# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Displays information about the current song in vlc, audacious, bmp, xmms2, spotify and others Requires the following executable: * playerctl Parameters: * playerctl.format: Format string (defaults to '{{artist}} - {{title}} {{duration(position)}}/{{duration(mpris:length)}}'). The format string is passed to 'playerctl -f' as an argument. Read `the README <https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl#printing-properties-and-metadata>`_ for more information. * playerctl.layout: Comma-separated list to change order of widgets (defaults to song, previous, pause, next) Widget names are: playerctl.song, playerctl.prev, playerctl.pause, playerctl.next * playerctl.args: The arguments added to playerctl. You can check 'playerctl --help' or `its README <https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl#using-the-cli>`_. For example, it could be '-p vlc,%any'. * playerctl.hide: Hide the widgets when no players are found. Defaults to "false". Parameters are inspired by the `spotify` module, many thanks to its developers! contributed by `smitajit <https://github.com/smitajit>`_ - many thanks! """ import core.module import core.widget import core.input import util.cli import util.format import logging class Module(core.module.Module): def __init__(self, config, theme): super(Module, self).__init__(config, theme, []) self.background = True self.__hide = util.format.asbool(self.parameter("hide", "false")); self.__hidden = self.__hide self.__layout = util.format.aslist( self.parameter( "layout", "playerctl.prev, playerctl.song, playerctl.pause, playerctl.next" ) ) self.__cmd = "playerctl " + self.parameter("args", "") + " " self.__format = self.parameter("format", "{{artist}} - {{title}} {{duration(position)}}/{{duration(mpris:length)}}") widget_map = {} for widget_name in self.__layout: widget = self.add_widget(name=widget_name) if widget_name == "playerctl.prev": widget_map[widget] = { "button": core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, "cmd": self.__cmd + "previous", } elif widget_name == "playerctl.pause": widget_map[widget] = { "button": core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, "cmd": self.__cmd + "play-pause", } elif widget_name == "playerctl.next": widget_map[widget] = { "button": core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, "cmd": self.__cmd + "next", } elif widget_name == "playerctl.song": widget_map[widget] = [ { "button": core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, "cmd": self.__cmd + "play-pause", }, { "button": core.input.WHEEL_UP, "cmd": self.__cmd + "next", }, { "button": core.input.WHEEL_DOWN, "cmd": self.__cmd + "previous", } ] else: raise KeyError( "The playerctl module does not have a {widget_name!r} widget".format( widget_name=widget_name ) ) for widget, callback_options in widget_map.items(): if isinstance(callback_options, dict): core.input.register(widget, **callback_options) def hidden(self): return self.__hidden def status(self): try: playback_status = str(util.cli.execute(self.__cmd + "status 2>&1 || true", shell = True)).strip() if playback_status == "No players found": return None return playback_status except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return None def update(self): playback_status = self.status() if not playback_status: self.__hidden = self.__hide else: self.__hidden = False for widget in self.widgets(): if playback_status: if widget.name == "playerctl.pause": if playback_status == "Playing": widget.set("state", "playing") elif playback_status == "Paused": widget.set("state", "paused") elif playback_status == "Stopped": widget.set("state", "stopped") else: widget.set("state", "") elif widget.name == "playerctl.next": widget.set("state", "next") elif widget.name == "playerctl.prev": widget.set("state", "prev") elif widget.name == "playerctl.song": widget.full_text(self.__get_song()) else: widget.set("state", "") widget.full_text(" ") def __get_song(self): try: return str(util.cli.execute(self.__cmd + "metadata -f '" + self.__format + "'")).strip() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return " "