{ "name": "Krautspace space status", "closing_text": [ { "text": "#krautspace is closed.", "limitperweek": 9000 }, { "text": "Last person left #krautspace", "limitperweek": 9000 }, { "text": "Closing #krautspace. We're sorry you need to wait outside, but there is always @freifunkjena to distract you.", "limitperweek": 1 }, { "text": "Currently, there is no light in #krautspace, so why not walk the beautiful @jenalichtstadt?", "limitperweek": 1 }, { "text": "#krautspace is zu, aber @offenesjena ist immer offen.", "limitperweek": 1 } ], "opening_text": [ { "text": "#krautspace is open.", "limitperweek": 9000 }, { "text": "At least one person is in #krautspace and invites you to come and join hacking!", "limitperweek": 9000 } ], "uncertain_text": [ { "text": "people in #krautspace want their privacy", "limitperweek": 9000 } ] }