# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903

"""Shows yubikey information

Requires: https://github.com/Yubico/python-yubico

The output indicates that a YubiKey is not connected or it displays
the corresponding serial number.

contributed by `EmmaTinten <https://github.com/EmmaTinten>`_ - many thanks!

import yubico

import core.module
import core.widget
import core.decorators

class Module(core.module.Module):
    def __init__(self, config, theme):
        super().__init__(config, theme, core.widget.Widget(self.keystate))
        self.__keystate = "No YubiKey"

    def keystate(self, widget):
        return self.__keystate

    def update(self):
            self.__keystate = "YubiKey: " + str(
        except yubico.yubico_exception.YubicoError:
            self.__keystate = "No YubiKey"
        except Exception:
            self.__keystate = "n/a"

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