# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Displays DNF package update information (<security>/<bugfixes>/<enhancements>/<other>) Requires the following executable: * dnf Parameters: * dnf.interval: Time in minutes between two consecutive update checks (defaults to 30 minutes) """ import threading import core.event import core.module import core.widget import core.decorators import util.cli def get_dnf_info(widget): res = util.cli.execute('dnf updateinfo', ignore_errors=True) security = 0 bugfixes = 0 enhancements = 0 other = 0 for line in res.split('\n'): if not line.startswith(' '): continue elif 'ecurity' in line: for s in line.split(): if s.isdigit(): security += int(s) elif 'ugfix' in line: for s in line.split(): if s.isdigit(): bugfixes += int(s) elif 'hancement' in line: for s in line.split(): if s.isdigit(): enhancements += int(s) else: for s in line.split(): if s.isdigit(): other += int(s) widget.set('security', security) widget.set('bugfixes', bugfixes) widget.set('enhancements', enhancements) widget.set('other', other) core.event.trigger('update', [ widget.module.id ], redraw_only=True) class Module(core.module.Module): @core.decorators.every(minutes=30) def __init__(self, config, theme): super().__init__(config, theme, core.widget.Widget(self.updates)) def updates(self, widget): result = [] for t in ['security', 'bugfixes', 'enhancements', 'other']: result.append(str(widget.get(t, 0))) return '/'.join(result) def update(self): thread = threading.Thread(target=get_dnf_info, args=(self.widget(),)) thread.start() def state(self, widget): cnt = 0 for t in ['security', 'bugfixes', 'enhancements', 'other']: cnt += widget.get(t, 0) if cnt == 0: return 'good' if cnt > 50 or widget.get('security', 0) > 0: return 'critical' # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4