[modules] re-enable rss

This commit is contained in:
tobi-wan-kenobi 2020-05-01 09:46:21 +02:00
parent 7956b28463
commit 9c4c712931

modules/contrib/rss.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
# pylint: disable=C0111,R0903
"""RSS news ticker
Fetches rss news items and shows these as a news ticker.
Left-clicking will open the full story in a browser.
New stories are highlighted.
* rss.feeds : Space-separated list of RSS URLs
* rss.length : Maximum length of the module, default is 60
import feedparser
except ImportError:
import webbrowser
import time
import os
import tempfile
import logging
import random
import re
import json
import bumblebee.input
import bumblebee.output
import bumblebee.engine
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
class Module(bumblebee.engine.Module):
LAYOUT_STYLES_ITEMS = [[1,1,1],[3,3,2],[2,3,3],[3,2,3]]
HISTORY_FILENAME = ".config/i3/rss.hist"
def __init__(self, engine, config):
super(Module, self).__init__(engine, config,
bumblebee.output.Widget(full_text=self.ticker_update if DEPENDENCIES_OK else self._show_error)
# Use BBC newsfeed as demo:
self._feeds = self.parameter('feeds', 'https://www.espn.com/espn/rss/news').split(" ")
self._feeds_to_update = []
self._response = ""
self._max_title_length = int(self.parameter("length", 60))
self._items = []
self._current_item = None
self._ticker_offset = 0
self._pre_delay = 0
self._post_delay = 0
self._state = []
self._newspaper_filename = tempfile.mktemp('.html')
self._last_refresh = 0
self._last_update = 0
engine.input.register_callback(self, button=bumblebee.input.LEFT_MOUSE, cmd=self._open)
engine.input.register_callback(self, button=bumblebee.input.RIGHT_MOUSE, cmd=self._create_newspaper)
self._history = {'ticker': {}, 'newspaper': {}}
def _load_history(self):
if os.path.isfile(self.HISTORY_FILENAME):
self._history = json.loads(open(self.HISTORY_FILENAME, "r").read())
def _update_history(self, group):
sources = set([i['source'] for i in self._items])
self._history[group] = dict([[s, [i['title'] for i in self._items if i['source'] == s]] for s in sources])
def _save_history(self):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.HISTORY_FILENAME)):
open(self.HISTORY_FILENAME, "w").write(json.dumps(self._history))
def _check_history(self, items, group):
for i in items:
i['new'] = not (i['source'] in self._history[group] and i['title'] in self._history[group][i['source']])
def _open(self, _):
if self._current_item:
def _check_for_image(self, entry):
image = next(iter([l['href'] for l in entry['links'] if l['rel'] == 'enclosure']), None)
if not image and 'media_content' in entry:
media = sorted(entry['media_content'], key=lambda i: i['height'] if 'height' in i else 0, reverse=True)
image = next(iter([i['url'] for i in media if i['medium'] == 'image']), None)
except Exception:
if not image:
match = re.search(r'<img[^>]*src\s*=["\']*([^\s^>^"^\']*)["\']*', entry['summary'])
if match:
image = match.group(1)
return image if image else ''
def _remove_tags(self, txt):
return re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', txt)
def _create_item(self, entry, url, feed):
return {'title': self._remove_tags(entry['title'].replace('\n', ' ')),
'link': entry['link'],
'new': True,
'source': url,
'summary': self._remove_tags(entry['summary']),
'feed': feed,
'image': self._check_for_image(entry),
'published': time.mktime(entry.published_parsed) if hasattr(entry, 'published_parsed') else 0}
def _update_items_from_feed(self, url):
parser = feedparser.parse(url)
new_items = [self._create_item(entry, url, parser['feed']['title']) for entry in parser['entries']]
# Check history
self._check_history(new_items, 'ticker')
# Remove the previous items
self._items = [i for i in self._items if i['source'] != url]
# Add the new items
# Sort the items on publish date
self._items.sort(key=lambda i: i['published'], reverse=True)
def _check_for_refresh(self):
if self._feeds_to_update:
# Update one feed at a time to not overload this update cycle
url = self._feeds_to_update.pop()
if not self._feeds_to_update:
if not self._current_item:
elif time.time()-self._last_refresh >= self.REFRESH_DELAY:
# Populate the list with feeds to update
self._feeds_to_update = self._feeds[:]
# Update the refresh time
self._last_refresh = time.time()
def _next_item(self):
self._ticker_offset = 0
self._pre_delay = 2
self._post_delay = 4
if not self._items:
# Index of the current element
idx = self._items.index(self._current_item) if self._current_item in self._items else - 1
# First show new items, else show next
new_items = [i for i in self._items if i['new']]
self._current_item = next(iter(new_items), self._items[(idx+1) % len(self._items)])
def _check_scroll_done(self):
# Check if the complete title has been shown
if self._ticker_offset + self._max_title_length > len(self._current_item['title']):
# Do not immediately show next item after scroll
self._post_delay -= 1
if self._post_delay == 0:
self._current_item['new'] = False
# Mark the previous item as 'old'
# Increase scroll position
self._ticker_offset += self.SCROLL_SPEED
def _show_error(self, _):
return "Please install feedparser first"
def ticker_update(self, _):
# Only update the ticker once a second
now = time.time()
if now-self._last_update < 1:
return self._response
self._last_update = now
# If no items were retrieved, return an empty string
if not self._current_item:
return " "*self._max_title_length
# Prepare a substring of the item title
self._response = self._current_item['title'][self._ticker_offset:self._ticker_offset+self._max_title_length]
# Add spaces if too short
self._response = self._response.ljust(self._max_title_length)
# Do not immediately scroll
if self._pre_delay > 0:
# Change state during pre_delay for new items
if self._current_item['new']:
self._state = ['warning']
self._pre_delay -= 1
return self._response
self._state = []
return self._response
def update(self, widgets):
def state(self, _):
return self._state
def _create_news_element(self, item, overlay_title):
timestr = "" if item['published'] == 0 else str(time.ctime(item['published']))
except Exception as exc:
raise e
element = "<div class='item' onclick=window.open('"+item['link']+"')>"
element += "<div class='titlecontainer'>"
element += " <img "+("" if item['image'] else "class='noimg' ")+"src='"+item['image']+"'>"
element += " <div class='title"+(" overlay" if overlay_title else "")+"'>"+("<span class='star'>&#x2605;</span>" if item['new'] else "")+item['title']+"</div>"
element += "</div>"
element += "<div class='summary'>"+item['summary']+"</div>"
element += "<div class='info'><span class='author'>"+item['feed']+"</span><span class='published'>"+timestr+"</span></div>"
element += "</div>"
return element
def _create_news_section(self, newspaper_items):
style = random.randint(0, 3)
section = "<table><tr class='style"+str(style)+"'>"
for i in range(0, 3):
section += "<td><div class='itemcontainer'>"
for _ in range(0, self.LAYOUT_STYLES_ITEMS[style][i]):
if newspaper_items:
section += self._create_news_element(newspaper_items[0], self.LAYOUT_STYLES_ITEMS[style][i] != 3)
del newspaper_items[0]
section += "</div></td>"
section += "</tr></table>"
return section
def _create_newspaper(self, _):
content = ""
newspaper_items = self._items[:]
self._check_history(newspaper_items, 'newspaper')
# Make sure new items are always listed first, independent of publish date
newspaper_items.sort(key=lambda i: i['published']+(10000000 if i['new'] else 0), reverse=True)
while newspaper_items:
content += self._create_news_section(newspaper_items)
open(self._newspaper_filename, "w").write(HTML_TEMPLATE.replace("[[CONTENT]]", content))
window.onload = function() {
var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
// Remove very small images
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
if (images[i].naturalWidth<50 || images[i].naturalHeight<50) {
images[i].src = ''
images[i].className+=' noimg'
body {background: #eee; font-family: Helvetica neue;}
td {background: #fff; height: 100%;}
tr.style0 td {width: 33%;}
tr.style1 td {width: 20%;}
tr.style1 td:last-child {width: 60%;}
tr.style2 td {width: 20%;}
tr.style2 td:first-child {width: 60%;}
tr.style3 td {width: 20%;}
tr.style3 td:nth-child(2) {width: 60%;}
img {width: 100%; display: block; }
img.noimg {min-height:250px; background: #1299c8;}
#content {width: 1500px; margin: auto; background: #eee; padding: 1px;}
#newspapertitle {text-align: center; font-size: 60px; font-family: Arial Black; background: #1299c8; font-style: Italic; padding: 10px; color: #fff; }
.star {color: #ffa515; font-size: 24px;}
.section {display: flex;}
.column {display: flex;}
.itemcontainer {width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; display: inline-table;}
.item {cursor: pointer; }
.titlecontainer {position: relative;}
.title.overlay {font-family: Arial; position: absolute; bottom: 10px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; max-width: 75%; right: 10px; font-size: 23px; text-shadow: 1px 0 0 #000, 0 -1px 0 #000, 0 1px 0 #000, -1px 0 0 #000;}
.title:not(.overlay) {font-weight: bold; padding: 0px 10px;}
.summary {color: #444; padding: 10px 10px 0px 10px; font-family: Times new roman; font-size: 18px; flex: 1;max-height: 105px; overflow: hidden;}
.info {color: #aaa; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px;}
.published {float: right;}
<div id='content'>
<div id='newspapertitle'>Bumblebee Daily</div>
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