"""Display information about the currently running emerge process. Requires the following executable: * emerge Parameters: * emerge_status.format: Format string (defaults to '{current}/{total} {action} {category}/{pkg}') This code is based on emerge_status module from p3status [1] original created by AnwariasEu. [1] https://github.com/ultrabug/py3status/blob/master/py3status/modules/emerge_status.py """ import re import copy import core.module import core.widget import core.decorators import util.cli import util.format class Module(core.module.Module): @core.decorators.every(seconds=10) def __init__(self, config, theme): super().__init__(config, theme, []) self.__format = self.parameter( "format", "{current}/{total} {action} {category}/{pkg}" ) self.__ret_default = { "action": "", "category": "", "current": 0, "pkg": "", "total": 0, } def update(self): response = {} ret = copy.deepcopy(self.__ret_default) if self.__emerge_running(): ret = self.__get_progress() widget = self.widget("status") if not widget: widget = self.add_widget(name="status") if ret["total"] == 0: widget.full_text("emrg calculating...") else: widget.full_text( " ".join( self.__format.format( current=ret["current"], total=ret["total"], action=ret["action"], category=ret["category"], pkg=ret["pkg"], ).split() ) ) else: self.clear_widgets() def __emerge_running(self): """ Check if emerge is running. Returns true if at least one instance of emerge is running. """ try: util.cli.execute("pgrep emerge") return True except Exception: return False def __get_progress(self): """ Get current progress of emerge. Returns a dict containing current and total value. """ input_data = [] ret = {} # traverse emerge.log from bottom up to get latest information last_lines = util.cli.execute("tail -50 /var/log/emerge.log") input_data = last_lines.split("\n") input_data.reverse() for line in input_data: if "*** terminating." in line: # copy content of ret_default, not only the references ret = copy.deepcopy(self.__ret_default) break else: status_re = re.compile( r"\((?P<cu>[\d]+) of (?P<t>[\d]+)\) " r"(?P<a>[a-zA-Z/]+( [a-zA-Z]+)?) " r"\((?P<ca>[\w\-]+)/(?P<p>[\w.]+)" ) res = status_re.search(line) if res is not None: ret["action"] = res.group("a").lower() ret["category"] = res.group("ca") ret["current"] = res.group("cu") ret["pkg"] = res.group("p") ret["total"] = res.group("t") break return ret # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4