 * file: credentials.template
 * desc: This file is part of the Krautspace Doorstatus project. It contains
 * wifi ssid and passwords for the statusclient.ino programm, that runs on a
 * NodeMCU with a ESP8266 chip.
 * Rename this file into 'credentials.h' and adapt the values to your
 * wifi conditions.

/* wifi credentials */
#define SSID_1  "your_first__wlan_ssid"
#define PSK_1   "your_first_wlan_passwort"
#define SSID_2  "your_second_wlan_ssid"
#define PSK_2   "your_seconde_wlan_password"
#define SSID_3  "your_third_wlan_ssid"
#define PSK_3   "your_third_wlan_password"