1 changed files with 165 additions and 25 deletions
@ -93,6 +93,22 @@ Shows when a key is pressed
* keys.keys: Comma-separated list of keys to monitor (defaults to "")
Displays the current keyboard layout using libX11
Requires the following library:
and python module:
* xkbgroup
* layout-xkb.showname: Boolean that indicate whether the full name should be displayed. Defaults to false (only the symbol will be displayed)
* layout-xkb.show_variant: Boolean that indecates whether the variant name should be displayed. Defaults to true.
.. image:: ../screenshots/layout.png
@ -171,7 +187,9 @@ Parameters:
* nic.exclude: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes (supporting regular expressions) to exclude (defaults to 'lo,virbr,docker,vboxnet,veth,br,.*:avahi')
* nic.include: Comma-separated list of interfaces to include
* nic.states: Comma-separated list of states to show (prefix with '^' to invert - i.e. ^down -> show all devices that are not in state down)
* nic.format: Format string (defaults to '{intf} {state} {ip} {ssid}')
* nic.format: Format string (defaults to '{intf} {state} {ip} {ssid} {strength}')
* nic.strength_warning: Integer to set the threshold for warning state (defaults to 50)
* nic.strength_critical: Integer to set the threshold for critical state (defaults to 30)
.. image:: ../screenshots/nic.png
@ -206,6 +224,20 @@ Parameters:
Note: If the left and right channels have different volumes, the limit might not be reached exactly.
* pulseaudio.showbars: 1 for showing volume bars, requires --markup=pango;
0 for not showing volume bars (default)
* pulseaudio.showdevicename: If set to 'true' (default is 'false'), the currently selected default device is shown.
Per default, the sink/source name returned by "pactl list sinks short" is used as display name.
As this name is usually not particularly nice (e.g "alsa_output.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00.analog-stereo"),
its possible to map the name to more a user friendly name.
e.g to map "alsa_output.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00.analog-stereo" to the name "Headset", add the following
bumblebee-status config entry: pulseaudio.alsa_output.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00.analog-stereo=Headset
Furthermore its possible to specify individual (unicode) icons for all sinks/sources. e.g in order to use the icon 🎧 for the
"alsa_output.usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Headset-00.analog-stereo" sink, add the following bumblebee-status config entry:
* Per default a left mouse button click mutes/unmutes the device. In case you want to open a dropdown menu to change the current
default device add the following config entry to your bumblebee-status config: pulseaudio.left-click=select_default_device_popup
Requires the following executable:
* pulseaudio
@ -391,6 +423,8 @@ Requires the following executable:
contributed by `lucassouto <>`_ - many thanks!
.. image:: ../screenshots/arch-update.png
@ -401,10 +435,8 @@ Requires the following executable:
contributed by `lucassouto <>`_ - many thanks!
.. image:: ../screenshots/arch-update.png
Check updates for AUR.
@ -486,6 +518,26 @@ Parameters:
contributed by `martindoublem <>`_ - many thanks!
Displays temperature of blugon and Controls it.
Use wheel up and down to change temperature, middle click to toggle and right click to reset temperature.
Default Values:
* Minimum temperature: 1000 (red)
* Maximum temperature: 20000 (blue)
* Default temperature: 6600
Requires the following executable:
* blugon
* blugon.step: The amount of increase/decrease on scroll (default: 200)
contributed by `DTan13 <>`
@ -750,10 +802,34 @@ Requires the following executable:
* emerge_status.format: Format string (defaults to '{current}/{total} {action} {category}/{pkg}')
This code is based on `emerge_status module from p3status <>`_ original created by `AnwariasEu <>`_.
This code is based on emerge_status module from p3status [1] original created by AnwariasEu.
.. image:: ../screenshots/emerge_status.png
Displays first upcoming event in google calendar.
Events that are set as 'all-day' will not be shown.
Requires credentials.json from a google api application where the google calendar api is installed.
On first time run the browser will open and google will ask for permission for this app to access the google calendar and then save a .gcalendar_token.json file to the credentials_path directory which stores this permission.
A refresh is done every 15 minutes.
* gcalendar.time_format: Format time output. Defaults to "%H:%M".
* gcalendar.date_format: Format date output. Defaults to "%d.%m.%y".
* gcalendar.credentials_path: Path to credentials.json. Defaults to "~/".
Requires these pip packages:
* google-api-python-client
* google-auth-httplib2
* google-auth-oauthlib
@ -860,18 +936,6 @@ contributed by `pierre87 <>`_ - many thanks!
.. image:: ../screenshots/kernel.png
Displays and changes the current keyboard layout
Requires the following executable:
* setxkbmap
contributed by `Pseudonick47 <>`_ - many thanks!
.. image:: ../screenshots/layout.png
@ -998,6 +1062,15 @@ contributed by `alrayyes <>`_ - many thanks!
.. image:: ../screenshots/mpd.png
A module to show the currently active network connection (ethernet or wifi) and connection strength if the connection is wireless.
Requires the Python netifaces package and iw installed on Linux.
A simpler take on nic and network_traffic. No extra config necessary!
@ -1030,12 +1103,16 @@ Displays GPU name, temperature and memory usage.
* nvidiagpu.format: Format string (defaults to '{name}: {temp}°C %{usedmem}/{totalmem} MiB')
Available values are: {name} {temp} {mem_used} {mem_total} {fanspeed} {clock_gpu} {clock_mem}
Available values are: {name} {temp} {mem_used} {mem_total} {fanspeed} {clock_gpu} {clock_mem} {gpu_usage_pct} {mem_usage_pct} {mem_io_pct}
Requires nvidia-smi
contributed by `RileyRedpath <>`_ - many thanks!
Note: mem_io_pct is (from `man nvidia-smi`):
> Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device)
> memory was being read or written.
@ -1053,6 +1130,14 @@ Parameters:
contributed by `bbernhard <>`_ - many thanks!
Displays currently active gpu by optimus-manager
Requires the following packages:
* optimus-manager
@ -1069,6 +1154,31 @@ contributed by `Pseudonick47 <>`_ - many thanks!
.. image:: ../screenshots/pacman.png
get volume level or control it
Requires the following executable:
* pamixer
* pamixer.percent_change: How much to change volume by when scrolling on the module (default is 4%)
heavily based on amixer module
Displays the current date and time in Persian(Jalali) Calendar.
Requires the following python packages:
* jdatetime
* datetime.format: strftime()-compatible formatting string. default: "%A %d %B" e.g., "جمعه ۱۳ اسفند"
* datetime.locale: locale to use. default: "fa_IR"
@ -1094,7 +1204,7 @@ Parameters:
* playerctl.layout: Comma-separated list to change order of widgets (defaults to song, previous, pause, next)
Widget names are:, playerctl.prev, playerctl.pause,
* playerctl.args: The arguments added to playerctl.
You can check 'playerctl --help' or `its readme <>`_. For example, it could be '-p vlc,%any'.
You can check 'playerctl --help' or `its README <>`_. For example, it could be '-p vlc,%any'.
* playerctl.hide: Hide the widgets when no players are found. Defaults to "false".
Parameters are inspired by the `spotify` module, many thanks to its developers!
@ -1183,7 +1293,29 @@ contributed by `remi-dupre <>`_ - many thanks!
Displays public IP address
Displays information about the public IP address associated with the default route:
* Public IP address
* Country Name
* Country Code
* City Name
* Geographic Coordinates
Left mouse click on the widget forces immediate update
Any change to the default route will cause the widget to update
* netifaces
* publicip.format: Format string (defaults to ‘{ip} ({country_code})’)
* Available format strings - ip, country_name, country_code, city_name, coordinates
* bumblebee-status -m publicip -p publicip.format="{ip} ({country_code})"
* bumblebee-status -m publicip -p publicip.format="{ip} which is in {city_name}"
* bumblebee-status -m publicip -p publicip.format="Your packets are right here: {coordinates}"
contributed by `tfwiii <>`_ - many thanks!
@ -1225,9 +1357,7 @@ sensors
Displays sensor temperature
* sensors.use_sensors: whether to use the 'sensors' command.
If set to 'false', the sysfs-interface at '/sys/class/thermal' is used.
If not set, 'sensors' will be used if available.
* sensors.use_sensors: whether to use the sensors command
* sensors.path: path to temperature file (default /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp).
* sensors.json: if set to 'true', interpret sensors.path as JSON 'path' in the output
of 'sensors -j' (i.e. <key1>/<key2>/.../<value>), for example, path could
@ -1307,6 +1437,16 @@ Parameters:
* smartstatus.drives: in the case of singles which drives to display, separated comma list value, multiple accepted (defaults to 'sda', example:'sda,sdc')
* smartstatus.show_names: boolean in the form of "True" or "False" to show the name of the drives in the form of sda, sbd, combined or none at all.
Shows status and load percentage of logitech's unifying device
Requires the following executable:
* solaar (from community)
contributed by `cambid <>`_ - many thanks!
@ -1413,7 +1553,6 @@ Parameters:
* system.lock: specify a command for locking the screen (defaults to 'i3exit lock')
* system.suspend: specify a command for suspending (defaults to 'i3exit suspend')
* system.hibernate: specify a command for hibernating (defaults to 'i3exit hibernate')
* system.popupcmd: specify a command to run instead of opening the default menu
tkinter (python3-tk package on debian based systems either you can install it as python package)
@ -1475,6 +1614,7 @@ Parameters:
* title.max : Maximum character length for title before truncating. Defaults to 64.
* title.placeholder : Placeholder text to be placed if title was truncated. Defaults to '...'.
* title.scroll : Boolean flag for scrolling title. Defaults to False
* title.short : Boolean flag for short title. Defaults to False
contributed by `UltimatePancake <>`_ - many thanks!
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