# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903 """Copy passwords from a password store into the clipboard (currently supports only 'pass') Many thanks to [@bbernhard](https://github.com/bbernhard) for the idea! Parameters: * vault.duration: Duration until password is cleared from clipboard (defaults to 30) * vault.location: Location of the password store (defaults to ~/.password-store) * vault.offx: x-axis offset of popup menu (defaults to 0) * vault.offy: y-axis offset of popup menu (defaults to 0) """ # TODO: # - support multiple backends by abstracting the menu structure into a tree # - build the menu and the actions based on that abstracted tree # import os import time import threading import core.module import core.widget import core.input import core.event import util.cli import util.popup def build_menu(parent, current_directory, callback): with os.scandir(current_directory) as it: for entry in it: if entry.name.startswith('.'): continue if entry.is_file(): name = entry.name[:entry.name.rfind('.')] parent.add_menuitem(name, callback=lambda : callback(os.path.join(current_directory, name))) else: submenu = util.popup.menu(parent, leave=False) build_menu(submenu, os.path.join(current_directory, entry.name), callback) parent.add_cascade(entry.name, submenu) class Module(core.module.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config, core.widget.Widget(self.text)) self.__duration = int(self.parameter('duration', 30)) self.__offx = int(self.parameter('offx', 0)) self.__offy = int(self.parameter('offy', 0)) self.__path = os.path.expanduser(self.parameter('location', '~/.password-store/')) self.__reset() core.input.register(self, button=core.input.LEFT_MOUSE, cmd=self.popup) def popup(self, widget): menu = util.popup.menu(leave=False) build_menu(menu, self.__path, self.__callback) menu.show(widget, offset_x=self.__offx, offset_y=self.__offy) def __reset(self): self.__timer = None self.__text = str(self.parameter('text', '<click-for-password>')) def __callback(self, secret_name): secret_name = secret_name.replace(self.__path, '') # remove common path if self.__timer: self.__timer.cancel() res = util.cli.execute('pass -c {}'.format(secret_name), wait=False, env={ 'PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME': self.__duration }) self.__timer = threading.Timer(self.__duration, self.__reset) self.__timer.start() self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__text = secret_name def text(self, widget): if self.__timer: return '{} ({}s)'.format(self.__text, self.__duration - (int(time.time()) - self.__start)) return self.__text # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4