23 lines
810 B
23 lines
810 B
import bumblebee.module
def description():
return "Displays brightness percentage"
class Module(bumblebee.module.Module):
def __init__(self, output, config, alias):
super(Module, self).__init__(output, config, alias)
self._brightness = 0
self._max = 0
self._percent = 0
def widgets(self):
with open("/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness") as f:
self._brightness = int(f.read())
with open("/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness") as f:
self._max = int(f.read())
self._brightness = self._brightness if self._brightness < self._max else self._max
self._percent = round(self._brightness * 100 / self._max)
return bumblebee.output.Widget(self, "{:02d}%".format(self._percent))