diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
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index 5a94f5a..0000000
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-|Build Status| |Code Climate| |Test Coverage| |Issue Count|
-**Many, many thanks to all contributors! As of now, 54 of the modules
-are from various contributors (!), and only 19 from myself.**
-.. figure:: ./Modules.md
- :alt: List of modules
- List of modules
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/powerline-solarized.png
- :alt: Solarized Powerline
- Solarized Powerline
-bumblebee-status is a modular, theme-able status line generator for the
-`i3 window manager `__.
-Focus is on: \* Ease of use (no configuration files!) \* Theme support
-\* Extensibility (of course…)
-One thing I like in particular: You can use the mouse wheel up/down to
-switch workspaces forward and back everywhere throughout the bar (unless
-you have mapped the mouse wheel buttons to another action for a widget,
-in which case this doesn’t work while hovering that particular widget).
-I hope you like it and appreciate any kind of feedback: Bug reports,
-Feature requests, etc. :)
-Thanks a lot!
-Required i3wm version: 4.12+ (in earlier versions, blocks won’t have
-background colors)
-Supported Python versions: 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
-Supported FontAwesome version: 4 (free version of 5 doesn’t include some
-of the icons)
-Explicitly unsupported Python versions: 3.2 (missing unicode literals)
-:information_source: The |Font Awesome| is required for all themes that
-contain icons (because that is the font that includes these icons).
-Please refer to your distribution’s package management on how to install
-them, or get them from their website directly. Also, please note that
-Font Awesome removed some icons used by ``bumblebee-status`` from the
-free set in version 5, so if possible, stick with 4.
- # Font Awesome installation instructions
- # Arch Linux
- $ sudo pacman -S awesome-terminal-fonts
- # FreeBSD
- $ sudo pkg install font-awesome
- $ sudo pkg install py36-tzlocal py36-pytz py36-netifaces py36-psutil py36-requests #for dependencies
- # Other
- # see https://github.com/gabrielelana/awesome-terminal-fonts
-Example usage:
- bar {
- status_command /bumblebee-status -m cpu memory battery time pasink pasource -p time.format="%H:%M" -t solarized
- }
-See `the
-wiki `__ for
-`FAQ `__
-for, well, FAQs.
-Other resources:
-- A list of `available
- modules `__
-- `How to write a
- theme `__
-- `How to write a
- module `__
- $ git clone git://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status
-modules `__
-lists the dependencies (Python modules and external executables) for
-each module. If you are not using a module, you don’t need the
-Normal usage
-In your i3wm configuration, modify the *status_command* for your i3bar
-like this:
- bar {
- status_command \
- -m \
- -p \
- -t
- }
-You can retrieve a list of modules (and their parameters) and themes by
- $ cd bumblebee-status
- $ ./bumblebee-status -l themes
- $ ./bumblebee-status -l modules
-Any parameter you can specify with ``-p =``, you can
-alternatively specify in ``~/.bumblebee-status.conf`` or
-``~/.config/bumblebee-status.conf``. This parameters act as a
-**fallback**, so values specified with ``-p`` have priority.
-Parameters can also be used to override theme settings, such as:
- $ ./bumblebee-status -p .theme.=
- # for example, to get a spacer with a red background:
- $ ./bumblebee-status -m spacer -p spacer.theme.bg=#ff0000
-Configuration files have a format like this:
- $ cat ~/.bumblebee-status.conf
- [module-parameters]
- =
-For example:
- $ cat ~/.bumblebee-status.conf
- [module-parameters]
- github.token=abcdefabcdef12345
-To change the update interval, use:
- $ ./bumblebee-status -m -p interval=
-As a simple example, this is what my i3 configuration looks like:
- bar {
- font pango:Inconsolata 10
- position top
- tray_output none
- status_command ~/.i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee-status -m nic disk:root cpu memory battery date time pasink pasource dnf -p root.path=/ time.format="%H:%M CW %V" date.format="%a, %b %d %Y" -t solarized-powerline
- }
-Restart i3wm and - that’s it!
-By default, the following events are handled:
-- Mouse-Wheel on any module moves to the next/previous i3 workspace
-- Left-click on the “disk” module opens the specified path in nautilus
-- Left-click on either “memory” or “cpu” opens gnome-system-monitor
-- Left-click on a “pulseaudio” (or pasource/pasink) module toggles the
- mute state
-- Right-click on a “pulseaudio” module opens pavucontrol
-- Mouse-Wheel up/down on a “pulseaudio” module raises/lowers the volume
-By default, the Mouse-Wheel wraps for the current output. You can
-disable this behavior by providing the parameter
-``engine.workspacewrap=false`` (starting with version 1.4.5). Also, you
-can completely disable output switching by using
-You can provide your own handlers to any module by using the following
-“special” configuration parameters:
-- left-click
-- right-click
-- middle-click
-- wheel-up
-- wheel-down For example, to execute “pavucontrol” whenever you
- left-click on the nic module, you could write:
-``$ bumblebee-status -p nic.left-click="pavucontrol"``
-In the string, you can use the following format identifiers: - name -
-instance - button
-For example:
-``$ bumblebee-status -p disk.left-click="nautilus {instance}"``
-If errors occur, you should see them in the i3bar itself. If that does
-not work, or you need more information for troubleshooting, you can
-activate a debug log using the ``-d`` or ``--debug`` switch:
- $ ./bumblebee-status -d -m
-This will create a file called ``~/bumblebee-status-debug.log`` by
-default. The file name can be changed by using the ``-f`` or
-``--logfile`` option.
-Advanced Usage
-If you want to have a minimal bar that stays out of the way, you can use
-the ``-a`` or ``--autohide`` switch to specify a list of module names.
-All those modules will only be displayed when (and as long as) their
-state is either warning or critical (high CPU usage, low disk space,
-etc.). As long as the module is in a “normal” state and does not require
-attention, it will remain hidden. Note that this parameter is specified
-*in addition* to ``-m`` (i.e. to autohide the CPU module, you would use
-``bumblebee-status -m cpu memory traffic -a cpu``).
-Required Modules
-Modules and commandline utilities are only required for modules, the
-core itself has no external dependencies at all.
-- psutil (for the modules ‘cpu’, ‘memory’, ‘traffic’)
-- netifaces (for the modules ‘nic’, ‘traffic’)
-- requests (for the modules ‘weather’, ‘github’, ‘getcrypto’, ‘stock’,
- ‘currency’, ‘sun’)
-- power (for the module ‘battery’)
-- dbus (for the module ‘spotify’, ‘deezer’)
-- i3ipc (for the module ‘title’)
-- pacman-contrib (for module ‘arch-update’)
-- docker (for the module ‘docker_ps’)
-- pytz (for the module ‘datetimetz’)
-- localtz (for the module ‘datetimetz’)
-- suntime (for the module ‘sun’)
-- feedparser (for the module ‘rss’)
-Required commandline utilities
-- xset (for the module ‘caffeine’)
-- notify-send (for the module ‘caffeine’)
-- cmus-remote (for the module ‘cmus’)
-- dnf (for the module ‘dnf’)
-- gpmdp-remote (for the module ‘gpmdp’)
-- setxkbmap (for the module ‘layout’)
-- fakeroot (for the module ‘pacman’)
-- pacman (for the module ‘pacman’)
-- pactl (for the module ‘pulseaudio’)
-- ping (for the module ‘ping’)
-- redshift (for the module ‘redshift’)
-- xrandr (for the module ‘xrandr’)
-- mpc (for the module ‘mpd’)
-- bluez / blueman (for module ‘bluetooth’)
-- dbus-send (for module ‘bluetooth’)
-- nvidia-smi (for module ‘nvidiagpu’)
-- sensors (for module ‘sensors’, as fallback)
-- zpool (for module ‘zpool’)
-- progress (for module ‘progress’)
-- i3exit (for module ‘system’)
-Here are some screenshots for all themes that currently exist:
-:exclamation: Some themes (all ‘Powerline’ themes) require `Font
-Awesome `__ and a powerline-compatible font
-(`powerline-fonts `__, for example)
-to display all icons correctly.
-:exclamation: If you want to add your own theme, just drop it into
-Gruvbox Powerline (``-t gruvbox-powerline``) (contributed by
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/powerline-gruvbox.png
- :alt: Gruvbox Powerline
- Gruvbox Powerline
-Gruvbox Powerline Light (``-t gruvbox-powerline-light``) (contributed by
-`freed00m `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/gruvbox-powerline-light.png
- :alt: Gruvbox Powerline Light
- Gruvbox Powerline Light
-Solarized Powerline (``-t solarized-powerline``):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/powerline-solarized.png
- :alt: Solarized Powerline
- Solarized Powerline
-Gruvbox (``-t gruvbox``):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/gruvbox.png
- :alt: Gruvbox
- Gruvbox
-Gruvbox Light (``-t gruvbox-light``) (contributed by
-`freed00m `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/gruvbox-light.png
- :alt: Gruvbox Light
- Gruvbox Light
-Solarized (``-t solarized``):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/solarized.png
- :alt: Solarized
- Solarized
-Powerline (``-t powerline``):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/powerline.png
- :alt: Powerline
- Powerline
-Greyish Powerline (``-t greyish-powerline``) (contributed by Joshua
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/powerline-greyish.png
- :alt: Greyish Powerline
- Greyish Powerline
-Iceberg (``-t iceberg``) (contributed by
-`whzup `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/iceberg.png
- :alt: Iceberg
- Iceberg
-Iceberg Powerline (``-t iceberg-powerline``) (contributed by
-`whzup `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/iceberg-powerline.png
- :alt: Iceberg Powerline
- Iceberg Powerline
-Iceberg Dark Powerline (``-t iceberg-dark-powerline``) (contributed by
-`gkeep `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/iceberg-dark-powerline.png
- :alt: Iceberg Dark Powerline
- Iceberg Dark Powerline
-Iceberg Rainbow (``-t iceberg-rainbow``) (contributed by
-`whzup `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/iceberg-rainbow.png
- :alt: Iceberg Rainbow
- Iceberg Rainbow
-One Dark Powerline (``-t onedark-powerline``) (contributed by
-`dillasyx `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/onedark-powerline.png
- :alt: One Dark Powerline
- One Dark Powerline
-Dracula Powerline (-t dracula-powerline) (contributed by
-`xsteadfastx `__):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/dracula-powerline.png
- :alt: Dracula Powerline
- Dracula Powerline
-Default (nothing or ``-t default``):
-.. figure:: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/blob/master/screenshots/themes/default.png
- :alt: Default
- Default
-.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status.svg?branch=master
- :target: https://travis-ci.org/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status
-.. |Code Climate| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/badges/gpa.svg
- :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status
-.. |Test Coverage| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/badges/coverage.svg
- :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/coverage
-.. |Issue Count| image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status/badges/issue_count.svg
- :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status
-.. |Font Awesome| image:: https://fontawesome.com/