# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Enables handy interaction with arandr for display management. Left-clicking will execute arandr for interactive display management. Right-clicking will bring up a context- and state-sensitive menu that will allow you to switch to a saved screen layout as well as toggle on/off individual connected displays. Parameters: * No configuration parameters Requires the following executable: * arandr * xrandr contributed by `zerorust <https://github.com/zerorust>`_ - many thanks! """ import fnmatch from functools import partial import logging import os import re import core.module import core.widget import core.input import core.decorators from util import popup from util.cli import execute log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __screenlayout_dir__ = os.path.expanduser("~/.screenlayout") class Module(core.module.Module): @core.decorators.never def __init__(self, config, theme): super().__init__(config, theme, core.widget.Widget('')) self.manager = self.parameter("manager", "arandr") self.toggle_cmd = "xrandr" core.input.register( self, button=core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, cmd=self.popup, ) core.input.register(self, button=core.input.RIGHT_MOUSE, cmd=self.popup) @staticmethod def activate_layout(layout_path): log.debug("activating layout") log.debug(layout_path) execute(layout_path) def popup(self, widget): """Create Popup that allows the user to control their displays in one of three ways: launch arandr, select a pre-set screenlayout, toggle a display. """ menu = popup.menu() menu.add_menuitem( "arandr", callback=partial(execute, self.manager) ) menu.add_separator() displays = Module._get_displays() log.debug(displays) layouts = Module._get_layouts() available_layouts = Module._prune_layouts(layouts, displays) log.debug("Available layouts:") log.debug(available_layouts) if len(available_layouts) > 0: for layout in available_layouts: sh = os.path.join(__screenlayout_dir__, layout) sh_name = os.path.splitext(layout)[0] menu.add_menuitem(sh_name, callback=partial(self.activate_layout, sh)) menu.add_separator() count_on = 0 for display, state in displays.items(): if state[1]: count_on += 1 for display, state in displays.items(): if not state[0]: continue on_off = "On" if state[1] else "Off" menu_line = "{}: {}".format(display, on_off) menu.add_menuitem(menu_line, callback=partial(self.toggle_display, display, state[1], count_on)) menu.show(widget, 0, 0) def toggle_display(self, display, current_state, count_on): """Toggle a display on or off based on its current state.""" if current_state: log.debug("toggling off {}".format(display)) if count_on == 1: log.info("attempted to turn off last display") return execute("{} --output {} --off".format(self.toggle_cmd, display)) else: log.debug("toggling on {}".format(display)) execute( "{} --output {} --auto".format(self.toggle_cmd, display) ) @staticmethod def _get_displays(): """Queries xrandr and builds a dict of the displays and their state. The dict entries are key by the display and are bools (True if connected). """ displays = {} for line in execute("xrandr -q").split("\n"): if "connected" not in line: continue is_on = bool(re.search(r"\d+x\d+\+(\d+)\+\d+", line)) parts = line.split(" ", 2) display = parts[0] displays[display] = ( (True, is_on) if parts[1] == "connected" else (False, is_on) ) return displays @staticmethod def _get_layouts(): """Loads and parses the arandr screen layout scripts.""" layouts = {} for filename in os.listdir(__screenlayout_dir__): if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.sh'): fullpath = os.path.join(__screenlayout_dir__, filename) with open(fullpath, "r") as file: for line in file: s_line = line.strip() if "xrandr" not in s_line: continue displays_in_file = Module._parse_layout(line) layouts[filename] = displays_in_file return layouts @staticmethod def _parse_layout(line): """Parses a single xrandr line to find what displays are active in the command. Returns them as a list. """ active_displays = [] to_check = line[7:].split("--output ") for check in to_check: if not check or "off" in check: continue active_displays.append(check.split(" ")[0]) return active_displays @staticmethod def _prune_layouts(layouts, displays): """Return a list of layouts whose displays are actually connected.""" available = [] for layout, needs in layouts.items(): still_valid = True for need in needs: if need not in displays or not displays[need][0]: still_valid = False break if still_valid: available.append(layout) return available # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4