first, this fixes #607 also, i think it slightly simplifies code to make "simple" stuff like names, etc. attributes instead of methods all the time. so, expect this to be extended to other components, as well.
161 lines
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161 lines
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# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903
"""Displays network IO for interfaces.
* traffic.exclude: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes to exclude (defaults to 'lo,virbr,docker,vboxnet,veth')
* traffic.states: Comma-separated list of states to show (prefix with '^' to invert - i.e. ^down -> show all devices that are not in state down)
* traffic.showname: If set to False, hide network interface name (defaults to True)
* traffic.format: Format string for download/upload speeds.
Defaults to '{:.2f}'
* traffic.graphlen: Graph lenth in seconds. Positive even integer. Each
char shows 2 seconds. If set, enables up/down traffic
import re
import time
import psutil
import netifaces
import core.module
import core.widget
import util.format
import util.graph
class Module(core.module.Module):
def __init__(self, config, theme):
widgets = []
super().__init__(config, theme, widgets)
self._exclude = tuple(filter(len, util.format.aslist(self.parameter('exclude', 'lo,virbr,docker,vboxnet,veth'))))
self._status = ''
self._showname = util.format.asbool(self.parameter('showname', True))
self._format = self.parameter('format', '{:.2f}')
self._prev = {}
self._states = {}
self._lastcheck = 0
self._states['include'] = []
self._states['exclude'] = []
for state in tuple(filter(len, util.format.aslist(self.parameter('states', '')))):
if state[0] == '^':
self._graphlen = int(self.parameter('graphlen', 0))
if self._graphlen > 0:
self._graphdata = {}
self._first_run = True
def state(self, widget):
if 'traffic.rx' in
return 'rx'
if 'traffic.tx' in
return 'tx'
return self._status
def update(self):
def create_widget(self, widgets, name, txt=None, attributes={}):
widget = core.widget.Widget(name=name, module=self)
for key in attributes:
widget.set(key, attributes[key])
return widget
def get_addresses(self, intf):
retval = []
for ip in netifaces.ifaddresses(intf).get(netifaces.AF_INET, []):
if ip.get('addr', '') != '':
except Exception:
return []
return retval
def get_minwidth_str(self):
computes theme.minwidth string
based on traffic.format and traffic.graphlen parameters
minwidth_str = ''
if self._graphlen > 0:
graph_len = int(self._graphlen / 2)
graph_prefix = '0' * graph_len
minwidth_str += graph_prefix
minwidth_str += '1000'
length = int(re.match('{:\.(\d+)f}', self._format).group(1))
if length > 0:
minwidth_str += '.' + '0' * length
except AttributeError:
# return default value
return '1000.00KiB/s'
minwidth_str += 'KiB/s'
return minwidth_str
def _update_widgets(self, widgets):
interfaces = [i for i in netifaces.interfaces() if not i.startswith(self._exclude)]
del widgets[:]
counters = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
now = time.time()
timediff = now - (self._lastcheck if self._lastcheck else now)
if timediff <= 0: timediff = 1
self._lastcheck = now
for interface in interfaces:
if self._graphlen > 0:
if interface not in self._graphdata:
self._graphdata[interface] = {
'rx': [0] * self._graphlen,
'tx': [0] * self._graphlen}
if not interface: interface = 'lo'
state = 'down'
if len(self.get_addresses(interface)) > 0:
state = 'up'
elif util.format.asbool(self.parameter('hide_down', True)):
if len(self._states['exclude']) > 0 and state in self._states['exclude']: continue
if len(self._states['include']) > 0 and state not in self._states['include']: continue
data = {
'rx': counters[interface].bytes_recv,
'tx': counters[interface].bytes_sent,
name = 'traffic-{}'.format(interface)
if self._showname:
self.create_widget(widgets, name, interface)
for direction in ['rx', 'tx']:
name = 'traffic.{}-{}'.format(direction, interface)
widget = self.create_widget(widgets, name, attributes={'theme.minwidth': self.get_minwidth_str()})
prev = self._prev.get(name, 0)
bspeed = (int(data[direction]) - int(prev))/timediff
speed = util.format.byte(bspeed, self._format)
txtspeed = '{0}/s'.format(speed)
if self._graphlen > 0:
# skip first value returned by psutil, because it is
# giant and ruins the grapth ratio until it gets pushed
# out of saved list
if self._first_run is True:
self._first_run = False
self._graphdata[interface][direction] = self._graphdata[interface][direction][1:]
txtspeed = '{}{}'.format(util.graph.braille(self._graphdata[interface][direction]), txtspeed)
self._prev[name] = data[direction]
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