#!/usr/bin/js /* Copyright © 2017 Jörg Sommer License: MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ 'use strict'; ////// // // Some monkey patching // if (typeof putstr === 'undefined') // in case of node.js var putstr = process.stdout.write.bind(process.stdout); if (typeof print === 'undefined') // in case of node.js var print = console.log.bind(console); ////// // // Solution of Euler 87 https://projecteuler.net/problem=87 with iterators // function* filter(seq, fun) { for (let e of seq) { if (fun(e)) yield e; } }; // print(Array.from(filter([1,2,3,4], x => x < 3))); function* cross(seq1, seq2_gen, op) { if (seq2_gen.next) { // convert the second sequence into an array, because we have to loop // over it multiple times, which isn't supported by iterators let orig_seq = Array.from(seq2_gen); seq2_gen = () => orig_seq; } for (let a of seq1) for (let b of seq2_gen()) yield op(a,b); }; // print(Array.from(cross([1, 2], function* () { yield 3; yield 4; }(), (a, b) => a + b))); let primeNumbers; !function() { var cache = []; primeNumbers = function*() { yield 2; let idx; for (idx = 0; idx < cache.length; ++idx) yield cache[idx]; for (let num = cache[idx - 1] || 3; ; num += 2) { for (var i = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)); i >= 3; --i) { if (num % i === 0) break; } if (i < 3) { cache[idx] = num; ++idx; yield num; } } }; }(); // print(Array.from(function* () { for (let x of primeNumbers()) { if (x > 50) return; yield x; } }())); let limit = 5e7; function* pnPower(exp) { for (let e of primeNumbers()) { let x = Math.pow(e, exp); if (x >= limit) return; yield x; } } // print(Array.from(pnPower(4))); let seq = cross(pnPower(2), pnPower.bind(undefined, 3), (a, b) => a + b); seq = filter(seq, x => x < limit); seq = cross(seq, pnPower.bind(undefined, 4), (a, b) => a + b); seq = filter(seq, x => x < limit); print('Answer: ' + new Set(seq).size);