Tobi-wan Kenobi a045962d00 [modules/nic] Re-enable NIC module
Re-add the NIC module with all its functionality (hopefully...).

This introduces a new concept: Instead of having separate queries for
critical and warning (which really are just another set of states), a
module can now return a list of states for each widget. All the state
information is then merged together into a single theme. So, for
instance, the NIC module can return a state saying "critical -
wlan-down", which applies the theme information for both "critical" and

see #23
2016-12-10 11:25:02 +01:00

56 lines
2 KiB

# pylint: disable=C0103,C0111
import json
import unittest
import mock
import bumblebee.input
from bumblebee.input import I3BarInput
from bumblebee.modules.cpu import Module
from tests.util import MockEngine, MockConfig, assertPopen
class TestCPUModule(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.engine = MockEngine()
self.engine.input = I3BarInput()
self.engine.input.need_event = True
self.config = MockConfig()
self.module = Module(engine=self.engine, config={ "config": self.config })
for widget in self.module.widgets():
def test_format(self, mock_output):
for widget in self.module.widgets():
self.assertEquals(len(widget.full_text()), len("100.00%"))
def test_leftclick(self, mock_input, mock_output):
mock_input.readline.return_value = json.dumps({
"name": self.module.id,
"button": bumblebee.input.LEFT_MOUSE,
"instance": None
assertPopen(mock_output, "gnome-system-monitor")
def test_warning(self, mock_psutil):
self.config.set("cpu.critical", "20")
self.config.set("cpu.warning", "18")
mock_psutil.return_value = 19.0
self.assertEquals(self.module.widgets()[0].state(), ["warning"])
def test_critical(self, mock_psutil):
self.config.set("cpu.critical", "20")
self.config.set("cpu.warning", "19")
mock_psutil.return_value = 21.0
self.assertEquals(self.module.widgets()[0].state(), ["critical"])
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