARD8),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xListExtensionsReply(Structure):
xListExtensionsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('nExtensions', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xSetMappingReply(Structure):
xSetMappingReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('success', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
xSetPointerMappingReply = xSetMappingReply
xSetModifierMappingReply = xSetMappingReply
class xGetPointerMappingReply(Structure):
xGetPointerMappingReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('nElts', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xGetKeyboardMappingReply(Structure):
xGetKeyboardMappingReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('keySymsPerKeyCode', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xGetModifierMappingReply(Structure):
xGetModifierMappingReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('numKeyPerModifier', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('pad1', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
class xGetKeyboardControlReply(Structure):
xGetKeyboardControlReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('globalAutoRepeat', BOOL),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('ledMask', CARD32),
('keyClickPercent', CARD8),
('bellPercent', CARD8),
('bellPitch', CARD16),
('bellDuration', CARD16),
('pad', CARD16),
('map', BYTE * 32),
class xGetPointerControlReply(Structure):
xGetPointerControlReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('accelNumerator', CARD16),
('accelDenominator', CARD16),
('threshold', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
class xGetScreenSaverReply(Structure):
xGetScreenSaverReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('timeout', CARD16),
('interval', CARD16),
('preferBlanking', BOOL),
('allowExposures', BOOL),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
class xListHostsReply(Structure):
xListHostsReply._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('enabled', BOOL),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('nHosts', CARD16),
('pad1', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
xError._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('errorCode', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('resourceID', CARD32),
('minorCode', CARD16),
('majorCode', CARD8),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_146E(Union):
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_147E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_147E._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('detail', BYTE),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_148E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_148E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('root', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('child', CARD32),
('rootX', INT16),
('rootY', INT16),
('eventX', INT16),
('eventY', INT16),
('state', KeyButMask),
('sameScreen', BOOL),
('pad1', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_149E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_149E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('root', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('child', CARD32),
('rootX', INT16),
('rootY', INT16),
('eventX', INT16),
('eventY', INT16),
('state', KeyButMask),
('mode', BYTE),
('flags', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_150E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_150E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('mode', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_151E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_151E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('x', CARD16),
('y', CARD16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('count', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_152E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_152E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('drawable', CARD32),
('x', CARD16),
('y', CARD16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('minorEvent', CARD16),
('count', CARD16),
('majorEvent', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_153E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_153E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('drawable', CARD32),
('minorEvent', CARD16),
('majorEvent', BYTE),
('bpad', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_154E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_154E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('state', CARD8),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_155E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_155E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('borderWidth', CARD16),
('override', BOOL),
('bpad', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_156E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_156E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_157E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_157E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('fromConfigure', BOOL),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_158E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_158E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('override', BOOL),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_159E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_159E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_160E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_160E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('override', BOOL),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_161E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_161E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('aboveSibling', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('borderWidth', CARD16),
('override', BOOL),
('bpad', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_162E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_162E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('sibling', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('borderWidth', CARD16),
('valueMask', CARD16),
('pad1', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_163E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_163E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('pad1', CARD32),
('pad2', CARD32),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_164E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_164E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_165E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_165E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('event', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('place', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_166E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_166E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('atom', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('state', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', CARD16),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_167E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_167E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('atom', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_168E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_168E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('owner', CARD32),
('requestor', CARD32),
('selection', CARD32),
('target', CARD32),
('property', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_169E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_169E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('requestor', CARD32),
('selection', CARD32),
('target', CARD32),
('property', CARD32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_170E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_170E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('colormap', CARD32),
('c_new', BOOL),
('state', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_171E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_171E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('request', CARD8),
('firstKeyCode', CARD8),
('count', CARD8),
('pad1', BYTE),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_172E(Structure):
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_173E(Union):
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_174E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_174E._fields_ = [
('type', CARD32),
('longs0', INT32),
('longs1', INT32),
('longs2', INT32),
('longs3', INT32),
('longs4', INT32),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_175E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_175E._fields_ = [
('type', CARD32),
('shorts0', INT16),
('shorts1', INT16),
('shorts2', INT16),
('shorts3', INT16),
('shorts4', INT16),
('shorts5', INT16),
('shorts6', INT16),
('shorts7', INT16),
('shorts8', INT16),
('shorts9', INT16),
class N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_176E(Structure):
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_176E._fields_ = [
('type', CARD32),
('bytes', INT8 * 20),
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_173E._fields_ = [
('l', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_174E),
('s', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_175E),
('b', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_176E),
N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_172E._fields_ = [
('pad00', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('u', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_173E),
N7_xEvent5DOT_146E._fields_ = [
('u', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_147E),
('keyButtonPointer', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_148E),
('enterLeave', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_149E),
('focus', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_150E),
('expose', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_151E),
('graphicsExposure', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_152E),
('noExposure', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_153E),
('visibility', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_154E),
('createNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_155E),
('destroyNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_156E),
('unmapNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_157E),
('mapNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_158E),
('mapRequest', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_159E),
('reparent', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_160E),
('configureNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_161E),
('configureRequest', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_162E),
('gravity', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_163E),
('resizeRequest', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_164E),
('circulate', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_165E),
('property', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_166E),
('selectionClear', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_167E),
('selectionRequest', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_168E),
('selectionNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_169E),
('colormap', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_170E),
('mappingNotify', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_171E),
('clientMessage', N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_172E),
_xEvent._fields_ = [
('u', N7_xEvent5DOT_146E),
class xGenericEvent(Structure):
xGenericEvent._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('extension', CARD8),
('sequenceNumber', CARD16),
('length', CARD32),
('evtype', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
('pad3', CARD32),
('pad4', CARD32),
('pad5', CARD32),
('pad6', CARD32),
('pad7', CARD32),
class xKeymapEvent(Structure):
xKeymapEvent._fields_ = [
('type', BYTE),
('map', BYTE * 31),
class _xReq(Structure):
_xReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('data', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
xReq = _xReq
class xResourceReq(Structure):
xResourceReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('id', CARD32),
class xCreateWindowReq(Structure):
xCreateWindowReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('depth', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('wid', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('borderWidth', CARD16),
('c_class', CARD16),
('visual', CARD32),
('mask', CARD32),
xChangeWindowAttributesReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('valueMask', CARD32),
class xChangeSaveSetReq(Structure):
xChangeSaveSetReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('mode', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
class xReparentWindowReq(Structure):
xReparentWindowReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('parent', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
class xConfigureWindowReq(Structure):
xConfigureWindowReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('mask', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
class xCirculateWindowReq(Structure):
xCirculateWindowReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('direction', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
class xInternAtomReq(Structure):
xInternAtomReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('onlyIfExists', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('nbytes', CARD16),
('pad', CARD16),
class xChangePropertyReq(Structure):
xChangePropertyReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('mode', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('property', CARD32),
('type', CARD32),
('format', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE * 3),
('nUnits', CARD32),
class xDeletePropertyReq(Structure):
xDeletePropertyReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('property', CARD32),
class xGetPropertyReq(Structure):
xGetPropertyReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('c_delete', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('property', CARD32),
('type', CARD32),
('longOffset', CARD32),
('longLength', CARD32),
class xSetSelectionOwnerReq(Structure):
xSetSelectionOwnerReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('selection', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
class xConvertSelectionReq(Structure):
xConvertSelectionReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('requestor', CARD32),
('selection', CARD32),
('target', CARD32),
('property', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
class xSendEventReq(Structure):
xSendEventReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('propagate', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('destination', CARD32),
('eventMask', CARD32),
('event', xEvent),
class xGrabPointerReq(Structure):
xGrabPointerReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('ownerEvents', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('grabWindow', CARD32),
('eventMask', CARD16),
('pointerMode', BYTE),
('keyboardMode', BYTE),
('confineTo', CARD32),
('cursor', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
class xGrabButtonReq(Structure):
xGrabButtonReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('ownerEvents', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('grabWindow', CARD32),
('eventMask', CARD16),
('pointerMode', BYTE),
('keyboardMode', BYTE),
('confineTo', CARD32),
('cursor', CARD32),
('button', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('modifiers', CARD16),
class xUngrabButtonReq(Structure):
xUngrabButtonReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('button', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('grabWindow', CARD32),
('modifiers', CARD16),
('pad', CARD16),
class xChangeActivePointerGrabReq(Structure):
xChangeActivePointerGrabReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cursor', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('eventMask', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
class xGrabKeyboardReq(Structure):
xGrabKeyboardReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('ownerEvents', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('grabWindow', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
('pointerMode', BYTE),
('keyboardMode', BYTE),
('pad', CARD16),
class xGrabKeyReq(Structure):
xGrabKeyReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('ownerEvents', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('grabWindow', CARD32),
('modifiers', CARD16),
('key', CARD8),
('pointerMode', BYTE),
('keyboardMode', BYTE),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
('pad3', BYTE),
class xUngrabKeyReq(Structure):
xUngrabKeyReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('key', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('grabWindow', CARD32),
('modifiers', CARD16),
('pad', CARD16),
class xAllowEventsReq(Structure):
xAllowEventsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('mode', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('time', CARD32),
class xGetMotionEventsReq(Structure):
xGetMotionEventsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('start', CARD32),
('stop', CARD32),
class xTranslateCoordsReq(Structure):
xTranslateCoordsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('srcWid', CARD32),
('dstWid', CARD32),
('srcX', INT16),
('srcY', INT16),
class xWarpPointerReq(Structure):
xWarpPointerReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('srcWid', CARD32),
('dstWid', CARD32),
('srcX', INT16),
('srcY', INT16),
('srcWidth', CARD16),
('srcHeight', CARD16),
('dstX', INT16),
('dstY', INT16),
class xSetInputFocusReq(Structure):
xSetInputFocusReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('revertTo', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('focus', CARD32),
('time', CARD32),
class xOpenFontReq(Structure):
xOpenFontReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('fid', CARD32),
('nbytes', CARD16),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class xQueryTextExtentsReq(Structure):
xQueryTextExtentsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('oddLength', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('fid', CARD32),
class xListFontsReq(Structure):
xListFontsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('maxNames', CARD16),
('nbytes', CARD16),
xListFontsWithInfoReq = xListFontsReq
class xSetFontPathReq(Structure):
xSetFontPathReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('nFonts', CARD16),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class xCreatePixmapReq(Structure):
xCreatePixmapReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('depth', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('pid', CARD32),
('drawable', CARD32),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
class xCreateGCReq(Structure):
xCreateGCReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('gc', CARD32),
('drawable', CARD32),
('mask', CARD32),
class xChangeGCReq(Structure):
xChangeGCReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('gc', CARD32),
('mask', CARD32),
class xCopyGCReq(Structure):
xCopyGCReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('srcGC', CARD32),
('dstGC', CARD32),
('mask', CARD32),
class xSetDashesReq(Structure):
xSetDashesReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('gc', CARD32),
('dashOffset', CARD16),
('nDashes', CARD16),
class xSetClipRectanglesReq(Structure):
xSetClipRectanglesReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('ordering', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('gc', CARD32),
('xOrigin', INT16),
('yOrigin', INT16),
class xClearAreaReq(Structure):
xClearAreaReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('exposures', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
class xCopyAreaReq(Structure):
xCopyAreaReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('srcDrawable', CARD32),
('dstDrawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
('srcX', INT16),
('srcY', INT16),
('dstX', INT16),
('dstY', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
class xCopyPlaneReq(Structure):
xCopyPlaneReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('srcDrawable', CARD32),
('dstDrawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
('srcX', INT16),
('srcY', INT16),
('dstX', INT16),
('dstY', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('bitPlane', CARD32),
class xPolyPointReq(Structure):
xPolyPointReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('coordMode', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
xPolyLineReq = xPolyPointReq
class xPolySegmentReq(Structure):
xPolySegmentReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
xPolyArcReq = xPolySegmentReq
xPolyRectangleReq = xPolySegmentReq
xPolyFillRectangleReq = xPolySegmentReq
xPolyFillArcReq = xPolySegmentReq
class _FillPolyReq(Structure):
_FillPolyReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
('shape', BYTE),
('coordMode', BYTE),
('pad1', CARD16),
xFillPolyReq = _FillPolyReq
class _PutImageReq(Structure):
_PutImageReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('format', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('dstX', INT16),
('dstY', INT16),
('leftPad', CARD8),
('depth', CARD8),
('pad', CARD16),
xPutImageReq = _PutImageReq
class xGetImageReq(Structure):
xGetImageReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('format', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('planeMask', CARD32),
class xPolyTextReq(Structure):
xPolyTextReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
xPolyText8Req = xPolyTextReq
xPolyText16Req = xPolyTextReq
class xImageTextReq(Structure):
xImageTextReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('nChars', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('gc', CARD32),
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
xImageText8Req = xImageTextReq
xImageText16Req = xImageTextReq
class xCreateColormapReq(Structure):
xCreateColormapReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('alloc', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('mid', CARD32),
('window', CARD32),
('visual', CARD32),
class xCopyColormapAndFreeReq(Structure):
xCopyColormapAndFreeReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('mid', CARD32),
('srcCmap', CARD32),
class xAllocColorReq(Structure):
xAllocColorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('red', CARD16),
('green', CARD16),
('blue', CARD16),
('pad2', CARD16),
class xAllocNamedColorReq(Structure):
xAllocNamedColorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('nbytes', CARD16),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class xAllocColorCellsReq(Structure):
xAllocColorCellsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('contiguous', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('colors', CARD16),
('planes', CARD16),
class xAllocColorPlanesReq(Structure):
xAllocColorPlanesReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('contiguous', BOOL),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('colors', CARD16),
('red', CARD16),
('green', CARD16),
('blue', CARD16),
class xFreeColorsReq(Structure):
xFreeColorsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('planeMask', CARD32),
class xStoreColorsReq(Structure):
xStoreColorsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
class xStoreNamedColorReq(Structure):
xStoreNamedColorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('flags', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('pixel', CARD32),
('nbytes', CARD16),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class xQueryColorsReq(Structure):
xQueryColorsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
class xLookupColorReq(Structure):
xLookupColorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cmap', CARD32),
('nbytes', CARD16),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class xCreateCursorReq(Structure):
xCreateCursorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cid', CARD32),
('source', CARD32),
('mask', CARD32),
('foreRed', CARD16),
('foreGreen', CARD16),
('foreBlue', CARD16),
('backRed', CARD16),
('backGreen', CARD16),
('backBlue', CARD16),
('x', CARD16),
('y', CARD16),
class xCreateGlyphCursorReq(Structure):
xCreateGlyphCursorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cid', CARD32),
('source', CARD32),
('mask', CARD32),
('sourceChar', CARD16),
('maskChar', CARD16),
('foreRed', CARD16),
('foreGreen', CARD16),
('foreBlue', CARD16),
('backRed', CARD16),
('backGreen', CARD16),
('backBlue', CARD16),
class xRecolorCursorReq(Structure):
xRecolorCursorReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('cursor', CARD32),
('foreRed', CARD16),
('foreGreen', CARD16),
('foreBlue', CARD16),
('backRed', CARD16),
('backGreen', CARD16),
('backBlue', CARD16),
class xQueryBestSizeReq(Structure):
xQueryBestSizeReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('c_class', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('drawable', CARD32),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
class xQueryExtensionReq(Structure):
xQueryExtensionReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('nbytes', CARD16),
('pad1', BYTE),
('pad2', BYTE),
class xSetModifierMappingReq(Structure):
xSetModifierMappingReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('numKeyPerModifier', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
class xSetPointerMappingReq(Structure):
xSetPointerMappingReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('nElts', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
class xGetKeyboardMappingReq(Structure):
xGetKeyboardMappingReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('firstKeyCode', CARD8),
('count', CARD8),
('pad1', CARD16),
class xChangeKeyboardMappingReq(Structure):
xChangeKeyboardMappingReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('keyCodes', CARD8),
('length', CARD16),
('firstKeyCode', CARD8),
('keySymsPerKeyCode', CARD8),
('pad1', CARD16),
class xChangeKeyboardControlReq(Structure):
xChangeKeyboardControlReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('mask', CARD32),
class xBellReq(Structure):
xBellReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('percent', INT8),
('length', CARD16),
class xChangePointerControlReq(Structure):
xChangePointerControlReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('accelNum', INT16),
('accelDenum', INT16),
('threshold', INT16),
('doAccel', BOOL),
('doThresh', BOOL),
class xSetScreenSaverReq(Structure):
xSetScreenSaverReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('timeout', INT16),
('interval', INT16),
('preferBlank', BYTE),
('allowExpose', BYTE),
('pad2', CARD16),
class xChangeHostsReq(Structure):
xChangeHostsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('mode', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('hostFamily', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('hostLength', CARD16),
class xListHostsReq(Structure):
xListHostsReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
class xChangeModeReq(Structure):
xChangeModeReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('mode', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
xSetAccessControlReq = xChangeModeReq
xSetCloseDownModeReq = xChangeModeReq
xForceScreenSaverReq = xChangeModeReq
class xRotatePropertiesReq(Structure):
xRotatePropertiesReq._fields_ = [
('reqType', CARD8),
('pad', BYTE),
('length', CARD16),
('window', CARD32),
('nAtoms', CARD16),
('nPositions', INT16),
class _xSegment(Structure):
_xSegment._fields_ = [
('x1', INT16),
('y1', INT16),
('x2', INT16),
('y2', INT16),
xSegment = _xSegment
class _xPoint(Structure):
_xPoint._fields_ = [
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
xPoint = _xPoint
class _xRectangle(Structure):
_xRectangle._fields_ = [
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
xRectangle = _xRectangle
class _xArc(Structure):
_xArc._fields_ = [
('x', INT16),
('y', INT16),
('width', CARD16),
('height', CARD16),
('angle1', INT16),
('angle2', INT16),
xArc = _xArc
_XkbStateRec._fields_ = [
('group', c_ubyte),
('locked_group', c_ubyte),
('base_group', c_ushort),
('latched_group', c_ushort),
('mods', c_ubyte),
('base_mods', c_ubyte),
('latched_mods', c_ubyte),
('locked_mods', c_ubyte),
('compat_state', c_ubyte),
('grab_mods', c_ubyte),
('compat_grab_mods', c_ubyte),
('lookup_mods', c_ubyte),
('compat_lookup_mods', c_ubyte),
('ptr_buttons', c_ushort),
XkbStateRec = _XkbStateRec
class _XkbMods(Structure):
_XkbMods._fields_ = [
('mask', c_ubyte),
('real_mods', c_ubyte),
('vmods', c_ushort),
XkbModsPtr = POINTER(_XkbMods)
XkbModsRec = _XkbMods
class _XkbKTMapEntry(Structure):
_XkbKTMapEntry._fields_ = [
('active', c_int),
('level', c_ubyte),
('mods', XkbModsRec),
XkbKTMapEntryPtr = POINTER(_XkbKTMapEntry)
XkbKTMapEntryRec = _XkbKTMapEntry
_XkbKeyType._fields_ = [
('mods', XkbModsRec),
('num_levels', c_ubyte),
('map_count', c_ubyte),
('map', XkbKTMapEntryPtr),
('preserve', XkbModsPtr),
('name', Atom),
('level_names', POINTER(Atom)),
XkbKeyTypeRec = _XkbKeyType
class _XkbBehavior(Structure):
_XkbBehavior._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('data', c_ubyte),
XkbBehavior = _XkbBehavior
class _XkbAnyAction(Structure):
_XkbAnyAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('data', c_ubyte * 7),
XkbAnyAction = _XkbAnyAction
class _XkbModAction(Structure):
_XkbModAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('mask', c_ubyte),
('real_mods', c_ubyte),
('vmods1', c_ubyte),
('vmods2', c_ubyte),
XkbModAction = _XkbModAction
class _XkbGroupAction(Structure):
_XkbGroupAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('group_XXX', c_char),
XkbGroupAction = _XkbGroupAction
class _XkbISOAction(Structure):
_XkbISOAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('mask', c_ubyte),
('real_mods', c_ubyte),
('group_XXX', c_char),
('affect', c_ubyte),
('vmods1', c_ubyte),
('vmods2', c_ubyte),
XkbISOAction = _XkbISOAction
class _XkbPtrAction(Structure):
_XkbPtrAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('high_XXX', c_ubyte),
('low_XXX', c_ubyte),
('high_YYY', c_ubyte),
('low_YYY', c_ubyte),
XkbPtrAction = _XkbPtrAction
class _XkbPtrBtnAction(Structure):
_XkbPtrBtnAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('count', c_ubyte),
('button', c_ubyte),
XkbPtrBtnAction = _XkbPtrBtnAction
class _XkbPtrDfltAction(Structure):
_XkbPtrDfltAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('affect', c_ubyte),
('valueXXX', c_char),
XkbPtrDfltAction = _XkbPtrDfltAction
class _XkbSwitchScreenAction(Structure):
_XkbSwitchScreenAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('screenXXX', c_char),
XkbSwitchScreenAction = _XkbSwitchScreenAction
class _XkbCtrlsAction(Structure):
_XkbCtrlsAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('ctrls3', c_ubyte),
('ctrls2', c_ubyte),
('ctrls1', c_ubyte),
('ctrls0', c_ubyte),
XkbCtrlsAction = _XkbCtrlsAction
class _XkbMessageAction(Structure):
_XkbMessageAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('message', c_ubyte * 6),
XkbMessageAction = _XkbMessageAction
class _XkbRedirectKeyAction(Structure):
_XkbRedirectKeyAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('new_key', c_ubyte),
('mods_mask', c_ubyte),
('mods', c_ubyte),
('vmods_mask0', c_ubyte),
('vmods_mask1', c_ubyte),
('vmods0', c_ubyte),
('vmods1', c_ubyte),
XkbRedirectKeyAction = _XkbRedirectKeyAction
class _XkbDeviceBtnAction(Structure):
_XkbDeviceBtnAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('count', c_ubyte),
('button', c_ubyte),
('device', c_ubyte),
XkbDeviceBtnAction = _XkbDeviceBtnAction
class _XkbDeviceValuatorAction(Structure):
_XkbDeviceValuatorAction._fields_ = [
('type', c_ubyte),
('device', c_ubyte),
('v1_what', c_ubyte),
('v1_ndx', c_ubyte),
('v1_value', c_ubyte),
('v2_what', c_ubyte),
('v2_ndx', c_ubyte),
('v2_value', c_ubyte),
XkbDeviceValuatorAction = _XkbDeviceValuatorAction
class _XkbControls(Structure):
_XkbControls._fields_ = [
('mk_dflt_btn', c_ubyte),
('num_groups', c_ubyte),
('groups_wrap', c_ubyte),
('internal', XkbModsRec),
('ignore_lock', XkbModsRec),
('enabled_ctrls', c_uint),
('repeat_delay', c_ushort),
('repeat_interval', c_ushort),
('slow_keys_delay', c_ushort),
('debounce_delay', c_ushort),
('mk_delay', c_ushort),
('mk_interval', c_ushort),
('mk_time_to_max', c_ushort),
('mk_max_speed', c_ushort),
('mk_curve', c_short),
('ax_options', c_ushort),
('ax_timeout', c_ushort),
('axt_opts_mask', c_ushort),
('axt_opts_values', c_ushort),
('axt_ctrls_mask', c_uint),
('axt_ctrls_values', c_uint),
('per_key_repeat', c_ubyte * 32),
XkbControlsRec = _XkbControls
XkbControlsPtr = POINTER(_XkbControls)
class _XkbServerMapRec(Structure):
_XkbServerMapRec._fields_ = [
('num_acts', c_ushort),
('size_acts', c_ushort),
('acts', POINTER(XkbAction)),
('behaviors', POINTER(XkbBehavior)),
('key_acts', POINTER(c_ushort)),
('c_explicit', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
('vmods', c_ubyte * 16),
('vmodmap', POINTER(c_ushort)),
XkbServerMapRec = _XkbServerMapRec
XkbServerMapPtr = POINTER(_XkbServerMapRec)
class _XkbSymMapRec(Structure):
_XkbSymMapRec._fields_ = [
('kt_index', c_ubyte * 4),
('group_info', c_ubyte),
('width', c_ubyte),
('offset', c_ushort),
XkbSymMapRec = _XkbSymMapRec
XkbSymMapPtr = POINTER(_XkbSymMapRec)
class _XkbClientMapRec(Structure):
_XkbClientMapRec._fields_ = [
('size_types', c_ubyte),
('num_types', c_ubyte),
('types', XkbKeyTypePtr),
('size_syms', c_ushort),
('num_syms', c_ushort),
('syms', POINTER(KeySym)),
('key_sym_map', XkbSymMapPtr),
('modmap', POINTER(c_ubyte)),
XkbClientMapPtr = POINTER(_XkbClientMapRec)
XkbClientMapRec = _XkbClientMapRec
class _XkbSymInterpretRec(Structure):
_XkbSymInterpretRec._fields_ = [
('sym', KeySym),
('flags', c_ubyte),
('match', c_ubyte),
('mods', c_ubyte),
('virtual_mod', c_ubyte),
('act', XkbAnyAction),
XkbSymInterpretRec = _XkbSymInterpretRec
XkbSymInterpretPtr = POINTER(_XkbSymInterpretRec)
class _XkbCompatMapRec(Structure):
_XkbCompatMapRec._fields_ = [
('sym_interpret', XkbSymInterpretPtr),
('groups', XkbModsRec * 4),
('num_si', c_ushort),
('size_si', c_ushort),
XkbCompatMapPtr = POINTER(_XkbCompatMapRec)
XkbCompatMapRec = _XkbCompatMapRec
_XkbIndicatorMapRec._fields_ = [
('flags', c_ubyte),
('which_groups', c_ubyte),
('groups', c_ubyte),
('which_mods', c_ubyte),
('mods', XkbModsRec),
('ctrls', c_uint),
XkbIndicatorMapRec = _XkbIndicatorMapRec
class _XkbIndicatorRec(Structure):
_XkbIndicatorRec._fields_ = [
('phys_indicators', c_ulong),
('maps', XkbIndicatorMapRec * 32),
XkbIndicatorRec = _XkbIndicatorRec
XkbIndicatorPtr = POINTER(_XkbIndicatorRec)
class _XkbKeyNameRec(Structure):
_XkbKeyNameRec._fields_ = [
('name', c_char * 4),
XkbKeyNameRec = _XkbKeyNameRec
XkbKeyNamePtr = POINTER(_XkbKeyNameRec)
class _XkbKeyAliasRec(Structure):
_XkbKeyAliasRec._fields_ = [
('real', c_char * 4),
('alias', c_char * 4),
XkbKeyAliasPtr = POINTER(_XkbKeyAliasRec)
XkbKeyAliasRec = _XkbKeyAliasRec
class _XkbNamesRec(Structure):
_XkbNamesRec._fields_ = [
('keycodes', Atom),
('geometry', Atom),
('symbols', Atom),
('types', Atom),
('compat', Atom),
('vmods', Atom * 16),
('indicators', Atom * 32),
('groups', Atom * 4),
('keys', XkbKeyNamePtr),
('key_aliases', XkbKeyAliasPtr),
('radio_groups', POINTER(Atom)),
('phys_symbols', Atom),
('num_keys', c_ubyte),
('num_key_aliases', c_ubyte),
('num_rg', c_ushort),
XkbNamesPtr = POINTER(_XkbNamesRec)
XkbNamesRec = _XkbNamesRec
class _XkbGeometry(Structure):
XkbGeometryPtr = POINTER(_XkbGeometry)
_XkbGeometry._fields_ = [
_XkbDesc._fields_ = [
('dpy', POINTER(_XDisplay)),
('flags', c_ushort),
('device_spec', c_ushort),
('min_key_code', KeyCode),
('max_key_code', KeyCode),
('ctrls', XkbControlsPtr),
('server', XkbServerMapPtr),
('map', XkbClientMapPtr),
('indicators', XkbIndicatorPtr),
('names', XkbNamesPtr),
('compat', XkbCompatMapPtr),
('geom', XkbGeometryPtr),
XkbDescRec = _XkbDesc
_XkbMapChanges._fields_ = [
('changed', c_ushort),
('min_key_code', KeyCode),
('max_key_code', KeyCode),
('first_type', c_ubyte),
('num_types', c_ubyte),
('first_key_sym', KeyCode),
('num_key_syms', c_ubyte),
('first_key_act', KeyCode),
('num_key_acts', c_ubyte),
('first_key_behavior', KeyCode),
('num_key_behaviors', c_ubyte),
('first_key_explicit', KeyCode),
('num_key_explicit', c_ubyte),
('first_modmap_key', KeyCode),
('num_modmap_keys', c_ubyte),
('first_vmodmap_key', KeyCode),
('num_vmodmap_keys', c_ubyte),
('pad', c_ubyte),
('vmods', c_ushort),
XkbMapChangesRec = _XkbMapChanges
_XkbControlsChanges._fields_ = [
('changed_ctrls', c_uint),
('enabled_ctrls_changes', c_uint),
('num_groups_changed', c_int),
XkbControlsChangesRec = _XkbControlsChanges
class _XkbIndicatorChanges(Structure):
_XkbIndicatorChanges._fields_ = [
('state_changes', c_uint),
('map_changes', c_uint),
XkbIndicatorChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbIndicatorChanges)
XkbIndicatorChangesRec = _XkbIndicatorChanges
_XkbNameChanges._fields_ = [
('changed', c_uint),
('first_type', c_ubyte),
('num_types', c_ubyte),
('first_lvl', c_ubyte),
('num_lvls', c_ubyte),
('num_aliases', c_ubyte),
('num_rg', c_ubyte),
('first_key', c_ubyte),
('num_keys', c_ubyte),
('changed_vmods', c_ushort),
('changed_indicators', c_ulong),
('changed_groups', c_ubyte),
XkbNameChangesRec = _XkbNameChanges
class _XkbCompatChanges(Structure):
_XkbCompatChanges._fields_ = [
('changed_groups', c_ubyte),
('first_si', c_ushort),
('num_si', c_ushort),
XkbCompatChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbCompatChanges)
XkbCompatChangesRec = _XkbCompatChanges
_XkbChanges._fields_ = [
('device_spec', c_ushort),
('state_changes', c_ushort),
('map', XkbMapChangesRec),
('ctrls', XkbControlsChangesRec),
('indicators', XkbIndicatorChangesRec),
('names', XkbNameChangesRec),
('compat', XkbCompatChangesRec),
XkbChangesRec = _XkbChanges
_XkbComponentNames._fields_ = [
('keymap', STRING),
('keycodes', STRING),
('types', STRING),
('compat', STRING),
('symbols', STRING),
('geometry', STRING),
XkbComponentNamesRec = _XkbComponentNames
class _XkbComponentName(Structure):
_XkbComponentName._fields_ = [
('flags', c_ushort),
('name', STRING),
XkbComponentNamePtr = POINTER(_XkbComponentName)
XkbComponentNameRec = _XkbComponentName
_XkbComponentList._fields_ = [
('num_keymaps', c_int),
('num_keycodes', c_int),
('num_types', c_int),
('num_compat', c_int),
('num_symbols', c_int),
('num_geometry', c_int),
('keymaps', XkbComponentNamePtr),
('keycodes', XkbComponentNamePtr),
('types', XkbComponentNamePtr),
('compat', XkbComponentNamePtr),
('symbols', XkbComponentNamePtr),
('geometry', XkbComponentNamePtr),
XkbComponentListRec = _XkbComponentList
_XkbDeviceLedInfo._fields_ = [
('led_class', c_ushort),
('led_id', c_ushort),
('phys_indicators', c_uint),
('maps_present', c_uint),
('names_present', c_uint),
('state', c_uint),
('names', Atom * 32),
('maps', XkbIndicatorMapRec * 32),
XkbDeviceLedInfoRec = _XkbDeviceLedInfo
_XkbDeviceInfo._fields_ = [
('name', STRING),
('type', Atom),
('device_spec', c_ushort),
('has_own_state', c_int),
('supported', c_ushort),
('unsupported', c_ushort),
('num_btns', c_ushort),
('btn_acts', POINTER(XkbAction)),
('sz_leds', c_ushort),
('num_leds', c_ushort),
('dflt_kbd_fb', c_ushort),
('dflt_led_fb', c_ushort),
('leds', XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr),
XkbDeviceInfoRec = _XkbDeviceInfo
class _XkbDeviceLedChanges(Structure):
_XkbDeviceLedChanges._fields_ = [
('led_class', c_ushort),
('led_id', c_ushort),
('defined', c_uint),
('next', POINTER(_XkbDeviceLedChanges)),
XkbDeviceLedChangesRec = _XkbDeviceLedChanges
XkbDeviceLedChangesPtr = POINTER(_XkbDeviceLedChanges)
_XkbDeviceChanges._fields_ = [
('changed', c_uint),
('first_btn', c_ushort),
('num_btns', c_ushort),
('leds', XkbDeviceLedChangesRec),
XkbDeviceChangesRec = _XkbDeviceChanges
program_invocation_short_name = (STRING).in_dll(_libraries[''], 'program_invocation_short_name')
program_invocation_name = (STRING).in_dll(_libraries[''], 'program_invocation_name')
error_t = c_int
class div_t(Structure):
div_t._fields_ = [
('quot', c_int),
('rem', c_int),
class ldiv_t(Structure):
ldiv_t._fields_ = [
('quot', c_long),
('rem', c_long),
class lldiv_t(Structure):
lldiv_t._fields_ = [
('quot', c_longlong),
('rem', c_longlong),
__ctype_get_mb_cur_max = _libraries[''].__ctype_get_mb_cur_max
__ctype_get_mb_cur_max.restype = size_t
__ctype_get_mb_cur_max.argtypes = []
strtod = _libraries[''].strtod
strtod.restype = c_double
strtod.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING)]
strtof = _libraries[''].strtof
strtof.restype = c_float
strtof.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING)]
strtold = _libraries[''].strtold
strtold.restype = c_longdouble
strtold.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING)]
strtol = _libraries[''].strtol
strtol.restype = c_long
strtol.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
strtoul = _libraries[''].strtoul
strtoul.restype = c_ulong
strtoul.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
strtoq = _libraries[''].strtoq
strtoq.restype = c_longlong
strtoq.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
strtouq = _libraries[''].strtouq
strtouq.restype = c_ulonglong
strtouq.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
strtoll = _libraries[''].strtoll
strtoll.restype = c_longlong
strtoll.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
strtoull = _libraries[''].strtoull
strtoull.restype = c_ulonglong
strtoull.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int]
class __locale_struct(Structure):
__locale_t = POINTER(__locale_struct)
strtol_l = _libraries[''].strtol_l
strtol_l.restype = c_long
strtol_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int, __locale_t]
strtoul_l = _libraries[''].strtoul_l
strtoul_l.restype = c_ulong
strtoul_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int, __locale_t]
strtoll_l = _libraries[''].strtoll_l
strtoll_l.restype = c_longlong
strtoll_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int, __locale_t]
strtoull_l = _libraries[''].strtoull_l
strtoull_l.restype = c_ulonglong
strtoull_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), c_int, __locale_t]
strtod_l = _libraries[''].strtod_l
strtod_l.restype = c_double
strtod_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), __locale_t]
strtof_l = _libraries[''].strtof_l
strtof_l.restype = c_float
strtof_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), __locale_t]
strtold_l = _libraries[''].strtold_l
strtold_l.restype = c_longdouble
strtold_l.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(STRING), __locale_t]
atoi = _libraries[''].atoi
atoi.restype = c_int
atoi.argtypes = [STRING]
atol = _libraries[''].atol
atol.restype = c_long
atol.argtypes = [STRING]
atoll = _libraries[''].atoll
atoll.restype = c_longlong
atoll.argtypes = [STRING]
l64a = _libraries[''].l64a
l64a.restype = STRING
l64a.argtypes = [c_long]
a64l = _libraries[''].a64l
a64l.restype = c_long
a64l.argtypes = [STRING]
random = _libraries[''].random
random.restype = c_long
random.argtypes = []
srandom = _libraries[''].srandom
srandom.restype = None
srandom.argtypes = [c_uint]
initstate = _libraries[''].initstate
initstate.restype = STRING
initstate.argtypes = [c_uint, STRING, size_t]
setstate = _libraries[''].setstate
setstate.restype = STRING
setstate.argtypes = [STRING]
class random_data(Structure):
int32_t = c_int32
random_data._fields_ = [
('fptr', POINTER(int32_t)),
('rptr', POINTER(int32_t)),
('state', POINTER(int32_t)),
('rand_type', c_int),
('rand_deg', c_int),
('rand_sep', c_int),
('end_ptr', POINTER(int32_t)),
random_r = _libraries[''].random_r
random_r.restype = c_int
random_r.argtypes = [POINTER(random_data), POINTER(int32_t)]
srandom_r = _libraries[''].srandom_r
srandom_r.restype = c_int
srandom_r.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(random_data)]
initstate_r = _libraries[''].initstate_r
initstate_r.restype = c_int
initstate_r.argtypes = [c_uint, STRING, size_t, POINTER(random_data)]
setstate_r = _libraries[''].setstate_r
setstate_r.restype = c_int
setstate_r.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(random_data)]
rand = _libraries[''].rand
rand.restype = c_int
rand.argtypes = []
srand = _libraries[''].srand
srand.restype = None
srand.argtypes = [c_uint]
rand_r = _libraries[''].rand_r
rand_r.restype = c_int
rand_r.argtypes = [POINTER(c_uint)]
drand48 = _libraries[''].drand48
drand48.restype = c_double
drand48.argtypes = []
erand48 = _libraries[''].erand48
erand48.restype = c_double
erand48.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort)]
lrand48 = _libraries[''].lrand48
lrand48.restype = c_long
lrand48.argtypes = []
nrand48 = _libraries[''].nrand48
nrand48.restype = c_long
nrand48.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort)]
mrand48 = _libraries[''].mrand48
mrand48.restype = c_long
mrand48.argtypes = []
jrand48 = _libraries[''].jrand48
jrand48.restype = c_long
jrand48.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort)]
srand48 = _libraries[''].srand48
srand48.restype = None
srand48.argtypes = [c_long]
seed48 = _libraries[''].seed48
seed48.restype = POINTER(c_ushort)
seed48.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort)]
lcong48 = _libraries[''].lcong48
lcong48.restype = None
lcong48.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort)]
class drand48_data(Structure):
drand48_data._fields_ = [
('__x', c_ushort * 3),
('__old_x', c_ushort * 3),
('__c', c_ushort),
('__init', c_ushort),
('__a', c_ulonglong),
drand48_r = _libraries[''].drand48_r
drand48_r.restype = c_int
drand48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(drand48_data), POINTER(c_double)]
erand48_r = _libraries[''].erand48_r
erand48_r.restype = c_int
erand48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort), POINTER(drand48_data), POINTER(c_double)]
lrand48_r = _libraries[''].lrand48_r
lrand48_r.restype = c_int
lrand48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(drand48_data), POINTER(c_long)]
nrand48_r = _libraries[''].nrand48_r
nrand48_r.restype = c_int
nrand48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort), POINTER(drand48_data), POINTER(c_long)]
mrand48_r = _libraries[''].mrand48_r
mrand48_r.restype = c_int
mrand48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(drand48_data), POINTER(c_long)]
jrand48_r = _libraries[''].jrand48_r
jrand48_r.restype = c_int
jrand48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort), POINTER(drand48_data), POINTER(c_long)]
srand48_r = _libraries[''].srand48_r
srand48_r.restype = c_int
srand48_r.argtypes = [c_long, POINTER(drand48_data)]
seed48_r = _libraries[''].seed48_r
seed48_r.restype = c_int
seed48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort), POINTER(drand48_data)]
lcong48_r = _libraries[''].lcong48_r
lcong48_r.restype = c_int
lcong48_r.argtypes = [POINTER(c_ushort), POINTER(drand48_data)]
malloc = _libraries[''].malloc
malloc.restype = c_void_p
malloc.argtypes = [size_t]
calloc = _libraries[''].calloc
calloc.restype = c_void_p
calloc.argtypes = [size_t, size_t]
realloc = _libraries[''].realloc
realloc.restype = c_void_p
realloc.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t]
free = _libraries[''].free
free.restype = None
free.argtypes = [c_void_p]
cfree = _libraries[''].cfree
cfree.restype = None
cfree.argtypes = [c_void_p]
valloc = _libraries[''].valloc
valloc.restype = c_void_p
valloc.argtypes = [size_t]
posix_memalign = _libraries[''].posix_memalign
posix_memalign.restype = c_int
posix_memalign.argtypes = [POINTER(c_void_p), size_t, size_t]
aligned_alloc = _libraries[''].aligned_alloc
aligned_alloc.restype = c_void_p
aligned_alloc.argtypes = [size_t, size_t]
abort = _libraries[''].abort
abort.restype = None
abort.argtypes = []
on_exit = _libraries[''].on_exit
on_exit.restype = c_int
on_exit.argtypes = [CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, c_void_p), c_void_p]
exit = _libraries[''].exit
exit.restype = None
exit.argtypes = [c_int]
quick_exit = _libraries[''].quick_exit
quick_exit.restype = None
quick_exit.argtypes = [c_int]
_Exit = _libraries['']._Exit
_Exit.restype = None
_Exit.argtypes = [c_int]
getenv = _libraries[''].getenv
getenv.restype = STRING
getenv.argtypes = [STRING]
secure_getenv = _libraries[''].secure_getenv
secure_getenv.restype = STRING
secure_getenv.argtypes = [STRING]
putenv = _libraries[''].putenv
putenv.restype = c_int
putenv.argtypes = [STRING]
setenv = _libraries[''].setenv
setenv.restype = c_int
setenv.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, c_int]
unsetenv = _libraries[''].unsetenv
unsetenv.restype = c_int
unsetenv.argtypes = [STRING]
clearenv = _libraries[''].clearenv
clearenv.restype = c_int
clearenv.argtypes = []
mktemp = _libraries[''].mktemp
mktemp.restype = STRING
mktemp.argtypes = [STRING]
mkstemp = _libraries[''].mkstemp
mkstemp.restype = c_int
mkstemp.argtypes = [STRING]
mkstemp64 = _libraries[''].mkstemp64
mkstemp64.restype = c_int
mkstemp64.argtypes = [STRING]
mkstemps = _libraries[''].mkstemps
mkstemps.restype = c_int
mkstemps.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
mkstemps64 = _libraries[''].mkstemps64
mkstemps64.restype = c_int
mkstemps64.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
mkdtemp = _libraries[''].mkdtemp
mkdtemp.restype = STRING
mkdtemp.argtypes = [STRING]
mkostemp = _libraries[''].mkostemp
mkostemp.restype = c_int
mkostemp.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
mkostemp64 = _libraries[''].mkostemp64
mkostemp64.restype = c_int
mkostemp64.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
mkostemps = _libraries[''].mkostemps
mkostemps.restype = c_int
mkostemps.argtypes = [STRING, c_int, c_int]
mkostemps64 = _libraries[''].mkostemps64
mkostemps64.restype = c_int
mkostemps64.argtypes = [STRING, c_int, c_int]
system = _libraries[''].system
system.restype = c_int
system.argtypes = [STRING]
canonicalize_file_name = _libraries[''].canonicalize_file_name
canonicalize_file_name.restype = STRING
canonicalize_file_name.argtypes = [STRING]
__compar_fn_t = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p)
comparison_fn_t = __compar_fn_t
__compar_d_fn_t = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p)
qsort = _libraries[''].qsort
qsort.restype = None
qsort.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t, size_t, __compar_fn_t]
qsort_r = _libraries[''].qsort_r
qsort_r.restype = None
qsort_r.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t, size_t, __compar_d_fn_t, c_void_p]
abs = _libraries[''].abs
abs.restype = c_int
abs.argtypes = [c_int]
labs = _libraries[''].labs
labs.restype = c_long
labs.argtypes = [c_long]
llabs = _libraries[''].llabs
llabs.restype = c_longlong
llabs.argtypes = [c_longlong]
div = _libraries[''].div
div.restype = div_t
div.argtypes = [c_int, c_int]
ldiv = _libraries[''].ldiv
ldiv.restype = ldiv_t
ldiv.argtypes = [c_long, c_long]
lldiv = _libraries[''].lldiv
lldiv.restype = lldiv_t
lldiv.argtypes = [c_longlong, c_longlong]
ecvt = _libraries[''].ecvt
ecvt.restype = STRING
ecvt.argtypes = [c_double, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
fcvt = _libraries[''].fcvt
fcvt.restype = STRING
fcvt.argtypes = [c_double, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
gcvt = _libraries[''].gcvt
gcvt.restype = STRING
gcvt.argtypes = [c_double, c_int, STRING]
qecvt = _libraries[''].qecvt
qecvt.restype = STRING
qecvt.argtypes = [c_longdouble, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
qfcvt = _libraries[''].qfcvt
qfcvt.restype = STRING
qfcvt.argtypes = [c_longdouble, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int)]
qgcvt = _libraries[''].qgcvt
qgcvt.restype = STRING
qgcvt.argtypes = [c_longdouble, c_int, STRING]
ecvt_r = _libraries[''].ecvt_r
ecvt_r.restype = c_int
ecvt_r.argtypes = [c_double, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), STRING, size_t]
fcvt_r = _libraries[''].fcvt_r
fcvt_r.restype = c_int
fcvt_r.argtypes = [c_double, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), STRING, size_t]
qecvt_r = _libraries[''].qecvt_r
qecvt_r.restype = c_int
qecvt_r.argtypes = [c_longdouble, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), STRING, size_t]
qfcvt_r = _libraries[''].qfcvt_r
qfcvt_r.restype = c_int
qfcvt_r.argtypes = [c_longdouble, c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), STRING, size_t]
mblen = _libraries[''].mblen
mblen.restype = c_int
mblen.argtypes = [STRING, size_t]
mbtowc = _libraries[''].mbtowc
mbtowc.restype = c_int
mbtowc.argtypes = [WSTRING, STRING, size_t]
rpmatch = _libraries[''].rpmatch
rpmatch.restype = c_int
rpmatch.argtypes = [STRING]
getsubopt = _libraries[''].getsubopt
getsubopt.restype = c_int
posix_openpt = _libraries[''].posix_openpt
posix_openpt.restype = c_int
posix_openpt.argtypes = [c_int]
grantpt = _libraries[''].grantpt
grantpt.restype = c_int
grantpt.argtypes = [c_int]
unlockpt = _libraries[''].unlockpt
unlockpt.restype = c_int
unlockpt.argtypes = [c_int]
ptsname = _libraries[''].ptsname
ptsname.restype = STRING
ptsname.argtypes = [c_int]
getpt = _libraries[''].getpt
getpt.restype = c_int
getpt.argtypes = []
getloadavg = _libraries[''].getloadavg
getloadavg.restype = c_int
getloadavg.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), c_int]
memccpy = _libraries[''].memccpy
memccpy.restype = c_void_p
memccpy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int, size_t]
memcmp = _libraries[''].memcmp
memcmp.restype = c_int
memcmp.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
memchr = _libraries[''].memchr
memchr.restype = c_void_p
memchr.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, size_t]
memchr = _libraries[''].memchr
memchr.restype = c_void_p
memchr.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, size_t]
rawmemchr = _libraries[''].rawmemchr
rawmemchr.restype = c_void_p
rawmemchr.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int]
rawmemchr = _libraries[''].rawmemchr
rawmemchr.restype = c_void_p
rawmemchr.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int]
memrchr = _libraries[''].memrchr
memrchr.restype = c_void_p
memrchr.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, size_t]
memrchr = _libraries[''].memrchr
memrchr.restype = c_void_p
memrchr.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, size_t]
strcmp = _libraries[''].strcmp
strcmp.restype = c_int
strcmp.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strncmp = _libraries[''].strncmp
strncmp.restype = c_int
strncmp.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
strcoll = _libraries[''].strcoll
strcoll.restype = c_int
strcoll.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strxfrm = _libraries[''].strxfrm
strxfrm.restype = size_t
strxfrm.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
strcoll_l = _libraries[''].strcoll_l
strcoll_l.restype = c_int
strcoll_l.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, __locale_t]
strxfrm_l = _libraries[''].strxfrm_l
strxfrm_l.restype = size_t
strxfrm_l.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t, __locale_t]
strdup = _libraries[''].strdup
strdup.restype = STRING
strdup.argtypes = [STRING]
strndup = _libraries[''].strndup
strndup.restype = STRING
strndup.argtypes = [STRING, size_t]
strchr = _libraries[''].strchr
strchr.restype = STRING
strchr.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
strchr = _libraries[''].strchr
strchr.restype = STRING
strchr.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
strrchr = _libraries[''].strrchr
strrchr.restype = STRING
strrchr.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
strrchr = _libraries[''].strrchr
strrchr.restype = STRING
strrchr.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
strchrnul = _libraries[''].strchrnul
strchrnul.restype = STRING
strchrnul.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
strchrnul = _libraries[''].strchrnul
strchrnul.restype = STRING
strchrnul.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
strcspn = _libraries[''].strcspn
strcspn.restype = size_t
strcspn.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strspn = _libraries[''].strspn
strspn.restype = size_t
strspn.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strpbrk = _libraries[''].strpbrk
strpbrk.restype = STRING
strpbrk.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strpbrk = _libraries[''].strpbrk
strpbrk.restype = STRING
strpbrk.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strstr = _libraries[''].strstr
strstr.restype = STRING
strstr.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strstr = _libraries[''].strstr
strstr.restype = STRING
strstr.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strtok = _libraries[''].strtok
strtok.restype = STRING
strtok.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
__strtok_r = _libraries[''].__strtok_r
__strtok_r.restype = STRING
__strtok_r.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, POINTER(STRING)]
strtok_r = _libraries[''].strtok_r
strtok_r.restype = STRING
strtok_r.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, POINTER(STRING)]
strcasestr = _libraries[''].strcasestr
strcasestr.restype = STRING
strcasestr.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strcasestr = _libraries[''].strcasestr
strcasestr.restype = STRING
strcasestr.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
memmem = _libraries[''].memmem
memmem.restype = c_void_p
memmem.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t, c_void_p, size_t]
__mempcpy = _libraries[''].__mempcpy
__mempcpy.restype = c_void_p
__mempcpy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
strlen = _libraries[''].strlen
strlen.restype = size_t
strlen.argtypes = [STRING]
strnlen = _libraries[''].strnlen
strnlen.restype = size_t
strnlen.argtypes = [STRING, size_t]
strerror = _libraries[''].strerror
strerror.restype = STRING
strerror.argtypes = [c_int]
strerror_r = _libraries[''].strerror_r
strerror_r.restype = STRING
strerror_r.argtypes = [c_int, STRING, size_t]
strerror_l = _libraries[''].strerror_l
strerror_l.restype = STRING
strerror_l.argtypes = [c_int, __locale_t]
__bzero = _libraries[''].__bzero
__bzero.restype = None
__bzero.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t]
bcmp = _libraries[''].bcmp
bcmp.restype = c_int
bcmp.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
index = _libraries[''].index
index.restype = STRING
index.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
index = _libraries[''].index
index.restype = STRING
index.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
rindex = _libraries[''].rindex
rindex.restype = STRING
rindex.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
rindex = _libraries[''].rindex
rindex.restype = STRING
rindex.argtypes = [STRING, c_int]
ffs = _libraries[''].ffs
ffs.restype = c_int
ffs.argtypes = [c_int]
ffsl = _libraries[''].ffsl
ffsl.restype = c_int
ffsl.argtypes = [c_long]
ffsll = _libraries[''].ffsll
ffsll.restype = c_int
ffsll.argtypes = [c_longlong]
strcasecmp = _libraries[''].strcasecmp
strcasecmp.restype = c_int
strcasecmp.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strncasecmp = _libraries[''].strncasecmp
strncasecmp.restype = c_int
strncasecmp.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
strcasecmp_l = _libraries[''].strcasecmp_l
strcasecmp_l.restype = c_int
strcasecmp_l.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, __locale_t]
strncasecmp_l = _libraries[''].strncasecmp_l
strncasecmp_l.restype = c_int
strncasecmp_l.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t, __locale_t]
strsep = _libraries[''].strsep
strsep.restype = STRING
strsep.argtypes = [POINTER(STRING), STRING]
strsignal = _libraries[''].strsignal
strsignal.restype = STRING
strsignal.argtypes = [c_int]
__stpcpy = _libraries[''].__stpcpy
__stpcpy.restype = STRING
__stpcpy.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
__stpncpy = _libraries[''].__stpncpy
__stpncpy.restype = STRING
__stpncpy.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
strverscmp = _libraries[''].strverscmp
strverscmp.restype = c_int
strverscmp.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strfry = _libraries[''].strfry
strfry.restype = STRING
strfry.argtypes = [STRING]
memfrob = _libraries[''].memfrob
memfrob.restype = c_void_p
memfrob.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t]
basename = _libraries[''].basename
basename.restype = STRING
basename.argtypes = [STRING]
basename = _libraries[''].basename
basename.restype = STRING
basename.argtypes = [STRING]
__clock_t = c_long
clock_t = __clock_t
__time_t = c_long
time_t = __time_t
__clockid_t = c_int
clockid_t = __clockid_t
__timer_t = c_void_p
timer_t = __timer_t
class timespec(Structure):
__syscall_slong_t = c_long
timespec._fields_ = [
('tv_sec', __time_t),
('tv_nsec', __syscall_slong_t),
__errno_location = _libraries[''].__errno_location
__errno_location.restype = POINTER(c_int)
__errno_location.argtypes = []
pthread_t = c_ulong
class pthread_attr_t(Union):
class __pthread_internal_list(Structure):
__pthread_internal_list._fields_ = [
('__prev', POINTER(__pthread_internal_list)),
('__next', POINTER(__pthread_internal_list)),
__pthread_list_t = __pthread_internal_list
class __pthread_mutex_s(Structure):
__pthread_mutex_s._fields_ = [
('__lock', c_int),
('__count', c_uint),
('__owner', c_int),
('__nusers', c_uint),
('__kind', c_int),
('__spins', c_short),
('__elision', c_short),
('__list', __pthread_list_t),
class N14pthread_cond_t3DOT_6E(Structure):
N14pthread_cond_t3DOT_6E._fields_ = [
('__lock', c_int),
('__futex', c_uint),
('__total_seq', c_ulonglong),
('__wakeup_seq', c_ulonglong),
('__woken_seq', c_ulonglong),
('__mutex', c_void_p),
('__nwaiters', c_uint),
('__broadcast_seq', c_uint),
pthread_key_t = c_uint
pthread_once_t = c_int
class N16pthread_rwlock_t3DOT_9E(Structure):
N16pthread_rwlock_t3DOT_9E._fields_ = [
('__lock', c_int),
('__nr_readers', c_uint),
('__readers_wakeup', c_uint),
('__writer_wakeup', c_uint),
('__nr_readers_queued', c_uint),
('__nr_writers_queued', c_uint),
('__writer', c_int),
('__shared', c_int),
('__pad1', c_ulong),
('__pad2', c_ulong),
('__flags', c_uint),
pthread_spinlock_t = c_int
__fdelt_chk = _libraries[''].__fdelt_chk
__fdelt_chk.restype = c_long
__fdelt_chk.argtypes = [c_long]
__fdelt_warn = _libraries[''].__fdelt_warn
__fdelt_warn.restype = c_long
__fdelt_warn.argtypes = [c_long]
__sig_atomic_t = c_int
class __sigset_t(Structure):
__sigset_t._fields_ = [
('__val', c_ulong * 16),
bsearch = _libraries[''].bsearch
bsearch.restype = c_void_p
bsearch.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t, size_t, __compar_fn_t]
atof = _libraries[''].atof
atof.restype = c_double
atof.argtypes = [STRING]
__realpath_chk = _libraries[''].__realpath_chk
__realpath_chk.restype = STRING
__realpath_chk.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
realpath = _libraries[''].realpath
realpath.restype = STRING
realpath.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
__ptsname_r_chk = _libraries[''].__ptsname_r_chk
__ptsname_r_chk.restype = c_int
__ptsname_r_chk.argtypes = [c_int, STRING, size_t, size_t]
ptsname_r = _libraries[''].ptsname_r
ptsname_r.restype = c_int
ptsname_r.argtypes = [c_int, STRING, size_t]
__wctomb_chk = _libraries[''].__wctomb_chk
__wctomb_chk.restype = c_int
__wctomb_chk.argtypes = [STRING, c_wchar, size_t]
wctomb = _libraries[''].wctomb
wctomb.restype = c_int
wctomb.argtypes = [STRING, c_wchar]
__mbstowcs_chk = _libraries[''].__mbstowcs_chk
__mbstowcs_chk.restype = size_t
__mbstowcs_chk.argtypes = [WSTRING, STRING, size_t, size_t]
mbstowcs = _libraries[''].mbstowcs
mbstowcs.restype = size_t
mbstowcs.argtypes = [WSTRING, STRING, size_t]
__wcstombs_chk = _libraries[''].__wcstombs_chk
__wcstombs_chk.restype = size_t
__wcstombs_chk.argtypes = [STRING, WSTRING, size_t, size_t]
wcstombs = _libraries[''].wcstombs
wcstombs.restype = size_t
wcstombs.argtypes = [STRING, WSTRING, size_t]
memcpy = _libraries[''].memcpy
memcpy.restype = c_void_p
memcpy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
memmove = _libraries[''].memmove
memmove.restype = c_void_p
memmove.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
mempcpy = _libraries[''].mempcpy
mempcpy.restype = c_void_p
mempcpy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
memset = _libraries[''].memset
memset.restype = c_void_p
memset.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, size_t]
bcopy = _libraries[''].bcopy
bcopy.restype = None
bcopy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, size_t]
bzero = _libraries[''].bzero
bzero.restype = None
bzero.argtypes = [c_void_p, size_t]
strcpy = _libraries[''].strcpy
strcpy.restype = STRING
strcpy.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
stpcpy = _libraries[''].stpcpy
stpcpy.restype = STRING
stpcpy.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strncpy = _libraries[''].strncpy
strncpy.restype = STRING
strncpy.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
__stpncpy_chk = _libraries[''].__stpncpy_chk
__stpncpy_chk.restype = STRING
__stpncpy_chk.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t, size_t]
stpncpy = _libraries[''].stpncpy
stpncpy.restype = STRING
stpncpy.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
strcat = _libraries[''].strcat
strcat.restype = STRING
strcat.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
strncat = _libraries[''].strncat
strncat.restype = STRING
strncat.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, size_t]
class timeval(Structure):
__suseconds_t = c_long
timeval._fields_ = [
('tv_sec', __time_t),
('tv_usec', __suseconds_t),
__u_char = c_ubyte
__u_short = c_ushort
__u_int = c_uint
__u_long = c_ulong
__int8_t = c_byte
__uint8_t = c_ubyte
__int16_t = c_short
__uint16_t = c_ushort
__int32_t = c_int
__uint32_t = c_uint
__int64_t = c_long
__uint64_t = c_ulong
__quad_t = c_long
__u_quad_t = c_ulong
__dev_t = c_ulong
__uid_t = c_uint
__gid_t = c_uint
__ino_t = c_ulong
__ino64_t = c_ulong
__mode_t = c_uint
__nlink_t = c_ulong
__off_t = c_long
__off64_t = c_long
__pid_t = c_int
class __fsid_t(Structure):
__fsid_t._fields_ = [
('__val', c_int * 2),
__rlim_t = c_ulong
__rlim64_t = c_ulong
__id_t = c_uint
__useconds_t = c_uint
__daddr_t = c_int
__key_t = c_int
__blksize_t = c_long
__blkcnt_t = c_long
__blkcnt64_t = c_long
__fsblkcnt_t = c_ulong
__fsblkcnt64_t = c_ulong
__fsfilcnt_t = c_ulong
__fsfilcnt64_t = c_ulong
__fsword_t = c_long
__ssize_t = c_long
__syscall_ulong_t = c_ulong
__loff_t = __off64_t
__qaddr_t = POINTER(__quad_t)
__caddr_t = STRING
__intptr_t = c_long
__socklen_t = c_uint
# values for enumeration 'idtype_t'
idtype_t = c_int # enum
class N4wait5DOT_254E(Structure):
N4wait5DOT_254E._fields_ = [
('__w_termsig', c_uint, 7),
('__w_coredump', c_uint, 1),
('__w_retcode', c_uint, 8),
('', c_uint, 16),
class N4wait5DOT_255E(Structure):
N4wait5DOT_255E._fields_ = [
('__w_stopval', c_uint, 8),
('__w_stopsig', c_uint, 8),
('', c_uint, 16),
sigset_t = __sigset_t
__fd_mask = c_long
class fd_set(Structure):
fd_set._fields_ = [
('fds_bits', __fd_mask * 16),
fd_mask = __fd_mask
select = _libraries[''].select
select.restype = c_int
select.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(fd_set), POINTER(fd_set), POINTER(fd_set), POINTER(timeval)]
pselect = _libraries[''].pselect
pselect.restype = c_int
pselect.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(fd_set), POINTER(fd_set), POINTER(fd_set), POINTER(timespec), POINTER(__sigset_t)]
gnu_dev_major = _libraries[''].gnu_dev_major
gnu_dev_major.restype = c_uint
gnu_dev_major.argtypes = [c_ulonglong]
gnu_dev_minor = _libraries[''].gnu_dev_minor
gnu_dev_minor.restype = c_uint
gnu_dev_minor.argtypes = [c_ulonglong]
gnu_dev_makedev = _libraries[''].gnu_dev_makedev
gnu_dev_makedev.restype = c_ulonglong
gnu_dev_makedev.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint]
u_char = __u_char
u_short = __u_short
u_int = __u_int
u_long = __u_long
quad_t = __quad_t
u_quad_t = __u_quad_t
fsid_t = __fsid_t
loff_t = __loff_t
ino_t = __ino_t
ino64_t = __ino64_t
dev_t = __dev_t
gid_t = __gid_t
mode_t = __mode_t
nlink_t = __nlink_t
uid_t = __uid_t
off_t = __off_t
off64_t = __off64_t
pid_t = __pid_t
id_t = __id_t
ssize_t = __ssize_t
daddr_t = __daddr_t
caddr_t = __caddr_t
key_t = __key_t
useconds_t = __useconds_t
suseconds_t = __suseconds_t
ulong = c_ulong
ushort = c_ushort
uint = c_uint
int8_t = c_int8
int16_t = c_int16
int64_t = c_int64
u_int8_t = c_ubyte
u_int16_t = c_ushort
u_int32_t = c_uint
u_int64_t = c_ulong
register_t = c_long
blksize_t = __blksize_t
blkcnt_t = __blkcnt_t
fsblkcnt_t = __fsblkcnt_t
fsfilcnt_t = __fsfilcnt_t
blkcnt64_t = __blkcnt64_t
fsblkcnt64_t = __fsblkcnt64_t
fsfilcnt64_t = __fsfilcnt64_t
class __locale_data(Structure):
__locale_struct._fields_ = [
('__locales', POINTER(__locale_data) * 13),
('__ctype_b', POINTER(c_ushort)),
('__ctype_tolower', POINTER(c_int)),
('__ctype_toupper', POINTER(c_int)),
('__names', STRING * 13),
__locale_data._fields_ = [
locale_t = __locale_t
ptrdiff_t = c_long
_XkbEvent._fields_ = [
('type', c_int),
('any', XkbAnyEvent),
('new_kbd', XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent),
('map', XkbMapNotifyEvent),
('state', XkbStateNotifyEvent),
('ctrls', XkbControlsNotifyEvent),
('indicators', XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent),
('names', XkbNamesNotifyEvent),
('compat', XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent),
('bell', XkbBellNotifyEvent),
('message', XkbActionMessageEvent),
('accessx', XkbAccessXNotifyEvent),
('device', XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent),
('core', XEvent),
xReply._fields_ = [
('generic', xGenericReply),
('geom', xGetGeometryReply),
('tree', xQueryTreeReply),
('atom', xInternAtomReply),
('atomName', xGetAtomNameReply),
('property', xGetPropertyReply),
('listProperties', xListPropertiesReply),
('selection', xGetSelectionOwnerReply),
('grabPointer', xGrabPointerReply),
('grabKeyboard', xGrabKeyboardReply),
('pointer', xQueryPointerReply),
('motionEvents', xGetMotionEventsReply),
('coords', xTranslateCoordsReply),
('inputFocus', xGetInputFocusReply),
('textExtents', xQueryTextExtentsReply),
('fonts', xListFontsReply),
('fontPath', xGetFontPathReply),
('image', xGetImageReply),
('colormaps', xListInstalledColormapsReply),
('allocColor', xAllocColorReply),
('allocNamedColor', xAllocNamedColorReply),
('colorCells', xAllocColorCellsReply),
('colorPlanes', xAllocColorPlanesReply),
('colors', xQueryColorsReply),
('lookupColor', xLookupColorReply),
('bestSize', xQueryBestSizeReply),
('extension', xQueryExtensionReply),
('extensions', xListExtensionsReply),
('setModifierMapping', xSetModifierMappingReply),
('getModifierMapping', xGetModifierMappingReply),
('setPointerMapping', xSetPointerMappingReply),
('getKeyboardMapping', xGetKeyboardMappingReply),
('getPointerMapping', xGetPointerMappingReply),
('pointerControl', xGetPointerControlReply),
('screenSaver', xGetScreenSaverReply),
('hosts', xListHostsReply),
('error', xError),
('event', xEvent),
_XkbAction._fields_ = [
('any', XkbAnyAction),
('mods', XkbModAction),
('group', XkbGroupAction),
('iso', XkbISOAction),
('ptr', XkbPtrAction),
('btn', XkbPtrBtnAction),
('dflt', XkbPtrDfltAction),
('screen', XkbSwitchScreenAction),
('ctrls', XkbCtrlsAction),
('msg', XkbMessageAction),
('redirect', XkbRedirectKeyAction),
('devbtn', XkbDeviceBtnAction),
('devval', XkbDeviceValuatorAction),
('type', c_ubyte),
pthread_attr_t._fields_ = [
('__size', c_char * 56),
('__align', c_long),
__all__ = ['XUnlockDisplay', 'ETXTBSY', '_XEventToWire',
'GCClipXOrigin', 'XkbSA_SetValMin', 'XMappingEvent',
'NoSymbol', '__off64_t', '__int16_t', 'ButtonMotionMask',
'XkbDeviceBell', 'XkbSI_LevelOneOnly', 'XkbNoIndicator',
'XkbUpdateMapFromCore', 'X_SetSelectionOwner', 'EL3HLT',
'EnterWindowMask', 'ENOTSOCK', 'XInitThreads', 'CARD64',
'XkbSA_GroupAbsolute', 'XkbDescPtr', 'xFreeColorsReq',
'wctomb', 'ErrorType', 'XkbLC_AlternateGroup', 'getpt',
'XQueryPointer', 'XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData',
'XIMPrimary', 'getloadavg', 'XkbSI_OpMask', 'GC',
'XListFonts', 'ENOLINK', '__NFDBITS',
'XGetKeyboardMapping', 'XFontsOfFontSet',
'XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat', 'XDisplayString',
'ColormapInstalled', 'AnyModifier', 'XGenericEventCookie',
'X_ImageText16', 'X_PolyRectangle',
'XCirculateSubwindowsUp', 'xFillPolyReq',
'__ptsname_r_chk', 'XkbKeyNameRec', 'gnu_dev_makedev',
'XIMIsSecondary', 'XkbSetMap', '_DEFAULT_SOURCE',
'XPeekIfEvent', 'XkbMapChangesRec', 'ForgetGravity',
'XkbTwoLevelMask', 'XkbDeviceChangesPtr',
'sz_xGetPropertyReply', 'XCheckTypedEvent',
'XkbDeviceLedChangesRec', 'XkbGetIndicatorState',
'__uint8_t', '_XRegisterInternalConnection', 'Visual',
'xGetFontPathReply', 'KBKey', 'XSetOCValues',
'XCreateWindowEvent', 'XkbGetKeySyms', 'X_kbSetGeometry',
'MappingFailed', 'xGetKeyboardMappingReq',
'XGraphicsExposeEvent', '_XIC', 'setstate_r',
'XLocaleOfIM', '__locale_data', '_XIM', '_XCreateMutex_fn',
'xGenericReply', 'xCharInfo', 'strerror_l', 'XCloseIM',
'XBlackPixelOfScreen', 'XChangeProperty', 'xPolyLineReq',
'XIMPreeditArea', 'XkbAXN_SKReleaseMask', 'E2BIG',
'xFontProp', 'CWBorderPixel', 'XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent',
'EHOSTDOWN', 'GrayScale', 'Xutf8DrawImageString', 'EBUSY',
'XCreateBitmapFromData', 'qecvt', 'xAllocNamedColorReq',
'XGetPointerControl', 'XESetBeforeFlush', 'X_GetImage',
'XDefaultDepthOfScreen', 'XDisplayOfOM',
'sz_xChangeHostsReq', 'X_FreeCursor', 'ButtonPress',
'sz_xFontProp', 'X_ListExtensions', 'EDQUOT',
'XSetWindowBorder', 'XkbBounceKeysMask', 'X_ChangeHosts',
'ino_t', 'X_QueryTextExtents', 'X_TCP_PORT',
'XkbAX_SKPressFBMask', 'strerror', 'X_FreeGC', 'AllPlanes',
'X_ImageText8', '_Xglobal_lock', 'ArcPieSlice',
'X_ChangeKeyboardControl', 'EXFULL',
'XCopyColormapAndFree', 'X_ChangeKeyboardMapping',
'XkbIM_UseNone', 'sz_xLookupColorReq', 'XGContextFromGC',
'bcmp', 'XDisplayPlanes', 'X_ChangeGC',
'XkbPCF_LookupStateWhenGrabbed', 'EFBIG', 'xListFontsReq',
'X_GetKeyboardControl', 'ColormapChangeMask',
'XProtocolVersion', 'XCreatePixmapCursor',
'XkbAX_StickyKeysFBMask', '_XkbKbdDpyState', 'lrand48',
'memfrob', 'xChangePointerControlReq', 'XmbTextExtents',
'__WORDSIZE', 'sz_xGrabButtonReq', '_XOPEN_SOURCE',
'u_short', 'LineOnOffDash', 'XLookupBoth',
'sz_xStoreColorsReq', 'LASTEvent', 'XGetAtomName',
'XRemoveConnectionWatch', 'sz_xOpenFontReq', '__GLIBC__',
'DefaultExposures', 'XkbSA_LockNoUnlock',
'sz_xQueryBestSizeReq', 'GXnand', 'XkbLatchModifiers',
'strerror_r', '__u_int', 'sz_xGenericReply', 'Mod2Mask',
'VisibilityNotify', '_XLOCALE_H', 'XkbSA_SwitchScreen',
'XkbAXN_SKAcceptMask', 'XkbSymbolsNameMask', 'strtouq',
'sz_xPolyText16Req', 'xPutImageReq', '__time_t', 'ENOTTY',
'strtoul', 'XkbSetDeviceInfo', 'XNQueryIMValuesList',
'X_AllocColor', 'strtol_l', 'sz_xGrabKeyboardReply',
'sz_xQueryColorsReply', '__USE_POSIX2', 'XkbPtrAction',
'EMLINK', '__USE_XOPEN2K8XSI', 'blkcnt_t',
'FamilyInternet', 'XSetScreenSaver', '_XFreeFuncs',
'XUnmapEvent', 'XCheckIfEvent', 'XInternAtoms',
'GXandReverse', 'XkbGetKeyboard', 'XDrawLines',
'xGenericEvent', 'ECANCELED', 'XNStatusAttributes',
'_XkbRedirectKeyAction', 'u_char', 'XSelectionClearEvent',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_158E', 'uid_t', 'u_int64_t',
'u_int16_t', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_1735DOT_176E',
'XDrawPoints', 'XIMPreeditCallbacks', 'XKeyboardState',
'XESetCopyEventCookie', 'XGetSelectionOwner',
'XkbExplicitKeyType4Mask', 'XSetTSOrigin',
'XkbKeyTypeNamesMask', 'MappingSuccess',
'XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask', 'XkbKeyNamesMask',
'xQueryTextExtentsReq', 'XAddToExtensionList',
'XNDefaultString', 'XkbIM_UseBase', 'N9_XDisplay5DOT_252E',
'BadName', 'XkbAX_DumbBellFBMask',
'XkbIndicatorChangesRec', 'XkbRedirectKeyAction',
'sz_xGetFontPathReply', 'div_t', 'xListHostsReq',
'Mod3MapIndex', 'XkbISOAction', 'X_kbGetDeviceInfo',
'xGetPropertyReply', 'XkbDeviceLedInfoRec', 'sz_xReply',
'ELOOP', 'strcspn', 'SouthGravity',
'sz_xConfigureWindowReq', 'XkbLC_AllComposeControls',
'free', 'XkbGetKeyBehaviors', 'Cursor', 'xWindowRoot',
'XkbSA_NoAcceleration', '_XkbMapChanges', 'GCForeground',
'xError', 'XkbSI_NoneOf', '_XGetAsyncData',
'XAddConnectionWatch', '__pthread_list_t', 'XDestroyIC',
'XUndefineCursor', '__rlim64_t', 'sz_xListPropertiesReply',
'rand', 'XChangeKeyboardControl', '__dev_t', 'XKillClient',
'__W_CONTINUED', '__blksize_t', 'xSetInputFocusReq',
'fsblkcnt_t', 'ArcChord', 'XkbAXN_AXKWarning', 'XDrawArcs',
'XkbAllocNames', 'xConnSetup', 'XStoreName',
'XQueryBestSize', '_X11XCBPrivate', 'ino64_t',
'XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat', 'memcmp', 'EISNAM',
'xAllowEventsReq', 'sz_xGetScreenSaverReply',
'ColormapNotify', 'X_QueryTree', '__blkcnt64_t',
'mkostemp', '_XkbDeviceInfo', 'PlaceOnTop',
'xRecolorCursorReq', 'XlibDisplayNoXkb',
'sz_xSetClipRectanglesReq', 'XkbSA_SwitchAbsolute',
'XOpenIM', 'sz_xCreateCursorReq', 'XRectangle',
'XkbXI_AllDeviceFeaturesMask', 'XAllocColor',
'XStoreColor', 'XkbControlsNotifyEvent',
'sz_xAllocColorCellsReq', 'RetainTemporary',
'XSetGraphicsExposures', '_BITS_TYPES_H',
'XkbDeviceBtnAction', 'EILSEQ', 'XkbModsPtr', 'MapRequest',
'__rlim_t', 'XGetErrorText', 'XkbAllGroupsMask',
'setstate', 'ENONET', 'ECHRNG', 'NotifyPointerRoot',
'GCJoinStyle', '_XkbIndicatorNotify', 'GCTileStipYOrigin',
'XkbDeviceLedChangesPtr', 'XIMStringConversionLeftEdge',
'__u_char', 'ESRCH', 'CWY', 'CWX', '_XkbEvent',
'XkbGetAutoResetControls', 'XScreenCount', 'xPolyPointReq',
'xConnClientPrefix', 'X_kbUseExtension', 'XkbAllNamesMask',
'XGetIMValues', 'xSendEventReq', 'XkbMapChangesPtr',
'YXSorted', '_XkbModAction', 'sz_xGetAtomNameReply',
'__key_t', 'ENOMSG', 'xChangeModeReq', 'XkbSA_BreakLatch',
'EISDIR', 'LockMapIndex', 'XResetScreenSaver', 'XNoOp',
'XDefaultColormap', 'random', 'XkbGeomPtsPerMM',
'XDisplayKeycodes', '_XInternalConnectionProc',
'__GNU_LIBRARY__', 'sz_xImageTextReq', 'EnterNotify',
'X_QueryBestSize', 'X_InstallColormap',
'X_ConvertSelection', 'X_PolyText8', 'LeaveWindowMask',
'XkbDeviceInfoRec', 'XkbGetNames', 'XESetPrintErrorValues',
'_XkbChanges', 'BadAccess', 'XkbIM_UseAnyGroup',
'X_AllowEvents', '_XkbGeometry', 'EBADRQC', 'StaticColor',
'_XErrorFunction', 'XServerInterpretedAddress',
'rawmemchr', 'sz_xGetSelectionOwnerReply',
'XkbExplicitInterpretMask', '_XConnWatchInfo',
'XkbGetIndicatorMap', 'XGetModifierMapping',
'XTextWidth16', 'XGetIconName',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_162E', 'XkbFreeKeyboard',
'XGetICValues', '_PutImageReq', 'XReadBitmapFile',
'sz_xGrabKeyboardReq', 'XListExtensions',
'CWBackingPlanes', 'XSetWMProtocols',
'XkbSA_ISONoAffectPtr', 'quad_t', 'XkbForceDeviceBell',
'strncmp', 'XkbRGMaxMembers', 'XkbGroupBaseMask',
'X_InternAtom', 'mkdtemp', 'XIMForwardChar', 'strcat',
'_XSetClipRectangles', 'XkbNoteDeviceChanges',
'sz_xSetMappingReply', 'XMinCmapsOfScreen', '_XkbStateRec',
'XkbStickyKeysMask', 'X_GetProperty', 'XClearWindow',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_1725DOT_173E', 'XkbDfltXIId',
'XLoadQueryFont', 'sz_xSendEventReq', 'X_ForceScreenSaver',
'Xutf8DrawText', 'sz_xGrabPointerReply', 'KBBellPercent',
'posix_memalign', 'XDrawRectangles',
'XkbSetNamedIndicator', 'XkbKeysymToModifiers',
'sz_xAllocColorReq', 'xGetSelectionOwnerReply',
'__FD_SETSIZE', 'DisableAccess', 'Button2MotionMask',
'XChar2b', 'seed48_r', 'XFreeColors', '_XkbClientMapRec',
'LOCKED', 'xQueryTreeReply', 'XkbMapNotifyMask',
'XESetCloseDisplay', '_XkbDeviceLedInfo', '_XReadEvents',
'Convex', '_XAllocIDs', 'XQueryTextExtents',
'FARCSPERBATCH', 'EMFILE', 'int32_t', 'off64_t',
'XHeightOfScreen', 'X_UnmapWindow', 'XkbGetKeyModifierMap',
'PropertyNotify', '_XIMFilter', 'XwcDrawString',
'Button3MotionMask', 'gnu_dev_major', 'XkbDeviceBellEvent',
'XOrientation', 'XGetAtomNames', 'strsignal',
'XModifierKeymap', 'XkbNumberErrors', 'XkbKeyTypeRec',
'MSBFirst', 'XExtData', 'XAllPlanes', 'XLookupColor',
'WNOHANG', 'sz_xGetModifierMappingReply', 'XOpenOM',
'XESetWireToEventCookie', 'BYTE', 'bzero', '_XGC',
'XLocaleOfOM', 'EXIT_SUCCESS', '__suseconds_t',
'_XProcessWindowAttributes', 'CWOverrideRedirect',
'VisualID', 'XPointer', 'clearenv', 'XIMCaretDirection',
'ENOSTR', 'XkbModAction', 'sz_xSetModifierMappingReq',
'__INO_T_MATCHES_INO64_T', 'XkbGetNamedDeviceIndicator',
'XIMTextType', 'XContextualDrawing', 'FamilyDECnet',
'X_Bell', 'XFocusChangeEvent', 'XConfigureEvent',
'X_ListInstalledColormaps', 'X_OpenFont', 'strnlen',
'XlibDisplayIOError', 'FirstExtensionError',
'sz_xPutImageReq', 'XIMHotKeyTrigger', 'KBBellDuration',
'XTimeCoord', 'CapNotLast', 'XIMPreeditPosition',
'__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T', 'XkbGrabModsMask',
'EnableAccess', 'XkbLC_ConsumeKeysOnComposeFail',
'XkbFreeCompatMap', 'NotifyHint', 'XConfigureRequestEvent',
'sz_xQueryFontReply', 'XSetModifierMapping', 'wcstombs',
'XNQueryInputStyle', '_XScreenOfWindow', 'nrand48',
'xGetGeometryReply', 'XRefreshKeyboardMapping',
'XWidthMMOfScreen', 'XIMNextLine', '_XVIDtoVisual',
'XIMDontChange', '__USE_XOPEN2KXSI', 'ShiftMapIndex',
'XkbAXN_SKAccept', 'XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask',
'XlibDisplayDfltRMDB', 'XConvertSelection',
'XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents', 'pthread_once_t',
'__timer_t', 'XIMBackwardWord', 'XTextExtents16',
'XPlanesOfScreen', 'XkbGetDeviceButtonActions',
'XkbComponentNameRec', 'CWSibling', '__uint32_t',
'__USE_XOPEN2K8', 'SelectionNotify',
'XkbUpdateKeyTypeVirtualMods', 'XkbSetDebuggingFlags',
'BadAtom', 'RAND_MAX', 'XkbSA_NoAction',
'NeedVarargsPrototypes', 'XDisplayOfScreen',
'XEnterWindowEvent', 'CapButt', 'sz_xCopyAreaReq',
'loff_t', 'XkbCompatNameMask', 'XChangeActivePointerGrab',
'XkbGetUpdatedMap', 'blksize_t', '_XPrivate', '_XExten',
'sz_xSetFontPathReq', '_XLockMutex_fn', 'XESetFreeFont',
'XVisibilityEvent', 'XESetCreateGC', 'strstr',
'XkbAllExtensionDeviceEventsMask', 'gnu_dev_minor',
'AllTemporary', 'ESRMNT', 'XFillArcs',
'_XkbMapNotifyEvent', 'X_MapWindow', '_ISOC99_SOURCE',
'XPointerMovedEvent', 'XBitmapUnit',
'XkbControlsEnabledMask', 'X_QueryKeymap', 'rpmatch',
'XkbCompatLookupModsMask', 'X_KillClient',
'XkbChangeKeycodeRange', 'unlockpt', 'sz_xCreateGCReq',
'_XF86LoadQueryLocaleFont', 'strcoll_l', 'mblen', '__id_t',
'XkbSA_ISOAffectMask', '__clock_t', 'XkbGetKeyTypes',
'ResizeRedirectMask', 'RaiseLowest', 'X_CreatePixmap',
'XIMPreeditNothing', 'DefaultBlanking',
'__timer_t_defined', 'select', 'xQueryExtensionReply',
'XkbGBN_ServerSymbolsMask', 'sz_xAllocNamedColorReq',
'xListExtensionsReply', 'XFocusOutEvent', 'XMapEvent',
'XNPreeditDoneCallback', 'XkbLC_ControlFallback',
'_XkbISOAction', 'X_kbSelectEvents', 'XRemoveHosts',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_163E', 'XInitImage', 'XIMFeedback',
'__fsblkcnt_t', 'GCTile', 'strpbrk', 'XCheckWindowEvent',
'xInternAtomReq', 'XFlushGC', 'sz_xGetImageReply',
'HostInsert', 'AutoRepeatModeDefault',
'XkbSA_MoveAbsoluteY', 'XkbSA_MoveAbsoluteX',
'_SIGSET_H_types', 'KBKeyClickPercent',
'N16pthread_rwlock_t3DOT_9E', 'DontPreferBlanking',
'XkbPointerButtonMask', 'GCDashList', 'X_ListHosts',
'_4DOT_34', 'X_GetPointerMapping', 'XMoveResizeWindow',
'XArc', 'XAddHosts', 'XkbLockModifiers', 'XwcResetIC',
'SyncPointer', 'sz_xGetMotionEventsReply', 'XGetCommand',
'_XkbInfoRec', 'EKEYREJECTED', 'NotifyDetailNone',
'BadLength', 'ENOTCONN', 'InputOnly', '_XkbIndicatorRec',
'ENETUNREACH', 'CWEventMask', 'XButtonReleasedEvent',
'XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap', 'sz_xChangePropertyReq',
'UnmapGravity', '_XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct',
'strtoull_l', 'XkbSA_LockControls',
'_XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct', 'XAutoRepeatOn',
'XkbAllocCompatMap', 'MapNotify', 'XNStringConversion',
'GCClipYOrigin', 'X_FillPoly', 'sz_xConnClientPrefix',
'XkbSA_SetControls', 'XCellsOfScreen', 'XDestroyOC',
'XkbNoteMapChanges', 'XFocusInEvent',
'sz_xRotatePropertiesReq', 'xSetFontPathReq', 'grantpt',
'XkbGetPerClientControls', '_XkbMessageAction',
'initstate', 'XGetKeyboardControl', 'XReparentEvent',
'XkbName', 'XkbOD_NonXkbServer', 'XSetFontPath',
'XkbSA_ISONoAffectMods', 'XkbIM_UseAnyMods',
'posix_openpt', 'lldiv_t', 'memmem', 'ButtonPressMask',
'XkbSA_MessageGenKeyEvent', '__quad_t', '_XContextDB',
'XkbBellEvent', 'XkbComponentListRec', 'X_GetAtomName',
'__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_T', '__u_quad_t', '__u_short',
'XEvent', 'XNStdColormap', 'XkbSA_LockPtrBtn',
'XkbQueryExtension', '_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE',
'XkbTranslateKeySym', '_XDeq', '_XAsyncErrorState',
'EastGravity', 'useconds_t', 'XDrawString',
'PrintErrorType', '__uid_t', 'strtoul_l', 'ENOTBLK',
'_XAsyncEState', 'XButtonPressedEvent', 'XkbWrapIntoRange',
'_XUnlockMutex_fn', '__USE_ISOC11', 'XkbLC_Partial',
'XwcLookupString', 'XkbNoteNameChanges',
'XkbBellNotifyEvent', 'ErrorStringType', 'X_GetFontPath',
'XIMStringConversionWord', 'ENOPKG', 'PointerWindow',
'LineDoubleDash', 'SyncBoth', 'XICCallback', 'XAnyEvent',
'ESTALE', 'IsViewable', 'qecvt_r', 'XkbIndicatorMapPtr',
'XSetWindowBackground', 'XkbIM_LEDDrivesKB',
'XLookupKeysym', 'XIMBackwardChar', 'XkbSA_ISODfltIsGroup',
'X_kbSetIndicatorMap', 'XkbAllClientInfoMask',
'XIMStringConversionTopEdge', 'XNDestroyCallback',
'__bzero', 'XIMStringConversionChar', 'XmbResetIC',
'XkbUseCoreKbd', 'XkbComponentNamesMask',
'sz_xPolyFillArcReq', 'XkbAllRequiredTypes',
'__time_t_defined', 'XkbKeycodesNameMask', 'XSetDashes',
'_XkbNewKeyboardNotify', 'XkbGroup4Mask',
'sz_xFillPolyReq', 'SubstructureNotifyMask',
'_XGetWindowAttributes', 'XkbModifierLatchMask',
'XkbSetIgnoreLockMods', 'XDefaultRootWindow',
'_XkbCompatMapNotify', 'XkbDeviceChangesRec',
'XAllowEvents', 'XInsertModifiermapEntry', 'fsfilcnt_t',
'div', 'XUngrabServer', 'XIMIsPrimary', 'nrand48_r',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_156E', 'XSupportsLocale', 'ecvt',
'ENOTUNIQ', 'XkbKeyAliasesMask', 'ELNRNG', '__stpcpy',
'XVaNestedList', 'ERESTART', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_164E',
'BadRequest', 'XkbLC_ComposeLED', 'XkbAX_SlowWarnFBMask',
'XOMOrientation_RTL_TTB', '__nlink_t', 'ffsll',
'X_GetSelectionOwner', 'ENOPROTOOPT', '_XAsyncHandler',
'BadIDChoice', 'XCheckTypedWindowEvent', 'XPropertyEvent',
'xGetPointerControlReply', 'True_', 'XCloseDisplay',
'XClearArea', 'XNPreeditDrawCallback', 'XCreateGC',
'xQueryBestSizeReq', 'XkbNoteControlsChanges',
'X_CopyPlane', 'XDefaultScreenOfDisplay', 'realloc',
'XkbGetNamedIndicator', 'sz_xPolyRectangleReq',
'XDeleteModifiermapEntry', 'strtok',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_148E', 'XNMissingCharSet',
'_XEatData', 'XkbGeometryMask', 'XkbGeometryNameMask',
'XkbAXN_SKRelease', 'XkbKeypadIndex', 'xDepth',
'xForceScreenSaverReq', 'XPeekEvent',
'xSetModifierMappingReq', 'XCONN_CHECK_FREQ',
'XNFocusWindow', 'GCCapStyle', 'XChangePointerControl',
'XExposeEvent', 'XkbControlsChangesRec', 'Button1Mask',
'X_GrabKey', 'u_quad_t', 'XkbGetVirtualMods',
'CWDontPropagate', 'XSetPointerMapping', 'XkbNamesRec',
'daddr_t', 'XkbRedirectIntoRange', 'strdup',
'XIMStatusNone', 'XDirectionalDependentDrawing',
'XSetInputFocus', 'XGetWMProtocols', 'XNInputStyle',
'ELIBACC', '__int8_t', 'SelectionClear',
'XkbControlsNotifyMask', 'off_t', '_XTextHeight',
'WestGravity', 'XICProc', 'XkbGetState',
'ButtonReleaseMask', 'pthread_key_t', 'FocusIn',
'_Xwctomb', 'XFillArc', 'u_int8_t', 'FontRightToLeft',
'sz_xUngrabKeyReq', '__WALL', 'XConnectionWatchProc',
'ENOTDIR', 'GCLineWidth', 'CWBackingPixel', 'XNFontSet',
'XkbSA_SetValRelative', 'XQueryFont',
'xCirculateWindowReq', '__locale_t', 'lcong48',
'XGetInputFocus', 'CWStackMode', 'XCopyGC',
'XkbSA_SwitchApplication', 'XkbGBN_SymbolsMask',
'XStoreBuffer', 'sz_xGetGeometryReply', 'ENETRESET',
'XDestroyWindowEvent', 'XkbSI_Exactly',
'XSetAccessControl', 'XkbAllocClientMap',
'XkbLC_KeypadKeys', 'XkbVirtualModsToReal',
'XkbAnyGroupMask', 'unsetenv', 'Always',
'XIMStatusNothing', 'FUNCPROTO', 'DestroyNotify',
'GCFillRule', 'XkbSA_UseDfltButton', 'uint', 'GCArcMode',
'xPolySegmentReq', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_161E',
'strncasecmp_l', 'ColormapUninstalled', 'EINVAL',
'XkbAnyActionDataSize', 'XSetFillStyle', 'XkbControlsRec',
'XkbPerKeyBitArraySize', 'SubstructureRedirectMask',
'xCreateCursorReq', 'XkbOverlay2Mask', 'EHOSTUNREACH',
'__mempcpy', 'XkbActionMessage', 'XkbSA_NumActions',
'sz_xQueryTreeReply', 'sz_xAllocColorPlanesReply',
'XScreenNumberOfScreen', '_XUnregisterInternalConnection',
'xGrabPointerReq', 'Xutf8TextPerCharExtents',
'XkbMouseKeysMask', '_XSQEvent', 'size_t', '_XPrivDisplay',
'XkbVirtualModsMask', 'XIMVisibleToBackword',
'sz_xHostEntry', 'XkbMaxRedirectCount', 'XKeysymToKeycode',
'__mbstowcs_chk', '__qaddr_t', '_Xdebug',
'XkbKeyBehaviorsMask', 'XSetWindowAttributes',
'XkbKTLevelNamesMask', 'Atom', 'XOMFontInfo',
'XkbAllXIIds', 'XkbNKN_DeviceIDMask', 'X_kbGetNames',
'xOpenFontReq', 'XkbUseCorePtr', 'X_CopyArea',
'XDefaultVisualOfScreen', 'XkbAccessXOptionsMask',
'EOPNOTSUPP', 'sigset_t', 'XGetWindowProperty', 'seed48',
'xSetMappingReply', 'YXBanded', 'XkbVirtualModMapMask',
'DisableScreenSaver', 'XNStringConversionCallback',
'__USE_POSIX', 'XkbOneLevelIndex', 'XCreateWindow',
'memchr', 'u_int32_t', 'IncludeInferiors', 'XIDProc',
'__fd_mask', 'X_CloseFont', 'xTranslateCoordsReply',
'XIMHotKeyTriggers', 'XkbCompatMapNotifyMask',
'initstate_r', '__useconds_t', 'XwcDrawImageString',
'XOMOfOC', 'UNLOCKED', 'FreeFuncType',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_149E', 'sz_xCreatePixmapReq',
'xPolyFillRectangleReq', 'xWarpPointerReq',
'__clockid_t_defined', 'XMaxRequestSize', 'GXcopyInverted',
'XkbGBN_KeyNamesMask', 'XOMCharSetList', 'XkbCopyKeyType',
'BadMatch', 'EREMOTE', 'XIMPreeditUnKnown',
'__WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32', 'AnyButton',
'xAllocColorCellsReply', '_SYS_TYPES_H',
'xGetPointerMappingReply', 'XSetStipple', 'XFetchName',
'srand48_r', 'XkbGroupCompatMask', '_Xmblen', '__USE_GNU',
'sz_xGetImageReq', 'WUNTRACED',
'sz_xGetWindowAttributesReply', 'XkbMaxShiftLevel',
'XkbStatePtr', 'lldiv', 'XkbAllControlsMask',
'pthread_attr_t', 'XIMVisibleToCenter', 'CWBitGravity',
'Xutf8TextEscapement', 'xAllocColorPlanesReq',
'PlaceOnBottom', 'valloc', 'CreateFontType',
'XSetLineAttributes', 'XkbCompatChangesPtr',
'sz_xColorItem', 'XInstallColormap', '__ldiv_t_defined',
'ScreenFormat', 'XFreeModifiermap', 'strtoll_l',
'XkbInternalModsMask', 'pthread_t', 'comparison_fn_t',
'strfry', 'NoExpose', 'XFreeFontNames',
'X_DestroySubwindows', 'CreateNotify',
'GCGraphicsExposures', '_XLockInfo', 'FreeModmapType',
'ReparentNotify', 'XRootWindowOfScreen',
'XkbGroupNamesMask', 'sz_xWarpPointerReq',
'XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet', 'XLookupNone',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_165E', '_XDisplay',
'sz_xPolySegmentReq', 'GCSubwindowMode',
'XkbNumVirtualMods', 'xResourceReq', 'FreeFontType',
'__fsfilcnt64_t', 'XkbSymMapPtr', 'DontAllowExposures',
'XkbKB_RadioGroup', 'XStoreBytes', 'X_kbListComponents',
'sz_xStoreNamedColorReq', 'GrabModeAsync',
'AllowExposures', 'IsUnviewable', 'XkbKTMapEntryRec',
'CWWinGravity', 'xEvent', 'stpcpy', 'InputFocus',
'LastExtensionError', 'nlink_t', '_XPollfdCacheDel',
'XColormapEvent', 'WNOWAIT', 'xSegment', 'PropertyDelete',
'X_GrabButton', 'xGetAtomNameReply', 'xChangeHostsReq',
'INT8', 'realpath', 'SouthEastGravity', 'XkbMaxKbdGroup',
'_XkbDeviceLedChanges', 'XIMStringConversionBottomEdge',
'XGetDefault', 'EHWPOISON', 'XIMInitialState',
'X_UnmapSubwindows', 'IsUnmapped', 'XPixmapFormatValues',
'u_int', 'XESetCopyGC', 'XkbNameChangesRec', 'bcopy',
'QueuedAfterFlush', 'XkbXI_UnsupportedFeatureMask',
'AsyncPointer', 'srand48', 'XkbSA_PtrBtn',
'XkbComponentNamePtr', 'ConfigureRequest', 'strtold_l',
'sz_xCopyGCReq', 'sz_xResourceReq', 'XkbServerMapMask',
'XDrawRectangle', 'XAllocNamedColor', '__FD_ZERO_STOS',
'CopyGCType', '__uint16_t', 'xListInstalledColormapsReply',
'atol', 'DirectColor', 'XSetWindowBorderPixmap',
'N14pthread_cond_t3DOT_6E', 'sz_xTextElt', 'secure_getenv',
'CWBackingStore', 'strtoull', '_XKeytrans',
'XkbExtensionDeviceNotify', 'X_ChangeWindowAttributes',
'ECONNRESET', 'XkbLookupKeySym', 'atof',
'X_ChangeActivePointerGrab', 'mkstemps', 'GXnoop',
'XkbAllComponentsMask', 'Mod4MapIndex', 'ButtonRelease',
'CoordModePrevious', 'XGeometry', 'XIC', 'XID', 'XIM',
'XListPixmapFormats', 'XkbAccessXTimeoutMask',
'XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping', 'Xutf8LookupString',
'LeaveNotify', 'sz_xUngrabButtonReq',
'XkbChangeDeviceInfo', 'ScreenSaverReset', 'Mod1Mask',
'XSetICFocus', 'XLastKnownRequestProcessed',
'X_kbGetCompatMap', 'XkbToControl', 'XExtentsOfFontSet',
'sz_xQueryBestSizeReply', 'XkbPtrBtnAction', '_STDLIB_H',
'XkbResizeKeyType', 'X_CreateGC', 'XlibDisplayClosing',
'ELFlagFocus', '_Xmbtowc', 'NotifyNormal',
'XGetErrorDatabaseText', 'qgcvt', 'XkbCompatGrabModsMask',
'XkbSymInterpretRec', 'XkbAllExplicitMask', 'XSetClipMask',
'X_ListFontsWithInfo', 'HostDelete', 'XIMTertiary', 'GXor',
'XkbRepeatKeysMask', '_XkbAnyEvent', 'CARD8', 'ldiv_t',
'XGetWindowAttributes', 'XNResourceClass', 'ECHILD',
'__USE_XOPEN2K', 'VisibilityUnobscured', 'XkbIndicatorRec',
'N4wait5DOT_255E', 'XGetSubImage', 'XNHotKey',
'KeyPressMask', 'XFreeGC', 'XkbSetNames',
'XSetWindowBorderWidth', '__blkcnt_t', 'XkbKeyAliasPtr',
'ELIBEXEC', 'XChangeSaveSet', '_XUnknownCopyEventCookie',
'XkbAccessXNotifyEvent', 'strxfrm',
'X_kbBell', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_166E', 'AlreadyGrabbed',
'BadGC', 'XMaxCmapsOfScreen', 'StippleShape', 'ffsl',
'PropModeAppend', 'XNForeground', 'aligned_alloc',
'_XFreeMutex_fn', '_XIOErrorFunction', 'XkbSA_LockNoLock',
'_XkbAnyAction', 'sz_xChangeKeyboardMappingReq',
'XDrawString16', 'fcvt_r', 'XkbIM_NoAutomatic',
'XkbLookupKeyBinding', '__OFF_T_MATCHES_OFF64_T', 'a64l',
'XkbIndicatorStateNotify', 'GCPlaneMask',
'XkbNumModifiers', 'Button3Mask',
'XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyMask', '_XkbControlsNotify',
'XRotateBuffers', 'XkbAX_FeatureFBMask', 'qfcvt',
'XkbSA_SetValAbsolute', 'XkbPCF_GrabsUseXKBStateMask',
'_XkbIndicatorChanges', 'X_GetGeometry', '_STRING_H',
'NotifyNonlinearVirtual', 'XkbComponentListPtr',
'XLocaleOfFontSet', 'time_t', 'XkbGBN_OtherNamesMask',
'XOMOrientation_LTR_TTB', 'EISCONN',
'sz_xGetPointerMappingReply', 'XNPreeditCaretCallback',
'qfcvt_r', 'XAllocColorCells', '_XkbAction',
'fsblkcnt64_t', 'XlibDisplayWriting',
'XkbOD_ConnectionRefused', '__ENUM_IDTYPE_T',
'XkbLC_BeepOnComposeFail', 'XSetState', 'XIOErrorHandler',
'XkbNamesNotify', '_xArc', 'sz_xListFontsReply',
'XFreeCursor', 'calloc', 'XGetWMColormapWindows',
'NoEventMask', 'XNoExposeEvent',
'XProcessInternalConnection', 'EALREADY',
'XMapRequestEvent', '_xPoint', 'XNPreeditStartCallback',
'X_CirculateWindow', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_151E',
'__int64_t', 'XClientMessageEvent', 'NorthWestGravity',
'XkbUseExtension', 'sz_xImageText16Req', 'FreeGCType',
'X_StoreColors', '_xReq', 'XQueryBestTile',
'NeedFunctionPrototypes', 'XSetTile', '__LITTLE_ENDIAN',
'__have_pthread_attr_t', 'PseudoColor',
'XkbSetDeviceButtonActions', 'XFetchBytes',
'XIMPreeditNone', 'XProtocolRevision', 'XkbNoShape',
'XSynchronize', 'XkbSA_SetValMax', 'X_PolySegment',
'XkbAX_TwoKeysMask', 'X_SetScreenSaver',
'XkbSA_DeviceValuator', 'X_ChangePointerControl',
'XNStatusStartCallback', 'XIMStyle', 'xPolyText16Req',
'xGetKeyboardMappingReply', 'BadCursor', 'XkbGroup1Mask',
'CWHeight', 'XCopyPlane', 'X_DeleteProperty',
'xQueryColorsReq', 'XIMPreeditEnable',
'sz_xCreateWindowReq', 'X_PolyLine',
'_BITS_PTHREADTYPES_H', 'XkbSetControls', 'sz_xEvent',
'KBAutoRepeatMode', 'XFontProp', 'XkbKbdDpyStateRec',
'X_kbGetKbdByName', 'sz_xSetModifierMappingReply',
'XSetIMValues', 'XkbAXN_SKReject', 'XkbAXN_BKAcceptMask',
'XFindOnExtensionList', '_XPollfdCacheAdd',
'XkbResizeKeySyms', 'XListHosts', 'strcmp',
'XRestackWindows', 'GXorInverted', '__syscall_ulong_t',
'XkbGBN_TypesMask', 'XReconfigureWMWindow', 'FillSolid',
'XkbAllAccessXEventsMask', 'XErrorHandler',
'XkbAXN_SKPressMask', 'ControlMapIndex',
'XmbDrawImageString', 'XUngrabPointer', 'sz_xVisualType',
'ENOSPC', 'EBADMSG', 'N4wait5DOT_254E', 'X_DestroyWindow',
'XWhitePixelOfScreen', 'ELIBBAD', 'X_UninstallColormap',
'X_ClearArea', 'ERANGE', 'Button4MotionMask',
'sz_xQueryPointerReply', 'exit', 'XIMHighlight',
'mbstowcs', '_XkbSwitchScreenAction', '_X11_XLIBINT_H_',
'XkbGroup1Index', 'PTSPERBATCH', '_SVID_SOURCE',
'XkbOD_Success', '_XkbDeviceChanges', 'XTextExtents',
'XFreeEventData', 'strverscmp',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_153E', 'InputOutput',
'XkbSA_LatchToLock', 'XChangeGC', '_XIMHotKeyTrigger',
'EUSERS', 'xChangeSaveSetReq', 'putenv', 'ENODEV',
'X_kbGetGeometry', 'XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct',
'XSetAuthorization', 'X_GetKeyboardMapping',
'XRebindKeysym', 'xCopyPlaneReq', '_ERRNO_H',
'XkbControlsChangesPtr', 'XkbPhysSymbolsNameMask',
'XStoreColors', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_147E',
'XkbAllStateComponentsMask', 'Opposite', 'X_Reply',
'XkbCompatStateMask', 'XkbMapNotify', '_XkbPtrBtnAction',
'XPoint', '__sig_atomic_t', 'XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion',
'CARD32', 'XNewModifiermap', 'xGrabButtonReq',
'__fsword_t', 'XDisplayOfIM', 'XkbModsRec', 'CursorShape',
'XkbBellNotifyMask', 'XKeycodeToKeysym', 'XWithdrawWindow',
'xrgb', 'ESHUTDOWN', 'xCopyColormapAndFreeReq',
'UnmapNotify', 'XIMStringConversionBuffer',
'sz_xRecolorCursorReq', 'XkbIndicatorMapNotify',
'_XEatDataWords', 'XkbApplyVirtualModChanges', 'GXset',
'_XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct', 'ECONNREFUSED',
'XkbAXN_SKPress', 'xConnSetupPrefix',
'RevertToPointerRoot', 'xDeletePropertyReq', 'ENOEXEC',
'EBADF', 'EBADE', 'XkbDeviceLedInfoPtr',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_150E', 'XNResetState',
'XScreenOfDisplay', 'XkbKeyboard', '__PDP_ENDIAN', 'EBADR',
'sz_xArc', 'mkstemp', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_169E',
'EXDEV', 'XkbBehavior', 'XkbIndicatorPtr', 'XkbNoModifier',
'xAllocNamedColorReply', 'QueuedAfterReading',
'XSetForeground', 'XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback',
'_SIGSET_NWORDS', 'XkbPerKeyRepeatMask',
'X_GetScreenSaver', 'XkbIM_UseEffective',
'XSelectionEvent', 'XkbComponentNamesRec',
'XAllocColorPlanes', 'AnyPropertyType', 'KeyPress',
'XMaskEvent', '_XData32', 'sz_xPolyText8Req',
'NotifyNonlinear', 'xBellReq', 'GXclear',
'XkbMouseKeysAccelMask', 'XkbMessageAction',
'_XSetLastRequestRead', 'XNFilterEvents', 'ETOOMANYREFS',
'XkbKTMapEntryPtr', 'JoinRound', 'XkbAXN_AXKWarningMask',
'sz_xChangePointerControlReq', 'XkbSetIndicatorMap',
'PropertyNewValue', 'X_UngrabServer', 'XkbKeySymsMask',
'XSetAfterFunction', '__WCOREFLAG', 'EINPROGRESS',
'XkbSA_SetMods', 'XkbSetAutoRepeatRate', 'KEYCODE',
'__realpath_chk', 'XkbErr_BadDevice',
'XkbSetServerInternalMods', 'XNStatusDoneCallback',
'XParseColor', 'xQueryFontReply',
'N19XClientMessageEvent4DOT_63E', 'strrchr',
'XmbTextPerCharExtents', 'sz_xListFontsReq',
'XKeysymToString', 'EL3RST',
'XkbPCF_DetectableAutoRepeatMask', 'XRaiseWindow',
'X_kbLatchLockState', 'XkbAccessXKeysMask',
'XGravityEvent', 'KeyCode', 'XCreatePixmap',
'XDisplayWidthMM', 'XForceScreenSaver', 'X_CreateColormap',
'__uint64_t', 'GXinvert', 'OwnerGrabButtonMask',
'XIMBitmapType', 'GCLastBit', 'XkbAllocControls', 'ulong',
'BadImplementation', 'XkbSelectEvents', '__clockid_t',
'ReplayKeyboard', 'strchrnul', 'XNBackgroundPixmap',
'xlocaledir', 'NeedNestedPrototypes', 'DoGreen', 'abs',
'XESetErrorString', 'sz_xListHostsReq', 'CoordModeOrigin',
'XkbNamesMask', 'SetModeInsert', 'XEventsQueued',
'XIMPreeditState', 'XGetScreenSaver', '_XError',
'XkbModifierMapMask', 'XkbAccessXFeedbackMask',
'XwcDrawText', 'xVisualType', 'stpncpy', 'xLookupColorReq',
'sz_xListFontsWithInfoReq', 'XBitmapPad',
'XStoreNamedColor', 'XkbAX_SKRejectFBMask',
'XEventMaskOfScreen', 'XRootWindow', 'XkbCopyKeyTypes',
'NorthGravity', 'xStoreColorsReq', 'GCTileStipXOrigin',
'XkbAllocServerMap', 'BUFSIZE', 'xAllocColorReply',
'XBell', '_XkbMods', 'ERFKILL', 'XESetError', '__mode_t',
'XMapWindow', 'xInternAtomReply', 'X_PROTOCOL_REVISION',
'XGetOMValues', 'WhenMapped', 'X_NoOperation',
'XContextDependentDrawing', 'CirculateNotify',
'X_CreateGlyphCursor', '_XDeqAsyncHandler',
'canonicalize_file_name', '_XkbSymInterpretRec',
'sz_xChangeSaveSetReq', 'X_kbSetMap', 'X_AllocColorPlanes',
'XkbNewKeyboardNotify', 'XkbGBN_IndicatorMapMask',
'_ENDIAN_H', 'sz_xListHostsReply', 'XkbSA_SetValCenter',
'__USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL', 'XkbIndicatorMapNotifyMask', 'Mask',
'XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols', 'XServerVendor',
'_xQueryFontReply', 'XkbSA_LockGroup', 'sz_xReq', 'pid_t',
'CWCursor', 'xListHostsReply', 'XkbSI_AutoRepeat',
'xChangeKeyboardControlReq', 'XkbChangeEnabledControls',
'XkbAllIndicatorsMask', 'XWhitePixel', 'XNBaseFontName',
'GravityNotify', 'sz_xGetKeyboardControlReply',
'XRemoveFromSaveSet', 'XkbLC_FunctionKeys', 'strlen',
'XNPreeditAttributes', 'XkbExplicitBehaviorMask',
'GrabSuccess', 'ClipByChildren', 'mkstemp64',
'FocusChangeMask', 'XkbTypesNameMask', '__fsid_t',
'XkbLC_ConsumeLookupMods', 'sz_xListFontsWithInfoReply',
'EAFNOSUPPORT', 'XkbLC_AllControls', 'XkbKeyAliasRec',
'_XAllocTemp', 'WLNSPERBATCH', 'mrand48_r',
'X_GetWindowAttributes', 'XSetFillRule', 'BadWindow',
'X_kbSetControls', 'NotifyGrab', 'AllocAll',
'sz_xRectangle', 'int8_t', 'XkbChangesRec',
'_XkbComponentList', 'XVisualIDFromVisual',
'XDisplayWidth', 'XmbLookupString', '_XPutBackEvent',
'XkbBell', 'XkbKeypadMask', 'XEDataObject', 'XIMCaretUp',
'Xutf8DrawString', '__fsfilcnt_t', 'ENOCSI',
'NeedWidePrototypes', 'jrand48_r', 'XkbSymInterpretPtr',
'__STDLIB_MB_LEN_MAX', 'basename', 'XParseGeometry', 'ffs',
'__WCLONE', 'sz_xError', 'XResourceManagerString',
'XNClientWindow', 'EAGAIN', '__error_t_defined',
'X_kbGetState', 'FamilyChaos', 'XOpenDisplay',
'sz_xSetInputFocusReq', 'sz_xChangeActivePointerGrabReq',
'_LockInfoRec', 'N8_XIMText4DOT_86E', 'XGetFontProperty',
'XkbClientMapPtr', 'mkostemps64', 'XkbMinLegalKeyCode',
'_XkbKeyNameRec', 'KeySym', 'X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING',
'_FillPolyReq', 'XConfigureWindow', 'XNQueryOrientation',
'XPutBackEvent', 'XkbSA_UseModMapMods', 'sz_xConnSetup',
'xAllocColorPlanesReply', 'XkbGetControls', 'Mod1MapIndex',
'XDisplayHeightMM', 'XkbDeviceValuatorAction',
'sz_xLookupColorReply', 'XkbAllRadioGroupsMask',
'xGetMotionEventsReply', 'X_CreateWindow',
'XkbNumRequiredTypes', 'strcoll', 'VisibilityChangeMask',
'_XkbNamesRec', 'XNextRequest', 'XkbSA_ValOpMask',
'XLookupChars', 'XIMStatusDataType', 'XGetGCValues',
'XkbGetCompatMap', 'EDESTADDRREQ', 'XkbInternAtomFunc',
'XGrabServer', 'sz_xClearAreaReq',
'XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct', 'xQueryBestSizeReply',
'_XkbKeyType', 'XVaCreateNestedList', 'KeyReleaseMask',
'Complex', 'xPolyFillArcReq', 'sz_xSetDashesReq',
'EPROTOTYPE', 'XkbExplicitKeyType3Mask', 'XkbChangesPtr',
'X_GetInputFocus', 'XIMStringConversionRetrieval',
'X_LookupColor', '__GLIBC_MINOR__',
'XIMStringConversionRightEdge', 'XkbLC_AlphanumericKeys',
'XDestroySubwindows', 'strncpy', 'CWBorderPixmap',
'XkbNumKbdGroups', 'None_', 'X_AllocColorCells',
'XkbMaxRadioGroups', 'XExtendedMaxRequestSize',
'__pthread_internal_list', 'DisableScreenInterval', 'labs',
'XESetWireToEvent', 'xGetKeyboardControlReply',
'FamilyServerInterpreted', 'XTranslateCoordinates',
'XkbControlsPtr', 'XListProperties', 'qsort_r',
'X_UngrabButton', 'xTextElt', 'GXxor', 'XkbKB_RGAllowNone',
'_XProcessInternalConnection', 'XFreeFontPath',
'XIMSecondary', 'XStringToKeysym', 'sz_xPolyArcReq',
'_XkbBellNotify', 'XFontStruct', 'XIMStyles',
'XGetFontPath', 'XkbKB_Default', 'XkbLatchGroup',
'GCClipMask', 'qsort', 'XkbFreeControls', 'XDefaultVisual',
'_XDisplayAtoms', 'pthread_spinlock_t', 'XUngrabButton',
'sz_xGrabKeyReq', 'XCrossingEvent',
'xGetWindowAttributesReply', 'GCStipple', 'timespec',
'Screen', 'GXnor', 'XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges',
'XButtonEvent', 'XkbAXN_SKRejectMask', 'memset', 'EFAULT',
'ENOKEY', '_XOM', 'sz_xAllocColorPlanesReq',
'XMapSubwindows', 'xPixmapFormat', 'XkbControlsNotify',
'XlibSpecificationRelease', 'VisibilityPartiallyObscured',
'XOMOrientation_TTB_LTR', 'XkbLC_IgnoreNewKeyboards',
'LedModeOn', 'X_CopyColormapAndFree', 'X_SendEvent',
'XDefaultScreen', 'XESetFlushGC', 'Button5MotionMask',
'XESetWireToError', '_FEATURES_H', 'X_QueryPointer',
'AsyncBoth', 'ecvt_r', 'XkbSetPerClientControls',
'XDefaultColormapOfScreen', 'X_GrabServer',
'sz_xListExtensionsReply', 'X_GrabKeyboard',
'PropertyChangeMask', 'KeyRelease',
'XkbLC_ForceLatin1Lookup', 'strtok_r', 'pselect',
'XkbAX_AllOptionsMask', 'xListPropertiesReply',
'_XAllocID', 'EPFNOSUPPORT', 'XkbIgnoreExtension',
'ConfigureNotify', 'INT32', 'X_SetPointerMapping',
'XkbAnyEvent', '_XOC', '__USE_POSIX199309',
'X_ReparentWindow', 'XIMOfIC', 'XkbDescRec',
'XkbSA_AffectDfltBtn', 'XDefineCursor', 'XInitExtension',
'xAllocColorCellsReq', 'XkbSymInterpMask',
'xChangePropertyReq', 'XUnsetICFocus', 'mktemp',
'XkbGroup3Mask', 'XSetTransientForHint', 'quick_exit',
'X_QueryExtension', 'CARD16', 'XWriteBitmapFile',
'XBlackPixel', 'Depth', 'xChangeActivePointerGrabReq',
'ShiftMask', 'Mod2MapIndex', 'MappingModifier',
'_XkbPtrAction', 'EL2NSYNC', 'FillTiled',
'xLookupColorReply', 'XChangeKeyboardMapping',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_168E', 'XFlush', 'strncasecmp',
'__pthread_mutex_s', '_XLockPtrs', '_XCopyEventCookie',
'xGetImageReply', 'XwcTextEscapement', 'xCreatePixmapReq',
'CloseDisplayType', 'LedModeOff', '_XIMHotKeyTriggers',
'MappingNotify', 'mode_t', 'XAddExtension', 'XDefaultGC',
'sz_xrgb', '_Exit', 'XYBitmap',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_152E', 'XkbEvent', 'XSetArcMode',
'ESTRPIPE', 'lrand48_r', 'xGetModifierMappingReply',
'CWColormap', 'xCopyAreaReq', 'Mod3Mask', '__loff_t',
'XkbGBN_AllComponentsMask', 'EDEADLK', 'FamilyInternet6',
'id_t', 'XIMResetState', 'XSegment', 'JoinBevel', 'strsep',
'XkbModifierLockMask', 'ControlMask', 'XkbCompatMapPtr',
'strtod_l', 'Display', '_XkbCompatChanges',
'XSetWindowColormap', 'XkbSA_ISOLock', 'XGrabKeyboard',
'XkbAXN_BKReject', 'X_CreateCursor', 'fd_mask',
'_XkbBehavior', 'XSetErrorHandler',
'XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask', 'XAutoRepeatOff', 'mbtowc',
'XIMStringConversionLine', 'XLeaveWindowEvent',
'ScreenSaverActive', 'xTranslateCoordsReq',
'GrabNotViewable', 'XkbXlibControlsImplemented',
'ExposureMask', 'XLookupKeySym', '_XkbComponentNames',
'_XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct', '__USE_LARGEFILE',
'XkbSA_DeviceBtn', 'jrand48', 'Xutf8ResetIC', 'strchr',
'MappingBusy', 'random_data',
'XkbIndicatorStateNotifyMask', 'memrchr', 'XkbKB_Overlay1',
'XkbKB_Overlay2', 'XFreeFontInfo', 'xCopyGCReq',
'XGrabPointer', 'XDisableAccessControl',
'XQueryBestStipple', 'SelectionRequest', 'X_FreeColormap',
'XkbAddDeviceLedInfo', 'XSetClipOrigin',
'sz_xAllowEventsReq', 'X_kbSetCompatMap',
'XIMPreeditDisable', 'XOMOrientation_Context',
'XSetICValues', 'XkbAllEventsMask', '__intptr_t', 'P_PID',
'NorthEastGravity', '__timespec_defined',
'_STRUCT_TIMEVAL', 'KeyButMask', 'XkbDfltXIClass',
'XkbGroupLatchMask', 'XSetSelectionOwner',
'_XkbDeviceValuatorAction', 'CirculateRequest',
'SouthWestGravity', 'XkbAllVirtualModsMask',
'XkbModifierBaseMask', 'ptsname', 'X_ConfigureWindow',
'_XDefaultError', 'XkbFreeIndicatorMaps',
'XkbResizeKeyActions', 'ENFILE', 'EREMCHG', 'XKeyEvent',
'xGetInputFocusReply', '__BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__',
'X_kbGetControls', 'X_SetDashes', 'XkbNKN_GeometryMask',
'__u_long', 'XkbMaxLegalKeyCode', 'XKeyPressedEvent',
'ENOMEM', 'XQLength', 'X_ListProperties', '_xSegment',
'EOWNERDEAD', 'GCFillStyle', 'CapProjecting',
'XIMStringConversionFeedback', 'X_PutImage', 'XExtCodes',
'XInternalConnectionNumbers', 'AnyKey',
'XkbAX_IndicatorFBMask', 'XkbAllModifiersMask',
'GrabModeSync', 'u_long', 'Window', '_XFreeEventCookies',
'sz_xSetCloseDownModeReq', 'X_kbGetNamedIndicator',
'XIMCallback', 'XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback',
'XDisplayCells', 'malloc', 'XGrabKey', 'xUngrabKeyReq',
'KBLedMode', 'XSetFont', 'XkbKB_Lock', 'XPutImage',
'xQueryExtensionReq', 'PreferBlanking', 'EIO',
'_XUnknownWireEvent', 'drand48_data', 'error_t',
'XGetPointerMapping', 'sz_xInternAtomReq', 'GXcopy',
'XAddToSaveSet', 'XImageByteOrder',
'XIMStringConversionConcealed', 'XSetFunction',
'_SYS_CDEFS_H', '_XkbControls', 'XDoesSaveUnders',
'sz_xSetPointerMappingReply', 'XkbGroup4Index',
'XCirculateSubwindows', 'xReq', 'XIMStringConversionType',
'sz_xQueryExtensionReq', 'XkbSI_AnyOfOrNone',
'XListDepths', 'XkbGeomMaxLabelColors', 'BITS32',
'xChangeKeyboardMappingReq', 'srandom_r', 'idtype_t',
'XkbPCF_SendEventUsesXKBState', 'xCreateWindowReq',
'program_invocation_short_name', 'xSetCloseDownModeReq',
'YSorted', 'XkbActionMessageEvent', 'xGrabKeyboardReply',
'_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', 'xHostEntry', 'suseconds_t',
'mempcpy', 'X_kbGetIndicatorMap', 'XkbTwoLevelIndex',
'XkbSA_ISONoAffectGroup', 'XWindowEvent', 'xGetImageReq',
'_XIsEventCookie', 'XkbExplicitVModMapMask', 'mkstemps64',
'FillStippled', 'CenterGravity', 'XkbMaxMouseKeysBtn',
'timeval', 'XkbSA_LockDeviceBtn', 'XCreateOC',
'XkbSymMapRec', 'XkbLibraryVersion',
'XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent', 'ldiv', 'XNBackground',
'Xutf8TextExtents', 'XDoesBackingStore', 'XMD_H',
'NotUseful', 'GXequiv', 'RevertToNone', 'ENOLCK',
'XkbSA_ValScaleMask', 'KBLed', 'Mod4Mask',
'XkbGetAtomNameFunc', 'Button3', 'Button2', 'Button1',
'XkbXI_IndicatorsMask', 'Button5', 'Button4',
'X_SetModifierMapping', 'register_t', 'xGetPropertyReq',
'XCreateImage', 'XReadBitmapFileData', 'sz_xChangeModeReq',
'XImage', 'XkbSI_AnyOf', 'sz_xPolyPointReq', 'memmove',
'XIMHotKeyState', 'XFetchBuffer', 'X_SetClipRectangles',
'ClientMessage', 'GCBackground', 'Font',
'XkbAllocKeyboard', 'FillOpaqueStippled',
'AutoRepeatModeOff', 'GrabFrozen',
'XkbGBN_ClientSymbolsMask', 'XFilterEvent', '_XGetRequest',
'XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions', 'mrand48',
'xListFontsReply', '_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify',
'xChangeGCReq', 'XCopyArea', 'X_PolyText16',
'GXandInverted', 'XkbSlowKeysMask', 'XkbControlsMask',
'RetainPermanent', 'XNQueryICValuesList', '__off_t',
'sz_xTranslateCoordsReply', 'XCirculateEvent',
'XNOrientation', 'xSetDashesReq', 'CWBackPixel',
'XKeyReleasedEvent', 'XColor', 'XFontSet', 'ENOBUFS',
'XkbSetNamedDeviceIndicator', 'XSelectInput',
'XLockDisplay', 'XSetClipRectangles', 'BadValue',
'XkbCompatChangesRec', 'ResizeRequest',
'XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_155E',
'Button2Mask', 'GCFont', 'XkbGroupAction', '__USE_BSD',
'XEnableAccessControl', 'rindex', 'bsearch', 'XNArea',
'XPending', 'LSBFirst', 'XListInstalledColormaps',
'XkbSetXlibControls', 'XkbAnyGroup', 'xImageTextReq',
'GraphicsExpose', 'BeforeFlushType', '_XSend',
'MotionNotify', 'XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct',
'XkbChangeTypesOfKey', 'XkbAXN_BKRejectMask', 'memccpy',
'XGenericEvent', 'errno', 'xConvertSelectionReq',
'xSetAccessControlReq', 'X_GetMotionEvents',
'XkbIM_UseLatched', 'FRCTSPERBATCH',
'XkbApplyCompatMapToKey', 'sz_xWindowRoot',
'sz_xPropIconSize', 'sz_xSetAccessControlReq',
'PointerRoot', 'X_GrabPointer', 'X_UngrabPointer',
'XkbIgnoreLockModsMask', 'XkbSA_DfltBtnAbsolute', 'atoi',
'ENOTNAM', 'xGrabPointerReply', 'XIMHotKeyStateOFF',
'XkbExplicitKeyTypesMask', 'ESPIPE', 'erand48',
'XkbFreeComponentList', 'Button1MotionMask', 'BOOL',
'CapRound', 'EROFS', 'XkbAudibleBellMask', 'blkcnt64_t',
'XSelectionRequestEvent', 'XNLineSpace', 'XDisplayName',
'XlibDisplayPrivSync', 'NotifyPointer', 'XkbServerMapRec',
'Above', 'X_kbSetNamedIndicator', '_ALLOCA_H',
'xSetPointerMappingReply', 'sz_xImageText8Req',
'xImageText8Req', 'xCreateGlyphCursorReq', 'X_kbSetNames',
'N28_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct4DOT_91E', 'setenv',
'XNSpotLocation', 'XNGeometryCallback', 'XTHREADS',
'ENAVAIL', 'XIMStringConversionWrapped',
'XNVisiblePosition', 'XkbMaxKeyCount', 'XkbAXN_BKAccept',
'XNResourceName', 'XNDirectionalDependentDrawing',
'_XkbPtrDfltAction', 'mkostemp64', 'sz_xPolyTextReq',
'LineSolid', '__socklen_t', 'X_SetInputFocus', 'EOVERFLOW',
'P_ALL', 'XYPixmap', '_XExtension', 'XkbGetDeviceLedInfo',
'XkbOD_BadServerVersion', '_XkbNameChanges', 'funcs',
'XkbKeyNamePtr', 'xStoreNamedColorReq', 'XFillPolygon',
'_ATFILE_SOURCE', 'XHeightMMOfScreen', 'XFreePixmap',
'XSetIconName', 'Time', 'FocusOut', 'X_MapSubwindows',
'XIMStringConversionSubstitution', 'ENAMETOOLONG',
'NotifyVirtual', 'XGetImage', 'XkbGroup3Index',
'XkbExplicitKeyType1Mask', 'XkbIndicatorMapMask',
'XkbNumIndicators', 'Button4Mask', 'XkbGBN_CompatMapMask',
'XkbXI_IndicatorStateMask', 'XOMOrientation_TTB_RTL',
'XFreeColormap', '_XkbKTMapEntry', 'Button5Mask',
'XkbLockGroup', 'XFillRectangle', 'erand48_r',
'X_kbPerClientFlags', 'XkbGetMapChanges', 'ParentRelative',
'EMSGSIZE', 'XkbSwitchScreenAction', 'X_PROTOCOL',
'sz_xConvertSelectionReq', 'xGrabKeyboardReq',
'xUngrabButtonReq', 'False_', 'sz_xSetSelectionOwnerReq',
'EREMOTEIO', 'XkbXINone', 'X_kbGetIndicatorState',
'xSetModifierMappingReply', '_XkbKeyAliasRec',
'_BITS_TYPESIZES_H', 'XNRequiredCharSet',
'XkbGetKeyActions', 'XkbDeviceInfoPtr',
'XkbPCF_AutoResetControlsMask', 'XkbSA_MessageOnPress',
'X_CopyGC', 'XIMAbsolutePosition', 'CurrentTime',
'__errno_location', 'XSetPlaneMask',
'XkbActionMessageLength', '_XDefaultWireError',
'XkbComputeEffectiveMap', 'strcasestr',
'XkbExplicitKeyType2Mask', '__ctype_get_mb_cur_max',
'XGetMotionEvents', 'XkbSA_ISONoAffectCtrls',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_154E', 'index', 'ELFlagSameScreen',
'XFree', '_XUnknownWireEventCookie', 'ENOANO',
'XkbKbdDpyStatePtr', 'XCharStruct', 'EUCLEAN',
'XkbSetAutoResetControls', 'XkbMaxSymsPerKey',
'XNContextualDrawing', 'XFillRectangles', 'BadFont',
'XGetTransientForHint', 'XkbOpenDisplay',
'_XkbGroupAction', 'ENOTRECOVERABLE', 'XESetFreeGC',
'_XkbAccessXNotify', 'XNPreeditState', 'XFontSetExtents',
'__lldiv_t_defined', '__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T',
'_XStoreEventCookie', 'DestroyAll', 'XkbNoShiftLevel',
'XNHotKeyState', 'sz_xQueryColorsReq', '_XFlushGCCache',
'XUngrabKey', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_172E', 'XwcTextItem',
'sz_xCreateColormapReq', '_XkbComponentName',
'_XkbDeviceBtnAction', 'XkbSetDeviceLedInfo',
'XkbPtrDfltAction', 'CWWidth', '__stpncpy', '_XImage',
'XIMPreserveState', 'XDrawText', 'EPIPE', '_XRead',
'sz_xPolyLineReq', 'XConnectionNumber', 'EINTR', 'EBFONT',
'_XkbNamesNotify', 'XkbErr_BadClass', 'XkbKeyTypesMask',
'sz_xGetKeyboardMappingReq', 'XCreateFontSet',
'XkbSA_SetGroup', 'EADDRINUSE', 'fsid_t', '__WNOTHREAD',
'KBBellPitch', 'sz_xReparentWindowReq', '_XEventsQueued',
'X_RecolorCursor', 'fsfilcnt64_t', 'XSetWMColormapWindows',
'XkbExplicitComponentsMask', 'XQueryColor',
'XKeyboardControl', 'XAddHost', 'XkbGBN_GeometryMask',
'_XGetAsyncReply', 'XWindowChanges', '__fsblkcnt64_t',
'XBitmapBitOrder', 'XkbIndicatorNamesMask',
'XkbAccessXNotifyMask', 'ENOENT', '__USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED',
'XlibDisplayProcConni', 'strtold', 'timer_t',
'XkbGetAutoRepeatRate', 'ECOMM', 'mkostemps',
'X_ChangeProperty', 'XkbAllActionMessagesMask', 'abort',
'XNOMAutomatic', 'xGetMotionEventsReq', 'XSetCommand',
'XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes', 'X_SetFontPath', 'Pixmap',
'ENOTEMPTY', 'sz_xDepth', 'XIconifyWindow',
'XkbIM_UseCompat', 'XHostAddress', 'XDrawArc',
'_XConnectionInfo', 'sz_xQueryTextExtentsReply', 'strtoll',
'X_QueryColors', '_XFreeTemp', '_XEnq', '__wcstombs_chk',
'XQueryColors', '__stpncpy_chk', 'sz_xTranslateCoordsReq',
'XCreateGlyphCursor', '__wctomb_chk', 'int16_t',
'XUngrabKeyboard', 'XOMOrientation', 'on_exit', 'xPoint',
'XRemoveHost', 'XDrawPoint', '_XExtData', 'strncat',
'WEXITED', 'XkbExplicitAutoRepeatMask', 'SetModeDelete',
'key_t', '__USE_ISOC95', 'XOC', 'xCreateGCReq',
'XkbAllNewKeyboardEventsMask', 'XOM', 'GContext',
'_XFetchEventCookie', '__USE_ISOC99', 'XkbLookupModsMask',
'X_SetCloseDownMode', 'EMEDIUMTYPE', 'X_kbGetMap',
'sz_xSegment', 'WRCTSPERBATCH',
'XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent', 'ZRCTSPERBATCH',
'GenericEvent', 'X_PolyFillArc', 'XDrawSegments',
'ssize_t', 'fcvt', 'XkbClientMapMask', 'xRectangle',
'sz_xPolyFillRectangleReq', 'XChangeWindowAttributes',
'LowerHighest', 'XWidthOfScreen', 'ETIME', 'AllocNone',
'ptsname_r', 'XkbDF_DisableLocks', '_XEvent',
'__USE_XOPEN', '_xRectangle', 'X_TranslateCoords',
'_XkbServerMapRec', 'XSync', 'Colormap',
'X_GetPointerControl', '__syscall_slong_t',
'sz_xConnSetupPrefix', 'XIMValuesList', 'XIfEvent',
'XkbEventCode', 'XDrawImageString16',
'XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap', 'XRotateWindowProperties',
'XkbSA_ActionMessage', 'sz_xChangeKeyboardControlReq',
'__USE_ATFILE', 'srandom', 'XkbAX_LatchToLockMask',
'XSetIOErrorHandler', 'Mod5MapIndex', 'XIMPreviousLine',
'__int32_t', 'XIMForwardWord', 'EIDRM',
'sz_xCopyColormapAndFreeReq', 'XkbClampIntoRange',
'_XRead32', 'XNAreaNeeded', 'EPERM', 'XkbStateNotify',
'xCreateColormapReq', 'Mod5Mask', 'clock_t', 'xTimecoord',
'XkbSA_IgnoreVal', 'XkbSA_MovePtr',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_171E', 'X_GetModifierMapping',
'XCreateIC', 'XQueryBestCursor', 'xImageText16Req',
'sz_xAllocNamedColorReply', 'XLoadFont',
'XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct', 'xKeymapEvent',
'_XTextHeight16', 'XGetEventData', 'PointerMotionMask',
'XCirculateRequestEvent', 'XLowerWindow', 'EvenOddRule',
'xPolyTextReq', 'XkbAlphabeticIndex', 'INT16',
'XkbSetAtomFuncs', 'xChangeWindowAttributesReq',
'XDisplayMotionBufferSize', 'PointerMotionHintMask',
'sz_xPixmapFormat', 'XkbMapNotifyEvent', 'XTextItem',
'_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct', 'ELIBMAX',
'XkbIgnoreGroupLockMask', 'XNVaNestedList',
'xConfigureWindowReq', 'XUnmapSubwindows',
'XCirculateSubwindowsDown', 'XkbIM_UseLocked',
'__USE_SVID', 'XGCValues', 'xListFontsWithInfoReq',
'XkbKB_Permanent', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_157E',
'XListFontsWithInfo', '_XReply', 'xPolyRectangleReq',
'system', 'BadColor', 'strcasecmp', '__daddr_t',
'XkbGroupsWrapMask', 'ECONNABORTED', 'XFreeFontSet',
'X_PolyFillRectangle', 'Success', 'XFreeFont',
'__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T', 'NotifyInferior', '__caddr_t',
'XkbFreeNames', 'sz_xAllocColorReply', 'XkbFreeDeviceInfo',
'xSetClipRectanglesReq', 'XkbGroup2Index', 'XIMStatusArea',
'XEventSize', 'XQueryTextExtents16', 'RevertToParent',
'XkbNumberEvents', 'XkbStateNotifyMask', 'XkbMinorVersion',
'XkbCompatMapRec', '__USE_EXTERN_INLINES',
'__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T', 'X_QueryFont', 'XQueryTree',
'EDOM', 'XResizeWindow', 'XkbStateNotifyEvent',
'XkbServerMapPtr', 'XIMUnderline', 'XkbAX_BKRejectFBMask',
'sz_xBellReq', 'XkbGroupLockMask', 'XkbTranslateKeyCode',
'XCreateColormap', 'XkbIndicatorChangesPtr',
'XkbAllocIndicatorMaps', 'sz_xGrabPointerReq', 'JoinMiter',
'_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED', 'VisibilityFullyObscured',
'ptrdiff_t', 'XIMLineStart', 'XkbErr_BadId',
'XkbSA_LatchMods', 'gcvt', 'sz_xGetPointerControlReply',
'LockMask', 'EKEYREVOKED', 'MappingKeyboard',
'__fdelt_chk', 'EL2HLT', 'GCFunction', 'XInternAtom',
'_XAsyncErrorHandler', 'LockInfoPtr', 'XFreeExtensionList',
'sz_xSetScreenSaverReq', 'XVendorRelease', '_BSD_SOURCE',
'XkbBellNotify', 'xGrabKeyReq', 'X_AllocNamedColor',
'_XFreeExtData', 'XkbSA_Terminate',
'XNSeparatorofNestedList', 'XUnmapWindow',
'XkbNameChangesPtr', 'sz_xKeymapEvent', 'Nonconvex',
'_XkbControlsChanges', '__USE_LARGEFILE64',
'xQueryPointerReply', 'strtol', 'XkbMajorVersion',
'XBufferOverflow', 'strtod', 'XIMText', 'strtof',
'XkbIM_NoExplicit', 'XkbComponentNamesPtr',
'XkbKeyActionsMask', 'strtoq', 'XkbSA_SetPtrDflt',
'XQueryKeymap', 'XkbAllocDeviceInfo', 'BadAlloc',
'XScreenResourceString', 'strxfrm_l', 'Unsorted',
'XkbGeomMaxPriority', 'memcpy', 'X_FreePixmap',
'XSetOMValues', 'X_UngrabKeyboard',
'sz_xAllocColorCellsReply', 'XCloseOM',
'XkbSA_MessageOnRelease', 'XmbDrawString', 'EKEYEXPIRED',
'xQueryTextExtentsReply', 'sz_xCirculateWindowReq',
'GXorReverse', 'XMotionEvent', '_XPollfdCacheInit',
'XkbAllMapComponentsMask', '__ssize_t', 'gid_t',
'CWBorderWidth', 'program_invocation_name', 'XkbForceBell',
'lcong48_r', 'XkbAX_FBOptionsMask', 'XkbSA_LatchGroup',
'EUNATCH', 'xQueryKeymapReply', 'XCreateSimpleWindow',
'__sigset_t', 'XQueryExtension', 'xSetScreenSaverReq',
'XIMHotKeyStateON', 'XFreeStringList',
'xGetScreenSaverReply', 'XTextItem16', 'xPolyText8Req',
'sz_xQueryKeymapReply', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_146E', 'X_Error',
'AutoRepeatModeOn', 'XGetOCValues', 'XMapRaised',
'XkbCompatMapMask', 'XDefaultGCOfScreen', 'XmbTextItem',
'CWSaveUnder', 'SyncKeyboard', 'ETIMEDOUT', 'XkbAllGroups',
'_XFlush', 'ReplayPointer', 'ushort', 'TrueColor',
'XCheckMaskEvent', 'clockid_t',
'XkbAllBellEventsMask', 'XIMLineEnd',
'sz_xCreateGlyphCursorReq', 'XlibDisplayReadEvents',
'caddr_t', 'XkbSA_ClearLocks', 'X_ChangeSaveSet', 'ENXIO',
'xListFontsWithInfoReply', 'sz_xCharInfo', 'XUnloadFont',
'XTextWidth', '_XrmHashBucketRec', '_XAllocScratch',
'XkbGroupStateMask', '__USE_MISC', 'DoRed',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_170E', '_XGetHostname', 'xReply',
'FlushGCType', 'getsubopt', 'XESetEventToWire',
'__compar_d_fn_t', 'sz_xGetInputFocusReply',
'XkbXI_KeyboardsMask', 'ENOSR', 'X_ListFonts',
'XkbGeometryPtr', 'ELIBSCN',
'XwcTextExtents', 'XlibDisplayReply',
'_XkbStateNotifyEvent', 'XUninstallColormap',
'XkbListComponents', 'XIMStringConversionPosition',
'_BITS_BYTESWAP_H', 'EBADSLT', 'XkbNamesNotifyEvent',
'_XkbDesc', 'XIMProc', 'ZPixmap', '_XkbCompatMapRec',
'XSendEvent', 'XIMVisibleToForward', '_SYS_SYSMACROS_H',
'X_RotateProperties', 'XkbNamesNotifyMask', 'XDrawLine',
'drand48', 'XkbNamesPtr', 'XkbCtrlsAction',
'XkbPCF_AllFlagsMask', 'random_r', 'XGrabButton',
'StaticGray', 'sz_xDeletePropertyReq', 'XkbLC_Hidden',
'__USE_POSIX199506', 'cfree', '__BIG_ENDIAN', 'srand',
'X_kbSetDeviceInfo', 'EACCES', 'MappingPointer',
'XkbSelectEventDetails', 'XSetBackground',
'GrabInvalidTime', 'sz_xGetMotionEventsReq',
'XkbAnyAction', '_XkbCtrlsAction',
'sz_xQueryTextExtentsReq', 'Expose', 'strcasecmp_l',
'XDeleteProperty', '_XQEvent', 'XkbAlphabeticMask',
'sz_xChangeGCReq', 'X_UngrabKey', 'PropModePrepend',
'__strtok_r', 'XNFontInfo', 'xQueryColorsReply', '__ino_t',
'TopIf', 'XkbAllCompatMask', 'Drawable', 'XIMCaretStyle',
'XkbSetCompatMap', 'ENODATA', 'StructureNotifyMask',
'XkbClientMapRec', 'WCONTINUED', 'drand48_r',
'XkbRGNamesMask', 'XkbXI_AllFeaturesMask',
'sz_xInternAtomReply', 'XNCursor', 'TileShape', 'xArc',
'rand_r', 'WSTOPPED', 'X_SetAccessControl',
'XkbCompatMapNotify', 'XkbMaxKeyTypes', 'XkbChangeNames',
'ESOCKTNOSUPPORT', '_XtransConnInfo', '_XIOError',
'XNextEvent', 'FontChange', 'XDrawImageString', 'atoll',
'_XkbIndicatorMapRec', 'P_PGID', 'CURSORFONT',
'XkbKeycodeToKeysym', 'NotifyWhileGrabbed',
'XkbNoModifierMask', '__ino64_t', 'XEHeadOfExtensionList',
'XkbFreeServerMap', 'Below', 'EEXIST', 'XkbAddKeyType',
'sz_xPoint', 'sz_xGetKeyboardMappingReply', 'EPROTO',
'_SYS_SELECT_H', 'XkbKeyTypePtr', 'sz_xTimecoord',
'sz_xSetPointerMappingReq', '_XIMStringConversionText',
'_ISOC95_SOURCE', 'XkbActionMessageMask', 'X_FreeColors',
'strcpy', 'xSetSelectionOwnerReq', '__compar_fn_t',
'XIMStringConversionText', 'XkbAccessXNotify',
'XWindowAttributes', 'fd_set', '__fdelt_warn', 'llabs',
'CWBackPixmap', '__clock_t_defined', '__pid_t',
'_XkbActionMessage', 'XResizeRequestEvent',
'PropModeReplace', 'XUSE_MTSAFE_API',
'XNR6PreeditCallback', '__SYSCALL_WORDSIZE',
'xRotatePropertiesReq', 'WindingRule',
'XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent', 'XkbSA_RedirectKey',
'xReparentWindowReq', 'XkbGetXlibControls', 'xFalse',
'XkbChangeMap', 'int64_t', '_XkbSymMapRec',
'sz_xListInstalledColormapsReply', 'XkbGetMap',
'KeymapStateMask', 'XkbGetKeyboardByName', 'strtof_l',
'XGetGeometry', 'XkbAX_SKAcceptFBMask', 'INT64', 'xTrue',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_167E', 'BottomIf', 'BadPixmap',
'XkbAX_SKReleaseFBMask', 'ZLNSPERBATCH', 'XkbSA_LockMods',
'XIMStringConversionOperation', 'XIMStatusCallbacks',
'GXand', 'XkbKeyNameLength', 'XkbSI_LockingKey',
'_ISOC11_SOURCE', 'XrmInitialize', 'X_PolyArc',
'XkbIndicatorMapRec', 'xColorItem', 'X_StoreNamedColor',
'sz_xQueryExtensionReply', 'XkbModifierStateMask',
'__USE_UNIX98', 'dev_t', 'XRecolorCursor',
'XkbSA_XFree86Private', '__gid_t', 'XCreateFontCursor',
'XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct', 'XkbAllBooleanCtrlsMask',
'__locale_struct', 'XkbUpdateActionVirtualMods',
'sz_xFreeColorsReq', 'XkbAX_SKOptionsMask', 'BITS16',
'XNColormap', 'l64a', 'XIMReverse', 'XDrawText16',
'sz_xChangeWindowAttributesReq', 'getenv', 'XkbAction',
'XkbFreeClientMap', 'locale_t', 'sz_xForceScreenSaverReq',
'CopyFromParent', 'XkbOneLevelMask', 'GCLineStyle',
'_XIMText', 'KeymapNotify', 'XkbSI_AllOf',
'XkbAllServerInfoMask', 'QueuedAlready', 'AsyncKeyboard',
'XkbOverlay1Mask', 'strspn', 'xPolyArcReq',
'XkbLC_ModifierKeys', 'XkbGetDeviceInfo', '_XWireToEvent',
'X_PolyPoint', 'XkbLC_AlwaysConsumeShiftAndLock',
'XReparentWindow', 'XErrorEvent', 'XkbKB_OpMask',
'strndup', 'StaticGravity', 'sz_xCopyPlaneReq',
'FontLeftToRight', '_XInternalAsync',
'XwcTextPerCharExtents', 'sz_xGetPropertyReq', 'ENETDOWN',
'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_159E', 'XWarpPointer',
'XkbVirtualModNamesMask', 'XNStatusDrawCallback',
'XIMIsInvisible', 'XDefaultDepth', 'XDestroyWindow',
'CreateGCType', 'XkbGroup2Mask', 'EDOTDOT', 'EBADFD',
'XDisplayHeight', 'NotifyAncestor', 'XESetCreateFont',
'DoBlue', 'xClearAreaReq', 'xSetPointerMappingReq',
'N24_XIMStringConversionText4DOT_87E', 'ENOMEDIUM',
'XkbLC_Default', 'XActivateScreenSaver', 'XkbStateRec',
'XIMCaretDown', 'XmbTextEscapement', 'XSetLocaleModifiers',
'XkbNKN_KeycodesMask', '_XReadPad', 'XkbGeomMaxColors',
'XkbAllXIClasses', 'N7_xEvent5DOT_1465DOT_160E',
'GCDashOffset', 'XSetSubwindowMode', 'EXIT_FAILURE',
'_XUnknownNativeEvent', 'X_kbSetDebuggingFlags',
'xAllocColorReq', '_xEvent']