Displays volume and mute status and controls for PulseAudio devices. Use wheel up and down to change volume, left click mutes, right click opens pavucontrol.
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file1} = 'bar.baz'
* {file2} - song file name without path prefix and extension suffix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file2} = 'bar'
* cmus.layout: Space-separated list of widgets to add. Possible widgets are the buttons/toggles cmus.prev, cmus.next, cmus.shuffle and cmus.repeat, and the main display with play/pause function cmus.main.
* cmus.server: The address of the cmus server, either a UNIX socket or host[:port]. Connects to the local instance by default.
* cmus.passwd: The password to use for the TCP/IP connection.
* getcrypto.interval: Interval in seconds for updating the price, default is 120, less than that will probably get your IP banned.
* getcrypto.getbtc: 0 for not getting price of BTC, 1 for getting it (default).
* getcrypto.geteth: 0 for not getting price of ETH, 1 for getting it (default).
* getcrypto.getltc: 0 for not getting price of LTC, 1 for getting it (default).
* getcrypto.getcur: Set the currency to display the price in, usd is the default.
..image:: ../screenshots/getcrypto.png
Print the branch and git status for the
currently focused window.
* xcwd
* Python module 'pygit2'
..image:: ../screenshots/git.png
Displays the unread GitHub notifications for a GitHub user
Requires the following library:
* requests
* github.token: GitHub user access token, the token needs to have the 'notifications' scope.
* github.interval: Interval in minutes between updates, default is 5.
..image:: ../screenshots/github.png
Displays information about the current song in Google Play music player.
Requires the following executable:
* gpmdp-remote
Fetch hard drive temeperature data from a hddtemp daemon
that runs on localhost and default port (7634)
Displays the system hostname.
Display HTTP status code
* http__status.label: Prefix label (optional)
* http__status.target: Target to retrieve the HTTP status from
* http__status.expect: Expected HTTP status
..image:: ../screenshots/http_status.png
Displays the indicator status, for numlock, scrolllock and capslock
* indicator.include: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes to include (defaults to 'numlock,capslock')
* indicator.signalstype: If you want the signali type color to be 'critical' or 'warning' (defaults to 'warning')
..image:: ../screenshots/indicator.png
Shows Linux kernel version information
..image:: ../screenshots/kernel.png
Displays and changes the current keyboard layout
Requires the following executable:
* setxkbmap
..image:: ../screenshots/layout.png
Displays the current keyboard layout using libX11
Requires the following library:
* libX11.so.6
and python module:
* xkbgroup
* layout-xkb.showname: Boolean that indicate whether the full name should be displayed. Defaults to false (only the symbol will be displayed)
* layout-xkb.show_variant: Boolean that indecates whether the variant name should be displayed. Defaults to true.
Displays and changes the current keyboard layout
Requires the following executable:
* xkb-switch
Displays count of running libvirt VMs.
Required the following python packages:
* libvirt
Displays system load.
* load.warning : Warning threshold for the one-minute load average (defaults to 70% of the number of CPUs)
* load.critical: Critical threshold for the one-minute load average (defaults to 80% of the number of CPUs)
..image:: ../screenshots/load.png
Displays available RAM, total amount of RAM and percentage available.
* memory.warning : Warning threshold in % of memory used (defaults to 80%)
* memory.critical: Critical threshold in % of memory used (defaults to 90%)
* memory.format: Format string (defaults to '{used}/{total} ({percent:05.02f}%)')
* memory.usedonly: Only show the amount of RAM in use (defaults to False). Same as memory.format='{used}'
..image:: ../screenshots/memory.png
Displays information about the current song in mocp. Left click toggles play/pause. Right click toggles shuffle.
Requires the following executable:
* mocp
* mocp.format: Format string for the song information. Replace string sequences with the actual information:
%state State
%file File
%title Title, includes track, artist, song title and album
%artist Artist
%song SongTitle
%album Album
%tt TotalTime
%tl TimeLeft
%ts TotalSec
%ct CurrentTime
%cs CurrentSec
%b Bitrate
%r Sample rate
Displays information about the current song in mpd.
Requires the following executable:
* mpc
* mpd.format: Format string for the song information.
Supported tags (see `man mpc` for additional information)
* {name}
* {artist}
* {album}
* {albumartist}
* {comment}
* {composer}
* {date}
* {originaldate}
* {disc}
* {genre}
* {performer}
* {title}
* {track}
* {time}
* {file}
* {id}
* {prio}
* {mtime}
* {mdate}
Additional tags:
* {position} - position of currently playing song
not to be confused with %position% mpc tag
* {duration} - duration of currently playing song
* {file1} - song file name without path prefix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file1} = 'bar.baz'
* {file2} - song file name without path prefix and extension suffix
if {file} = '/foo/bar.baz', then {file2} = 'bar'
* mpd.host: MPD host to connect to. (mpc behaviour by default)
* mpd.layout: Space-separated list of widgets to add. Possible widgets are the buttons/toggles mpd.prev, mpd.next, mpd.shuffle and mpd.repeat, and the main display with play/pause function mpd.main.
..image:: ../screenshots/mpd.png
Displays network traffic
* No extra configuration needed
Displays the name, IP address(es) and status of each available network interface.
Requires the following python module:
* netifaces
* nic.exclude: Comma-separated list of interface prefixes to exclude (defaults to 'lo,virbr,docker,vboxnet,veth,br')
* nic.include: Comma-separated list of interfaces to include
* nic.states: Comma-separated list of states to show (prefix with '^' to invert - i.e. ^down -> show all devices that are not in state down)
* nic.format: Format string (defaults to '{intf} {state} {ip} {ssid}')
..image:: ../screenshots/nic.png
Displays the result of a notmuch count query
default : unread emails which path do not contained 'Trash' (notmuch count 'tag:unread AND NOT path:/.*Trash.*/')
* notmuch_count.query: notmuch count query to show result
if the notmuch query failed, the shown value is -1
notmuch (https://notmuchmail.org/)
Displays GPU name, temperature and memory usage.
* nvidiagpu.format: Format string (defaults to '{name}: {temp}°C %{usedmem}/{totalmem} MiB')
Available values are: {name} {temp} {mem_used} {mem_total} {fanspeed} {clock_gpu} {clock_mem}
Requires nvidia-smi
Displays the Octorpint status and the printer's bed/tools temperature in the status bar.
Left click opens a popup which shows the bed & tools temperatures and additionally a livestream of the webcam (if enabled).
* progress.barfilledchar: Character used to draw the filled part of the bar (defaults to '#'), notice that it can be a string
* progress.baremptychar: Character used to draw the empty part of the bar (defaults to '-'), notice that it can be a string
Requires the following executable:
* progress
Displays public IP address
Displays the current color temperature of redshift
Requires the following executable:
* redshift
* redshift.location : location provider, either of 'auto' (default), 'geoclue2',
'ipinfo' or 'manual'
'auto' uses whatever redshift is configured to do
* redshift.lat : latitude if location is set to 'manual'
* redshift.lon : longitude if location is set to 'manual'
..image:: ../screenshots/redshift.png
Shows a widget for each connected screen and allows the user to loop through different orientations.
Requires the following executable:
* xrandr
RSS news ticker
Fetches rss news items and shows these as a news ticker.
Left-clicking will open the full story in a browser.
New stories are highlighted.
* rss.feeds : Space-separated list of RSS URLs
* rss.length : Maximum length of the module, default is 60
Displays sensor temperature
* sensors.path: path to temperature file (default /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp).
* sensors.json: if set to 'true', interpret sensors.path as JSON 'path' in the output
of 'sensors -j' (i.e. <key1>/<key2>/.../<value>), for example, path could
be: 'coretemp-isa-00000/Core 0/temp1_input' (defaults to 'false')
* sensors.match: (fallback) Line to match against output of 'sensors -u' (default: temp1_input)
* sensors.match_pattern: (fallback) Line to match against before temperature is read (no default)
* sensors.match_number: (fallback) which of the matches you want (default -1: last match).
* sensors.show_freq: whether to show CPU frequency. (default: true)
..image:: ../screenshots/sensors.png
Displays sensor temperature and CPU frequency
* sensors2.chip: 'sensors -u' compatible filter for chip to display (default to empty - show all chips)
* sensors2.showcpu: Enable or disable CPU frequency display (default: true)
* sensors2.showtemp: Enable or disable temperature display (default: true)
* sensors2.showfan: Enable or disable fan display (default: true)
* sensors2.showother: Enable or display 'other' sensor readings (default: false)
* sensors2.showname: Enable or disable show of sensor name (default: false)
* sensors2.chip_include: Comma-separated list of chip to include (defaults to '' will include all by default, example: 'coretemp,bat')
* sensors2.chip_exclude:Comma separated list of chip to exclude (defaults to '' will exlude none by default)
* sensors2.field_include: Comma separated list of chip to include (defaults to '' will include all by default, example: 'temp,fan')
* sensors2.field_exclude: Comma separated list of chip to exclude (defaults to '' will exclude none by default)
* sensors2.chip_field_exclude: Comma separated list of chip field to exclude (defaults to '' will exclude none by default, example: 'coretemp-isa-0000.temp1,coretemp-isa-0000.fan1')
* sensors2.chip_field_include: Comma-separated list of adaper field to include (defaults to '' will include all by default)
* shortcut.delim : Commands and labels delimiter (; semicolon by default)
..image:: ../screenshots/shortcut.png
Displays HDD smart status of different drives or all drives
* smartstatus.display: how to display (defaults to 'combined', other choices: 'seperate' or 'singles')
* smartstauts.drives: in the case of singles which drives to display, separated comma list value, multiple accepted (defaults to 'sda', example:'sda,sdc')
Displays the state of a Space API endpoint
Space API is an API for hackspaces based on JSON. See spaceapi.io for
an example.
Requires the following libraries:
* requests
* regex
* spaceapi.url: String representation of the api endpoint
* spaceapi.format: Format string for the output
Format Strings:
* Format strings are indicated by double %%
* They represent a leaf in the JSON tree, layers seperated by '.'
* Boolean values can be overwritten by appending '%true%false'
in the format string
* Example: to reference 'open' in '{'state':{'open': true}}'
you would write '%%state.open%%', if you also want
to say 'Open/Closed' depending on the boolean you
would write '%%state.open%Open%Closed%%'
Draws a widget with configurable text content.
* spacer.text: Widget contents (defaults to empty string)
..image:: ../screenshots/spacer.png
Displays the current song being played
Requires the following library:
* python-dbus
* spotify.format: Format string (defaults to '{artist} - {title}')
Available values are: {album}, {title}, {artist}, {trackNumber}, {playbackStatus}
* spotify.previous: Change binding for previous song (default is left click)
* spotify.next: Change binding for next song (default is right click)
* spotify.pause: Change binding for toggling pause (default is middle click)
Available options for spotify.previous, spotify.next and spotify.pause are: