\documentclass[border=10, convert={outfile=\jobname.png}]{standalone} \usepackage[european resistor]{circuitikz} \usetikzlibrary{fit, shapes.misc} \usepackage{siunitx} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz}[] % Raspberry Pi 3B \draw (0.5, 3.5) rectangle (3, -2); \node[right] at (1, 3) {\textbf{Raspi}}; \draw (3.5, 2) to [short] (2.5, 2) node [left] {GND}; \draw (3.5, 0) to [short] (2.5, 0) node [left] {GPIO18}; \draw (1.75, -1.5) node [above] {USB} to [short] (1.75, -2.5); % Bread Board \draw (4, 3.5) rectangle (11.5, -4); \node[right] at (4.5, 3) {\textbf{Breadboard}}; \draw (3.5, 2) to [short] (4.5, 2) node [circ] {} to [short] (6.5, 2) node [circ] {} to [short] (12, 2); \draw (3.5, 0) to [short] (4.5, 0) node [circ] {} to [R, l=$\SI{1.8}{\kilo\ohm}$] (6.5, 0) to [short] (10.5, 0); \draw (12, 1) to [short] (10.5, 1) to [R, l_=$\SI{120}{\ohm}$] (8.5, 1) to [empty led, l_=Green] (6.5, 1) node [circ] {}; \draw (12, -1.5) to [short] (10.5, -1.5) to [R, l_=$\SI{120}{\ohm}$] (8.5, -1.5) to [empty led, l_=Yellow] (6.5, -1.5) node [circ] {}; \draw (12, -3) to [short] (10.5, -3) to [R, l_=$\SI{120}{\ohm}$] (8.5, -3) to [empty led, l_=Red] (6.5, -3) node [circ] {}; \draw (11, -3) to [short] (12, -3); \draw (4.5, 2) to [R, l=$\SI{2.1}{\kilo\ohm}$] (4.5, 0); \draw (6.5, 2) to [short] (6.5, -3); \draw (10.5, 1) node [circ] {} to [short] (10.5, 0); % Arduino Duemilanove \draw (12.5, 3.5) rectangle (16, -3.5); \node[right] at (13, 3) {\textbf{Arduino}}; \draw (12, 2) to [short] (13, 2) node [right] {GND}; \draw (12, 1) to [short] (13, 1) node [right] {D10}; \draw (12, -1.5) to [short] (13, -1.5) node [right] {D11}; \draw (12, -3) to [short] (13, -3) node [right] {D12}; \draw (16.5, 2) to [short] (15.5, 2) node [left] {\SI{5}{\volt}}; \draw (16.5, 0) to [short] (15.5, 0) node [left] {D13}; \draw (15, -3) node [above] {USB} to [short] (15, -4); % Sensor \draw (17, 3.5) rectangle (19.5, -0.5); \node[right] at (17.5, 3) {\textbf{Sensor}}; \draw (16.5, 2) to [short] (18, 2); \draw (16.5, 0) to [short] (18, 0); \draw (18, 2) to [normal open switch, name=switch] (18, 0); \node [rounded rectangle, line width=1pt, draw, fit=(switch), inner ysep=1pt, inner xsep=10, rotate=90] at (switch.center) {}; % USB cable \draw (1.75, -2.5) to [short] (1.75, -5) to [short, l=Power for Arduino] (15, -5) to [short] (15, -4); \end{circuitikz} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% coding: utf-8 %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-engine: xetex %%% End: