add circuit documentation draft #1

fiveop merged 1 commit from circuits into master 2020-01-07 10:54:22 +00:00
3 changed files with 113 additions and 0 deletions

docs/hardware/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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xelatex circuits.tex

docs/hardware/circuits.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
\usepackage[european resistor]{circuitikz}
% Raspberry Pi
\draw (0.5, -0.5) rectangle (3, 3.5);
\node at (1.5, 3) {\textbf{RPi}};
\draw (3.5, 2) to [short] (2.5, 2) node [left] {GND};
\draw (3.5, 0) to [short] (2.5, 0) node [left] {GPIO18};
% Bread Board 1
\draw (4, -0.5) rectangle (7.5, 3.5);
\node at (5, 3) {\textbf{BB1}};
\draw (3.5, 2) to [short] (4.5, 2) node [circ] {}
to [short] (5.5, 2) node [circ] {}
to [short] (8, 2);
\draw (3.5, 0) to [short] (4.5, 0) node [circ] {}
to [short] (5.5, 0) node [circ] {}
to [R, l=$R_2$] (7.5, 0)
to [short] (8, 0);
\draw (4.5, 2) to [push button] (4.5, 0);
\draw (5.5, 2) to [R, l=$R_1$] (5.5, 0);
% Bread Board 2
\draw (8.5, -3.5) rectangle (11.5, 3.5);
\node at (10, 3) {\textbf{BB2}};
\draw (8, 2) to [short] (9, 2) node [circ] {}
to [short] (12, 2);
\draw (9, 1) node [circ] {} to [empty led] (11, 1) node [circ] {}
to [short] (12, 1);
\draw (8, 0) to [short] (9.5, 0)
to [empty led] (11.5, 0)
to [short] (12, 0);
\draw (9, -1) node [circ] {} to [R, l=$R_3$] (11, -1)
to [short] (12, -1);
\draw (10, -2) to [short] (12, -2);
\draw (11, -3) to [short] (12, -3);
\draw (9, 4) to [short] (9, -1)
to [R, l=$R_4$] (9, -3)
to [short] (9, -4);
\draw (10, -2) to [short] (10, -4);
\draw (11, 4) to [short] (11, 1);
\draw (11, -3) to [short] (11, -4);
% Door
\draw (8.5, 4.5) rectangle (11.5, 6.5);
\node at (9.5, 6) {\textbf{Door}};
\draw (9, 5) to [empty led] (11, 5);
\draw (9, 5) to [short] (9, 4);
\draw (11, 5) to [short] (11, 4);
\draw (12.5, -3.5) rectangle (15, 3.5);
\node at (13.5, 3) {\textbf{Arduino}};
\draw (12, 2) to [short] (13, 2) node [right] {GND};
\draw (12, 1) to [short] (13, 1) node [right] {D12};
\draw (12, 0) to [short] (13, 0) node [right] {D10};
\draw (12, -1) to [short] (13, -1) node [right] {A0};
\draw (12, -2) to [short] (13, -2) node [right] {\SI{5}{\volt}};
\draw (12, -3) to [short] (13, -3) node [right] {D13};
% Sensor
\draw (8.5, -4.5) rectangle (11.5, -7);
\node at (9.5, -6.5) {\textbf{Sensor}};
\draw (9, -4) to [short] (9, -5) node [rotate=90, left] {black};
\draw (10, -4) to [short] (10, -5) node [rotate=90, left] {blue};
\draw (11, -4) to [short] (11, -5) node [rotate=90, left] {red};
$R_1 = \SI{33}{\kilo\ohm} \pm \SI{2}{\percent}$,
$R_2 = \SI{28}{\kilo\ohm} \pm \SI{2}{\percent}$,
$R_3 = \SI{68}{\kilo\ohm} \pm \SI{1}{\percent}$,
$R_4 = \SI{200}{\ohm} \pm \SI{1}{\percent}$,
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