# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Displays the pi-hole status (up/down) together with the number of ads that were blocked today Parameters: * pihole.address : pi-hole address (e.q: * pihole.apitoken : pi-hole API token (can be obtained in the pi-hole webinterface (Settings -> API) OR (deprecated!) * pihole.pwhash : pi-hole webinterface password hash (can be obtained from the /etc/pihole/SetupVars.conf file) contributed by `bbernhard `_ - many thanks! """ import requests import logging import core.module import core.widget import core.input class Module(core.module.Module): @core.decorators.every(minutes=1) def __init__(self, config, theme): super().__init__(config, theme, core.widget.Widget(self.pihole_status)) self._pihole_address = self.parameter("address", "") pihole_pw_hash = self.parameter("pwhash", "") pihole_api_token = self.parameter("apitoken", "") self._pihole_secret = ( pihole_api_token if pihole_api_token != "" else pihole_pw_hash ) if pihole_pw_hash != "": logging.warn( "pihole: The 'pwhash' parameter is deprecated - consider using the 'apitoken' parameter instead!" ) self._pihole_status = None self._ads_blocked_today = "-" self.update_pihole_status() core.input.register( self, button=core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, cmd=self.toggle_pihole_status ) def pihole_status(self, widget): if self._pihole_status is None: return "pi-hole unknown" return "pi-hole {}".format( "up {} blocked".format(self._ads_blocked_today) if self._pihole_status else "down" ) def update_pihole_status(self): try: data = requests.get( self._pihole_address + "/admin/api.php?summary&auth=" + self._pihole_secret ).json() self._pihole_status = True if data["status"] == "enabled" else False self._ads_blocked_today = data["ads_blocked_today"] except Exception as e: self._pihole_status = None def toggle_pihole_status(self, widget): if self._pihole_status is not None: try: req = None if self._pihole_status: req = requests.get( self._pihole_address + "/admin/api.php?disable&auth=" + self._pihole_secret ) else: req = requests.get( self._pihole_address + "/admin/api.php?enable&auth=" + self._pihole_secret ) if req is not None: if req.status_code == 200: status = req.json()["status"] self._pihole_status = False if status == "disabled" else True except: pass def update(self): self.update_pihole_status() def state(self, widget): if self._pihole_status is None: return [] elif self._pihole_status: return ["enabled"] return ["disabled", "warning"] # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4