Show RTT measured by ICMP echo request/replies for a given host. For that to work correctly, change the "full_text" callback for a widget so that the widget itself is also passed as argument in the callback method. That actually makes a lot of sense, since the widget can now be used as a repository of state information. see #23
49 lines
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49 lines
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# pylint: disable=C0103,C0111
import unittest
import importlib
import mock
from bumblebee.engine import all_modules
from bumblebee.config import Config
from tests.util import assertWidgetAttributes, MockEngine
class MockCommunicate(object):
def __init__(self):
self.returncode = 0
def communicate(self):
return (str.encode("1"), "error")
class TestGenericModules(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
engine = MockEngine()
config = Config()
self.objects = {}
for mod in all_modules():
cls = importlib.import_module("bumblebee.modules.{}".format(mod["name"]))
self.objects[mod["name"]] = getattr(cls, "Module")(engine, {"config": config})
for widget in self.objects[mod["name"]].widgets():
self.assertEquals(widget.get("variable", None), None)
def test_widgets(self):
for mod in self.objects:
widgets = self.objects[mod].widgets()
for widget in widgets:
self.assertEquals(widget.module, mod)
assertWidgetAttributes(self, widget)
widget.set("variable", "value")
self.assertEquals(widget.get("variable", None), "value")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(widget.full_text(), str))
def test_update(self, mock_output):
mock_output.return_value = MockCommunicate()
for mod in self.objects:
widgets = self.objects[mod].widgets()
self.assertEquals(widgets, self.objects[mod].widgets())
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