# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Displays the Octorrint status and the printer's bed/tools temperature in the status bar. Left click opens a popup which shows the bed & tools temperatures and additionally a livestream of the webcam (if enabled). Prerequisites: * tk python library (usually python-tk or python3-tk, depending on your distribution) Parameters: * octoprint.address : Octoprint address (e.q: * octoprint.apitoken : Octorpint API Token (can be obtained from the Octoprint Webinterface) * octoprint.webcam : Set to True if a webcam is connected (default: False) contributed by `bbernhard <https://github.com/bbernhard>`_ - many thanks! """ import urllib import logging import threading import queue import tkinter as tk from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image, ImageTk import requests import simplejson import core.module import core.widget import core.input def get_frame(url): img_bytes = b"" stream = urllib.request.urlopen(url) while True: img_bytes += stream.read(1024) a = img_bytes.find(b"\xff\xd8") b = img_bytes.find(b"\xff\xd9") if a != -1 and b != -1: jpg = img_bytes[a : b + 2] img_bytes = img_bytes[b + 2 :] img = Image.open(BytesIO(jpg)) return img return None class WebcamImagesWorker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, url, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.__url = url self.__queue = queue self.__running = True def run(self): while self.__running: img = get_frame(self.__url) self.__queue.put(img) def stop(self): self.__running = False class Module(core.module.Module): @core.decorators.every(seconds=5) def __init__(self, config, theme): super().__init__(config, theme, core.widget.Widget(self.octoprint_status)) self.__octoprint_state = "Unknown" self.__octoprint_address = self.parameter("address", "") self.__octoprint_api_token = self.parameter("apitoken", "") self.__octoprint_webcam = self.parameter("webcam", False) self.__webcam_images_worker = None self.__webcam_image_url = self.__octoprint_address + "/webcam/?action=stream" self.__webcam_images_queue = None self.__printer_bed_temperature = "-" self.__tool1_temperature = "-" core.input.register(self, button=core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, cmd=self.__show_popup) def octoprint_status(self, widget): if ( self.__octoprint_state.startswith("Offline") or self.__octoprint_state == "Unknown" ): return ( (self.__octoprint_state[:25] + "...") if len(self.__octoprint_state) > 25 else self.__octoprint_state ) return ( self.__octoprint_state + " | B: " + str(self.__printer_bed_temperature) + "°C" + " | T1: " + str(self.__tool1_temperature) + "°C" ) def __get(self, endpoint): url = self.__octoprint_address + "/api/" + endpoint headers = {"X-Api-Key": self.__octoprint_api_token} resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) try: return resp.json(), resp.status_code except simplejson.errors.JSONDecodeError: return None, resp.status_code def __get_printer_bed_temperature(self): printer_info, status_code = self.__get("printer") if status_code == 200: return ( printer_info["temperature"]["bed"]["actual"], printer_info["temperature"]["bed"]["target"], ) return None, None def __get_octoprint_state(self): job_info, status_code = self.__get("job") return job_info["state"] if status_code == 200 else "Unknown" def __get_tool_temperatures(self): tool_temperatures = [] printer_info, status_code = self.__get("printer") if status_code == 200: temperatures = printer_info["temperature"] tool_id = 0 while True: try: tool = temperatures["tool" + str(tool_id)] tool_temperatures.append((tool["actual"], tool["target"])) except KeyError: break tool_id += 1 return tool_temperatures def update(self): try: self.__octoprint_state = self.__get_octoprint_state() actual_temp, _ = self.__get_printer_bed_temperature() if actual_temp is None: actual_temp = "-" self.__printer_bed_temperature = str(actual_temp) tool_temps = self.__get_tool_temperatures() if len(tool_temps) > 0: self.__tool1_temperature = tool_temps[0][0] else: self.__tool1_temperature = "-" except Exception as e: logging.exception("Couldn't get data") def __refresh_image(self, root, webcam_image, webcam_image_container): try: img = self.__webcam_images_queue.get() webcam_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) webcam_image_container.config(image=webcam_image) except queue.Empty as e: pass except Exception as e: logging.exception("Couldn't refresh image") root.after(5, self.__refresh_image, root, webcam_image, webcam_image_container) def __refresh_temperatures( self, root, printer_bed_temperature_label, tools_temperature_label ): actual_bed_temp, target_bed_temp = self.__get_printer_bed_temperature() if actual_bed_temp is None: actual_bed_temp = "-" if target_bed_temp is None: target_bed_temp = "-" bed_temp = "Bed: " + str(actual_bed_temp) + "/" + str(target_bed_temp) + " °C" printer_bed_temperature_label.config(text=bed_temp) tool_temperatures = self.__get_tool_temperatures() tools_temp = "Tools: " if len(tool_temperatures) == 0: tools_temp += "-/- °C" else: for i, tool_temperature in enumerate(tool_temperatures): tools_temp += ( str(tool_temperature[0]) + "/" + str(tool_temperature[1]) + "°C" ) if i != len(tool_temperatures) - 1: tools_temp += "\t" tools_temperature_label.config(text=tools_temp) root.after( 500, self.__refresh_temperatures, root, printer_bed_temperature_label, tools_temperature_label, ) def __show_popup(self, widget): root = tk.Tk() root.attributes("-type", "dialog") root.title("Octoprint") frame = tk.Frame(root) if self.__octoprint_webcam: # load first image synchronous before popup is shown, otherwise tkinter isn't able to layout popup properly img = get_frame(self.__webcam_image_url) webcam_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) webcam_image_container = tk.Button(frame, image=webcam_image) webcam_image_container.pack() self.__webcam_images_queue = queue.Queue() self.__webcam_images_worker = WebcamImagesWorker( self.__webcam_image_url, self.__webcam_images_queue ) self.__webcam_images_worker.start() else: logging.debug( "Not using webcam, as webcam is disabled. Enable with --webcam." ) frame.pack() temperatures_label = tk.Label(frame, text="Temperatures", font=("", 25)) temperatures_label.pack() printer_bed_temperature_label = tk.Label( frame, text="Bed: -/- °C", font=("", 15) ) printer_bed_temperature_label.pack() tools_temperature_label = tk.Label(frame, text="Tools: -/- °C", font=("", 15)) tools_temperature_label.pack() root.after(10, self.__refresh_image, root, webcam_image, webcam_image_container) root.after( 500, self.__refresh_temperatures, root, printer_bed_temperature_label, tools_temperature_label, ) root.bind("<Destroy>", self.__on_close_popup) root.eval("tk::PlaceWindow . center") root.mainloop() def __on_close_popup(self, event): self.__webcam_images_queue = None self.__webcam_images_worker.stop() # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4