tobi-wan-kenobi 26e4bdd7eb [modules/progress] improved autohide functionality
Simplify the previous autohide functionality by adding a flag that lets
a module (e.g. progress) indicate that the current state should be
"revealed" (not auto-hidden).

This vastly simplifies the implementation.

2021-11-06 08:21:08 +01:00

278 lines
9 KiB

import sys
import json
import time
import core.theme
import core.event
import util.format
def dump_json(obj):
return obj.dict()
def assign(src, dst, key, src_key=None, default=None):
if not src_key:
if key.startswith("_"):
src_key = key
src_key = key.replace("_", "-") # automagically replace _ with -
for k in src_key if isinstance(src_key, list) else [src_key]:
if k in src:
dst[key] = src[k]
if default is not None:
dst[key] = default
class block(object):
def __init__(self, theme, module, widget):
self.__attributes = {}
for key in self.__COMMON_THEME_FIELDS:
tmp = theme.get(key, widget)
if tmp is not None:
self.__attributes[key] = tmp
self.__attributes["name"] = module.id
self.__attributes["instance"] = widget.id
self.__attributes["prev-bg"] = theme.get("bg", "previous")
def set(self, key, value):
self.__attributes[key] = value
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.__attributes.get(key, default)
def is_pango(self, attr):
if isinstance(attr, dict) and "pango" in attr:
return True
return False
def pangoize(self, text):
if not self.is_pango(text):
return text
self.__attributes["markup"] = "pango"
attr = dict(text["pango"])
text = attr.get("full_text", "")
if "full_text" in attr:
del attr["full_text"]
result = "<span"
for key, value in attr.items():
result = '{} {}="{}"'.format(result, key, value)
result = "{}>{}</span>".format(result, text)
return result
def dict(self):
result = {}
assign(self.__attributes, result, "full_text", ["full_text", "separator"])
assign(self.__attributes, result, "separator", "default-separators")
if "_decorator" in self.__attributes:
assign(self.__attributes, result, "color", "bg")
assign(self.__attributes, result, "background", "prev-bg")
result["_decorator"] = True
assign(self.__attributes, result, "color", "fg")
assign(self.__attributes, result, "background", "bg")
if "full_text" in self.__attributes:
prefix = self.__pad(self.pangoize(self.__attributes.get("prefix")))
suffix = self.__pad(self.pangoize(self.__attributes.get("suffix")))
self.set("_prefix", prefix)
self.set("_suffix", suffix)
self.set("_raw", self.get("full_text"))
result["full_text"] = self.pangoize(result["full_text"])
result["full_text"] = self.__format(self.__attributes["full_text"])
if "min-width" in self.__attributes and "padding" in self.__attributes:
self.set("min-width", self.__format(self.get("min-width")))
for k in [
assign(self.__attributes, result, k)
return result
def __pad(self, text):
padding = self.__attributes.get("padding", "")
if not text:
return padding
return "{}{}{}".format(padding, text, padding)
def __format(self, text):
if text is None:
return None
prefix = self.get("_prefix")
suffix = self.get("_suffix")
return "{}{}{}".format(prefix, text, suffix)
class i3(object):
def __init__(self, theme=core.theme.Theme(), config=core.config.Config([])):
self.__modules = []
self.__content = {}
self.__theme = theme
self.__config = config
core.event.register("update", self.update)
core.event.register("start", self.draw, "start")
core.event.register("draw", self.draw, "statusline")
core.event.register("stop", self.draw, "stop")
def content(self):
return self.__content
def theme(self, new_theme=None):
if new_theme:
self.__theme = new_theme
return self.__theme
def modules(self, modules=None):
if not modules:
return self.__modules
self.__modules = modules if isinstance(modules, list) else [modules]
def toggle_minimize(self, event):
widget_id = event["instance"]
for module in self.__modules:
if module.widget(widget_id=widget_id) and util.format.asbool(module.parameter("minimize", False)) == True:
# this module can customly minimize
module.minimized = not module.minimized
if widget_id in self.__content:
self.__content[widget_id]["minimized"] = not self.__content[widget_id]["minimized"]
def draw(self, what, args=None):
cb = getattr(self, what)
data = cb(args) if args else cb()
if "blocks" in data:
sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data["blocks"], default=dump_json))
if "suffix" in data:
def start(self):
return {
"blocks": {"version": 1, "click_events": True},
"suffix": "\n[",
def stop(self):
return {"suffix": "\n]"}
def separator_block(self, module, widget):
if not self.__theme.get("separator"):
return []
blk = block(self.__theme, module, widget)
blk.set("_decorator", True)
return [blk]
def __content_block(self, module, widget):
blk = block(self.__theme, module, widget)
minwidth = widget.theme("minwidth")
if minwidth is not None:
blk.set("min-width", "-" * int(minwidth))
blk.set("min-width", minwidth)
blk.set("align", widget.theme("align"))
blk.set("full_text", "\u2026" if self.__content[widget.id]["minimized"] else self.__content[widget.id]["text"])
if widget.get("pango", False):
blk.set("markup", "pango")
if self.__config.debug():
state = module.state(widget)
if isinstance(state, list):
state = ", ".join(state)
blk.set("__state", state)
return blk
def blocks(self, module):
blocks = []
if module.minimized:
blocks.extend(self.separator_block(module, module.widgets()[0]))
blocks.append(self.__content_block(module, module.widgets()[0]))
return blocks
for widget in module.widgets():
if widget.module and self.__config.autohide(widget.module.name):
if not any(
state in widget.state() for state in ["warning", "critical", "no-autohide"]
if module.hidden():
if widget.hidden:
if "critical" in widget.state() and self.__config.errorhide(widget.module.name):
blocks.extend(self.separator_block(module, widget))
blocks.append(self.__content_block(module, widget))
return blocks
def update(self, affected_modules=None, redraw_only=False, force=False):
now = time.time()
for module in self.__modules:
if affected_modules and not module.id in affected_modules:
if not affected_modules and module.next_update:
if now < module.next_update and not force:
if not redraw_only:
if module.parameter("interval", "") != "never":
module.next_update = now + util.format.seconds(
module.parameter("interval", self.__config.interval())
module.next_update = sys.maxsize
for widget in module.widgets():
if not widget.id in self.__content:
self.__content[widget.id] = { "minimized": False }
self.__content[widget.id]["text"] = widget.full_text()
def statusline(self):
blocks = []
for module in self.__modules:
return {"blocks": blocks, "suffix": ","}
def wait(self, interval):
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