157 lines
4.7 KiB
157 lines
4.7 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file: wpsearch.py
# date: 23.07.2020
# desc: generic plugin
import json
import common
import logging
import requests
import threading
from manager import Plugin
logging = logging.getLogger()
lock = threading.Lock()
class Plugin(Plugin):
__module = __name__
__command = 'wpsearch'
__description = 'Seach wikipedia'
def get_module():
return Plugin.__module
def get_command():
return Plugin.__command
def get_description():
return Plugin.__description
def __init__(self, callback=None):
self.callback = callback
def help(self):
return ('!wp-search searches in wikipedia for a given search term. '
'Arguments are language shortcut and search pattern. If no '
'language shortcut is given, en is used as default. '
'\nSyntax: !wp-search <lang> <pattern>')
def run(self, stanza):
Startfunktion des Plugins. Bekommt eine xmpp Stanza übergeben,
extrahiert daraus den Nick des Absenders und aus dem Body den
gewünschten Suchstring. Ist die Stringlänge ungleich Null oder
False, wird beides dem Thread zur Wikipedia-Anfrage übergeben und
eine Nachricht für den MUC zurück gegeben.
param 1: xmpp stanza objekt
returns: string
lang = 'de'
pattern = None
call_msg = 'Call "!help {}"'.format(self.get_command())
muc_nick = common.get_nick_from_stanza(stanza)
arguments = common.get_arguments_from_body(stanza)
logging.debug('Arguments: {}'.format(arguments))
if arguments is False or len(arguments) == 0:
logging.warning('No arguments for wp search. Abort.')
msg = ' '.join(('No search pattern!', call_msg))
pattern = ' '.join(arguments)
api_thread = ApiThread(self.callback)
api_thread.run(lang, pattern, muc_nick)
msg = ' '.join(('Search started for:', pattern))
self.callback(': '.join((muc_nick, msg)))
class ApiThread(threading.Thread):
The thread who fetched and returns the wp search.
def __init__(self, callback):
self.callback = callback
def run(self, lang, pattern, muc_nick):
Starts the thread.
logging.debug('Start thread for wp search')
data = self.get_file(lang, pattern)
if data == False:
self.callback('Error while connecting WP')
# TODO: check if its a json needed !
msg = self.string_factory(data)
self.callback(': '.join((muc_nick, msg)))
def get_file(self, lang, pattern):
Grabs the API file, parse it and returns a json ... otherwise none.
param 1: string
param 2: string
param 3: string
returns: json or none
api_url = 'https://{}.wikipedia.org/w/api.php'.format(lang)
api_params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'extracts|info',
'explaintext': '',
'redirects': '',
'exchars': 200,
'continue': '',
'format': 'json',
'titles': pattern,
'inprop': 'url',
'formatversion': 2
logging.debug('Try to fetch {}'.format(api_url))
session = requests.Session()
response = session.get(url = api_url, params = api_params)
data = response.json()
logging.debug('{}: successfull fetched'.format(api_url))
logging.debug('{}: failed to fetch'.format(api_url))
return False
return data
def string_factory(self, data):
param 1: json
returns: string
msg = ''
if 'redirects' in data['query'].keys():
for i in data['query']['redirects']:
rfr = i['from']
rto = i['to']
msg = '\n'.join((msg, 'Redirect from {} to {}'.format( \
rfr, rto)))
logging.debug('Message: {}'.format(msg))
pages = data['query']['pages']
for i in pages:
if 'extract' in i.keys():
msg = '\n'.join((msg, 'Summary:', i['extract']))
logging.debug('Message: {}'.format(msg))
else: msg = '\n'.join((msg, 'Nothing found'))
msg = '\n'.join((msg, 'URL:', i['fullurl']))
logging.debug('Message: {}'.format(msg))
return msg