# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """RSS news ticker Fetches rss news items and shows these as a news ticker. Left-clicking will open the full story in a browser. New stories are highlighted. Parameters: * rss.feeds : Space-separated list of RSS URLs * rss.length : Maximum length of the module, default is 60 """ import feedparser import webbrowser import time import os import tempfile import logging import random import re import json import core.module import core.widget import core.input # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class Module(core.module.Module): REFRESH_DELAY = 600 SCROLL_SPEED = 3 LAYOUT_STYLES_ITEMS = [[1, 1, 1], [3, 3, 2], [2, 3, 3], [3, 2, 3]] HISTORY_FILENAME = ".config/i3/rss.hist" def __init__(self, config, theme): super().__init__(config, theme, core.widget.Widget(self.ticker_update)) self._feeds = self.parameter( "feeds", "https://www.espn.com/espn/rss/news" ).split(" ") self._feeds_to_update = [] self._response = "" self._max_title_length = int(self.parameter("length", 60)) self._items = [] self._current_item = None self._ticker_offset = 0 self._pre_delay = 0 self._post_delay = 0 self._state = [] self._newspaper_filename = tempfile.mktemp(".html") self._last_refresh = 0 self._last_update = 0 core.input.register(self, button=core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, cmd=self._open) core.input.register( self, button=core.input.RIGHT_MOUSE, cmd=self._create_newspaper ) self._history = {"ticker": {}, "newspaper": {}} self._load_history() def _load_history(self): if os.path.isfile(self.HISTORY_FILENAME): self._history = json.loads(open(self.HISTORY_FILENAME, "r").read()) def _update_history(self, group): sources = set([i["source"] for i in self._items]) self._history[group] = dict( [ [s, [i["title"] for i in self._items if i["source"] == s]] for s in sources ] ) def _save_history(self): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.HISTORY_FILENAME)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.HISTORY_FILENAME)) open(self.HISTORY_FILENAME, "w").write(json.dumps(self._history)) def _check_history(self, items, group): for i in items: i["new"] = not ( i["source"] in self._history[group] and i["title"] in self._history[group][i["source"]] ) def _open(self, _): if self._current_item: webbrowser.open(self._current_item["link"]) def _check_for_image(self, entry): image = next( iter([l["href"] for l in entry["links"] if l["rel"] == "enclosure"]), None ) if not image and "media_content" in entry: try: media = sorted( entry["media_content"], key=lambda i: i["height"] if "height" in i else 0, reverse=True, ) image = next( iter([i["url"] for i in media if i["medium"] == "image"]), None ) except Exception: pass if not image: match = re.search( r"]*src\s*=['\']*([^\s^>^'^\']*)['\']*", entry["summary"] ) if match: image = match.group(1) return image if image else "" def _remove_tags(self, txt): return re.sub("<[^>]*>", "", txt) def _create_item(self, entry, url, feed): return { "title": self._remove_tags(entry["title"].replace("\n", " ")), "link": entry["link"], "new": True, "source": url, "summary": self._remove_tags(entry["summary"]), "feed": feed, "image": self._check_for_image(entry), "published": time.mktime(entry.published_parsed) if hasattr(entry, "published_parsed") else 0, } def _update_items_from_feed(self, url): parser = feedparser.parse(url) new_items = [ self._create_item(entry, url, parser["feed"]["title"]) for entry in parser["entries"] ] # Check history self._check_history(new_items, "ticker") # Remove the previous items self._items = [i for i in self._items if i["source"] != url] # Add the new items self._items.extend(new_items) # Sort the items on publish date self._items.sort(key=lambda i: i["published"], reverse=True) def _check_for_refresh(self): if self._feeds_to_update: # Update one feed at a time to not overload this update cycle url = self._feeds_to_update.pop() self._update_items_from_feed(url) if not self._feeds_to_update: self._update_history("ticker") self._save_history() if not self._current_item: self._next_item() elif time.time() - self._last_refresh >= self.REFRESH_DELAY: # Populate the list with feeds to update self._feeds_to_update = self._feeds[:] # Update the refresh time self._last_refresh = time.time() def _next_item(self): self._ticker_offset = 0 self._pre_delay = 2 self._post_delay = 4 if not self._items: return # Index of the current element idx = ( self._items.index(self._current_item) if self._current_item in self._items else -1 ) # First show new items, else show next new_items = [i for i in self._items if i["new"]] self._current_item = next( iter(new_items), self._items[(idx + 1) % len(self._items)] ) def _check_scroll_done(self): # Check if the complete title has been shown if self._ticker_offset + self._max_title_length > len( self._current_item["title"] ): # Do not immediately show next item after scroll self._post_delay -= 1 if self._post_delay == 0: self._current_item["new"] = False # Mark the previous item as 'old' self._next_item() else: # Increase scroll position self._ticker_offset += self.SCROLL_SPEED def ticker_update(self, _): # Only update the ticker once a second now = time.time() if now - self._last_update < 1: return self._response self._last_update = now self._check_for_refresh() # If no items were retrieved, return an empty string if not self._current_item: return " " * self._max_title_length # Prepare a substring of the item title self._response = self._current_item["title"][ self._ticker_offset : self._ticker_offset + self._max_title_length ] # Add spaces if too short self._response = self._response.ljust(self._max_title_length) # Do not immediately scroll if self._pre_delay > 0: # Change state during pre_delay for new items if self._current_item["new"]: self._state = ["warning"] self._pre_delay -= 1 return self._response self._state = [] self._check_scroll_done() return self._response def state(self, _): return self._state def _create_news_element(self, item, overlay_title): try: timestr = ( "" if item["published"] == 0 else str(time.ctime(item["published"])) ) except Exception as exc: logging.error(str(exc)) raise e element = "
" element += "
" element += ( " " ) element += ( "
" + ("" if item["new"] else "") + item["title"] + "
" ) element += "
" element += "
" + item["summary"] + "
" element += ( "
" + item["feed"] + "" + timestr + "
" ) element += "
" return element def _create_news_section(self, newspaper_items): style = random.randint(0, 3) section = "" for i in range(0, 3): section += "" section += "
" for _ in range(0, self.LAYOUT_STYLES_ITEMS[style][i]): if newspaper_items: section += self._create_news_element( newspaper_items[0], self.LAYOUT_STYLES_ITEMS[style][i] != 3 ) del newspaper_items[0] section += "
" return section def _create_newspaper(self, _): content = "" newspaper_items = self._items[:] self._check_history(newspaper_items, "newspaper") # Make sure new items are always listed first, independent of publish date newspaper_items.sort( key=lambda i: i["published"] + (10000000 if i["new"] else 0), reverse=True ) while newspaper_items: content += self._create_news_section(newspaper_items) open(self._newspaper_filename, "w").write( HTML_TEMPLATE.replace("[[CONTENT]]", content) ) webbrowser.open("file://" + self._newspaper_filename) self._update_history("newspaper") self._save_history() HTML_TEMPLATE = """
Bumblebee Daily
""" # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4